1st Trimester



  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I almost hurled at the grocery store today. Told my husband we might have to become vegetarians for a while as the smell of meat makes my stomach freak.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I almost hurled at the grocery store today. Told my husband we might have to become vegetarians for a while as the smell of meat makes my stomach freak.

    Oh no, that sucks! Stay away from that meat. The smell of seafood and soaps at the store bothers me, but luckily not enough to hurl!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Man I've been lucky! Only smells making me gag are the smell of paint and cleaning supplies (and we're remodeling our house so those are pretty constant smells. No food aversions right now though.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Well, it was pretty comical to see me walk/run through the meat department with my shirt over my nose. My 5 year old enjoyed the cart ride. Man. Even thinking about it now makes me queesy. Maybe that means it's a girl?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well, it was pretty comical to see me walk/run through the meat department with my shirt over my nose. My 5 year old enjoyed the cart ride. Man. Even thinking about it now makes me queesy. Maybe that means it's a girl?

    I heard boys bring more nausea and morning sickness? Do I have that backwards?

    I haven't had much at all, oooh a girl! Only about 6 more weeks until I know for sure
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well, it was pretty comical to see me walk/run through the meat department with my shirt over my nose. My 5 year old enjoyed the cart ride. Man. Even thinking about it now makes me queesy. Maybe that means it's a girl?

    I heard boys bring more nausea and morning sickness? Do I have that backwards?

    I haven't had much at all, oooh a girl! Only about 6 more weeks until I know for sure

    I've heard both, so I'm not sure if either is really true, I'm hoping waht you said cuz I kind of want a girl :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm sure it's different for everyone. But with my daughter I had little appetite, and what little bit I did have I was very picky....everything made me nauseous. With my son I was ravenous from the word go, everything tasted delicious; I couldn't get enough to eat (which showed with a 50lb pregnancy gain) This time I'm back to not having much of an appetite, and nausea....I would bet money on having another girl.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think it's different for everybody. My aunt was horribly sick the whole time with her boy and didn't gain weight, but was only the typical 1st trimester sick with her daughter. One of my books said that female fetuses are more likely to cause nausea....who knows.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I have two boys and felt fine the whole time with both! I couldn't get enough Mexican food and salt. Now I feel terrible and am eating anything sweet. Cold mandarin oranges are the best! So who the hell knows. 50/50 chance either way, right?!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I have two boys myself and both of those pregnancies were totally different. With my first I was sick from 7wks until 14wks and got on Zofran because I was throwing up every morning. The pills helped, but I was still sick until 14wks. With my second I never really got sick. I was thinking it had to be a girl, but nope, totally a boy. :smile: Now this third time I'm back to being sick off and on all day and nothing but grain related items (pasta, bread, chips, rice, etc.) sounds good at night so who knows if this is a boy or girl. Can't wait to find out in about 6ish wks so we can start invisioning our future as thing baby will complete my family. :smile:
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I am new here. Just found out I was pregnant on Sunday, so I am only about 5 wks along. Crazy! I'm still in shock &feel the need to tell someone, so this group is my 'someone!' I have my first doc appt on 5/3 and will get an ultrasound done (yeah!).

    My husband and I have three daughters (ages 8,5 & 3) and have been trying for almost a year for our fourth (and final) baby. I was convinced that March was going to be our last month of trying, it;s just so stressful, and our girls are getting old! So, I was super shocked to get a positive pregnancy test. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. My husband & I arent going to tell our family until after that first doc appt.

    Just had to share the news!

