Level 2

MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
For those currently on Level 2 of 30DS, discuss!


  • jnels
    jnels Posts: 28 Member
    So, last night I did Day 1 of Level 2......HOLY SH*&! (excuse my language).

    Maybe I was just tired from Monday's cardio workout, or maybe it's really that much harder than Level 1. But the girl behind Jillian that does the excerices that's really muscular, was sweating! Her and Jillian both were grunting and looking tired, so I know it had to be tough!

    I made it thru w/o having to stop too much, but boy was I worn out afterwards. And I'm sore today!

    I'll tackle Day 2 tonight......wish me luck!
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of Level 2. I don't really like level 2. Not because it's too hard, I can struggle through it. (Although the plank jacks literally kill me.) It just doesn't keep me interested like level 1 did. How does everyone else feel about level 2?

    And Good Luck to jnels!
  • jnels
    jnels Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Suzikay12- I didnt get a chance to do Day 2 last night, so I"ll tackle that tonight! I've been at a plateau on my weight loss for a few weeks now so I"m really trying not to make excuses for working out!

    Keep up the good work!
  • Millefleur
    Millefleur Posts: 26 Member
    Day 8 for me today, should still be on level 1 but gave level 2 a go today as I was getting bored, definitely harder but I think I preferred it! I followed it up immediately with 10 minutes of vigorous hula hooping, feeling pretty good right now :happy: May alternate for a few days as level 2 requires a little more space so doing it depends on who's around at home.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I did Level 1 for 3 days, just decided to give Level 2 a try this morning.


    The only word that comes to mind is "masochism." I have weak shoulder muscles to begin, and all those plank exercises just about did me in. Level 1 was very tough but do-able. Level 2 was a little more than my weakling psyche could handle.

    I did get through it, but I seriously feel like I'm going to puke now. My HR was up past the max for almost 6 minutes. Max HR for me = 170. Max HR with Jillian this time = 197. I'm not sure that's healthy?
  • susanna060408
    susanna060408 Posts: 28 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 1 yesterday and it was way harder than I expected! I guess I thought I was more ready for it because Level 1 was feeling pretty easy by the end. Hopefully Level 2 will get that way as well. I didn't have to modify to the easier option for any of the Level 1 exercises, but had to for a few of the Level 2 (especially all of the plank ones). Going to get through it, but now I'm really scared for Level 3!!
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    Day 7 of level 2 today. I didn't sleep well last night so instead of popping out of bed at 5:45am to get my work out over and done with, I snoozed the alarm a dozen times. Hate it when I do that, I'd rather have it done first thing in the morning. I'm going to put my work out clothes on the minute I walk in the house after work. No excuses!!!

    I have noticed the past 2 days of level 2 workouts have seemed easier. I'm doing each level 10 days my first round. Then I think I'll repeat and do each level 5 days for 2 cycles.
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    Started last night. I have never been very good with planks because I'm, err, top heavy and my elbows/wrists start to really hurt. I feel like I gave up sore knees for sore elbows. Either way, I will power through it.
  • Day 1 of level 2 today and I am pooped. I've been combining 30DS with a daily swim and I have to say that the swimming really helps keep the soreness at bay. I'm doing 10 days of each level and while I conceded to my OCD enough to allow a weigh-in every day, I'm forcing myself to only measure myself on day 1 of each level.

    I have to say, as someone who does planks for ab exercises regularly, the 'plank position' she puts you in is really painful for me. I learned to do planks with your whole forearm in contact with the floor, like so:


    It's easier on the wrists without really making it easier on the muscles that you're trying to work out. It's how I do my plank exercises so I don't kill my wrists. I'm quite top-heavy, so I feel like I'd hurt myself otherwise.

    They're still hard, though. By the time she got to abs on circuit 3 and said "plank position", I was like, "You have got to me @#*&ing me".
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    Day 1 of Level 2 is complete...and I'm torn. Part of me feels that this is "easier" than Level 1, but another part of me is sore as hell and KNOWS that's not true. I didn't feel like I needed to stop to catch my breath anywhere near as often, though, which is where I think the "easy" factor comes into play. It's hard, but being able to breathe makes me feel like I can push through it :P But those plank positions are going to kill me!

    Also...the pendulum lunges. I *cannot* do those properly for the life of me. Sure, it's only day 1, so I'm hoping my coordination improves as I continue...but...I'm falling all over the place trying to do those. I'm so uncoordinated and clumsy.

    And again to properly emphasize my loathing...those plank positions :sick: :sad: :grumble:
  • Millefleur
    Millefleur Posts: 26 Member
    I skipped the shred today to try out a Zumba class on my road but back to it tomorrow! Today was meant to be my 3rd day on level 2 but as I skipped ahead to it as I was getting bored it'll be Day 10/30 :smile:
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    OKay - Level 2 begun today for me! As I have said previously, I did the level 2 for 1 day about a month ago and then I quit and went back to all cardio all the time. So today, I can say that I am stronger this time around. I was able to do more. But those squat thrusts and plank jacks KILL ME!! So I had to take a few quick breaks. Also, I only have 5lb weights and so the lifts get very tough. Part of me wants to invest in lighter weights part of me says stop being a wimp! I think I will push through it and see how I do. Good luck to everyone on Level 2. I will update again at the end of this level!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Day 1 of L2 is done! I'm feel my butt and arms super sore. I stopped a few times for 5 seconds to catch my breath, but I'm positive that if I continue like this, I can make it. The planks are a killer for me, but I like to work like this instead of spending hours at my local gym. I was going to buy today (in wal mart) the BFBM, but they couldn't sell it to me because the code was not working :mad: :grumble: :explode: :sad: :huh:

    I guess I have to wait or buy it on amazon... Anyway, I hope tomorrow is better than today and don't stop that much to rest.
  • Tinkb13
    Tinkb13 Posts: 2
    yes pls dicuss does this progressively get harder, bc I'n on day 3 and so sore already
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    Day 1 of level 2 today and I am pooped. I've been combining 30DS with a daily swim and I have to say that the swimming really helps keep the soreness at bay. I'm doing 10 days of each level and while I conceded to my OCD enough to allow a weigh-in every day, I'm forcing myself to only measure myself on day 1 of each level.

    I have to say, as someone who does planks for ab exercises regularly, the 'plank position' she puts you in is really painful for me. I learned to do planks with your whole forearm in contact with the floor, like so:


    It's easier on the wrists without really making it easier on the muscles that you're trying to work out. It's how I do my plank exercises so I don't kill my wrists. I'm quite top-heavy, so I feel like I'd hurt myself otherwise.

    They're still hard, though. By the time she got to abs on circuit 3 and said "plank position", I was like, "You have got to me @#*&ing me".

    Have you tried doing any of her plank poses like this. I did them this way in yoga for years, but I have done the other way as well. Let me know if this is working for you. :)
  • Have you tried doing any of her plank poses like this. I did them this way in yoga for years, but I have done the other way as well. Let me know if this is working for you. :)

    I find I'm able to do the plank jacks that way, but the cardio plank move doesn't work like that; maybe my arms are too short but I can't get my leg tucked under. :laugh:

    The added stability was a lifesaver for me during plank jacks, though. I didn't fall over!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I haven't "shred" today, is 3 pm here and still have lots to do in my house. I think I'm gonna end up working out tonight. UGH! I don't like to work out at night, but my housewive chores are calling me. I hope I can get done with it before 6 pm.
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Day 1 of level 2 today and I am pooped. I've been combining 30DS with a daily swim and I have to say that the swimming really helps keep the soreness at bay. I'm doing 10 days of each level and while I conceded to my OCD enough to allow a weigh-in every day, I'm forcing myself to only measure myself on day 1 of each level.

    I have to say, as someone who does planks for ab exercises regularly, the 'plank position' she puts you in is really painful for me. I learned to do planks with your whole forearm in contact with the floor, like so:


    It's easier on the wrists without really making it easier on the muscles that you're trying to work out. It's how I do my plank exercises so I don't kill my wrists. I'm quite top-heavy, so I feel like I'd hurt myself otherwise.

    They're still hard, though. By the time she got to abs on circuit 3 and said "plank position", I was like, "You have got to me @#*&ing me".
    Thanks for the suggestion. I am doing planks this way for sure.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I just finish D2, and God! My heart is pounding like crazy still. I don't feel dizzy or anything, is just I hope the far I advance into this, the better my condition will be (really, I hope :tongue: )
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    D2 L2 done...phew...I'm tired. I tried Colleen's modified plank position (the posted pic), but yeah, definitely doesn't work for some cardio moves - and I don't think it works too well for me in general, as if I'm closer to the ground like that, I'm more tempted to give up and rest...hah. My arms are SO tired right now.