What is off limits to you?



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???



    People keep making fun of me today :sad:

    never heard of it but thanks.. i'll use it from now on.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I mean, flirting - it can be nothing or everything.

    the only thing with these situations if you end up with them is they probably have a lot of baggage.

    i was with a bf who was abusive. this was before i got married, i was 18. i was with him for 2 years and i met a guy who made me feel worthy again. when you're in an abusive relationship, even though you know better, you somehow get trapped. anyway, i cheated on my abusive bf with this guy. i didn't end up with him, not even close but it sure gave me the strength to walk away. i don't know why or how... maybe because i knew that wasn't my character and something was REALLY wrong since i cheated? or maybe because i felt so degraded and new guy made me feel worthy?

    nonetheless, walking away was the best thing.
    Exactly! See, you're saying yourself that flirting/cheating is not always bad. Depends on how and when...
    Our beautiful world is not all black and white, it's a scale of grey.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Flirting is ok to do but definitely off limits when the person is married or is in a relationship. To me it does matter when you are in a relationship.. If I was with someone and some other girl flirted with him and he flirted back, that would definitely hurt me because how I am suppose to trust that he won't flirt if we ever decide to move forward in our relationship such as getting married.

    So being married and being in a relationship is off limits
    Now flirting with other single people and friends are ok to do.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Ok everyone - please don't beat me up. I met a new guy at work. I immediately was attracted to him. About halfway through our one day of working together (we are in different depts) I found out he was a "we". I wanted to cry. Long story short - we kept running into each other at the gym....he would e-mail me here at work.....and I find out his GF isn't making him happy. He NEVER EVER tried anything with me other then talk and laugh and ride bikes together at the gym. But it was obvious he liked me. And it was obvious I liked him. Well one Sunday morning I got the the "it's over" text. After I finished jumping up and down for joy and running around the house like a crazy person I responded. We hung out that day and had the best day ever. We kissed, nothing else. The very next day he left for training for work and will be back this Friday. I cannot wait. Now if he had ever mentioned fooling around with me while still with her I'd have a different opinion of him. But technically I did pursue him while he still was with her so am I a bad person? I don't think so. I felt a connection that I haven't felt in years with anyone and I was NOT going to not give it a shot.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Ok everyone - please don't beat me up. I met a new guy at work. I immediately was attracted to him. About halfway through our one day of working together (we are in different depts) I found out he was a "we". I wanted to cry. Long story short - we kept running into each other at the gym....he would e-mail me here at work.....and I find out his GF isn't making him happy. He NEVER EVER tried anything with me other then talk and laugh and ride bikes together at the gym. But it was obvious he liked me. And it was obvious I liked him. Well one Sunday morning I got the the "it's over" text. After I finished jumping up and down for joy and running around the house like a crazy person I responded. We hung out that day and had the best day ever. We kissed, nothing else. The very next day he left for training for work and will be back this Friday. I cannot wait. Now if he had ever mentioned fooling around with me while still with her I'd have a different opinion of him. But technically I did pursue him while he still was with her so am I a bad person? I don't think so. I felt a connection that I haven't felt in years with anyone and I was NOT going to not give it a shot.

    I can understand this.. no you're not a bad person.

    But like I said, he will have baggage and hopefully you're not a rebound? Then again, I've heard of these types of situations working out great!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm hoping for your sake that it isn't a behavior he'll repeat on you.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I can understand this.. no you're not a bad person.

    But like I said, he will have baggage and hopefully you're not a rebound? Then again, I've heard of these types of situations working out great!

    Well I am trying my best to stay mature about all of this and not get too attached. In the 5 weeks that we have been talking we have exchanged 3,220 text messages. And have talked on the phone for at least an hour total. Which is amazing for me because I HATE talking on the phone. We shall see.......and of course I will keep you posted!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm hoping for your sake that it isn't a behavior he'll repeat on you.

    But he didn't do anything other then be friends with me while still with her.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    My pooper is off limits. Exit only.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I can understand this.. no you're not a bad person.

    But like I said, he will have baggage and hopefully you're not a rebound? Then again, I've heard of these types of situations working out great!

    Well I am trying my best to stay mature about all of this and not get too attached. In the 5 weeks that we have been talking we have exchanged 3,220 text messages. And have talked on the phone for at least an hour total. Which is amazing for me because I HATE talking on the phone. We shall see.......and of course I will keep you posted!

    that's a lot of texts!! don't hate me but sounds like an emotional affair, that he was having???
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I can understand this.. no you're not a bad person.

