Level 1



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm on day 3.

    Getting better at the push ups. The first day, I couldn't even do one.

    I can't do the thingy when she leans to the side with the weights going up by the eyes. I can't do it without stopping.

    I'm sore right now.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Just finished L1 D3. I can definitely tell my endurance is increasing...normally I'm pausing for a drink in the middle of circuit one, but I didn't today :) I think my biggest issue regarding that is timing my breathing...it sounds silly, but I swear I don't know how to breathe properly! I need to work on that.

    Me too! As hard I try, I keep holding my breath or breathing funny. It actually hurts, but my breathing is crap. When I tried Yoga, many moons ago, I couldn't control my breathing and it sounded so loud to me. I was unable to relax :laugh:

    I don't mind any of the moves now that I've done them for a few days, EXCEPT for the jump ropes. For some reason I hate those, and they're so simple too..

    I hate them too. Jumping Jacks are fine, but the jump rope is hell for me :laugh:
    Funny story though, the bra I was wearing has a clip on the back so I can make it racerback, and somehow as I was trying to stand up after the chest flys, the hook got caught on the carpet! I was stuck for a second! Greatly amused me, but don't worry, still made it up in time for the side lunges ;)

    :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I am on day 7, and I feel I'm getting stronger, but my big problem are push-ups. I can't do even one begginer push-up! Is so frustrating. I can get down only a couple of inches, make maybe 3 and stop... then I do 2 or 3 more and stop, ugggh! Otherwise, I'm loving this work out. Can't wait for the end of this and see how much my body has changed.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Level 1 day 4 down. Two more days of level 1 for me (Sun & Mon), then it's on to level 2 starting Wed next week. I'm surprising myself with how quickly I'm recovering much of the endurance and strength I had pre-pregnancy. I also feel more determination and focus, plus a higher pain tolerance level this time around. I suspect it may have something to do with the recent childbirth-without-pain-meds experience... ;)
  • ColleenMachine
    I took a rest day today from 30DS, to give my body a bit of a break. I still went swimming tonight, though, and the pool sure showed me who was boss. My goal for tomorrow is to get through 30DS in the morning, then do 20 mins at the pool in the afternoon.
    I don't think I do the crunches in circuit 2 correctly, though...the cross-body crunch? No matter how many times I watch them and try to imitate, I just don't feel much "burn" or anything when I do them, like I feel when I do the others. Anyone else have the same problem?
    If you're doing it with your arm down, it makes them waaaaayyy easier. You might try following Natalie for those and see if it works. Or try doing deeper crunches and really try to get your shoulders up off the mat. I feel a burn when I do them, but I don't have particularly strong ab muscles. Yours might already be strong and you need to push them further.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    L1D3 done.....
    I took yesterday off of everything because I have a jacked up toe - which is now infected :grumble: Sorry for TMI

    I can tell my endurance is getting better, still can't do the jump rope without wincing so I did more jumping jacks. My pushups are getting lower too.

    I did a little bit of yoga afterwards to see if that helps with the soreness.
  • Millefleur
    Millefleur Posts: 26 Member
    Day 7 complete :happy: The butt kicks and jump rope are still a real struggle but rather than take a break I just keep moving, by jogging on the spot for 5 seconds before continuing.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Cardio day for me today! 30 minutes on my stationary bike (unless I can actually get a walk in tonight). Rest day tomorrow then back to 30DS on Sunday! I'll need it too with all of the brunch food we're going to take!
  • ColleenMachine
    Day 6, and I had to reach for a mantra today. I'm hurting, and I feel disorganized and uncoordinated this morning. I think I jacked up my ankle doing one of the moves; it's been mildly achy yesterday and today.
    I did it, but I definitely am not feeling it today.

    Mantra: "It does not matter if I reach perfection, as long as I continue to strive for it." Repeat, repeat, repeat. Maybe swimming this evening will be better. It will be nice to be weightless for a while.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Accomplished level 1 this morning. One more go tomorrow, then I'm starting level 2 on Wednesday. Hope you all had a great Easter!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    The more the days go on, the less stamina I seem to have. Wth is up with that?!

    It also turns out I was doing the push ups wrong. It was still challenging me, but it was wrong.

    I can't do the side lunges with the raises. Well, I CAN, but it's so hard I have to stop.

    Dreading level 2. Dreading it.
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    The more the days go on, the less stamina I seem to have. Wth is up with that?!

    It also turns out I was doing the push ups wrong. It was still challenging me, but it was wrong.

    I can't do the side lunges with the raises. Well, I CAN, but it's so hard I have to stop.

    Dreading level 2. Dreading it.

    What day are you on? I found that around days 5-6 I was really dragging and had to force myself through it. Today was day 8, and I seem to have gotten my second wind, as today was actually pretty tolerable. Oddly enough, I was also pushing myself harder because of the Easter candy I had today :P

    I had a lot of trouble with the side lunges for a while too, but they're finally getting a litttttle bit easier for me. When my arms are so tired that I don't feel like I can do any more, I do a lunge or two without the raises, then pick back up. Seems to help me get through them. How heavy of weights are you using? Perhaps invest in lighter weights?

    @ Mary: I'm starting level 2 on Wednesday, too! Not looking forward to the plank moves!!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    The more the days go on, the less stamina I seem to have. Wth is up with that?!

    It also turns out I was doing the push ups wrong. It was still challenging me, but it was wrong.

