Difference between Primal and Paleo



  • cracked_belle
    cracked_belle Posts: 18 Member
    whoops! I've been using the two terms interchangeably. thanks for the correction!!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    whoops! I've been using the two terms interchangeably. thanks for the correction!!

    It's kinda like saying 'baptist/methodist' - there are a few points of doctrine that are different, but most of it is one and the same. I've just gotten used to typing primal/paleo, and use one or the other if I'm referring to a specific camp.
  • I've read Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf and Mark Sisson. I'm not an expert but I think Paleo (Cordain, Wolf) is no dairy and lower fat meats. Primal includes butter, cheese, bacon, high fat meats, etc.

    Cordain and Robb Wolf are pretty close (given Robb was a student of Cordain that makes sense) they only area I see where they differ is Robb is cool with sweet potatoes (and white potatoes in moderation) Robb is not against high fat meats/butter if grass fed, in his book he made this distinction but target audience for the book was new adoptors who could easily get freaked out when people start talking non-lean meats :)
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    I've been doing Paleo for three months, allowing some dairy when it makes sense (goat cheese on salads, whipping cream on berries, etc). I've lost 30+ lbs so I think it's doing well for me. When I first started, I did a lot of research into the differences between Paleo and Primal. I'm finding out that the two ideals are basically converging, that even five years ago they were both very different. I'd suggest keeping to recent articles and publications for your comparisons. And don't be afraid to straddle the line if it works for you. :)

    Not afraid to straddle that line.. yep. :happy: Candida Control is a similar approach too.. so I guess really I'm straddling that line too. Not to mention Atkins and the Zone and Clean Eating are all not dissimilar either. At this point when asked, I just say I'm a "conscientious omnivore" lol.

    It's working well for me too. I've even at this point cut out most all dairy except butter (cheese only very very rarely) and *all* sugar even honey.

    Thanks for mentioning Candida Control! I went to a naturopathic doc last year for some health issues that traditional docs couldn't help with & the naturopath recommended this. Definitely made a difference to cut out many things.
    Here's a link to info (absolutely not promoting her business...in fact I don't go there save that initial visit), just good info! http://www.whole-health-solutions.com/Candida_Diet_09-02.pdf

    In all honesty, I do still eat Activia yogurt for breakfast due to the way it helps my system keep moving (lol). I've attempted to make the switch to greek or none at all & have had issues. I even take a probiotic & Magnesium daily. Either way, seems like the yogurt has to stay for awhile. Just wish it didn't have so much sugar. ("Lite" or "sugar free" options don't work well for me as the artificial sweeteners do a number on me with headaches.)
    I have been able to cut back dramatically on the amount of honey I use to sweeten my morning tea though (pat on the back for that). Trying to get to the point of not feeling the need for that either.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Jw how long have you tried going w/o yogurt. I, too, have had problems with keeping my system going. That's part of the reason we've gone paleo/primal. After being on for 2 weeks, my dh was disappointed because nothing was changing. I had cut out all dairy except butter and a little cheese on my eggs. Still haven't been able to give those up but planning on going full tilt this weekend for 30 days.

    Anyway, by the end of week 3, my body changed, and things are moving well on their own. I had stopped taking probiotics and vitamins when we started this, but after reading more and more, started back on the probiotics this week, and planning on starting vitamin D as well.
  • calijim
    calijim Posts: 5
    Hello, I would suggest taking a probiotic. And I have struggled with being 100% but I am finally losing my craving for grains. Keep the faith, I am.
  • So I'm actually doing primal and not paleo - nice to know :-)

    But btw. to me it has started as a diet, but actually it gets more and more a lifestyle (got Vibram and Vivobarefood -> started Kettlebells -> Bodyweighttraining -> started hiking in some nearby forests -> ...... )
  • domez
    domez Posts: 46 Member
    Dr Cathering Shanahan, MD, and Luke Shanahan, MFA are interested in traditional foods. Their book is called 'Deep Nutrition, Why your genes need traditional food', and it looks at what is common in pre-industralised people's diets. Cate describes what she calls the Four Pillars of World Nutrition: 1. Meat on the bone. 2. Organ meat, Offaly good for you. 3.Better than fresh, Fermenting and Sprouting. 4. Fresh, the benefits of raw.

    Her web site is worth a visit - www.DrCate.com.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    OK. I read through these posts and a few of the links. Seems like Primal is basically just eating real food, nothing processed, fake, chemicals, additives - with limited dairy and grains. But not totally 'outlawed' dairies and grains.

    My friend, back in California, did Paleo. I never asked much about it, but she didn't eat dairy, grains, beans, potatoes at all. Or sugar.

    Seems like a big difference to me. Or is there more to it? Is it worth getting the books? Are they in libraries?
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm so glad this subject is up. I am currently reading both books to compare. I think I am resonating with the primal approach a bit more and I like that is it a lifestyle. I am still learning so much, I am a beginner. I was a veggie for a long time, so this has been difficult on some levels, but I am finding that I feel so much better when I eat in this way. I am not fully eating this way 100% *yet* I am planning to do the Whole 30 in Oct I think.... Still deciding. I may as well just jump into it.
  • I have the Primal book I got it before I went on a cruise it made for great reading for me I could only commit to it as a lifestyle change in a 80/20 ration compared to 100% my freind was doing it for months and kept dropping weight he lost like 75lbs in 8 months or something like that.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I have been doing Primal for the past year,and didn't even know it! I haven't touched grains in over a year, and I have sugar in the form of honey (or Stevia) only rarely. I don't really miss it. The only thing I haven't been doing is the primal exercises. I kind of fell into the Primal lifestyle. I was looking at cookbooks that were grain-free and picked up the Primal Blueprint cookbook and then read the diet book as well. It completely matched what I was doing. So, I have started adding in the exercise program and we will see what happens.

