1st Trimester



  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My latest food aversions are coffee/tea, asparagus, and yellow pepper. All things I *love* so I'm bummed that I'm not enjoying them anymore! The other night we had fried mushrooms and onions with our steak, and while they tasted amazing, the lingering smell in the house grossed me out after a while. Lately I find myself craving anything carby and savoury (instead of sweet).
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I haven't had any food aversion yet, thankfully. Although the other day one of my friends was cutting a PVC pipe, and the smell almost made me throw up. I also noticed sensitivity to other smells, like the soap/laundry soap aisle in the store and the seafood. My husband was embarrassed because I held my nose through those areas! Yesterday, I was more tired than usual but didn't know if it was because I didn't do much. But today, I'm co-teaching a physical intervention class, and am super tired. I also get a tad dizzy when sitting down and getting up. But I am taking it slow, and able to stay awake! Luckily, my schedule allows me to go home after class if I need to, just means more work the rest of the week :(

    Sorry Busypk you are still feeling sick even after the zofran, and you others feeling nauseous. I am definently feeling a change, and am starting to feel kind of weird, but only little spells of ickiness.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Food aversions are raw meat! I cannot stand to look at any raw meat. I even had to go outside while my husband was cutting up raw chicken for a stir fry because I was that grossed out. I am not eating a ton of meat either. What I do like is fruit, cheese and bread. My likes/dislikes seem to change weekly though. :laugh:

    I went out and bought some maternity pants/capris today. I cannot stand my work pants being tight when I sit down, it just makes the nausea that much worse. So tomorrow I'll probably be sporting the maternity pants to work...at 8wks4d. :blushing: It's my 3rd pregnancy so that's my excuse. :tongue:
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    I went out and bought some maternity pants/capris today. I cannot stand my work pants being tight when I sit down, it just makes the nausea that much worse. So tomorrow I'll probably be sporting the maternity pants to work...at 8wks4d. :blushing: It's my 3rd pregnancy so that's my excuse. :tongue:

    I hear ya on that. I am 9 wks 3 days and for the past week have ONLY been wearing stretchy pants. Not maternity yet but still just stretchy elastic waist stuff. You're right it is very uncomfortable wearing tight clothes (regular clothes) now. My babycenter app said that can actually make the nausea worse and to avoid it. I wore some loose jeans yesterday and that actually bothered my stomach a lot so no more of that!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I went out and bought some maternity pants/capris today. I cannot stand my work pants being tight when I sit down, it just makes the nausea that much worse. So tomorrow I'll probably be sporting the maternity pants to work...at 8wks4d. :blushing: It's my 3rd pregnancy so that's my excuse. :tongue:
    Oh girl I am right there with you! I had to start wearing maternity pants at 7 weeks 3 days :noway: I blame it being my 6th pregnancy.

    I introduced myself in the Intro thread.....but I will give a short introduction here. I am a married SAHM to 3 little (or not so little) girls. I also homeschool. On Feb 7th we found out at 11dpo that #4 was on the way! Our youngest is 13m and still breastfeeding before bed. Most people think I am insane....but I just say I am mentally hilarious.

    I am 10 weeks 5 days. The 1st trimester can not go by fast enough. I am CONSTANTLY fatigued. And nauseous with no relief. I never vomit (except when I brush my teeth....gross!) and some days wish I could just puke so I could have some relief. I have started to day dream about being in a coma so I could actually get some sleep....:embarassed: I have had 2 m/c and am in a constant state of worry about losing this Skittle. Just trying to keep it together and trust in the Lord.

    Nice to meet you all!

  • lainerigs
    Well, I have about 3 more days in the 1st trimester... but I have a question for you guys. I swear I can feel the baby move! But every where I read says it's too early. This is my second baby.. so maybe that's it? I'm more aware? Or maybe just gassy, but I swear I have felt the baby move a few times. anyone else? (i'm 11 weeks 4 days)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, my friend said she could feel baby move at 12 weeks but Im 20 weeks and cant feel much yet - Think its starting though as keep getting rumbling feelings. See you on the 2nd Tri board x
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Well, I have about 3 more days in the 1st trimester... but I have a question for you guys. I swear I can feel the baby move! But every where I read says it's too early. This is my second baby.. so maybe that's it? I'm more aware? Or maybe just gassy, but I swear I have felt the baby move a few times. anyone else? (i'm 11 weeks 4 days)
    I felt my second baby around 14 weeks and my 3rd about 12 weeks. So it is entirely possible! With subsequent pregnancies you know more of what you are looking for.

    How exciting!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello ladies. It's so exciting even if you think you can feel the baby move, I can't wait!! How's everyone doing? I am still feeling pretty good, a little more icky feeling and more tired, but I'm going to keep up the exercise which will help I feel.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hello ladies. It's so exciting even if you think you can feel the baby move, I can't wait!! How's everyone doing? I am still feeling pretty good, a little more icky feeling and more tired, but I'm going to keep up the exercise which will help I feel.

