Hey everybody!! Welcome!



  • mhoadley
    mhoadley Posts: 27
    Hello Everyone,

    I am Michelle. I live in lincoln. I am trying to add to my running group. We run in the Havelock area of Lincoln. If you are interested please contact me. We are a group of all different running levels. So join up.
  • lbentz84
    lbentz84 Posts: 4
    hey all My name is Lydia i Live in omaha and Go to 24hr fitness to work out i am a single mom and have quite a bit to lose and hoping to find some people that can help me kick it in gear.
  • Hi my name is Brenda. I also live in the Omaha area. I just heard of this website and joined it two days ago. I'm looking to help support and encourage (that's exactly what we all need on our weightloss journey) and get motivated to lose weight and get healthy!: happy:
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Man I'm MIA for a while and I come back to all these new faces! Welcome to the group and yay Nebraska!
  • CGianunzio
    CGianunzio Posts: 13 Member
    Fellow Nebraskans,

    My name is Chris Gianunzio and I began my adventure on MFP on April 18, 2012 weighing in at 225lbs. I am 28 years old, married, with a 16 month old child . I live in Lincoln, NE and love playing sports such as flag football, basketball and softball. I grew up a 4 sport athlete who couldn't put on wight even if I ate 4,000 calories a day. I stayed this way even through my early 20's but after I shattered my ankle and was put out of commission for a year and half, everything started to go wrong. Before my crushed ankle I was 6'1 and weight 145lbs. In one year I put on over 60lbs alone. Fortunately over the past five years I have put on limited weight after that.

    My main reason for this lifestyle change is my daughter Raelen Kay. I don't want her to have to grow up with a father than can't go out back and play catch or shoot hoops. I want her to learn how to be healthy that way she doesn't have to fight it at a later age like I am currently doing. Not to mention I am a very competitive person so weighing 225lbs prevents me from being able to do that.

    Anyway, enough about me. I look forward to meeting you all as well as sharing success stories and being positive influences to each other.

    Chris Gianunzio
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 30 Member
    I live in omaha!
  • bigd5820
    bigd5820 Posts: 1
    hi my name is derek born and raised in omaha just started this about 2 weeks ago im 6'4'' and 360 pounds right now i set my goal to 280 im a bigger guy so i think that would work. if anyone would like a walking buddy 2-3 times a week let me know. ps im more in ralston millard area.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I'll introduce myself here too - my name is Ashley and we just moved to Wayne from Texas. I'm a born and raised Texan and I met my husband in Sioux City when I was going to college. So far I have lost 35 pounds on my own and I'm gearing up for the next 25-30 to come off. I try to eat healthy, but don't always succeed! I do enjoy running....when I'm done doing it! I also enjoy lifting weights a couple of times a week
  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello All - my name is Pam and I am a 49 year old woman living in Omaha. It's nice to find such a large group for Nebraska.
  • Heather68462
    Heather68462 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello! I live in Waverly (right outside of Lincoln). Ive been on MFP since November 30, and today my 26 week weigh in was at -31 pounds (my tracker here is always off by 1 pounds, I must have entered wrong starting weight). I love fall and spring for exercising but the nebraska winters and summes keep me indoors. I work out about 5 days a week at snap fitness and try to stay at 1500. I have been extra hungry lately though. Good to see so many Nebraskans on here!
  • Dgross1
    Dgross1 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm from Omaha. I am fairly new to MFP; have been using it for a couple of weeks. I will be participating in a weight loss challenge at the gym where I take boot camp. So, I am sure I will need lots of encouragement throughout the process!
  • killinme
    killinme Posts: 73 Member
    I live in Bellevue, NE and I try to go play tennis every night. Add me for a friend or join me in playing tennis.
    I am not good, but it is a great workout and so much fun!!

    You can get a good inexpensive racquet at ****'s Sporting goods at Shadow Lake Town Center or just pick one up at WalMart.

    Look forward to adding more friends!!
  • kmgater
    kmgater Posts: 2 Member
    This is my very first post

    I live in Lincoln. I grow up in Valparaiso, 20 minutes north of Lincoln.
    I've been a member of MFP since March because I got the app for my phone. A few weeks ago I started lurking in the posts and have thought about posting myself but I wanted a smaller group that really understood what I'm talking about. Like how every weekend since May has either been windy (Nebraska windy) or rainy making is hard to go biking.

    I work as a software engineer and am lucky enough to have a fitness center at my work. I hit the elliptical during my morning and afternoon breaks and I bring my bike to work so I can ride during lunch. I've been riding in the evenings, too and am thinking about riding to and from work but right now the bike trail is closed.

    I look forward to watching everyone's progress and hope to see more from Lincoln.
  • Hello from rural northeast Nebraska! Apologize for mispellings. Kindle fire plus middle age= mistakes! Farmwife/bookkeeper, mom., 4h leader.40 yrs old and post surgical menopause. Hats humidity but love my dog so walk her 1.5 miles e dry day I am home.:smile: hope I can be support for fellow nebraskans.its taken me 6 months to lose less than 10 lbs. Salt and lack of sustained cardiograph and weights are holding Md back.gonna put a heartrate moniter on my wishlist.
  • Hello. I am new. Not to weightloss by any means, but to MFP. :) Just had baby #2 and I am working this weight off to never be here again! :) I am from Bellevue, work in OMAHA. ready to kick *kitten* and take names! :)
  • adriensmommy88
    adriensmommy88 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm from Omaha! 23! and always looking for new motivation. I am a new mom on a mission!... born in Colorado but, I've lived in Nebraska the longest.
  • Hello to one and all! From Omaha and joined my fitness pa a couple of weeks ago and I must say it has really worked and got me past a 3 month sticking point. Stay motivated everyone and know that you are not alone in the process. There are lots of us out there working out butts off everyday! Look forward to seeing ideas to keep strong and moving on!
  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi. I am in Lincoln. Trying out this site based on a suggestion. Glad to see some neighbors here!
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Howdy, another new Lincolnite, happy to see us all together in one happy group!
  • Wyobraska
    Wyobraska Posts: 1
    Hi Guys,

    I'm Wyobraska, and I'm from Scottsbluff, way out in the panhandle.

    The wife and I just started a low carb diet and we are now monitoring and tracking all of our calories with MFP. So I decided I'd look and see if I could find any other people from Nebraska.