


  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I'm Steve! I've lost nearly 53 lbs. since beginning to use MFP in April. I started running in July and have since run two 5Ks (best time 24:53 last week) and an 8 mile trail run near Lake Tahoe (1:14:43). I'm signed up to do my first half-marathon at the Mini 500 in Indianapolis on 05/05/2012 in celebration of my 38th birthday which is just four short days before that.

    I currently have no races on the near horizon as winter is setting in (I currently live in northern Nevada) and I've been nursing knee pain tied to IT band syndrome. Plan to work through the knee thing with cross-training, strength-training, and focused running this winter and put in a 10 - 12 week training schedule for the Mini. Cheers!
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, I am Marni. I am from Nebraska. I began running in Fall 2010. I was planning to run a half in Dec; however, a blood clot in my leg kind of disrupted my training schedule in late October. I do not think I will make the Dec run, but hope to find something in Feb/March.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Marni - I'm originally from Blair! Go Big Red!
    Hi, I am Marni. I am from Nebraska. I began running in Fall 2010. I was planning to run a half in Dec; however, a blood clot in my leg kind of disrupted my training schedule in late October. I do not think I will make the Dec run, but hope to find something in Feb/March.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Hi!! I'm Abby from Newark, Delaware! I am a newer runner. With my first 1/2 coming up in March 2012. Currently I can run about 7.5 miles with about 5 mins of walking mixed in. I mostly run on trails but I do some road running!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello All! I'm Tobi from just outside of Philadelphia, PA. I've only been running a short time (since spring of 2010) but I've grown to love it! I've completed several 5Ks and I am currently finishing up C25K (after starting and stopping several times). My currently plan is to start B210K once I am done with C25K, complete the Broad Street Run (the largest 10-miler in the USA) in spring 2012, and my first half in Fall 2012.
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    I'm Chris, I'm entered for a UK marathon in April on route to an Ironman event back end of next year. I enjoy running off road.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hey I'm Rachel. I'm a newbie runner (just started on Sept 10th after not running for almost 12 years). I have subluxing patellas - my kneecaps pop out - and fibromyalgia, so I'm pretty slow and have to take it easy, but I'm loving running. I did my first 5k on Oct 15 (42:14 - my goal was simply to run the whole thing) and am doing another this coming Saturday (goal: under 40 minutes, but hoping for closer to 35). I'm in a 21 week training program for a local 10 Miler to be held on March 31. We do group runs on Saturday mornings. The group I'm in is projected to run 11-12 miles before the race, so I thought, "hey, why don't I roll with that and try to get up to a half for the summer?" So... assuming my knees don't give out, I'm hoping to run a half marathon sometime in the summer 2012 :smile:
  • gleechick609
    Hello. My name is Melissa from NJ. I just started "wogging" since the beginning of September 2011. I have completed the C25K program and since then, completed three 5K's with 2 more races coming up. Since finishing C25K, I feel like my body is rebelling against me. I am not sure if it's because I rushed my body into a whole new exercise routine or what...

    I have decided to start training with Jeff Galloway's Disney Half Marathon training plan starting with a 1:1 ratio moving to a 2:1 ratio. My sister is training also with the hopes of completing the Wine and Dine Half next September. I would like to sign up as well (if I can complete the training and have available $$) This will also give me one full year to train. I am just hoping this program will help ease me better into running than C25K did. I am slow and a beginner when it comes to running. Hope this program helps

    I would also like to add that I want to run to help me lose weight.
  • girlontherun5
    girlontherun5 Posts: 59 Member
    My name is Sue and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have been running for 25+ years but always on my own. 5-10km a few times per week. This year I stepped it up, joined a Running Room Clinic and completed my first half-marathon in May (Ottawa), my second in October (Scotiabank, Toronto) and am registered to run the Chilly Half in Burlington in March.

    I ran Scotia 1/2 this year too, and I've done the Chilly 1/2 twice :)
  • MissMichellemybelle
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Michelle. I live in Chicago and am a newbie runner, having started running just to run in August/ September 2011. I'd run previously for Air Force and soccer, but just recently started racing. I've completed two 5k's, an 8k, and a 10k thus far. When I started in August I could huff and puff through ~5min of running. Last night, I ran 8 miles without stopping. I love running for the challenge, the visible improvement I can make, I feel much healthier, and the stress relief.

    I am moving to Florida in January, and am signed up for my first 2 half marathons in February. Running the Tallahassee Half and the Disney Princess Half.

    I'm super grateful for MFP. I have learned so much about running on here and would never have started running without the encouragement and support my MFPals provide.

    Nice to meet you!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I'm Bethany, I live in the Atlanta suburbs.

