


  • penelope05
    @cds2001- I do the same thing. I usually do each week twice so I'm not pushing myself too hard. I don't want to risk an injury and have to start all over. I was doing this last year and it was working great for me.
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 244 Member
    I did week5Day1 today.

    I have been spending two weeks on each week. It gives me the time to focus on form and then clean up to get to a 6.0 speed through the entire run. It's slower than I would like, BUT, it allows me to focus on form, increase speed and limit potential injuries.

    I will be on here for 2 weeks so anyone looking to get support-add me!

    So excited to find others looking to get into a 5k! :bigsmile:
  • countrygirlproud
    Okay, I am new to all this. I ask dumb questions where answers are usually obvious.
    My first question is: What do I do? Well, other than get a good pair of runnig shoes (check) and run (haven't made it to run, yet...walk- check).
    I saw where someone posted something about apps and such. I have taken myself off the grid. I got rid of my television, internet (accessible here at work) and telephone. Trying to get my life in order and found these were my biggest stumbling blocks.
    Any suggestions for a modern day "hippie chick" who has looked in the mirror and suddenly realized she is not just out of shape but fat and so totally unmotivated up to this point.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Okay, I am new to all this. I ask dumb questions where answers are usually obvious.
    My first question is: What do I do? Well, other than get a good pair of runnig shoes (check) and run (haven't made it to run, yet...walk- check).
    I saw where someone posted something about apps and such. I have taken myself off the grid. I got rid of my television, internet (accessible here at work) and telephone. Trying to get my life in order and found these were my biggest stumbling blocks.
    Any suggestions for a modern day "hippie chick" who has looked in the mirror and suddenly realized she is not just out of shape but fat and so totally unmotivated up to this point.

    We are planning on starting C25k April 29th, until then walking is great!

    Before April 29th I will start a new thread for 'Week 1', and list out the instructions for that week. If you don't have access to the C25k app, then a stop watch could work, or any watch will do.. C25k is basically a series of walking / running That moves progressively towards more running than walking..

  • countrygirlproud
    Thank you and thank you for starting this challenge. I started running about this time last April. I quit in August. I was up to 2.5 miles at that point in time...I kick myself repeatedly for stopping. Can't seem to find the motivation to get back to it, though it was something I grew to enjoy immensely and looked forward to my nightly runs. Maybe this will get me back where I need to be.
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm looking forward to this! I have a 5k in July so this is perfect timing!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I am in! I actually did day 1 already and have realized that I will have to do week 1 (and probably week 2) a few times, so maybe I can keep up with you all when you start. I have never been a runner but have wanted to do something for quite a while. I have quite a bit to lose so that really makes me have a lot of doubts. I am going to give this my all even if it takes me longer than most.
  • countrygirlproud
    Janet, don't quit...When I started running I was a size 14 and I HATED running. After a couple of weeks, I was loving the run though I would still look for excuses every night to not go for my run. I got down to an 11 from April to August last year, then I quit. I started working out and eating right again in January of this year. I have only dropped one size in the last 3 plus months. It is now coming off slower and I have to work harder and have changed up my aerobic routines with some free weight workouts and am finally down to a 10 and my "jelly roll" (as my sweet little 9 year-old niece calls it) is laying a little flatter these days and doesn't lap quite so far over the waist band of my favorite jeans! I am hoping this challenge will get me back to loving the run. But getting started AGAIN was harder than ever starting in the first place. I know you hear this all the time, but slow is better if you do have a lot to lose, it gives your skin time to regain the elasticity and you won't have to fight sagging skin and weight loss at the same time!!!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks. I only wish I was a size 14. I have more to lose than that. I read a lot on these boards and slowed my jog way down and was able to complete day 2 without stopping. There is hope for me. I don't plan to quit but I may be just on the 16 week program :)
  • countrygirlproud
    Thanks. I only wish I was a size 14. I have more to lose than that. I read a lot on these boards and slowed my jog way down and was able to complete day 2 without stopping. There is hope for me. I don't plan to quit but I may be just on the 16 week program :)

    14 will come, as will 11 and 10. It may be slow and if you are like me in the least, you may get disgusted seeing people's progress that are doing the same or less than you and it seems they are losing pounds and pounds in just a few days...THAT is one of my biggest obstacles. I have been working out like an insane person and, as I said, this year, I have only lost a little and only went down one size. And guess what I do when I get digusted with stuff....yep, I eat like a crazed person. I am just now :blushing: :sad: coming out of a three week funk where the people in McDonalds drive-thru now know me by sight. My second obstancle: I have a boss that is EXTREMELY thin and very vocal about people that are overweight in even the least bit (a size 8 is fat to her) and sometimes her daily comments (her favorite since I have been losing weight is "So how much have you lost? I can't tell you have lost anything" :huh: But I just smile and say "God Bless her" in my mind :wink: I know she should be the last person to affect me, but after months of this, it does get to me and I finally succumb and eat like a madman. Then I put on my jeans that I have been able to get on lately and they don't button....I get mad at myself and get back to it. But, these ARE MY obstacles and I have to overcome them and where there are obstacles, there is the lack of willpower- which I need to work through, also.
    As far as the running, I am like you, I found if I slow it down and keep it realistic I can do the workout as defined. I do tend to get a little ahead of myself sometimes and think I should be able to do more but then I find it doesn't help, it just makes it worse, so I slow it back down, find my cadence and I seem to run ("run" being used loosely, here) smoother and it seems to come more naturally.
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    I started C25K on Monday. It's really nice. I will be running my first 5K June 2. That's 61/2 weeks away.
    Needless to say, I have a lot of work to do in a very short amount of time.

    Wish me luck!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I started C25K on Monday. It's really nice. I will be running my first 5K June 2. That's 61/2 weeks away.
    Needless to say, I have a lot of work to do in a very short amount of time.

    Wish me luck!

    Good luck!! I attempted C25k last year and had to stop in week 3 when my ankle was not cooperating. I did the day 1 routine today and will probably do it a few more times before I start for real in May.
  • Cari222
    Cari222 Posts: 11 Member
    Pete - thanks for starting this group!
    Perfect timing, the weather is just starting to improve and that is GREAT motivation (expecially when I spend all day indoors at a desk job). I run every once in a while, but I have never been able to stick to it or get into any sort of routine....my average is about 1.5miles each time I commit to a run....it is a huge struggle to go any longer. ....I am a 'wanna be runner' I think this group might be the motivation and support that can help!!! I have a lot of lbs I want to shed, running would be great for that - gotta stick with it!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Well, I had made it through Week 3 then spent 2 weeks doing nothing. So I'll start over with week 1 with everybody else on April 29th :smile:
  • blackeyegirl
    I joined this group a few weeks ago as I was in the midst of just beginning the c25k program. Alas, I must have been a bit overzealous with the program combined with the additional exercise I was pushing myself to do (cycling) and now my right knee is bothersome. So much so that I must let it heal before I can resume the program. I am hoping it's better by the 29th! Hope everyone is gearing up with the walking and doing well!
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Running a 5K is on my bucket list. Glad to have found this group for the motivation. I've started with some intervals on the treadmill and I'm hoping to be able to follow the program. One question, when I run (more like a jog I suppose- 4.0 mph), after a few minutes my shins start to hurt. Am I starting out too quick? Need better sneakers? Any info would be appreciated. I really want to do this.
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 244 Member
    Running a 5K is on my bucket list. Glad to have found this group for the motivation. I've started with some intervals on the treadmill and I'm hoping to be able to follow the program. One question, when I run (more like a jog I suppose- 4.0 mph), after a few minutes my shins start to hurt. Am I starting out too quick? Need better sneakers? Any info would be appreciated. I really want to do this.

    I also get shin splints. Its very important to get fitted for the proper shoes and to make sure you warm up properly and thoroughly PRIOR to your run as well as AFTER your run. If your shins still hurt(like mine do), ice them. I am seeing though that the more I run and engage in outdoor sports, the better I am(either its hurt less or I am building up a tolerance to it).
  • ashprather
    ashprather Posts: 227 Member
    cant wait to start :)
  • davists
    davists Posts: 67
    I'm so glad I found this group!!! My community has an 8k run in July and I want to try to run it. I ran in it about 12 years ago when it was first organized and have thought about it several years now but I've been plaqued with some injuries. Now that I've lost 35 lbs I have also lost some of the aches and pains. I walk every day between 40 and 90 minutes and have been able to start some slow jogging. Can't wait for the 29th to really get started.

    Thanks for starting this group:flowerforyou:
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    I am in!! I downloaded the app and wanted to get started this Monday, but I made lots of excuses not to. Then Tuesday I gave blood and told myself that I couldn't work out. So I decided to wait until the 29th to start. Then I said come on get real - will it hurt to start day 1 and then do it multiple times? No! So I actually started on Wednesday of this week but want Monday to be day 1 I will officailly begin the program next week.

    I am not a runner. I don't enjoy it. It makes my butt hurt (too much jiggling I guess). It makes my boobs hurt (I am wearing 2 sports bras this week). I have bad need knees. I have bad ankles. I am too fat to run. <<<<< ALL OF THESE ARE EXCUSES!!!! I fnally told myself to get over it and commit and give it a try. With this program telling me when to run, how much to run, etc. I am hopefull that all of the above excuses go away after the 9 weeks. IF not -- what am I out? Some burned calories. That's it. I said Kristi - shut up and get over it and get started!!!

    I am looking forward to this journey with all of you!