    I can't do the side lunges with the raises. Well, I CAN, but it's so hard I have to stop.

    Dreading level 2. Dreading it.

    What day are you on? I found that around days 5-6 I was really dragging and had to force myself through it. Today was day 8, and I seem to have gotten my second wind, as today was actually pretty tolerable. Oddly enough, I was also pushing myself harder because of the Easter candy I had today :P

    I had a lot of trouble with the side lunges for a while too, but they're finally getting a litttttle bit easier for me. When my arms are so tired that I don't feel like I can do any more, I do a lunge or two without the raises, then pick back up. Seems to help me get through them. How heavy of weights are you using? Perhaps invest in lighter weights?

    @ Mary: I'm starting level 2 on Wednesday, too! Not looking forward to the plank moves!!

    Today will be also be day 8! I had to push myself to do it yesterday as I was crying and very upset, so I just wanted to get it over with.

    As for the side lunges, urgh, they're torture! I've taken to lifting my arms up without lunging. I'm using 5lb weights.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    Well.... today will be my last day of Level 1. Tomorrow is a rest day and then I start Level 2 on Wednesday. Overall, Level 1 this time has not been SO bad - don't get me wrong, I am sweating my butt off and feel like my chest is going to explode and my calfs are on fire... but, I have been able to get through it all. After the first day of level 1 I was able to do all exercises without resting. I haven't had any horrible soreness this time either, so that has been a blessing. But - keep in mind - I did level one around the end of February - beginning of March. So it hasn't been that long. I think there was some muscle memory there.

    Now, level 2. That one scares me. Last time, I only did it for 1 day and came up with some excuse not to do it again. So this time I am using you ladies as my excuse TO do it. I hardly post on the discussion board and the majority of you are not on my friends list - so I have no idea why that excuse is working, but so far - it is. Today will be "easy" - I will celebrate finishing level 1. But Wednesday... someone help me on Wednesday....

    Have a great week!
  • ColleenMachine
    I start level 2 on Wednesday. Tomorrow is my last day of L1. I took a couple rest days, at least from 30DS (I still did my swimming and stuff), so we'll see how L2 goes. I'm excited for the challenge, but I pulled a muscle in my back so I'm also slightly disappointed that I won't be able to do everything.
  • melissasarahx
    First day of Level one donee! I read alot about the workout before actually doing it and everyone said it was tourture, but i didn't think it was too bad. I survived, it was hard but i pulled through. I like how it swtiches up moves and im able to catch my breath if needed. looking forward to day 2!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Struggled through day 7, level 1 today. It's hard for me at the moment as I am so depressed over my rship ...

    It just gets harder for me, not easier. My right knee is hurting too, so I have to be careful while doing the cardio.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    The more the days go on, the less stamina I seem to have. Wth is up with that?!

    It also turns out I was doing the push ups wrong. It was still challenging me, but it was wrong.

    I can't do the side lunges with the raises. Well, I CAN, but it's so hard I have to stop.

    Dreading level 2. Dreading it.

    What day are you on? I found that around days 5-6 I was really dragging and had to force myself through it. Today was day 8, and I seem to have gotten my second wind, as today was actually pretty tolerable. Oddly enough, I was also pushing myself harder because of the Easter candy I had today :P

    I had a lot of trouble with the side lunges for a while too, but they're finally getting a litttttle bit easier for me. When my arms are so tired that I don't feel like I can do any more, I do a lunge or two without the raises, then pick back up. Seems to help me get through them. How heavy of weights are you using? Perhaps invest in lighter weights?

    @ Mary: I'm starting level 2 on Wednesday, too! Not looking forward to the plank moves!!

    Today is day 7 for me! I had to push myself to do it yesterday as I was crying and very upset, so I just wanted to get it over with.

    As for the side lunges, urgh, they're torture! I've taken to lifting my arms up without lunging. I'm using 5lb weights.
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    I did day 1, level 1 today with my mom. It wasn't so bad, but walking up stairs afterwards is like hell! I forgot to take measurements before, so I'll do it tonight. I tried level one maybe 2 weeks ago and it hurt worse then today! Though the jump rope jumps hurt my left shin a little.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Now, level 2. That one scares me. Last time, I only did it for 1 day and came up with some excuse not to do it again. So this time I am using you ladies as my excuse TO do it. I hardly post on the discussion board and the majority of you are not on my friends list - so I have no idea why that excuse is working, but so far - it is. Today will be "easy" - I will celebrate finishing level 1. But Wednesday... someone help me on Wednesday....


    I'm at D05L02.
    During L01 i only take 1 day rest, as my arms were sored.
    L02 is not hard...is harder and different than L01, but it's possible to do it without stoping.
    If you strugle with the weights, go buy some lightier...I had to.
    I used 3.3lbs weights all L01
    Now, I use them almost all the L02, except for the V lifting, where I have to use 2.2lbs.

    For comparison:
    I did all L01 like Natalie, except for the pushups.
    L02 is harder for the legs and shoulders 'cause of planks and the squats ...OMG...first 3 days i did it like Anita, now i'm doing half like Anita and other half like Natalie and my butt and calfs hurts.

    NSV: At half of L02 I already lost as much inches as in the entire L01!!! Grand total until now: 6.3inches (16cm)

    If i can do it, you also can!!!!

    Kisses to you all,