Stage 3



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am on stage 3 now!!! :drinker: :drinker: I started on Sat. I did B today. I am working out at home, no barbell, no bench. I couldnt do the back extensions so I only did the cobra at the end. Also instead of the pulldown I am doing bent over lateral raises with dumbbells. Any other suggestions? I am loving the glutes exercises as well. The YTWL is challenging!!! I am doing it over my ball and using 3 lb DB. I am planning on doing 3 workouts a week and extending it through the first week in April. I am going on a week long cruise on Easter so that will be my break between stages 3 & 4.

    agthorn, I was just reading your last post on Bstats, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt know we could add weight to our single leg squats...will try next time.

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    agthorn, I was just reading your last post on Bstats, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt know we could add weight to our single leg squats...will try next time.
    Yep, I just held a dumbbell in both hands, more or less in front of my abdomen. You could do it with a plate as well.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    Workout A1, stage 3, done! Now, I admit, I only did 75 second planks for the 2nd and 3rd set....I didn't realize that I had to do 3 SETS of the planks/wood-chops, so that caught me off-guard. And, I was already time-crunched for the body matrix.

    BTW - anyone willing to confess that they DIDN'T wait "2 x the time it took you to do body matrix" before you did your second set? I waited the SAME amount of time that it took me to do it, which was 4:48. I'm sure, as my time decreases, I'd *love* to wait double, but for now, because my times suck, I just can't wait 10 MINUTES in between sets!

    I feel pretty good about my form on everything. My worst "form" is probably on the BB deadlift - row. I have to REALLY concentrate to make my middle back work....otherwise, my shoulders and biceps really want to take over on the row.

    And, I guess I'd better get a spotter for my DB incline bench press....I'm at 30 lb DB and it's getting to the point where hoisting them up is gonna hurt me.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    And, I guess I'd better get a spotter for my DB incline bench press....I'm at 30 lb DB and it's getting to the point where hoisting them up is gonna hurt me.
    Hehehe, this is probably "untraditional" but what I would do is sit on the bench straight up with the dumbbells on my thighs, and then sit back onto the incline while using my legs to "hoist" the dumbbells up over my chest :laugh: Looking forward to a BARBELL bench press!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Was brave enough to do A1 today, having given my shoulder a good rest and lots of treatments. Don't feel I'm lifting heavy enough yet after workouts I feel like I have (in you know what I mean?) Certainly not lifting as heavy as some of you. Body matrix I couldn't even do the jumping sets, my quads were screaming at me from doing just the 12 lunges per leg, and 24 squatting. I tried a jump squat but had no energy to even jump.!!!!! I'm not worrying as when I began at Stage one I couldn't even do a full squat with bodyweight and had to squat to a chair, so I know this area is weak. Will try to progress gradually onto jumpy ones.

    Planks can still only do 60 secs, so will try 70 seconds next time and build up.

    Had to completely skip one-arm dumbbell snatch because of above injury :cry: :cry: so not a good start!!

    Bench press only 3 kg dumbbells because of said injury :grumble: :grumble: Wood chop 8kg because of injury :grumble: :grumble:

    Dumb bell single leg 3kg (still struggle to balance on weaker leg!!!) so will keep at this weight another week.

    Question - did you add weights to your barbells for barbell bent over? I don't have a really long bar so I added 7kg but still felt it could be heavier.

    On the whole enjoyed the routine, especially the matrix and looking forward to improving on that.

    I also kept my rest periods to 60 secs between sets to cut down time, and like you beeps only rested for 2.5 mins (same time it took me to do first part of matrix) and not 5 mins.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    I totally agree, agthorn....but, even hoisting the DB from my waist is putting some unnecessary pressure on my wrists, I think. We'll see....besides, I can push a lot more on a BB than DB's, anyway. So, yep, I'm looking forward to BB.

    gillee - like I said, I was caught off-guard that the 90 sec planks had to be done 3 TIMES! Gack! I'm ready for next time, though. I think you should add weigths to your BB bent over. Anytime you aren't lifting to exhaustion, it's a good idea to figure out if it's because your form is bad (i.e. other muscles are working rather than the ones being targeted), or because you aren't lifting enough weight. Add more weight!!

