do you log your binges?

I do, because even if I lost control, I still wanna remain accountable and know exactly what that food did to me and if it was really worth it.


  • smith176
    smith176 Posts: 27 Member
    I write it in my food notes, for example 'binge 800 calories'.
  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    Mostly, but not always.

    If it will only really upset my i don't see a point it logging.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I try to but I don't always remember how much or I might forget something. I get the idea though.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I try to log every one of them but probably log them about 75% of the time. I do it so I can see the damage and hopefully get back on track. I'm not sure how beneficial it really is for me to log them but whatever. :ohwell:
  • sncmaddie
    sncmaddie Posts: 37 Member
    I try to log them but because I'm of self conscience, I do not have an open diary for my friends. Is this wrong?
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    @sncmaddie, whatever works for you is what's right.

    For me: yes I log my binges ... I used to lie about what I ate, and I made a promise to myself to (a) be honest and (b) open my diary to my friends. I know I have been unfriended b/c people have looked at my diary and assumed I wasn't serious, I'm full of crap, whatever. They're free to have those thoughts and I'm free to ignore them. But I'm not free to lie to myself anymore, so logging my binges keeps me accountable.

    I'm also not free to beat myself up forever about a binge either. I log it, and the big red numbers sting (really really sting sometimes) - what's so great about MFP is that I log it, I post that I feel like crap (honesty!), and people are really supportive and positive. That has helped me so much!
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Yep, holds me accountable for my actions!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    I have only been a member since March, but really started utilitzing it May 1st. I had several binges since March and didn't log them because I was too ashamed. I realize May 1st was only 4 days ago, but it's still an accomplishment for me that I haven't binged since then.
  • quixotic84
    quixotic84 Posts: 66 Member
    I also log them to try and be accountable to myself. I have logged them for messed up reasons in the past though, like self-shaming which is not okay.
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member
    Log them! It's good to see what I ate, to keep myself in check next time, and I can also kind of "plan" my not-so-healthy-but-oh-so-yummy foods by logging them in advance and then eating just that. Or going over only a little ;) Mfp has been a huge help!
  • volatileskin
    volatileskin Posts: 20 Member
    I've decided not to as I find it discouraging and often triggering..personally i find it doesn't help with learning to forgive myself and move on. Also when I start the focus on the exact foods and quantities and numbers, it distracts me from the reason behind the binge in the first place..and then leads to restricting, and then more bingeing and so on. Rather than logging the food, I try to work out (usually through writing) what led up to the binge and how I'm feeling/how I can deal with it in a non-food related way, which has been really helpful the last few months.
  • yahifranch
    yahifranch Posts: 15 Member
    I used to not do it but I realized recently that I was not being honest with myself. It does not matter anymore what other people might think. I am being open and honest here because for different reasons it's difficult for me to be open with family and friends. As others have said, I find it very helpful to receive support and words of wisdom from others that happen to share the same situation. I am actually not friending people that would not understand what I am going through.

    But anyway, it is helping me to show myself how many calories I am putting in my body with every binge and understand why I have put on so much weight in the past year and a half... :)
  • I've only decided to log my binges in the past week. It's shameful I'll admit that, but it's about time I was accountable for what goes into my body. Has anyone found that it helps?
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I didn't log mine yesterday...another bad day, ugh...but maybe if I would have, I may not have eaten so much. I have logged binges before and when seeing the damage it made me stop, whereas if I hadn't logged them I might have kept eating.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    I don't, mostly because to me binging is about not having to worry about the food. My horrible 6 lb 2.5 week setback binge I just threw in '10,000 calories' and I was probably not far off.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Been on the site since Feb 2010. There have been times I haven't logged food at all, times I haven't finished my diary because of ED behavior, and times that I've been completely consistent and honest. I stay on track best when I do the latter. It helps me to see exactly what the damage was that I created. Sometimes I'll use the report tool on the site so I can see a span of time and logging those binges usually shows me that I really didn't do as badly as I might have thought. We are catastrophic minded people and when we feel like we have binged every day for a month, those reports are helpful to show us what really happened. And maybe it was only 7 days. Ya, 7 days is no picnic, but it's a heck of a lot better than thinking you had more.

    I have gone back and forth many times from having my diary open to closed to open to friends to only friends who know password and now I'm back to open to friends only. I have had problems with being too sensitive to constructive comments about my food choices and it has even prompted ED behavior. I have chosen to have my diary open to friends right now because I have also chosen those people in my support system and if they're not going to be supportive of me through the good bad and ugly, they're not worth keeping around. :flowerforyou:
  • christynek
    christynek Posts: 152 Member
    Nope, I usually just pretend like it didn't happen.
  • MFP has revolutionized my life, and I log everything - except for about 1/2 of my binges. It's the dealing with that reality... plus since I am overall very very happy with my progress, I just want to move on and focus on putting as much time between that binge and the next one. I echo everyone's sentiments here... sometimes logging it makes me feel good, accountable, honest, and even tough - other times it's depressing, not really helpful etc.
  • Yes. It actually helps me stop binging to know i'm about to log everything I ate and I have to see those calories slowly add up.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I ate crap for lunch, not really a binge but crap food....I logged it and it helped me to see that I already went over my calories for the day. WTF SERIOUSLY?!? LOL!!

    AND YES logging it did help me stop. I will still be over but I really believe if I didn't log it I would've continued to eat crappy.....

    Just wanted to share that with you all. :smile: