Do you get off of work and go home just to sit down again?



  • AbigailRose20
    AbigailRose20 Posts: 1 Member
    Happens to me all the to me! I want to curl up and watch tv and that is my night! Lately I don't even allow this, I go straight to the gym after work (not even allowing myself to go home) or make sure to put on my workout clothes the minute I get home! ...It is a challenge but I am hoping to get into a better routine!
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    Definitely a bad habit of mine. I joined a gym with friend and started volunteering at nights. That covers 3-5 nights a week, so i am trying to break the habit.
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    YES! I work steady midnights at a desk job - it is totally dependant on the computer so I have no opportunities to move around. I am supposed to head straight home and sleep so I am available when the kids get home from school, then it is homework and supper and bedtime routines and then back to sleep for a bit before going into work again. The only time I find I have time/energy to work out is on my days off...when they aren't filled with children's appointments, sicknesses, class trips, groceries etc, etc, etc!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I work days driving a computer as well as taking phone calls. my chances of exercise are to walk into work and back but that takes 2 hours out of my bit of the day, or to cycle in, then a 2 mile walk mid day. Weekends are always full of family things, so even less time for exercise.
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    I work 12 hr shifts 4 days a week sitting down answering phones. We also have treadmills at work so I am trying to get back in the habit of walking on the treadmills at least 20 mins during lunch and 12 mins every one of my 3 20min breaks. Also trying to make more time at home to go outdoors walking.
  • kbrady986
    I work a 12 hr shift for 7 days straight, then i am off for 7 days straight. It's tough because i have a desk position and i'm typing on the computer or answering phone calls for 12 hrs. I joined the gym, but I hardly go because once I clock out all I want to do is lie down. I'm hoping myfitnesspal with the help of the group discussions will motivate me to workout more and eat healthier.
  • MimerT
    MimerT Posts: 195 Member
    Yes!! I am SO upset with myself!!!!
  • sfb2510
    sfb2510 Posts: 28
    Yep...and I used to end the evening dunking 3 biscuits in my tea as though I deserved that treat!

    Now I go gym after work and hopefully soon will start seeing the results! I really want to lose 3 stones (20 kilos/50 pounds) by August
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    That used to be my routine and still is if I get myself to the gym at 5 in the morning. Now if I don't go to the gym in the morning I make myself do the 30 Day Shred no later than 5:30. After I do my exercise I don't usually feel like sitting down.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I'm in the same disappointing boat. I work 6am-2:30pm. I get out of work when the day is still fresh and strong, yet I still dont do anything to be active. I have the most reason to be active, most people dont get out until late-afternoon or evening. I get out in mid-afternoon with extra time to spare! (As long as I dont have school that day)

    That is why I am in the process of getting my bike. I am gonna pick up the Schwinn Legacy Cruiser. (I figure if I keep telling people the exact make and model of the bike I am going to get, I will actually get it and not back out of my plans) I know its just a cruiser bike, and wont give me much mobility to actually bike anywhere due to cruisers are heavy, slow, and generally for leasurely riding, but when I feel awesome enough riding on my bike every day, I will move up to a nice (affordable) mountain bike to get more active doing more advanced trails.

    MFP has helped me see all of the unhealthy nasties I keep putting in my body and what it is doing for me. I really am done with being how I am now.
  • alyadrianne
    yes I do that but baseball season for my son is here so I try going to the park for his pratices and walk 30 min each day so far I done it all week and I feel good
  • hedixon
    hedixon Posts: 3
    I wish I could be more consistent with that sort of behavior!! What gets you to the gym when you just want to blend into your sofa cushion every day?
  • Brittanyb1711
    I try to go to the gym after work on days i don't have class, it's hard though because i HATE the gym but I want to play soccer again so i go a push myself then i get home... starving of course and have a workout crasher! because hot pockets or pizza bites are all this college girl wants to make after a day or work class studying and treadmill running.
  • lovehandels5
    I do it all the time i work from 8:30 to 5 as a accounting assistant so i sit all day, i feel like when i get home home i have too much to do around the house dinner, cleaning ect..and with the kids i would never see them if i get off work and head straight to the gym but something has too change! What is really sad is i even have a treadmill in the garage that i atleast try to use 3 or 4 times a week. I try to keep busy if i don't get to GET ON THE TREADMILL but i'm glad to see i'm not the only one out there who does this LOL..
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I sit all day, pack a lunch and dinner for work and head to the gym right from work. Then I go home sit and watch my shows. I have only been going to the gym the past month or so, before that I just went home and hung out.
  • MsShelfay
    MsShelfay Posts: 20 Member
    I had to laugh to myself when I send this post because its so true for me. I sit down at a desk job all day. Get off a work and say to myself I tried and too lazy to workout...I glad I started to make a change in the past week. I started working out in the mornings now and sometings in the evenings afterwork. I have my days when its hard but I still try to push my way to the gym.:bigsmile:
  • Mrsfullwood
    Mrsfullwood Posts: 172 Member
    I have a 12 year old and a 7 month old so I don’t get to sit down much! But at the same time I could be doing more. So now I grab the stroller and we go walking and I've also started walking on my lunch hour.
  • Monkeymomma05
    I work 8-5 Monday through Friday and go to school at night and am a single parent so my time is pretty mapped out for me. I have decided to make as many changes as possible and I switched out my desk chair for a balance ball ($9-$18) and have recently purchased an 'upper and lower cycle' from walmart ($25) to keep under my desk to have some work out time during the day but still be able to work. I just started this week so I don't see any changes but I have noticed i am sitting straighter (working those abs) and at least i am getting my heart working with the cardio on the cycle. I plan on keeping this up because as i tell other people at my job 'it's the lazy/busy persons workout regime' LOL
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 260 Member
    If I dont go to the gym directly after work I do.
  • msluciam
    msluciam Posts: 3
    This has been the norm for me for years! BUT recently i decided to work out more and i put in an elptical machine in my room! To work out in the comfort of my own home doesn't get any better than that. SO i get on the machine at least 4-5 times a week for 30mins and watch my favorite tv shows. i recommened you do something like this.. it really works for me. Then after my 30mins.. i cool down and rest and watch tv i feel like i deserve it and still didn't miss out on my shows. i feel accomplished. Sit down jobs are stressful but we can't let our bodies take the blame.