Things your parents didn't tell you about turning 40

Hello All!
This is just a fun posting about how subtle things in life creep up on you.

For example...I'm going to be welcoming my very first pair of progressive lenses. What are progressive lenses you ask...well it's a nice word for bifocals. I thought my eye sight was a little off lately :laugh:


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yeah, i have to get my eyes checked, i keep putting that off,,,, my hair is going grey, I HATE THAT! I notice my wrinkles now more, yes, i am a sun person!,, i think my energy level is higher tho, that is a good thing!
  • Irishan
    Irishan Posts: 9
    And what the heck is up with the mood swings?? First the gray hair, then the glasses, and now I'm cranky?
  • night sweats...thought they happened in the 50'
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I'll be 40 tomorrow!
    Not too happy about that!
    Grays....slow weight loss ...and other stupid crap!
    Oh well ....guess I'll just suck it up!
  • I'm 41 now and was not happy about turning 40 but the alternative is worse :) My Mom never told me anything. But she stills says " Just add twenty years to now and see how you feel." Not a good motivator Mom !!!
  • Corina72
    Corina72 Posts: 15
    OK! I will admit! I am a little nervous about this 40 thing. A good think about it - I started this and I am trying to get a grip on my weight!
  • Taymay75
    Taymay75 Posts: 630 Member
    That I would be wearing reading glasses and have the volume up so high on the TV that the police will come and tell you to turn it down. :sad:
  • I turned 40 a couple of months ago and have found nothing has changed yet. I was already grey with rubbish eyesight anyway! :D

    I lost a close colleague last year when she was only 38 so that makes me glad to be 40!
  • I wish they had told me that my brain will be in denial about being 40, but my body will be fully aware! The aches and pains that have started to show up in the past couple of years, has my brain in open rebellioin screaming "I can't be old! Not yet!"
  • Planted2268
    Planted2268 Posts: 17 Member
    I am thankful and grateful to be in my 40s. It has been almost 19 years when I gave birth to my son and my doctors did not think I would make it afterwards because my condition was very critical. My mother embraced her 40s very well and now that she is in her mid 60s she is really enjoying retirement and traveling and is in good health. That is what I desire to be healthy in every way.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    That being in your 40s is actually pretty great. Yes, I have to actually watch what I eat and how many beers I drink, and I have some grey hair--with more on the way, and teenagers zoom past me on the running trail, and I recently learned that my lower back is pissed off. But I'm so much wiser and more confident. Life has continued to improve with age.
  • Yea! I hear ya!!

    Me: "Hi Mom, how old were you when you started going through menopause?"
    My Mom: " Oh yea I was about your age"

    :noway: :ohwell: AND you were going to tell me that when???
  • OMgosh, so many things have changed since I turned 40 !

    1. That you will pee a little when you laugh !:laugh:
    2. The spare tire around my waist is more difficult to deflate !
    3. Even though I do wear glasses, I find myself taking them off to read anything in small print !
    4. You will become parents to your parents ! Helping them with many daily chores, appts. etc...
    5. It is also an age when you finally come to realize what life is all about, you are finally a grown-up !!
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    I'll be 40 tomorrow!
    Not too happy about that!
    Grays....slow weight loss ...and other stupid crap!
    Oh well ....guess I'll just suck it up!

    Edited... sorry. Not in the spirit of the thread... I think I will move it. :)
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    The eye changes have really been an eye-opener (pun intended) for me. I didn't like bifocals
    so I have 2 pairs of glasses - 1 for driving/ distance and the other for reading/ close up stuff.
    I had perfect vision for most of my life so this definitely is a reminder that I'm getting older (48).

    Rencath- what's wrong with what you posted - it's the truth!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Can't think of any negatives right now but one thing I noticed is that I tend to give them advice more. (As opposed to never. :laugh: )
  • Jweb8969
    Jweb8969 Posts: 136 Member
    i suppose all of these things are true ~ i'm graying, but my sister has been gray since she was 25 ~ i wear glasses, but i've worn them since i was 7 ~ i pee when i laugh/cry/yell/sneeze, but i've done that since i had my first child 16 years ago ~ i have aches and pains, but i've had arthritis in my back and other places since i was 18 ~ sooooo, i guess for me, it's just more of the same old, same old ~ lol lol lol

    i tell myself that the alternative to getting old really stinks!! :) then 40-ish doesn't seem so bad! haha
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Other than my hair thinning out and getting a little grey at 42 I feel like im 22!! :happy: But at 40 & 41 I felt like I was 60 + and it sucked feeling old!!
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    I forget Im in my 40s...
    43 yrs old and I wear glasses, waiting for the progressives...
    Had big babies, which did some strange things to the bladder...but I had the same issue 10 years ago.
    Went grey at 26 yrs thing Im not impressed with is the chin hairs..what is up with that?
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    i notice aches and pains that aren't debilitation, but they do make me take notice.