


  • efarrar13
    Hi my name is Edwin. Ran my first marathon a month ago and running another in May 2012. I live in Maine and looking for training groups etc. rather than running solo. Training groups can be local to New England or simple on here : )

    Please feel free to add me as I am always looking for like minded people!
  • Montco_cancel
    Montco_cancel Posts: 74 Member
    My name is Rob and I'm from Lowell, MA. Originally from Philadelphia, PA but moved up to New England after college so that we could be closer to my wife's family up in Maine. I'm fairly new to running, completed C25K in early 2011, ran multiple 5k's, a 10k and recently my first half marathon. 2012 I plan on doing my first marathon and some more 1/2's.
  • biobreak
    biobreak Posts: 33 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm BioBreak and I live in the Washington, DC area (a terrific place for runners!) and have been doing races since 2000, when I did my first 10K. Since then I worked up to 10 milers, half marathons and I just finished my 6th Marine Corps Marathon last weekend. I'm a certified RRCA distance running coach and I volunteer as a coach for a first time marathoners' group in the DC area.

    I took a 2-year break from marathoning in 2007 & 2008 to have my son, who is itching to do a kids' race. BioHusband is also a runner, and has done 4 marathons and several ultras (both 50Ks and 50-milers), so it runs (ha!) in the family. Looking forward to chatting with y'all!

    ETA, I run because it makes me feel like I look in my profile picture!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm Ryan.
    Grew up with a track back ground, sprints & hurdles. Distance running to me was anything longer than a 400 ;-) I did run some 5K's for fun.
    Fast forward 15 years and I've been running rather solidly for about 3 years, finished one marathon and looking forward to my second. I really enjoy trail running and will likely run more trail races in the future.
  • chefdan
    chefdan Posts: 53 Member
    Hi I'm Dan,

    I was a mid & long distance runner in track and college, took a 20 break, got fat and started over about this time last year. I completed C25K in mid-winter and signed up for a marathon to keep myself motivated. I made it through the marathon, October 9. Now I'm back to building a proper base the way in which it should be done, not the way I did it earlier this year. I'm signed up for the Ottawa Marathon in late May. Plenty of time to get a good base and then get through the 16 week training plan for the marathon itself.

    Nice to see a group for us runners & read all your great stories. Happy running!
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Tami. I just started my weight loss journey in January 2010 and started running in April. I have to say I am addicted to it. I started out doing the C25K program. I ran my first 5K in August. I have done two more 5K's since then and signed up to do another Thanksgiving day. I just recently signed up for a half marathon in March 2012 and I will be doing a 10 miler January 1st 2012. Please add me as a friend if you want. I am glad to see this group and to be able to connect to some other runners.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    Hello! I'm Selina and I'm newish to running. I've only done 5K and 10K races so far but I am hoping to start training for a half. I love running and can't seem to get enough of it!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi! I'm Katie, from North Dakota, but husband is military and we currently call OH home. I have completed many 5ks, a few 10ks, a 12k, a marathon relay, 2 half marathons, and just finished my first full marathon Nov 5th!

    Half marathon is my happy distance, not sure I will ever do a full again :) I have a 5k in 2 weeks, Turkey Day 10k, Christmas 10k, and next half marathon planned in March right before we move to our next station. I love running and can't wait to make a t-shirt quilt with all my race tees!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Yay! a running group!

    I'm Suzanne, started up the C25K in August, and was able to hit the 3 miler 6-7 weeks into the program. I'm constantly running anywhere from 3-5 miles, slowly working my way on training for 10K and, always welcome any new running friends
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Nikki from Michigan and it took me 38 years to run my first mile!!!! I started C25K in May of 2010 and have fallen in love with running!!! Since then, I've done several 5k's, one 10k, and my first half marathon this September. I have plans for next year that include another half, a 25k, and even a full marathon next fall. I'll be 40 this coming spring, so I'm ready to make my next 40 years much more amazing than my first!!!!