    But like I said, he will have baggage and hopefully you're not a rebound? Then again, I've heard of these types of situations working out great!

    Well I am trying my best to stay mature about all of this and not get too attached. In the 5 weeks that we have been talking we have exchanged 3,220 text messages. And have talked on the phone for at least an hour total. Which is amazing for me because I HATE talking on the phone. We shall see.......and of course I will keep you posted!

    that's a lot of texts!! don't hate me but sounds like an emotional affair, that he was having???

    Well I know he liked me. But it's not like I ever told him to break up with her and date me. I haven't met a guy I've wanted to date in over 2 years. I haven't been out on an actual date in that long. And I was supposed to not talk to the one guy I actually like? NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD HAVE SUCCEEDED IN THAT.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    I never pursue, but seem to always attract men in unhappy marriages. One was a sweetheart weakling of a man, the other was a dog just looking to get laid. . . It was easy to say no to the dog, but not so easy saying no to the sweetheart. . .

    I wouldn't actively pursue any one in a relationship of any kind however, I will flirt my *kitten* off if they initiate and I'm attracted. I love attention.

    Actually, I'm not much of a pursuer period.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    There was a guy I knew for about nine months...I mean, I sat ahead of him in class for one semester, didn't see him all summer, and then started talking to him the next semester. Eventually, we started "dancing" at the bar...
    Once time I was apprehensive about dancing with him because the dance floor was lit up. He thought it was for a different reason and told me he was dating a girl in our class but she wasn't there that night. I think they dated for a couple of months. In my defense, it wasn't FB official, no FB photos, didn't sit by each other in class. I still danced with him whenever I could, and if he had made other moves, I can't say I would have turned him down.

    But normally I'm not like that!
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I always say that anybody in a relationship is off limits. I try to think of all guys with wives or gfs as asexual beings. Sometimes this mode of thinking backfires. I get really shy around single guys, but I am a lot more outgoing around taken guys because I don't see them as potentials. I think some girls have thought I was trying to steal their guys and one guy started to develop feelings for me when he was still in a relationship.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    If he's in a relationship, whether married, engaged, or part of a couple, he's off limits to me. I wouldn't want someone to pursue my significant other, so I extend the same respect. That's never kept me from crushing though :wink:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    If a guy is married, I won't even associate with him (outside of work) unless his wife is involved/cognizant. I have a very strong red line against adultery.

    If a guy I like is seeing someone, I will still get to know him in a group setting, and I will not be flirty beyond what his girlfriend does. If his girlfriend is the type to flirt with all the guys in the room and would not be offended I'll joke-flirt here and there with him (along with the other guys), but not if she's the mousy type who would be offended by that I won't. If a guy who has a girlfriend tries to pursue me, I will continually bring her up as a sign that I honor their relationship and will not cross that boundary.

    Guys who pursue me while stringing someone else along (who thinks they're exclusive) turn me off.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my off limits:
    guys in relationships : even if they arent happy and want to leave the other person. the fact that he is OK with staying unhappy in order to keep the peace, just shows me he has no balls. and honestly what the hell do i want with a ball less man?

    mean guys, controlling guys, racists : most of the guys i date are white because those are the guys who regularly approach me and will ask me out. it always surprises me when one will think it's OK to say something disgustingly racist about an asian, a mexican, etc and not expect me to be like WOW i wonder what the dude says about black people. any guy who has to know my whereabout every minute of the day is a no... any guy who gives off controlling red flags like trying to monopolize my time too soon, showing up unexpectedly too much, calling too much hen we've just met all go in the no pile. there was 1 guy i went on one date with the day before thanksgiving. the next day (thanksgiving!) he called more than 10 times and sent multiple text messages asking where i was :explode: crazy much?

    asexual men : just.no.

    everyone else i will give at least 2 chances :smile:
  • shamrck44
    shamrck44 Posts: 91
    Off limits to me is anyone who has made a commitment to someone else. Any exclusive relationship means that he made a promise to someone else, if he can't keep a promise to her, he won't keep a promise to me.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    girlfriend or wife is all the same to me. No difference, just a bit of paper!

    This ^^

    Funny though because I have the opposite mentality. I always assume everyone is off limits unless they prove themselves otherwise to me - at least in real life. Kind of like "Innocent until proven guilty" but more like "Married until proven single". :laugh: