1st Trimester



  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    @amarenu-Sorry to hear that, just take care of yourself and the baby

    @cmaxmor-This is my first, but I would agree and wait until 12 weeks, just so everything is OK.

    How is everyone feeling? I feel more tired than usual today, but it's probably because I didn't exercise and I'm working on boring schoolwork. I am really starting to feel fat, even though I'm only up 2-3 lbs, I'm already ready to look pregnant, so I don't feel as fat! I've just recently noticed my boobs have grown, but they still fit in my current size. When are you or have you had to wear maternity clothes in the past? I still fit in my jeans that were bigger before I lost weight, but I have 30% off at Kohl's so I was thinking about buying a few pairs of pants, I think I have several shirts that will fit for a while at least.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    @chickybuns : I started wearing my mat pants this weekend, just some jeans because I wanted to be comfy.. The scale says I lost a pound since the begginning, so that's good because I'm already overweight (198lbs) - But my tummy feels squished all the time with normal pants.. I tell myself - why be uncomfortable!!

    I'm at 8-9 weeks and still feel nauseaus in the mornings and afternoons, still very tired, but feeling a little better than last week ! So, I will try to get out more this week and do some exercising ... hopefully it happens lol..

    I'm way too excited to hear the heartbeat on May 1st :D

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Only a couple days away from having to move over to the 2nd Trimester group, I can't wait to see you all there too!

    I now have three pairs of dress pants that still fit, lucky to have those! My jeans are a little tight but not too bad. It's supposed to get up to the 90s this week...oh my, why did I think that being pregnant over the summer would be a good idea :)

    I have my first-trimester blood test screening on Thursday to check for the most common issues and then I have another ultrasound in three more weeks! Looking forward to hearing that everything is "normal", never thought how much I would love that word! Is anyone else getting the first and second trimester bloodwork screens?
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Good Morning! How is everyone doing? I am very tired and morning sickness is kicking my butt this morning! :( I am so ready to go back to bed, but nope about to start work... Oh it's going to be a long day! I am hoping to feel better this evening so I can get in some exercise, but I will have to wait and see how I feel. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Only a couple days away from having to move over to the 2nd Trimester group, I can't wait to see you all there too!

    I now have three pairs of dress pants that still fit, lucky to have those! My jeans are a little tight but not too bad. It's supposed to get up to the 90s this week...oh my, why did I think that being pregnant over the summer would be a good idea :)

    I have my first-trimester blood test screening on Thursday to check for the most common issues and then I have another ultrasound in three more weeks! Looking forward to hearing that everything is "normal", never thought how much I would love that word! Is anyone else getting the first and second trimester bloodwork screens?

    I have my first appointment on the 27th and I honestly do not know what they are going to do, but I should know more after that, so ready to hear the heartbeat! We wil lmiss you here, but I will be there in a few weeks, I'm a little over 9 weeks now!

    bluegirl-sucky you're still feeling bad, hopefully you can get in that exercise, that has really helped me survive so far!
  • tmartin42
    tmartin42 Posts: 13
    Hi gals...

    chickybuns...I switched to maternity pants at about 12 weeks.

    cmaxmor: we're waiting until 12 weeks to tell our daughter. She's really smart, and I couldn't bear to answer questions if something, god forbid, went wrong.

    I already had some bloodwork done: I went in super early to my OB because I'm on an antidepressant (nasty cause of PPD with the last pregnancy) and wanted to talk it over with her. Everything's great.

    Although, like you ladies, I have a visitor... I call her Auntie Nausea. She follows me around the house all day, into the shower, even when I lay down at night: I turn around and she's sitting there next to me, grinning. I don't care for her much. I didn't have this much sickness last time: I'm wondering if that means it's a boy???? Although, with my last pregnancy, my OB told me to take a half a unisom tablet with half a vitamin B-something for nausea. It worked a bit, but it knocked me out so much that I can't do that this time. But maybe that'll help some of you.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I have my first-trimester blood test screening on Thursday to check for the most common issues and then I have another ultrasound in three more weeks! Looking forward to hearing that everything is "normal", never thought how much I would love that word! Is anyone else getting the first and second trimester bloodwork screens?

    I just had my first round of bloodwork screens done this morning (12w0d). When the receptionist told me to have it done again on May 8th (15w1d) I didn't think much of it, but realized afterwards that I'm out of province that week. Need to find out from my doc if May 8th is an absolute must or if there is wiggle room. I'm sure my old GP at home could send me for the 2nd round of bloodwork if it *has* to be the 8th, but I'm not sure how that would work. Don't know if the lab could send my results to my old GP, then have him send the results to my current GP or OBGYN?

    @chickybuns - I'm not sure how much longer I'll last in my current pants. My "skinny pants" are okay when I stand, but feel tight and leave red marks after I've been sitting. Tried on some old "fat pants", they feel much better, but they're still too big and look sloppy on me, especially for work. I'll see how it goes, but I may cave in and start shopping for maternity pants this weekend. As for tops, most are still fine, although a few are too tight in the boobs, so I stopped wearing them a while ago.
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    What are you nauseous ladies eating? Nothing looks good to me. I mean nothing, except granny smith apples. I've just been eating because I know I need to and for right now I quit tracking calories. I used to know that day before what I would eat and stick to that, now my diet is so up in the air. I am nauseous ALL day, nothing is helping. :*( ! HELP! I stalked up on ginger ale, popsicles, and crackers....ugh! Cannot wait for the 2nd tri!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    What are you nauseous ladies eating? Nothing looks good to me. I mean nothing, except granny smith apples. I've just been eating because I know I need to and for right now I quit tracking calories. I used to know that day before what I would eat and stick to that, now my diet is so up in the air. I am nauseous ALL day, nothing is helping. :*( ! HELP! I stalked up on ginger ale, popsicles, and crackers....ugh! Cannot wait for the 2nd tri!

    I know what you mean...It's hard finding stuff to eat when nothing seems appealing... When I have nausea I stick to crackers or pretzels or triscuits. I also suck on sour jolly ranchers and that seems to help a little. Ginger ale or 7-up, but those only help a little. Once my nausea leaves I will eat what I packed for the day even if it doesn't look good...lol! I figured it's better than not eating at all. Hope you feel better soon... I am looking forward to the second trimester too...no more nausea/morning sickness and not so exhausted all the time, at least that is what I am hoping for.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm in my new (ridiculously comfortable) maternity work slacks today! Man, if I knew how comfortable these would be I woulda been wearing them before I was pregnant :) I'm at 12 wks/5 days and yesterday was just too uncomfortable to try and do again.
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    What are you nauseous ladies eating? Nothing looks good to me. I mean nothing, except granny smith apples. I've just been eating because I know I need to and for right now I quit tracking calories. I used to know that day before what I would eat and stick to that, now my diet is so up in the air. I am nauseous ALL day, nothing is helping. :*( ! HELP! I stalked up on ginger ale, popsicles, and crackers....ugh! Cannot wait for the 2nd tri!

    I've been nauseous eating eggs, chicken anything with raw meat. Even ham..Omg even thinking about all that stuff is making me sick again lol..I have been carrying TUMS around with me everywhere and ginger ale has been helping me as well..Even when my husband cooks, just the smell of the meat cooking makes me sick..Ughh hopefully this will pass..
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi ladies! :smile: I've been a little MIA so I'm going to try and catch up now.

    I was in maternity pants by 10wks with this pregnancy (my 3rd). Having a waistband tight on my stomach just made me feel more sick so I am in maternity pants 100% now.

    For my first obgyn appt. (at 8wks) I was checked out "down there" (no pap though), went over family history, meds I could/shouldn't take, how I was feeling and any concerns I had. Then I was sent across the hall to get my blood drawn. For my next appt. (12wks) I will get to hear this baby's heartbeat and that's it really. Should be a pretty quick appt, yay!

    Evenings are worse for me food wise. I am really only eating bread or rice or pasta at night. Meat is hard for me to eat now. Crackers, fizzy soda (I like natural black cherry), dry cereal are also my go to items right now.

    I will be 12wks on Friday. Only a handful of people know I'm pregnant, but after I hear that heartbeat I'll decide when to really announce. This is baby #3 in less than 3 years so I know people will be shocked and I'm really not looking forward to the "witty" comments. :grumble:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am not too nauseous, so I am eating most things. However, when I do feel bad I find that peppermint really helps. I am going to try to hold out in my current jeans until after my appointment...just want to make sure. I still have a few bigger pairs I know I can drag out of the closet.

    BusyPK I am also waiting until after I hear the heartbeat which I'll be about 11 weeks to tell other people, or let people I know tell other people.
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    Hi ladies! :smile: I've been a little MIA so I'm going to try and catch up now.

    I was in maternity pants by 10wks with this pregnancy (my 3rd). Having a waistband tight on my stomach just made me feel more sick so I am in maternity pants 100% now.

    For my first obgyn appt. (at 8wks) I was checked out "down there" (no pap though), went over family history, meds I could/shouldn't take, how I was feeling and any concerns I had. Then I was sent across the hall to get my blood drawn. For my next appt. (12wks) I will get to hear this baby's heartbeat and that's it really. Should be a pretty quick appt, yay!

    Evenings are worse for me food wise. I am really only eating bread or rice or pasta at night. Meat is hard for me to eat now. Crackers, fizzy soda (I like natural black cherry), dry cereal are also my go to items right now.

    I will be 12wks on Friday. Only a handful of people know I'm pregnant, but after I hear that heartbeat I'll decide when to really announce. This is baby #3 in less than 3 years so I know people will be shocked and I'm really not looking forward to the "witty" comments. :grumble:

    i will be going to my first OB/GYN appt this Thursday im 8 wks tmorrow. What do they do? Do you get a ultrasound or only hear the heartbeat? This is my 2nd pregnancy. I miscarried last year at 6 weeks (seen in Emergency room) so this will be my actual first OB appt.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    In my experience with my first two...they go over family health, do some bloodwork and SOMETIMES do a pap. And I know this sounds bad, but I don't remember if you get to hear the heartbeat this early or not....I'm thinking 8 weeks may be a bit soon.
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    some ppl were telling me you do get to hear it and others told me your dont.. I'll just have to wait for myself and see. Thank you.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi ladies! :smile: I've been a little MIA so I'm going to try and catch up now.

    I was in maternity pants by 10wks with this pregnancy (my 3rd). Having a waistband tight on my stomach just made me feel more sick so I am in maternity pants 100% now.

    For my first obgyn appt. (at 8wks) I was checked out "down there" (no pap though), went over family history, meds I could/shouldn't take, how I was feeling and any concerns I had. Then I was sent across the hall to get my blood drawn. For my next appt. (12wks) I will get to hear this baby's heartbeat and that's it really. Should be a pretty quick appt, yay!

    Evenings are worse for me food wise. I am really only eating bread or rice or pasta at night. Meat is hard for me to eat now. Crackers, fizzy soda (I like natural black cherry), dry cereal are also my go to items right now.

    I will be 12wks on Friday. Only a handful of people know I'm pregnant, but after I hear that heartbeat I'll decide when to really announce. This is baby #3 in less than 3 years so I know people will be shocked and I'm really not looking forward to the "witty" comments. :grumble:

    i will be going to my first OB/GYN appt this Thursday im 8 wks tmorrow. What do they do? Do you get a ultrasound or only hear the heartbeat? This is my 2nd pregnancy. I miscarried last year at 6 weeks (seen in Emergency room) so this will be my actual first OB appt.

    At my 8 week appointment they went over the general medical history questions, had to get lab work done and also got an ultrasound... We could see the heartbeat, but I think they try to wait till 12 week or so before they let you hear it. I was told at my 12 week appointment we would get to hear the heartbeat.

    I am also waiting till about 13 weeks to tell everyone... Only our parents and a few close friends know that I am pregnant.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well, now I'm really hoping they'll listen for the heartbeat at my appointment. I just kind of assumed. I figured it would be history and bloodworkk and all that. I sure hope so, I don't want to wait any longer!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    i will be going to my first OB/GYN appt this Thursday im 8 wks tmorrow. What do they do? Do you get a ultrasound or only hear the heartbeat? This is my 2nd pregnancy. I miscarried last year at 6 weeks (seen in Emergency room) so this will be my actual first OB appt.

    Every doctor's office is different. But usually if you know when your last period was then they don't do an u/s, but since you had miscarriage you might get one. If you do have an u/s it will probably be an internal one (not fun imo) and you could see the heart beating, but not hear it I believe. Most offices wait until the next appt. which is around 12wks to use the machine over the belly and hear the heartbeating.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Well, now I'm really hoping they'll listen for the heartbeat at my appointment. I just kind of assumed. I figured it would be history and bloodworkk and all that. I sure hope so, I don't want to wait any longer!

    If you are going to your appt. at 11wks I would think you will get to listen to the heartbeat. At this stage in the game most appts. are 4wks a part so I woudln't think they would make you wait another 4wks before hearing that wonderful sound. :smile: