Run, Walk or Crawl Challenge 03/18 to 03/24



  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    3/18-3.6 miles
    3/21-1.0 mile
    3/23-1.0 mile-
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing great this week!

    Sunday- rest
    Monday- 1
    Tuesday- 5
    Wednesday- 0
    Thursday- 5
    Friday- 1.75
    Total- 12.75
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Yes its sure is a step closer to my goals. I had signed up for a 10k run in June---my first ever. I need to get rid of that runner's mental block fast.

    My daughter and I signed up for a 10k in Sept, very nervous about, but I know we all can do it!!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    3/18-3.6 miles
    3/21-1.0 mile
    3/23-1.0 mile-

    Awesome as always!!!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Yes its sure is a step closer to my goals. I had signed up for a 10k run in June---my first ever. I need to get rid of that runner's mental block fast.

    ^Excellent, a 10K! You have plenty of time to train!
    Sunday ~ 1.0 mile
    Monday ~ 2.1 miles
    Tuesday ~ 2.6 miles
    Wednesday ~ 2.2 miles
    Thursday ~ 2.7 miles

    Total ~ 10.6 miles

    ^ nice job, rosey rose! keep it up!

    - - -
    Sunday: 9 miles
    Monday: 0 miles
    Tuesday: 0 miles
    Wednesday: 3 miles
    Thursday: 5 miles
    Friday: 3 miles

    Week total: 20 miles.

    Wow!!! 20 miles...that's half marathon!!! WTG
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    weird :frown: I posted up yesterday but its not here.

    Anyway there it goes so far:

    Sunday - 2 km ( as I said before ain't proud but getting the groove back)
    Monday - 6.5 km
    Tuesday - 6.5 km
    Wednesday - 2 hours of badminton

    I was pushing through painful muscle pull as well. Yesterday's badminton's after effect.
    Thursday - 5.5 km
    Friday - taking a break today
  • stoty
    stoty Posts: 21 Member
    Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk
    Monday - 2.7 mi walk
    Tuesday - nothin'
    Wednesday - nothin' again!
    Thursday - 3.1 mi run, 1.3 mi walk
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Total: 10.4 miles and counting...
  • thinktank32k
    3/18 4 miles run/walk + 10 mile biking = 14 miles
    3/19 21.8 cycling (my legs feel like jello)
    3/20 4 mile walk
    3/21 Rest Day
    3/22 3 mile run + 20 miles cycling (had to make up for yesterday)
    3/23 3 mile run/walk and 10 miles biking

    Total 14 miles walk/run and 61.8 miles cycling/bike
  • Tank184
    Tank184 Posts: 65
    Sunday 3.0 Miles 6.0 incline treadmill. P90X Stretch
    Monday 4.5 Miles 6.0 incline treadmill. P90X Chest Shoulders and Triceps
    Tuesday 4.5 Miles Runnung treadmill. P90X Plyometrics
    Wednesday 5.25 Miles Running treadmill. P90X Back and Biceps
    Thursday 5.0 Miles Running treadmill. P90X Yoga (yup still hate Yoga!)
    Friday 1.0 Miles Walking tweaked my knee this time! P90X Kempo

    Total miles 23.25
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk
    Monday - 2.7 mi walk
    Tuesday - nothin'
    Wednesday - nothin' again!
    Thursday - 3.1 mi run, 1.3 mi walk
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Total: 10.4 miles and counting...

    Your making this look easy!!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    3/18 4 miles run/walk + 10 mile biking = 14 miles
    3/19 21.8 cycling (my legs feel like jello)
    3/20 4 mile walk
    3/21 Rest Day
    3/22 3 mile run + 20 miles cycling (had to make up for yesterday)
    3/23 3 mile run/walk and 10 miles biking

    Total 14 miles walk/run and 61.8 miles cycling/bike

    Wore me out just reading, :), great job!!!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Sunday ~ 1.0 mile
    Monday ~ 2.1 miles
    Tuesday ~ 2.6 miles
    Wednesday ~ 2.2 miles
    Thursday ~ 2.7 miles
    Friday ~ 3.3 miles

    Total ~ 13.9 miles
  • lindathome
    lindathome Posts: 29 Member
    Last week's total was just over 18 miles with just running and walking.

    This week:
    3/18/12: 14 mile run/walk
    3/19/12: strength training & elliptical (1.79 miles) (morning) & Spin class (lunch) - more elliptical and recumbant bike (evening)
    3/20/12: 1.57 speed training (morning), 4 mile run (afternoon), swimming (evening)
    3/21/12: Spin class (morning), 1.81 miles elliptical (lunch), 6 minutes rowing (lunch)
    3/22/12: strength training, swimming 15 minutes (500 meters)
    3/24/12: Diva Dash 5K, 12 mile bike ride (KC Triathlon Bike course)
  • peaceinside
    peaceinside Posts: 272
    Run, Walk or Crawl Challenge 3/18-3/24
    Sunday~4.67 Treadmill/Precore
    Monday~3.25 Treadmill/Precore
    Tuesday~4.1 Treadmill/Precore
    Wednesday~0 circuit training
    Thursday~3.1 Treadmill
    Friday~ rest day
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Sunday- rest
    Monday- 1
    Tuesday- 5
    Wednesday- 0
    Thursday- 5
    Friday- 1.75
    Saturday- 5
    Total- 17.75
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Sun: 11.15 miles! - My longest run yet.. was hoping for 12 today but... This was one rough run (say that 5x fast). Knee hurt pretty much out of the starting gate. Ended up walking most of last 3miles by which time both knees were hurtin. ohwell Icing both knees now anticipating a soothing shower soon.
    Mon: 1.06 miles - elliptical
    Tue: 11.52 miles - stationary bike + 2.26 walk/treadmill (did the treadmill up to incline 5 but stuck to walk becuz knee still hurts. Kept bike at Level 7)
    Wed: 1.16 miles elliptical (20min in rev at lev 7. 10m forward lev6. - and I am feeling it in my Quads today!)
    Thu: 3.45 miles - powerwalking (kept to a walking pace so not to stress my knee - gotta keep it in shape for Sat morn's Diva Dash! Still managed a 15:34min/mi pace smile)
    Fri: 1.13 miles - elliptical
    Sat: 3.22 miles - Diva Dash Ofc Time: 35:26.7 - My best 5K time yet!!!! :happy: my last 5K was Tgiving Day (but, my knee started hurting a mile in... took advantage of the massage guy at the end... gonna go see him again Monday.)
    Total: 34.95 miles - run/elliptical/bike/walk (any which way I can!)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Sunday -- 10 miles biked
    Monday -- rest day
    Tuesday -- 2.25 miles run
    Wednesday -- 6.1 miles run
    Thursday -- P90X KenpoX
    Friday -- Skipped weights and ate too much fiber, oops
    Saturday -- 8.15 miles run

    Total: 16.5 miles run!!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    weird :frown: I posted up yesterday but its not here.

    Anyway there it goes so far:

    Sunday - 2 km ( as I said before ain't proud but getting the groove back)
    Monday - 6.5 km
    Tuesday - 6.5 km
    Wednesday - 2 hours of badminton

    I was pushing through painful muscle pull as well. Yesterday's badminton's after effect.
    Thursday - 5.5 km
    Friday - taking a break today

    Saturday - about 250 km to and 250 km fro for my close darling cousin's wedding reception....unfortunately by driving so it can't be counted....or can it??? :bigsmile:

    Anyway my total for the week is 20.5 km = 12.7 miles
  • stoty
    stoty Posts: 21 Member
    Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk
    Monday - 2.7 mi walk
    Tuesday - nothin'
    Wednesday - nothin' again!
    Thursday - 3.1 mi run, 1.3 mi walk
    Friday - 3.3 mi run, 1.3 mi walk
    Saturday - 3.1 mi walk

    Total: 19.1...yes!
  • thinktank32k
    3/18 4 miles run/walk + 10 mile biking = 14 miles
    3/19 21.8 cycling (my legs feel like jello)
    3/20 4 mile walk
    3/21 Rest Day
    3/22 3 mile run + 20 miles cycling (had to make up for yesterday)
    3/23 3 mile run/walk and 10 miles biking
    3/24 5.5 mile walk

    Total 19.5 miles walk/run and 61.8 miles cycling/bike

    Total: 81.3 miles for the week
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