    Is everyone still exercising, logging calories, ect? Are you doing the same thing for exercise as before you were pregnant or have you modified it?
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    I'm only about 4 weeks along and just found out I'm prego on Monday. Does it get easier to snap out of the "dieting mentality?" I feel like when I get close to my calorie goal (which I set for maintenance for the first trimester), I want to just stop eating, so I end up eating less calories than I probably should. I know I've only been at it a couple days so maybe I'm being silly!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Had my first prenatal appointment today! Looking good! We couldn't hear the heartbeat on the doppler yet (I'll be 10 weeks on Friday, still a bit on the early side for that), but she offered to bring in their little handheld ultrasound machine and of course I said yes! Still couldn't get a clear view of the heartbeat on the little handheld (it's not a vaginal, it's an on the tummy ultrasound) but we totally saw fetal movement!!! The baby was way in the back of my uterus (which was why it was hard to get a clear view with the little machine) but totally saw it move its arms and legs! And the other good news is my midwives will keep me as a VBAC candidate patient, I don't have to move over to the OB practice! YAY! Scheduled for a regular ultrasound in three weeks!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    smte-welcome and congratulations!! I am still counting so I don't gain too much weight, and I'm glad I have because I have been incredibly hungry and feel like I would have gained more than 2-3lbs if I wasn't logging.

    Murphy-Congrats again!! I personally did not have a hard time meeting calories because I was/am super hungry constantly. You will get used to it, just think your baby needs the nourishment. Have you scheduled your first appointment yet?? They aren't seeing my utnil I'm almost 11 weeks, and it's so long to wait. I also found out when I was a little over 4 weeks.

    Jula- Glad to hear it was good news at the appointment. I'm really hoping I get to hear the heartbeat at my first appointment when I'll be 10w6d. It's great you are given the option for VBAC. When is your next appointment?
  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    I had my 1st appointment last Friday. Since my doc was already very familiar with me we didn't have to go over medical history. He did give me a vaginal and breast exam. They reconfirmed my pregnancy by testing my urine. I had a sonogram where I got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. I was able to ask questions that I had prepared, including getting a prescription for my nausea and given my edd which was what I had already calculated.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    From my experience, I'm feeling very lazy and not always logging my calories, i've stepped it up lately though, so hopefully I can continue during my pregnancy. I don't have a problem eating though, i'm very hungry all the time, I just have to control the quality of food I eat, which is harder than it seems.

    I've also started back exercising at least 3 times a week and I find that helps with the feeling tired and lazyness.

    I'm now 9 weeks, my nausea has gone way down and I'm getting used to my food aversions, trying to find healthy foods that I can eat (without getting disgusted by the smell of it). It's harder than it looks though! My bf is trying to be supportive but I can tell he dosen't understand why I can't eat asian food anymore lol!

    First appt on May 1st! So excited!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    diva-so glad your appointment went well!

    Myriane-I have found that exercising does really help with the fatigue. Days I don't make myself exercise, I'm pretty much useless the entire day. I am also 9, almost 10 weeks, and my appointment is next Friday, I know it seems like so long to wait but it's getting closer!

    I am doing pretty good, but the fatigue is kicking my butt. I feel great when I get up for about 2-3 hrs then blah. Yesterday I tried to stay home to get stuff done, and all I managed was laundry (which was was overdo) and a little schoolwork. I just feel like I'm drowning in all the stuff I need to do, but don't have the energy or focus to do it. I'm just going to do the best I can, and hopefully the 2nd trimester I can get caught up!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Just got back from my first trimester sonagram screening and bloodtest. Everything looked great, got to see the little kiddo moving around :love: and they did all the measurements. Had a well developed nose and I could see five little individual fingers on one of its hands. Everything is looking really good and normal, doc said the percentage of MC and of Downs is really low.

    They did find a fibroid on my uterus but they said that was pretty common and they'd monitor it in coming months to make sure it won't affect the pregnancy or delivery.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Just got back from my first trimester sonagram screening and bloodtest. Everything looked great, got to see the little kiddo moving around :love: and they did all the measurements. Had a well developed nose and I could see five little individual fingers on one of its hands. Everything is looking really good and normal, doc said the percentage of MC and of Downs is really low.

    They did find a fibroid on my uterus but they said that was pretty common and they'd monitor it in coming months to make sure it won't affect the pregnancy or delivery.

    That is great news! Glad to hear it went well :)
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Chicky - My first appointment is scheduled for May 14! I can't wait. And my first ultrasound is on May 2 where I'll be a little over 6 weeks. I'm so nervous that I'm going to go to the ultrasound and nothing will be there!