lots of Inches and weight up...5 weeks in...Help!!



  • I took a look at the last three days and couldn't find a single vegetable in there, I think maybe you are missing out on the benefits of various veggies on fat loss and in getting your nutrients. I know many say calories in/calories out but there are foods that are way better at getting you to your goal than others are.

    Steam up some veggies for dinner, add some baby spinach to a sandwich or wrap or have a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I took a look at the last three days and couldn't find a single vegetable in there, I think maybe you are missing out on the benefits of various veggies on fat loss and in getting your nutrients. I know many say calories in/calories out but there are foods that are way better at getting you to your goal than others are.

    Steam up some veggies for dinner, add some baby spinach to a sandwich or wrap or have a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers.

    hmmm, strange since there are veggies in there. :wink: I also tend not to list small portions like a leaf in my sandwich or a bite of cucumber or exactly all of what goes in my salads. I sometimes just kinda lump those things together, but I can assure you, I do eat vegetables. I love veggies! (although I do see that I missed them totally today. I took some steamed veggies for lunch but was so NOT hungry I barely got through what I did eat...they kinda came home with me. I assure you that is not the usual though)
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I think someone like yourself would really benefit from a BodyMedia Fit, to see what you are really burning, you are very active :)

    I hadn't really thought about it...I will look at that option! Especially since I'm starting to get the sneaky suspicion ya'll think I've underestimated my exercise and need to eat more.... :tongue: :laugh:
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    sigh....one day of doing nothing and my weight jumped up to 165.6 (1.4lbs up). and yesterday I had to buy a pair of hiking pants...2 sizes larger than normal.

    This is what my trend looks like (and coupled with the inches going up) I'm feeling very, very discouraged today. Yesterday I freaked, today I'm just sad.

    Hopefully tomorrow is better. I think I'll go cry now....it's a good stress reliever I hear. :sad:


    (hopefully the link works...I don't know how to add an image...)
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I just read this from Kiki...wow. You guys really are nailing things on the head....I have a lot of the symptoms listed in this article of over-training so between you guys and this article, I think I'm starting to REALLY understand what I'm doing wrong. Only problem now is....how do I adjust food and exercise again...sigh. back to the drawing board!!!

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I just read this from Kiki...wow. You guys really are nailing things on the head....I have a lot of the symptoms listed in this article of over-training so between you guys and this article, I think I'm starting to REALLY understand what I'm doing wrong. Only problem now is....how do I adjust food and exercise again...sigh. back to the drawing board!!!


    For right now, until figured out, just don't adjust food down....
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I just read this from Kiki...wow. You guys really are nailing things on the head....I have a lot of the symptoms listed in this article of over-training so between you guys and this article, I think I'm starting to REALLY understand what I'm doing wrong. Only problem now is....how do I adjust food and exercise again...sigh. back to the drawing board!!!


    For right now, until figured out, just don't adjust food down....

    I won't...promise. :smile: I've stopped all exercise as prescribed and will report in with weight and measurements tomorrow morning so that you can take a peek. Then, I'll see what you say and adjust accordingly!!
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Ok Lucia, I've chilled for a couple of days and on the third day 'rose again' and took my measurements/weight. Here's what I have for you:

    Weight Today: 165
    Start weight: 161
    Weight 2 days ago: 164.2
    Max Weight since EM: 165.8

    Inches (Today, May 10)
    Neck: 13 1/2
    Right Bicep: 11.5 (or 29 cm)
    Right Forearm:10 1/4
    Over Bust: 39 (1 inch gain)
    Under Bust: 36 1/2
    Bust: 42 (1 inch gain)
    Waist: 36 1/2
    Hips: 41 (or 104cm)
    Right Wrist: 6 to 6
    Right Thigh: 23 1/4 (or 59cm)
    Right Calf: 15 1/2 (1/4 loss)

    This equates to 2 inches gained in chest area and a 1/4 inch loss in the calf. :sad: now, I'm sure some of you don't mind extra in the bust, but I've got plenty...don't need any more!!!

    Below is a recap of the first set of gains I had so you can see how much I've upped in inches...it makes a total of about 6 inches or so up?!

