10-week challenge



  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    My logging went out the window over the weekend and I just made really bad food choices and with TOM impending I am not expecting to see any weight improvement for several days.

    On the up side I did log a .3% body fat decrease last week, its not much but its moving in the right direction!

    I decided to drop down to 2 workouts per week for stage 2 for a number of reasons I won't bore everyone with, but it freed up time to get in some other types of exercise and I was really feeling good going into the weekend. This just might be a better way for me to go for the rest of the program, we'll see I guess.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Hmmmmm, ellie, I'm kind of wondering the same thing, for me. I'm still going to do strength-training for 3 days a week through May, but thought I might dial it back for June, July and August so that I can spend "some" time outdoors (walking, whatever - just GETTING OUTSIDE) - 2 days a week might be a good fit. So, I'll look forward to your posts on your progress.

    I did NOT end up having a "lower-calorie" day, yesterday. Boo. So, if I'm really going to focus on zig-zagging, then today HAS to be a "Lower Calorie" day. Unfortunately, for me, in order to get LOWER calories in, I end up eating MORE protein bars (because they make me feel full)....which isn't really my long-term goal. I'd rather keep away from the processed stuff.

    Anyway, Happy May 1st!! That means there is 2 months left in this challenge. Keep it up, ladies!
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Lost 1lb! yeah! at last!
    Still struggling on upping the protein and lowering the carbs - anybody any suggestions, my diary is open.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I'm doing great on adding beans each day, but the 11 pm bedtime has been pushed to midnight the last few nights. Ugh. I'm dragging and feeling it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Yeah for the 1 lb lost, emck - that's awesome!

    And, congrats on adding "beans" each day, mstawnya....also very good.

    I quickly measured my natural waist, belly-button waist and hips, today....and, #&%)@*%&(Q my measurements are EXACTLY the same as at the end of March.


    Man, that p*isses me off. No, I'm not losing any weight. And, now I'm not losing anymore inches, either.

    I am a faithful lifter. what gives??????????????

    (This is just a vent. Ignore it and I'll be in a better mood in 10 minutes, don't worry....)
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    1. Eat more clean and cook more
    2. Do cardio on my non-lifting days
    3. Get my ratios to where they should be
    4. Loose weight and inches and tone up!
  • hammycakes
    hammycakes Posts: 388 Member
    Well, I just found this challenge, but I think I can follow along since I have been pretty faithful to my goals since starting Nrol4w on April 18th. My measurements have not really changed yet, but I sort of feel like I'm looking better if you know what I mean?

    My goals:

    Goal 1. 1700 cals on non lifting days & up to 2000 on lifting days.
    I have been eating between 1600-1700 since January and lost about 6-8 lbs, but since I started lifting I've gained about 2 lbs.
    I've noticed I don't have nearly as much energy for my other work outs, but I go mostly for the endorphins anyway ( zumba) so I'm ok with that. I would really like to lose weight- I have about 40 lbs to lose, but I read that a lot of folks on this program don't lose a ton, so I'm not sure what a realistic expectation for weight loss or bf reduction is. Just trying to focus on the clothes fitting better and the getting stronger and not get frustrated by the scale.

    Goal 2. Complete stage 1 of the program by the end of the challenge. So far so good. I like seeing my progress with the weights go up, and now one of my girlfriends has started lifting with me so we are egging each other on.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Bumping for now... need to think about what I want to accomplish. :)
  • Helgazon
    Helgazon Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all, joining late but I'll jump in! My goal for the end of June (8 weeks) is to lose 5 lbs (reach 135 or 6).

    My final goal is to lose 10lbs and maintain for at least six months at the new weight of 130lbs. If I can get halfway there
    by end June and have awesome abs I'll be very pleased with progress!

    To do this I will:

    --Track food and exercise daily
    --Stick to calorie goal (1300) including eating back calories
    --Continue NROL4W 3x week
    --Do cardio 3x/ week.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Well so far I haven't lost any weight, but I am down .6% in body fat so something is moving in the right direction at least! I've been really good with my logging this week and I'm going to try really hard not to fall off track like I did last weekend.

    Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    That's a great thing, ellie....I'll take the loss in body fat, anyday!

    I'm actually thinking of ditching NOT ONLY the scale, but ALSO the tape measure - buying one of those hand-held body fat % calculators and then measuring every single day.

    (I'm told a rolling 30-day average will actually be fairly accurate - so, you can't rely on the device day-to-day, but over 30 days, the average will help me determine if it is moving in a downward direction....)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I did pretty well on eating at my conference all week. I was no where near the 1800 that I wanted to be, but I got quite a bit of cardio in to offset that. When I weighed in this moring, I was the same as when I left, so pretty happy about that.

    Looks like everyone is doing well so far.

    Beeps - I really like the Omron hand held BF% monitor. I want to use it a bit more often than I do, but am afraid I'll get hooked on it like I do the scale. I use it about every 2 weeks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    jenthomas - yep, that's the BF% monitor I want. Mind you, I was also told, by a trusted colleague, that the "reason" to use it every single morning is BECAUSE it can be THAT far off, on a daily/hourly/minute basis....but, if you do it everyday, and then just calculate your 30-day average, that will be useful data.

    PS - I just ate 3 x Reese's peanut butter cups. They were very good.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well, I haven't been doing so good. Adding cardio in with lifting leaves me exhausted. Stage 1 completed as of Wednesday. I rested yesterday and did a mixture of cardio today. It feels good. My bottom and legs are feeling the workout. I just realized I didn't stretch afterwards. :ohwell: gonna be sore tomorrow.

    Also, I am trying to cut my calories. It seems on the days I lift, I am not as hungry . The non days I can eat what isn't nailed down and even then I gnaw around that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    We're full-blown into this 10-week challenge, now, ladies.

    And, I am going FULL-BORE into "diet" mode. I am simply TOO FLUFFY and I don't really know how to dump the weight without the good ol' fashioned DIET.

    So, I'll keep my protein high, but will cut calories (no fewer than 1,400 - 1,600 per day) and am going to desperately fit in some cardio, somewhere. This week is a rest week from heavy lifting, so I'm going to BANG OUT THE CARDIO HARD - and hopefully will have a "SWOOSH" on the scale this week.

    Then, when I move back into heavy-lifting next week, I'm going to REALLY try and get outside, every evening, for a 45-minute walk. 1. Because I want to get outside now that spring has arrived; and 2. because ALL of the "competitive weight-training" ladies I am friends with on mfp say I have to increase my cardio if I want to dump my fat.

    So, there you have it.

    I did my body fat % calculator on Friday and it had me at 26.9% - which is better than where I started, but is far from where I want to be. To get to 20% body fat, I have to ditch about 12 more lbs. (of fat - while preserving my muscle) and I don't think I can do that by the end of June, but maybe by the end of July.

    I won't be very pleasant to be around this week - because I'll be hungry. But, after this week, I figure my body will regulate it out and that scale better start moving!!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the info on the BF% tester. I may have to do that because it's all over the place. When I started lfing in March it was pretty consistently around 23.8%, then after Stage 1 it was down to 22.8 - 23% pretty consistently, then this morning it was 23.2 - 23.5%. I usually do it 3 times in a row just to see what the variance will be.

    I need to cut the fat as well and am hoping I can stick with 1800 calories a day, lifting and non lifting days. I have a really hard time getting below that. I have not been doing well with the eating since being out of town and then my mom was in town this weekend and I'm traveling again Wed thru Friday. I can't wait to really get back on schedule!
  • lizlee8
    lizlee8 Posts: 92 Member
    Gained 2lbs :frown: that's what I get for not logging sat and sun! I'm on it this week, focus focus focus! :bigsmile:
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I had not heard that about the BF monitor either, good to know. I was just planning on doing every Friday morning which is what I had done the last 2 weeks. I suppose either way if it is still down by the end of a month that would still be good. I'm also a bit of a scale addict so I would be concerned I would start obsessing over the BF% as well.

    So as of this morning I am officially down 1 entire pound! Cutting back to two lifting sessions per week and adding in more cardio seems to be doing the trick. My calories are still pretty high, grossing 2000-2400 a day. I've been pretty good with my logging too, but I always seem to slack a bit on the weekends.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I bought a BF monitor. It came yesterday. This morning I used it and it was 2.2% HIGHER than when it was done at the gym over a month ago! WTH? I'm so mad right now. Guess that's why my measurements haven't changed. >:-(

    Someone tell me, why am I doing all this crap again?!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jessica - I would try what Beeps suggested and test every day, even if just for a week. There are a lot of factors that can affect the numbers. Just remember this is your lifestyle now, not just a quick fix.

    I've been doing pretty good on my goals. I went a bit over in calories this weekend with my mom in town, but not too overboard. I'm going out of town for work again this afternoon thru friday, so will try my best to keep things under control. Thankfully my weight is not moving much, but hoping I can stay off the scale now for the next couple weeks.