    I started running last year; starting with couch to 5K, falling in love with it, and now running a half marathon later this month, right before my 1st runniversary! On the running schedule for next year is a 15K, possibly another half marathon, and a full marathon in April (Country Music Marathon in Nashville, part of the Rock & Roll series). I started this whole running journey with a friend and luckily we've kept up with each other and have very similar goals. She and I try to run our weekly long runs together, which makes the miles pass and I think I've found my sole sister!

    I've found other runners to be some of the most supportive and encouraging people on the planet, and I look forward to being part of this group.

    Happy running!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all :)

    My name is Amy but everyone calls me Bru. I'm 26 and I live about 30min east of St Louis, Mo. I'm married to my best friend (3yr married, together 8yrs) and we have two fur babies.

    I started off hating to run in school but something sparked me last summer to try C25K and now I've got 9 5k's under my belt. I'm currently half through my half marathon training. My next race I plan to register for asap is a 10miler in March, my firt half in April, and a 5k in May. I just completed 2 5k's Oct 30th and Nov 5th. Last Saturdays' being my new personal best of 35:19. I may not be the fastest, but I'm just as determined :)
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I'm Staci and I live in Western MD. When I first started (2008), I could barely run 2 minutes without stopping. I am now getting ready for my second full marathon at the end of this month (Northern Central Trail Marathon 11/26)! I have fallen in love with the longer slower runs. If I can make it past the finish line injury-free, I would eventually like to run an ultra (Laurel Highlands Trail Ultra-- 77 miles). I had some ITBand issues during my first full and then suffered a nasty sprain training for a full this past spring. I'm being super careful this time around!
    I'm glad to have found this group-- it's always great to have a place to go with questions and concerns-- or just to have a place to gush about running where people won't get annoyed by it!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I'm Trent - 27 year old from Colorado. I started running with the C25K program in the summer of 2010. This year I've done quite a few races: one 5k, one 7k, two 10ks, two 10-mile races, and a Half Marathon! I'm not particularly fast, but I enjoy racing against myself and the accomplishment I feel when I finish a race.

    I just had surgery a few weeks ago, so I won't be able to resume regular exercise until early to mid December, but I've signed up for a half marathon in May, 2012 and look forward to working up to that again. I wasn't as prepared for my 1st half marathon as I should've been, so I'm going to try to do it right this time!

    I'm also a fan of barefoot/minimalist running, and am planning on making the gradual switch over to that style over the next 6-8 months.
  • JThomas61
    Hello, I'm Jeff or JT...I am 50, In the past I have completed 1 marathon as part of a relay team. WIthin the last year I have completed a mini triathlon, a bicycle century ride and two 5Ks. Looking to doing more and getting faster.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Hi there, I'm Sherri, I live in Pittsburgh and I'm pretty new to running. I'm still working on completely my C25K program (currently in W7) and I've recently run my first 5k, a (very muddy) trail race in Butler County.

    I'm registered for the Turkey Trot 5K that takes place downtown on Thanksgiving morning, and I hope to work my way up to a 10k (or possibly longer distance).

    Nice to "meet" you all!
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    Definitely thought I responded but apparently MFP ate my comment...

    Anyways, my name is Juliette. I'm 24 and just started running. I just completed my first 5K this weekend with a time of 36:50 and I'm doing an 8K on Thanksgiving. My goal is to be around an hour. I plan on training for the Denver rock'n'roll half marathon next September as my husband and I are moving there in 2 1/2 weeks!
  • skemery
    skemery Posts: 100
    Hi, I'm Stephanie from Noblesville, Indiana. I started out running C25K last May and kind of got addicted from there. I finished my second half November 5th with a PR of 2:29:15 (I know I'm slow, but I get there!)

    Right after that second half I decided I needed more of a challenge, but there aren't a lot of long races in the winter in Indiana, so right now my plan is to fly out to New Orleans for the Rock n Roll Marathon in March!
  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, I'm John from Austin, Texas. I completed the C25K program in August and have already run two 5K's. I got hooked and love running. I am signed up for a 5 mile race on Thanksgiving and running the 3M half-marathon in January.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I started running in March 2010, I had never ran in my life - not eve in HS. I have since progressed to completing a 12K, marathon, 2 half's, a couple 5K's. I'm currently training to be able to maintain a half distance at all times. I'd love to run a half marathon a month if I could find them close to me, not so lucky so far.

    I'm a huge fan of cross training and run a little different than most - I do Beachbody programs during the week and my long runs on Friday or Saturday. It's been working out great and I've stayed injury free. I know if I want to do another full marathon, I'll have to switch that up, but at this point, It's working great for me with the half.

    I'm a minimalist runner. I presently run in Terra Plana Vivo Barefoot shoes for shorter runs and Nike Free for longer runs. I just can't slow down my mileage enough to totally switch over to Vivo's totally.

    I also just added a Tai Chi class to my weekly workouts, it will be interesting to see where it takes me.