    I'm a married mom of 2 teenage-ish boys with a full-time job. Hubby is an OTR driver, so if I have time to run, so do you!!!! No excuses... I've lost about 50 pounds since I started running and it's literally saved my life! Runners are the most awesome people... even if we are slightly crazy!! Glad to have found this group!
  • avaloneternal
    Hi all, I am Cher and I am from the beautiful Okanagan Valley in BC, Canada. I originally started running with a friend who would only hang out with me if I went for a run with her (no coffee dates). I got hooked and was running 5K every day during my last year of college. Of course exams happened and running stopped. About 2 years ago my ex-bf and I broke up and I was completely wrecked. I chose to handle it by taking up running again. Within 4 months I ran my first Half- Marathon. Now, I am about 20 lbs lighter, have completed 3 Halfs (PR 1:59:25) and one full (4:39:03). I am doing Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon next month. Soooo stoked. Nice to meet other runners. :D
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Hey guys!
    I'm Kim from TN. I started running a couple years ago. Started with C25k and didn't have much confidence in my running until a year ago when I met a group of local runners and started half marathon training. This year I ran 3 half marathons PRing the distance with each race. I've dropped 70 lbs in the last couple of years and am working on losing the last 20 or so.
    My goal for 2012 is to train for a full marathon. I haven't picked out a full to run yet because i want to train first and go from there.

    Feel free to add me if you like!

    Good luck to all of you with your goals for this year and next!
  • fsu326
    fsu326 Posts: 39 Member
    I am Holly from a sunburn of Atlanta. I ran my first half 3 years ago and am running my second on Thanksgiving in Atlanta and my 3rd in Phoenix. I am loving learning so much about running and te running community.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hello I am Herb. Caught the running bug this summer and ran my first half Oct 15 in Baltimore. Plan to improve my running over the winter and do 3 half marathons next year.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Hi, I'm Anita, and it looks like I'm the first New Zealander to join the group. I am hugely passionate about running, it's great finding other people who don't get tired of me talking about it. I'm training for my 9th half at the moment, doing 10 wks of team training which I'm totally loving. I'll be gutted when it's over! I was training for my first full last year, but all the wheels starting falling off with health and injuries, and I eventually got a stress fracture. I'm still trying to get it back to total pain-free running now over 4 months later. But next year I WILL be doing my first full in the Gold Coast, Australia. Running has made me realise how competitive I can be. I'm glad that it's something I can do for many years to come!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Hi, I'm Bella from Australia and I'm a new runner - just started in January this year.

    My first race ever (if I don't count being forced to run around the oval when I was 12) was in August (a 12k in the company of 40,000 other people) and now I'm training for a much much smaller half marathon in February.
    If any of you want a holiday to Australia and a summer race by the beach, check out:

    I still don't truly believe that I'm going to be able to do the distance - but I've decided not to focus on how far it seems, just to enjoy my training runs and work my way up slowly. One thing running has taught me is that if I don't stop to think about what I can't do... then I can do it!!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Donna from NJ...I was always a short distanced runner, nothing more than 5k's. My friend talked me into a 1/2 marathon this past summer, so I had to re-train myself on running. What an experience to run for more than 3.2 miles!
    It hooked me to do distance, but I still enjoy running 5k's.

    I also enjoy fitness classes, so I usually will run first than go to gym to take a class...I believe that cross training has really helped me get stronger, I can now face a hill without cringing :)

    Currently nursing a pulled muscle in my foot's arch, so no running this week for me...can't wait to start again soon!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello! My name is Heather and I'm from Saskatchewan. I've run 2 1/2's and am debating whether or not I'll have the commitment to run a full in May. Thanks for starting up a group, hoping that reading other runners stories and advice will help motivate me to get my butt on the treadmill enough over the winter to be ready!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    I'm an avid runner - mostly half marathons (paved or trail) and some longer 20+ mile trail runs as well. I'm hoping to try my first 50k sometime in the next year... however trying to get a bit further in my weight loss journey before undertaking the stress of ultra training :bigsmile:

    According to some calculations, I should be able to meet my HM goal (2 hrs or less) once I lose about 10-12 more lbs, which would put me in the mid-to-upper end of my suggested weight range. Trying to get there by April 2012!
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm Maxwell, so far I've done 3 Ten Milers, 2 Half Marathons, and a full marathon (MCM). I'm debating what I want to do for future goals.