


  • freakitude
    roasted chicken
    canned tuna
    heinz canned chicken
    bean mix
    cottage cheese
    low fat yoghurt
    fruits n veggies
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    I have recently discovered well naturally sugar free chocolate, as well as some date based confectionary items... whilst they may not be healthy, there are not a lot of vegan treats out there, and everyone wants a treat every now and then.

    I am doing my level best to become a vegan at the moment, converting from vegetarianism.

    Woolworths stock some Sweet William chocolate products (as do Coles, and the Foodland that I shop at) which are vegan friendly. Also Leda 'Choculance' biscuits are vegan (as are the whole Leda range) and are suspiciously/wonderfully close to another biscuit we know and love (rhymes with flim-flam). Yum. Agreed, we all need treats. Mmmm treats.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    **** Smiths Bush foods breakfast cerial. Bush Foods Breakfast cereal is a delicious, low-fat blend of crispy grains, nuts and fruits seasoned with natural bush flavours such as strawberry eucalyptus leaves, lemon myrtle and rosella flower, combined with mango, pineapple, banana and aromatic wattle seeds. Yummy, I've found it hard to find at Coles.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    If I'm setting food in my local Woolies you'll be sure to find in my basket at least a few of these items if not all xD

    Chobani plain Greek yoghurt
    Chicken breasts
    Fillet steaks
    Frozen veggies in steamer bags (so damn convenient)
    Salad veggies - lettuce, tomato, cucumber, capsicum etc
    Raw macadamia nuts
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    I work at my local Woolies.
    I noticed a couple of customers with slim pasta yesterday, hadn't seen it before. I'll have to try that one soon

    The main staples for me:
    chicken breast
    lean steak
    frozen veggies (microwave steam packs)
    almonds and walnuts
    low fat yoghurt (not the plain/natural one. I can't stand the taste).

    I generally buy my lunch there each day. Either a single serve caesar salad and a yoghurt, or a weight watchers (or similar) meal and a yoghurt.

    I also grab lots of devondale uht skin milk whenever its on special for my protein shakes.
  • faat_headd
    faat_headd Posts: 8 Member
    What are your essentials when shopping there? I need more variety!

    Get the woollies app!! It's awesome !!
  • breeh1993
    breeh1993 Posts: 9 Member
    I recently discovered Healtheries Rice Wheels in the Gluten Free/Health Food part of woolies. They are only about 74 calories per serve.
    The burger flavour tastes like burger men yum! (Also comes in Sour Cream & Chives, BBQ, Cheese and Roast Chicken)
  • hanga10
    hanga10 Posts: 25
    For those trying slim pasta also try Changs super lo cal Wok Ready Noodles 200 grams of noodles at only 21 calories a pack
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    For those trying slim pasta also try Changs super lo cal Wok Ready Noodles 200 grams of noodles at only 21 calories a pack

    I like Changs. :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I don't shop at Woolies, but go to small butchers& little green grocers for 90% of my food.
    I like to support the little guys.

    Sometimes the impact companies are having in our communities is hidden. Take Woolworths, for example. They promote themselves as a family friendly grocery store, but they're also the single biggest poker machine operator, taking money from the most vulnerable people in our communities.

    Sorry to get off track- something to consider though.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    woolies now sell carton egg whites in the freezer section (and they have a lid)
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    At Woolies my basket usually contains:

    Slim Pasta
    Roasted capsicum pasta sauce (from near the deli)
    Chobani yoghurt

    I am usually a Coles shopper but these are things I cannot get there.

    I will have to give the Changs a go for a change.

  • Naomilette
    I work for Woolies in the deli so i all ways get fresh fish and chicken but i LOVE the All natural bakery oat slice with apricot, almonds and carob oh yeah!
  • susehocking
    susehocking Posts: 30 Member
    I love the Inghams Turkey Mince. I use it for burgers, rissoles, bolognese...you name it, I use it...so much less fat comes out of it than even the heart smart beef (although, I'll get that too if it is a good price) and it almost tastes like beef...my whole family loves it.
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I usually get Quorn fillets. Being a vegetarian and all.