Hi shredders!



  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    Good Work Girls... Keep it up after today we will have only 29 days!!!.

    I will do my 30DS at night. :)
  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    How does everyone log it? I am not sure how many calories I burned so I guesstimated low.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Did my Day 1 of JM 30DayShred - level 1 (after 1 whole hour of intense TurboKick) so now I am starving!!!
    I am trying to do heavy lifting, so I used 7.5# each dumbbell.
    I was tired from Turbo, so I only did 1 set of military pushups; other pushups were on my knees, but that's okay.

    What I really need help is to be able to do this everyday for 30 days on my own.
    I am GREAT with gym classes where I push myself as hard or harder than my classmates - so motivating!
    But when it comes to being at home and doing it by myself, I just have trouble getting into it.

    About myself: I am about 3-5pounds from my goal weight. I need to tone up about 3-5pounds, so I will be okay if I don't lose the weight but just tone up instead. So I needed something to kick it up a notch.
    Being short, every pound shows! Ugh.

    Thank you,
  • Lmdaniels
    Lmdaniels Posts: 91 Member
    Finished Day 2 Level 1 today. It was easier today than yesterday. Legs are a bit sore. My knees are killing, and I can really tell going up and down the stairs in my house. I plan to do this along with some treadmill or elliptical. I'm shooting for every day, but I work 12 hour nights midweek and by the time I get home,I'm wiped. Hopefully, I can work up the energy for Jillian. I'm sure I can.got my pictures and measurements all ready!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Hello All,

    Couldn't help myself, but I got an early start last night. Sore this morning, but feeling really good about it. Can't wait to hit again this evening when I get home.
    In Miragirl's intro (read it if you are new to this), she says...I can drop a dress size. I'm not sure my wife will want me wearing her dresses, but i'm all for losing the inches and weight.
    Good luck to all and have fun!!!

    Hahahaha... I fixed it :laugh:

    Day 1 and I already got fixed! Dang, this is a tough group....and I thought JM was tough.

    BTW...am I the only guy in here? Just curios. Is muscle confusion technique is hard for any gender.
    See you every day until we reach 30!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    How does everyone log it? I am not sure how many calories I burned so I guesstimated low.

    I read on another board to track it as 20 minutes of circuit training.
  • pattyp9983
    pattyp9983 Posts: 14
    So I am just about to do my 2nd day of ripped in 30 and I wanted to let you know that the workout recomendations on the dvd are to progress through the levels at your own pace (there are 4 in this one) and to workout 5-6 days a week. I plan to do cardio on the off day, will shoot for either 5 or 6 days of Jillian! That should be plenty!! lol
    See you all on the flip side- sweaty and out of breath!
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    Just completed Day One, Level One. I am astonishingly out of shape, LOL! However, I got through most of it without crying or throwing up, so that in and of itself was a victory. I did have to modify quite a bit just to keep going, but I'm optimistic by the end of the 30 days I will be able to do the entire Level One without stopping.

    That is my goal. I guess I'm going to log it as 20 mins circuit training, as someone here suggested.

    Thanks and we'll see just how sore I am tomorrow:noway:
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm starting tonight, and I'm kind of scared! Lol!! But hey, I can do this, right?? I just need to keep telling myself that. :)
  • pattyp9983
    pattyp9983 Posts: 14
    I just finished the ripped in 30 week 2 workout. I figured I'd switch it up and do week 2 today since I did week 1 yesterday and then I won't be doing the exact same workout 2 days in a row. I've done the week 1 a handful of times and I'm doing pretty good at it so I thought I give week 2 a try. Boy does that suck! Sorry but it kicked my butt and I couldn't complete all of the circuits without stopping for a few seconds, also modifying about half of the exercises. But I did it! I think I will try to switch it up every day. Boy week 2 makes me miss week 1 lol!
  • pattyp9983
    pattyp9983 Posts: 14
    I'm starting tonight, and I'm kind of scared! Lol!! But hey, I can do this, right?? I just need to keep telling myself that. :)

    You can do it! It will get easier the more you do it! Don't worry if you have to stop a few times, catch your breath then get back to it!!
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    Survived day 1, didn't have to modify much. Feeling good i got up at 5:30 to work out-that is the battle for me!

    Looking forward to results similar to what i had last time-i lost 7 inches in the 30 days. Woiuld love to do that again!

    Will do measurements tonight :) first day down all!
  • hmerri
    hmerri Posts: 54 Member
    Glad to have found this group! I did my first two days last week, then didn't do it over the weekend. SO...I'm just going to call this Day 1 and commit to getting all 30 days done this month. I tried it a few months ago and almost died! Couldn't move very well at all the day after. This go around seems to be a bit better...still very much so a killer, but I'm hoping and praying to see results. Day 1...Level 1...DONE. :)
  • hmerri
    hmerri Posts: 54 Member
    So I am just about to do my 2nd day of ripped in 30 and I wanted to let you know that the workout recomendations on the dvd are to progress through the levels at your own pace (there are 4 in this one) and to workout 5-6 days a week. I plan to do cardio on the off day, will shoot for either 5 or 6 days of Jillian! That should be plenty!! lol
    See you all on the flip side- sweaty and out of breath!

    Anxious to see how you like Ripped in 30, as that will be my next purchase after I'm able to commit to the 30 Day Shred. :)
  • ChasityLindsey
    ChasityLindsey Posts: 36 Member
    Just finished day 2. Very hard, but still easier than yesterday. I did measure and take pictures so I cant wait to see mine and everyone elses results. I walked 30 min yesterday after doing day one, but I didnt today. Did a lot of walking this morning while turkey hunting, but forgot to wear my HRM :-/ looking forward to day 3 :)
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks for all the support!! I'm going to try again today with Day 2!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    What size weights does everyone use?
  • Kylabgeek
    Kylabgeek Posts: 47 Member
    I am so jealous! I think I am going to try level 1 again tomorrow without the jumping jacks, subbing in another cardio interval. Took a 25 minute power walk to and the knee is no worse for wear and back of knee is not hurting. I have to try. I really have missed it and I did 5 days lol!

    Great job to you all. I can't wait till we burn up these message boards with all of our awesome pics at the end of the month.
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    Hi Everyone! I started last night so tonight will be D2L1 for me after the kiddos are in bed. I actually started the shred Mar 9 and did it for 16 days but I have a compacted disc in my back and it was really bad so I had to stop for a bit. But I'm back and so excited! I had AMAZING results from the 16 days I did it before. Crossing my fingers my back pains won't come back. Definitely take before pics bc you will be in shock at the difference in your body! Good Luck!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    What size weights does everyone use?

    I started off with 10lbs yesterday. Big Mistake! Moving onto 5lbs and then hopefully get up to 8 lbs. Arms are still hurting and Day 2 begins in one hour. Wish me luck!