


  • tinaslosingit
    tinaslosingit Posts: 45 Member
    Hello, all! I am training for my second 10k. I love that running is such a personal sport. You are only competiting with yourself!
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Hi everyone, Shawn here. Stepping into the half world next month. Running 10k's in the 60-65 min range. People laugh when I tell them the best thing to happen to me this new year is a new pair of Brooks Glycerin 9's.
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    Hello! Leigh, here. I'm in Boise, Idaho now, but can claim "military brat" status for the first half of my life, and Central/Bay Area California for the second half. (LOVE Idaho, though. Might just claim it for the "next half")

    Anyway, about running -- I was on the Cross Country team in high school and ran mostly 5Ks, with a few 10Ks on the side. Then, I did no running for over 20 years and gained 90 pounds.

    In addition to MFP, I also joined a local running group on a Groupon last January and haven't looked back. (And I've shed 70 of those pounds! YEAH!) Did a 10K and a 12K last year, looking to do a couple of Halfs (Halves?) this year, in 2013 Marathon or two. Looking farther out, I'd like to complete at least one "Ultra" -- either 50K or 50 miler. I don't know if I'll have the passion/stamina/whatever to make those a habit, but I am so intrigued to complete at least one.

    Look forward to chatting about training plans, glycogen stores, and recovery! LOL :happy:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm Jess, I live in Toronto Canada. Im 30 years old and i just started running last October for my first 5k - the Scotiabank Waterfront race. Which was great. I really enjoyed it and right away wanted to sign up for another.

    My next race is April 14th - the Yonge St 10k. Its my first 10k.. and actually to date i have not even tried to run 10k yet.. but im gonna get there soon. I did 5.6k this morning on the treadmill. it was a little too chilli to go out for me, but usually if its a nice day i go out running with my dog on the weekends.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Let me know you are from this group!
    Nice to meet you all! This is a great way to get some advice and motivation!
  • jacquiroxx
    jacquiroxx Posts: 68 Member
    Hey all, I'm Jacqui. I started running in December, so I'm a noob :) I did C25K and found a passion. I ran a mile without stopping for the first time in my life 2 days before the new year and I was hooked on the feeling of hard work paying off.

    I'm currently training for my first half marathon in May. After recovering from stress fractures, I'm taking it easy/slow and am never ever gonna underestimate the power of stretch & shin exercises ever again. So excited to be back on the road, prepping for my first major distance run!!
  • dol826
    dol826 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm Dolli. I have run one half-marathon (RnR Las Vegas 2011), and hope to do another one or two this year. 10K is a distance I have never raced, and I am hoping to do one soon. There aren't as many 10Ks as there are 5Ks, halfs, fulls, and ultras where I live, it seems, but it is an interesting distance for me.

    I'd eventually like to run a marathon, but I am patient, and simply want to keep progressing forward slowly but surely. Right now my "long runs" are 5-6 miles, and my typical "going out for a quick run" runs are 2.5-4 miles.
  • 21lauren21
    21lauren21 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Lauren currently living in Aus. Have completed a few 10kms, halfs and also a marathon. Currently have a bad back which is causing all sorts of problems. Goals for this year however is to run a sub 2 hour half, Bad back caused me to run at a slower pace last year. A sub 50 min 10km, was so close last Nov in 50.51. No desire to run another marathon I think once is enough for me :)
  • kirtie513
    Hello! I'm Kirsten and I'm from Arkansas. I started running about 3 years ago and ran my first full mararthon last month! I'm hoping to get some weight loss motivation and running tips from my fellow runners on this site. Y'all are welcome to add me!
  • blantonjm1
    blantonjm1 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm Jonathan from Corry, Pennsylvania. I ran in high school and started up again in 2006 and have been back an forth with running over the last three yrs. I have seriously started running as of Jan 2012. I am running my second marathon in May 2012. My current long distance run is 17 miles. My first was in 2006 in San Diego , California. I am hoping to gain some run and training tips as I would like to run 2 half marathons this year and also maintain running as a way of life. Rather than something i pick up and drop periodically. I started out in Jan. 2012 at 300lbs and have dropped 43 lbs( CW 256) as of last Sunday. I have a goal to drop down to 210lbs which is another 50 lbs for me. add me if you like. I look forward to running with you all.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    Hello all! My name is Sarah and I'm a runner :-) I started running in college (yeeears ago, I'm 35 years old now) to lose weight and got hooked! I have run many many marathons, but just recently got serious about improving my times. I have been using MFP to help me lose fat, get stronger, become leaner, and get faster. I've always been the type to use running as an excuse to eat however much I want, but of course it ended up hurting me(gaining those pesky marathon pounds!)