    I am looking forward to that too! Well as for me nausea start not long after I get up and stays for about 8 hours or so then finally gives me some relief... I am almost to the point of why I don't I just throw up already...you know hoping to feel better afterward. Oh wells, going to try some ginger ale and sticking to crackers and pretzels unitl the nausea goes away. Want to keep working out too, but that's not possible with nausea...
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Hello ladies. It's so exciting even if you think you can feel the baby move, I can't wait!! How's everyone doing? I am still feeling pretty good, a little more icky feeling and more tired, but I'm going to keep up the exercise which will help I feel.
    I am looking forward to that too! Well as for me nausea start not long after I get up and stays for about 8 hours or so then finally gives me some relief... I am almost to the point of why I don't I just throw up already...you know hoping to feel better afterward. Oh wells, going to try some ginger ale and sticking to crackers and pretzels unitl the nausea goes away. Want to keep working out too, but that's not possible with nausea...
    I was the same way....wanting to just throw up so I can have some relief. But then this morning I got my wish and was vomiting bad and for a long time. Now I feel puny and totally wiped out....Bleh. I really wish I could just fast forward to 2nd trimester already.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Tonight has been the best night in 2wks for me! My back pain is minimal and the Zofran pill works tonight, yay!! Hope this continues. Tomorrow there is a big kids consignment sale that I'm going to. Buying some play clothes for my two boys...I love shopping sales! :smile:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hello ladies. It's so exciting even if you think you can feel the baby move, I can't wait!! How's everyone doing? I am still feeling pretty good, a little more icky feeling and more tired, but I'm going to keep up the exercise which will help I feel.
    I am looking forward to that too! Well as for me nausea start not long after I get up and stays for about 8 hours or so then finally gives me some relief... I am almost to the point of why I don't I just throw up already...you know hoping to feel better afterward. Oh wells, going to try some ginger ale and sticking to crackers and pretzels unitl the nausea goes away. Want to keep working out too, but that's not possible with nausea...
    I was the same way....wanting to just throw up so I can have some relief. But then this morning I got my wish and was vomiting bad and for a long time. Now I feel puny and totally wiped out....Bleh. I really wish I could just fast forward to 2nd trimester already.

    I am all for fast forwarding to the second trimester.... Morning sickness is kicking my butt!

    BusyPK- Glad to hear you are feeling good!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Also glad to hear you're feeling better BusyPK. I have discovered I feel great in the morning, but then it's around 2-4pm I start to feel super tired and a bit naseous, and that's like the worst time, because that's usually when I'm visiting group homes for work. I always make sure to bring my snacks with me though. The exercising is really helping me though, I'm hoping I'm able to keep it up!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Chickybuns, that's when the exhaustion kicks in bigtime for me too, and I feel like every movement takes a major mental effort! Ugh! And I definitely start to feel off tummywise if I go too long between eating, which is hard, cause when I feel queasy the last thing I want to do is put food in my mouth... LOL! But it's weird, compared to my last pregnancy, I feel worlds better, I got sick a couple times last week but in general I feel pretty alright, and I can't quite believe it! LOL! I'm skeptical about it, like what's the deal, why aren't I puking my guts out right now? LOL! Maybe I paid for it in spades last time so I'm reaping the benefits this time :wink: Must be a girl this time :wink: I already had a very clear dream (before I even found out for sure I was pregnant) that it was!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Chickybuns, that's when the exhaustion kicks in bigtime for me too, and I feel like every movement takes a major mental effort! Ugh! And I definitely start to feel off tummywise if I go too long between eating, which is hard, cause when I feel queasy the last thing I want to do is put food in my mouth... LOL! But it's weird, compared to my last pregnancy, I feel worlds better, I got sick a couple times last week but in general I feel pretty alright, and I can't quite believe it! LOL! I'm skeptical about it, like what's the deal, why aren't I puking my guts out right now? LOL! Maybe I paid for it in spades last time so I'm reaping the benefits this time :wink: Must be a girl this time :wink: I already had a very clear dream (before I even found out for sure I was pregnant) that it was!

    Glad you're feeling better this pregnancy! I'm also hoping for a girl, but as long as it's a healthy baby :) Ok, I need to stop procrastinating if I want to finish school before I have this baby!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    My second pregnancy was completely opposite from my first.
    With DD#1 I was vomiting from before I found out up till I pushed her out. I even vomited during labor. I also had high BP (well high for me) and lots of other symptoms. And a 73hr labor.

    With DD#2 I had no symptoms and didn't even know I was pregnant till I was like, "Hmmmm my period is like 2 weeks late..." So on my break I took a test and viola...2 pink lines. I never had any ms with her at all. I slept ok. No pain. Felt fine. And her labor was only 15hrs. We where all convinced she was a boy.

    So you never know! But those dreams can be pretty accurate! Where with all mine. I haven't had any about the this baby yet. Well just one where I miscarried...that was pretty sad dream.

    The fatigue is kicking my butt. I surrender...now where is my pillow?
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Is anyone else experiencing diarrhea?!!!! I know during this 1st trimester that normal things are nausea, vomiting, constipation, yada yada, but i've never heard of having diarrhea as part of the symptoms. I'm 9wks 5days. This has been happening for over a week now. It's the kind where you get the cramping and have to ruuuuuun to the bathroom and are in there forever because it won't stop. This didn't happen at all my 1st pregnancy. I was actually really badly constipated. I had gained 5 lbs already but have lost 2 of those now because of all the diarrhea!!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Kerrbear79 - I have heard as diarhea as common symptom but it could be - I would ask your midwife or doctor just in case a bug or something. x
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Made it to ten weeks before the lil' kiddo decided I shouldn't go to work in the morning. I guess that's a pretty good run of time, hopefully this doesn't happen too often or it's going to be a little difficult keeping the pregnancy from my boss...