    Now, my husband is in the process of being converted to the life. Especially as he sees how well I have done.
  • primal88
    primal88 Posts: 16 Member
    Paleo/Primal sounds like Atkins, but there are differences. Have you read any of the pale or primal books. If not I suggest" Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson.
    You said that you had desserts. If they were made with artificial sweeteners , that is one of the reason's your weight loss stopped.
    Generally speaking, the Paleo Diet is considered to be a High-protein, moderate-fat, diet and The Primal Blueprint is considered to be a high-fat, moderate-protein diet.
  • whoops! I've been using the two terms interchangeably. thanks for the correction!!

    It's kinda like saying 'baptist/methodist' - there are a few points of doctrine that are different, but most of it is one and the same. I've just gotten used to typing primal/paleo, and use one or the other if I'm referring to a specific camp.

    Whoops! I assumed the two were interchangeable... turns out I'm more primal than paleo, but I am also one that's "straddling" the line. I like the baptist/methodist analogy. Made me smile.

    I suffer from migraines and so I had already started cutting out most processed foods and I knew I couldn't have any artificial sweeteners. Incorporating a Primal/Paleo approach has helped greatly!
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Paleo, Primal, Atkins, The Zone.. they're all somewhat similar I think because they're all pretty well thought out in their own ways and generally work pretty well for a lot of people. I've gotten ideas from all of the above.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Jw how long have you tried going w/o yogurt. I, too, have had problems with keeping my system going. That's part of the reason we've gone paleo/primal. After being on for 2 weeks, my dh was disappointed because nothing was changing. I had cut out all dairy except butter and a little cheese on my eggs. Still haven't been able to give those up but planning on going full tilt this weekend for 30 days.

    Anyway, by the end of week 3, my body changed, and things are moving well on their own. I had stopped taking probiotics and vitamins when we started this, but after reading more and more, started back on the probiotics this week, and planning on starting vitamin D as well.

    Ever since adopting Primal/Paleo a year ago, my "system" has slowed WAY down... the only thing that has ever worked for producing regular daily "activity" is reintroducing grains. My assumption, for me, anyway, is that there is less waste b/c I'm finally eating foods my body can process and actually use. I go usually about 2-3x per week at the most. If I'm low carb (have been doing very low carb last two months) this is reduced to 1-2x per week. If I feel it's been too long, I'll do a shot of coconut oil, which pretty much cleans me out in 12 hours or so, but comes with some mild cramping.
  • msandwich
    msandwich Posts: 21
    Jw how long have you tried going w/o yogurt. I, too, have had problems with keeping my system going. That's part of the reason we've gone paleo/primal. After being on for 2 weeks, my dh was disappointed because nothing was changing. I had cut out all dairy except butter and a little cheese on my eggs. Still haven't been able to give those up but planning on going full tilt this weekend for 30 days.

    Anyway, by the end of week 3, my body changed, and things are moving well on their own. I had stopped taking probiotics and vitamins when we started this, but after reading more and more, started back on the probiotics this week, and planning on starting vitamin D as well.

    Ever since adopting Primal/Paleo a year ago, my "system" has slowed WAY down... the only thing that has ever worked for producing regular daily "activity" is reintroducing grains. My assumption, for me, anyway, is that there is less waste b/c I'm finally eating foods my body can process and actually use. I go usually about 2-3x per week at the most. If I'm low carb (have been doing very low carb last two months) this is reduced to 1-2x per week. If I feel it's been too long, I'll do a shot of coconut oil, which pretty much cleans me out in 12 hours or so, but comes with some mild cramping.

    It took me a few minutes to figure out what you were talking about. It's been a long day. lol
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member



    That should answer the question. ;)

    Re: Atkins: it is solely a lo/no carb diet. It doesn't care about what you eat - only the lack of carbs. It doesn't care about the wholeness of foods, or whether it is organic or manufactured. While paleo/primal is a lower-carb approach, both are primarily concerned about the healthiness of what we eat - and the weight loss is just a great side effect.

    Love the way you explained this. I tell people that Primal/Paleo isn't low-carb like Atkins. It's a no-grain/sugar/toxin lifestyle.

    I love the way YOU explained this! "No-grain/sugar/toxin lifestyle" is excellent; I might be stealing that, since today I described it as "cutting out carbs and sugar" to two different people. Thanks for the help!
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    I have the Primal book I got it before I went on a cruise it made for great reading for me I could only commit to it as a lifestyle change in a 80/20 ration compared to 100% my freind was doing it for months and kept dropping weight he lost like 75lbs in 8 months or something like that.

    My husband and I have committed to doing the 80/20 ratio too. I think that food is such a big part of our lives, in celebrations, events, meetings, visiting with friends, or not being at home where we can fully control what food is available to eat... if I'm at a birthday party, dang it, I just might have a piece of cake and not feel guilty. But I can strive for 80% and have success.

    ETA: Although, that piece of cake might sit like a rock in my stomach, after cutting out grains and sugars. At any rate, some situations you can't control, so I think 80/20 is a good goal, and more power if you exceed it!