    So far it's been good - I've PR'd in a lot of my races by quite a bit, and diet has played a major role in it! This last training cycle I managed to lose a little weight, not gain! While the marathon distance is my favorite, over the last year I've started dabbling in shorter distances, and I think the half mary may be my favorite as well!

    My full and half marathon PR's are pretty recent, (all within the month of March!), and I have another half coming up in a few weeks. In June I will also start training for my next full marathon, which will be Berlin marathon in September.

    I look forward to getting leaner and getting tips/stories/motivation from fellow MFP running geeks! :-)
  • EB0910
    EB0910 Posts: 7
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the MFP community. I'm completing my first half in a few months. I started jogging in August 2011 and have been hooked! I guess you could consider me a runner at this point. I have endurance under my belt but really trying to improve my speed. I'm completing my 2nd 10k this month. I'm trying to balance proper nutrition with long distance running. Would like some friends in the process :)
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm Shannon from southern NJ. I ran in high school and started up again when I graduated college and then on and off for 7 years. When I was 31 I decided to train for a 10 mile race. I consistently ran for 4 years until I got pg. B/c of issues, I had to stop running. And then I got pg soon after my oldest was born. I had twins (my last babies) last summer. In Dec I realized I weighed 27 lbs more than when I got married, the only clothes that fit comfortably were my maternity clothes/sweats, and I had 3 weddings to attend this year. I joined MFP on 1/2 and started running again. When I joined, my goal was to lose 22-27lbs. I am training for a few races this year; the longest that is a definite is a half-marathon in Sept. It was hard getting back into running; but even though I haven't reached all of my goals I feel great again.
  • Jedi_Jewel
    Jedi_Jewel Posts: 83 Member
    Hey there! My name is Jewel. I'm a 33 year old mother of 3. I just started running this January, with the hopes of losing some weight, and have become addicted. I have completed two 5K's and a 10K. Planning on running a half in the fall, with hopes of eventually completing a whole marathon. Running has had positive impact on every aspect of my life and I have never felt better! Feel free to add me, I could use some running buddies :flowerforyou:
  • Solislu
    Solislu Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Lucy from Oregon. I'm a mom of a 3.5 year old and 10-month old twins :) I'm an elementary teacher taking a year or two off to be home with the kiddos! I starting running (okay, jogging arduously) about a month ago, along with Jillian and Biggest Loser DVD's) and am up to 30 min. jogging. Signed up for a 10k in a month so I will be running LOTS over the next few weeks to prepare! Dreaming of being a marathon runner :)
  • runwithitwerewinning
    runwithitwerewinning Posts: 39 Member
    HI, my name is Chris. I never ran in high school, other than at soccer practice. so, i was a decent runner back then. i started running around New Year 2011 and did my first 5k in feb. 2011. did my first half marathon in november, hoping to do the full Air Force marathon this fall. and on the first friday of every month, i get my wife to do the downtown san antonio pub run. that's the only way she'll run, in a funny costume.
  • BackBySpring
    BackBySpring Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone :-))) I think I'm the only one here from Europe, or so it seems. Poland to be specific. Anyway, I started running back in HS in the US and have "fallen off the running wagon" many times since. Now, I'm proud to say I've been "back on" for about 5 months and have just completed my fist half marathon here in Warsaw in March :-)))

    Anyway, just wanted to say HI! & I love running!!!

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  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jennifer from Canada. I've been a recreational runner on and off for years. I've rediscovered running over the last year and have set my sights on running my first half marathon this fall. 8-10K is my favorite distance (the first 30 minutes of any run is still my least favorite and then I guess I find my second wind). Anyway, glad to be part of the MFP running community!!
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Hi, Ya'll

    I'm Laura from Denver, CO. I've been running a few years - a lot of 5k and 10k, a handful of halfs. I was injured last fall and had to take 2 months off but am back in the swing of things, planning to run Chicago in October (there are several other races between now and then but Chicago is my crown for the season).


  • AllieCheeseburger
    AllieCheeseburger Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Allie, currently living in the SF bay area (I travel for my job so this is my 4th state in a little over a year). I'm getting back into running but taking a smarter approach this time. I've been running on and off for years but progress has always been derailed by lack of motivation or injury. I had a pretty bad case of bursitis in my hip last summer from over training. So after taking some time off, I've started easing back into it. I'm up to a little over 25 miles a week and focusing a lot on form and recovery. I'm hoping to run a half by the end of the year and then progress to a full next year, but I want to take it slow so I can stick with it. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and look forward to being a part of the community!
  • DianaSakai
    Hello, fellow runners! I was a runner in my 20s. Stopped when I got married and started having kids. I have now taken up running again with my daughter and have completed two half marathons and will be running my third in San Diego in June. My goal is to run in 3 hours or less. I'm cautiously optimistic that I can do it.