    My company is releasing quarterly results,, I'm chained to my desk. No workout for me. I'm counting my calories VERY CAREFULLY today!
  • BetterWithAge
    Starting today... Woot woot. :)
  • chawntamarie
    I'm also on stage 3. I did WOA and WOB last week and then, I'm embarrassed to say, I decided to take a break! I was doing so well with the program until then. The workouts took WAY too long and I didn't want to do the body matrix again. I'm glad I read through every post here though because I'm definitely going to super set the abs in B and possibly shorten the rest time. The body matrix took me over 5 minutes and was completely brutal. I only waited the same amount of time between sets, not double. I was NOT going to stand around for 10 minutes. Tonight I'm getting restarted with WOA - I'll probably add an extra A and B at the end so I end up doing it for 3 weeks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    I think the way you did it was fine, chawn. Sounds very similar to my approach.

    I did Workout B today. It took me about 68-70 minutes. I did super-set my abs....but, it also took me LONGER to do the YTWL and it took me LONGER to set up other things (like the BB deadlift/row) than I had anticipated.

    I must confess that I jumped up to 10 lb DB for the YTWL and that was a *real* challenge. Last time, with my trainer, I used 8 lbs. And, of course, there isn't a 9 lb. DB....nor were the 8's even around! So, I toughed it out, but the last set, in particular, I had to break it up to 3 and 3 because I had to stretch out my shoulders in the middle!

    I have read through this thread and MOST previous posters suggested they liked workout A better than B. But, for me, they are *so* different, it isn't even funny. In this stage, in particular, it really feels like workout A is dedicated to lower body and workout B is dedicated to upper body. And, I LOVE that SHOULDERS are finally being incorporated (to a stronger degree) in this stage.

    I have good muscular build in my shoulders - so THAT is something I can show-off rather quickly. (vs, say, my legs/glutes where I still have to hide 'em).
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Just quick check in lots to do. Did work out B this morning. Had to laugh beeps I'm doing YTWL with 0.5 kg and that was a challenge!!!!!!!!!!!! Blessed injury :happy:

    Had to adapt some others too. Afraid I'm also supersetting B1/B2 and C1/C2 with 60 second breaks. I just can't afford to do too long in the gym (garage).

    Left out prone cobra in E because I have to do them in C1 as home alternative to back extension.

    Agree that even setting up can take me 10 mins or more and of course all thats added on the time.

    Did manage HIIT today though because wanted to really sweat out this head cold I have, and boy did I sweat!!!

    So glad you came back chawn thats my girl :happy: :happy:
  • chawntamarie
    I finished all of WOA last night, even the body matrix - It took me 75 minutes. Boy can I feel it today! But in my shoulders and upper back? Must have been the row and the wood chop. I'm still not completely comfortable with the dumbbell snatch - I've watched like 10 different videos of it on youtube and everyone does it different. I just try not to over-think it and act like I've been doing it for years. :tongue: I'm trying to do it like this woman - (but not with 60 lbs, I'm using 25lbs) Is this how we are supposed to do it? Also I can't tell from the video, but with the weight I'm kind of tilted to the side during the exercise. (with my shoulders) Is that normal?
    BTW - I did way better on the body matrix this time, first set was 3:05, second was 3:20 (my first time they were both over 5 minutes). And I did not let myself cheat on the jump lunges and squats!
    Oh and another thing I love about this program is how easily I fall asleep and stay asleep at night on the days I lift.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    That dumb one-armed snatch is a *very* technical (and, imho, therefore difficult) movement!

    I did go look at the video you posted, chawn. For me, I start with the DB on the ground, so that is difference #1. Second, she goes deeper into her squat then I do when she "lands"....I don't seem to go as deep as she does - although I would like to. Because it's a power move, I seem to be shallow-er, I think (although I don't look at myself from the front, but from the side).

    I think if you can videotape yourself, from the side, and do a check, that would be the best.

    Because I only have 3 A work-outs, left, I'm not going to worry about it.....I'm trying to work on "form" and my quads (or maybe it's my IT band) just won't let me go very deep when I'm doing a "power" move....they kind of FREEZE me in one spot and that's it for the movement. (hard to explain)

    I did ask my personal trainer if I could just sub in more back squats for this one-armed DB snatch and he said, "nope". He likes that Stage 3 is incorporating some one-sided movements (like the one-legged partial squat and the one-armed DB snatch) and he thinks it is important to work on the teeny muscles that this move promotes. So, I'll stick to it, even though I don't think I'm doing it that well.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    So wasn't in the mood this morning, but still carried on. Didn't feel it went well at all, but now looking back I realised I managed 2 x 70 sec planks and 1 x 60 sec. So slightly longer than last time. Also managed 4 jumpy lunges in matrix which was also extra from last time. No not all bad. Off to treat ice hockey team now, so back on tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    Sounds good, gillee.

    I'm just doing some light cardio, today, and some MAJOR stretching. My neck/shoulder/upper back is bothering me, still - not really as I walk around during the day (although shoulder-checking when I drive still makes me wince!), but as soon as I lie down, the THROB starts. And, my foot is bothering me after all that jumpy-cardio stuff I did, yesterday. So, stretching is probably the right call.

    I'm doing the second B workout in Stage 3, tomorrow. I'll stay on Stage 3 until Monday, April 9th when I meet with my trainer to walk me through Stage 4.
  • silvernswan
    silvernswan Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone, so glad to finally post here

    I started stage 3 after a three week hiatis; One week "rest week"/Second week I was sick/And third week I had a course to attend and still felt a bit sick.

    After such a long break I was a bit apprehensive about returning, but actually really enjoyed it! I already knew that this stage took too long for me to be able to do each workout all in one go (I am restricted to going in my lunch break) so tomorrow will be abs and body matrix. Even if I only get in two complete workouts a week, at least I'm plugging away at it.

    The one-armed snatch I found quite fun - almost easy. Although I kept forgetting to bend/squat at the end of the move and would still be up on my tippytoes. I did sets of 8kg, 9kg and 10kg, I guess I need to go heavier again next time, but the dumbbells start getting huge and arkward after 10kg at my gym.

    The exercise I struggled with was the overhead squat. Maybe my weights were too heavy (4 & 8 kg)? I was trying to keep my shoulders square, but a couldn't manage to hold my bottom arm out the way she does in the picture, and my top arm kept coming forward. Is it supposed to work your shoulders? Or are you supposed to hold your arm right back so it is just balancing there??

    Oh, BTW, I am now 10 weeks pregnant :happy: , so part of my long break was due to general (first trimester) exhustion. . .
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Just wanted to pop in to say Hi! I'll be starting Stage 3 (1A) tonight and I'm really excited to be getting past Stage 2 (not my favorite). What do you all like (or dislike) most about this stage?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    Well, first, silver - congrats on the baby-making!! That's quite exciting!!

    And, I'd like some answers about the overhead squat, too. I do feel my arm coming forward as I squat - which I think is a matter of I push my butt back into the squat, there's going to be a counter-movement, for sure. So, I'm not worried about my form, but it might be true that it should be more of a "balance" to keep arm back behind head. I soldier on....

    Hi Dark! Glad you are joining! I quite like Stage 3, actually. The exercise that I am *least* excited about is the one-armed feels pretty foreign. And, since I've injured my left upper back/shoulder/neck region, I'm replacing it with a back squat until further notice. I have watched a LOT of videos on this move and I just KNOW I'm not getting deep enough into my squat and then powering up. I know LOTS of people don't like the body matrix, but I REALLY like it. I find it UBER-challenging, but I also find that it works my glutes and all I've ever wanted is for my glutes to friggin do THEIR job and start firing. So, this exercise excites me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,955 Member
    I got through workout B, and didn't have to alter ANYTHING....which was really weird!! I thought, for sure, this neck thing would make me alter SOMETHING. But, nope....I just moved right through things. Now, I didn't up ANY weights, except that I used 2 x 20 DB's for the single leg squat (I think I only used one DB when I did this last week...cannot even remember).

    So, YAY that my injury didn't interfere - BOO that I didn't up my weights. Next time I do the "B" work-out, I'd like to up some of my weights....although the one I REALLY want to up is the deadlift BB row - and I don't know if that's realistic. I guess adding 5 lbs isn't gonna kill me....
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Just did WO1A yesterday and I must say I am already loving stage 3! The body matrix definitely kicked my *kitten* though! My quads were burning half way through! Call me crazy, but I love that feeling ... makes me feel like I'm really working hard and making progress.

    My focus during this stage is really going to be on lifting at my max... Some of the moves I felt like I could do sets of 8 or 10 so I know I could have used more weight - its just tough when all the heavier dumbbells are being used!

    Looking forward to WO 1B tomorrow! :drinker:
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    O. M. G. Body Matrix UGH!

    My first Stage 3 workout. I enjoyed the dumbbell snatch. Obviously I like throwing heavy things around... makes me feel powerful. LOL

    Did my first round of the matrix in 3:35, second in 3:58. Thought my quads were going to burst into flames.

    Whole workout took 65 minutes. I couldn't stand to rest that long between sets, and I just don't feel like I have that much time to devote to the workout anyway.

    GOT to get a HRM!