    April 23 - May 8
    Neck: 13 3/4 to 13 1/2 (1/4 loss)
    Right Bicep: 28 to 29 (1 gain)
    Right Forearm: 10 to 10 1/4 (1/4 gain)
    Over Bust: 36 to 38 (2 gain)
    Under Bust: 36 to 36 1/2 (1/2 gain)
    Bust: 41 to 41 (no change)
    Waist: 36 to 36 1/2 (1/2 gain)
    Hips: 102 to 104 (2 gain)
    Right Wrist: 6 to 6 (no change)
    Right Thigh: 60 to 59 (1 loss)
    Right Calf: 15 1/2 to 15 3/4 (1/4 gain)

    We've been talking about the fact that my workouts are too much for what I'm eating so I've considered the following:
    Desk job Mon - Fri
    Strength/lifting (P90X style) 2x/week for an hour each
    Plyometrics (jump training) 1hr/week (or substitute a leg strength day for an hour)
    Walk the dog 7 days a week for an hour each at a pace of 3.5 m/hr
    One 'rest' day plus all the regular gardening, cleaning, cooking etc I tend to do during the week.

    Set my exercise to 5-6 hours strenuous which would keep me eating at the same tdee cut I am now (so my food wouldn't change but my exercise would decrease considerably?)

    According to the Scooby's Workshop calculator (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) this is my info:
    TDEE: 2584
    BMR: 1498
    TDEE - 15%: 2196

    BUT, here's what I don't know for sure...is my food intake just too high??? Will just decreasing my workout not help? Do I need to drop calories a bit too - maybe use a 20% cut instead of a 15%?
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hi there, I'm pretty new to this EMLW, but I've been reading a lot about it and am on my 2nd week. I've also been reading the Fat2Fit book and have used their tools. I think they are the most accurate. I plugged in your information and here's what I got for you. Also, I just guessed at your goal weight to be 130. Here you go:

    Custom BMR Calculation

    Thanks for checking your BMR here on Fat 2 Fit Radio. If you're not already subscribed to Fat 2 Fit Radio, consider doing so today. Please visit the Subscribe page to get the podcast delivered automatically to your iTunes, Juice, e-mail inbox or the podcatcher of your choice for FREE.

    Entered information: 38 year old female, 65 inches tall, weighing 165 pounds.

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 130 lbs.

    Harris-Benedict Formula

    There are a few different methods to calculating yourbasal metabolic rate (BMR). One of the most popular, developed in the early 1900's is called the Harris-Benedict formula. Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1500 calories.

    Katch-McArdle Forumla

    The numbers above are fairly accurate, however they don't take into account your lean body mass. A more accurate formula that does take your lean body mass into account is the Katch-McArdle formula. Since many of us have scales that will tell us our current body fat, this formula may yield more accurate results. Based on the information you provided, body fat percentage of 26.5%, you have a lean body mass of 121 lbs., and your BMR is 1558 calories.

    How Many Calories Should I Eat?

    Based on your goal weight, the following chart was generated. The chart shows the number of calories that you should eat on a daily basis to reach your goal weight. At Fat 2 Fit Radio we advocate eating like the thin, healthy person that you want to become. The calorie levels you see in the chart are not extreme, but they do create that all important caloric deficit that is required to get you to your goal weight in a safe manner. Once you reach your goal weight, you will continue eating the same number of calories for the rest of your life to maintain that weight. You'll never be on a diet again.

    Based on how much activity you do on an average day, the calories in the right column will be the number of calories that you will be able to eat at your goal weight. If you start eating those calories right now (eating like the thinner you), you will eventually become that thinner person. As you get closer to your goal weight, your weight loss will start to slow down. It is OK to eat a few hundred calories less per day (200-300) to speed up your weight loss at this point.

    Activity Level Daily Calories

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1616
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1852
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2088
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2324
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or
    2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2559

    If you have any questions on what you've read here, please contact us.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    So I would classify you as the Very Active person. That's about 200 more calories a day than you are eating now, right?

    But I really agree with the others for you to get a BodyMedia Fit. That's how I figured out my TDEE.

    Good luck!!
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    So I would classify you as the Very Active person. That's about 200 more calories a day than you are eating now, right?

    But I really agree with the others for you to get a BodyMedia Fit. That's how I figured out my TDEE.

    Good luck!!

    I looked into it, but I couldn't see me using it past the initial week or once I had my tdee and therefore, have trouble justifying the expense (as much as I agree that it would likely be very helpful for someone like me who just can't get this right).

    The last couple of days I've been eating just under my tdee cut of 2200 and not exercising as Lucia recommended (and gained two inches as you can see in my recent update...sigh). I realize now I was likely in a much higher activity range but am aiming for a normal, moderate range since I just can't eat enough calories to sustain the higher activity level if that's what I'd need to do.

    Plus, after reading Kiki's post on Overtraining I discovered I was starting to see several of the symptoms:
    1) arms getting flabbier after initially getting more toned
    2) jeans getting snugger (just bought a pair 2 sizes larger than a month ago)
    3) irritable, moody, teary
    4) tired constantly, no energy for workouts (not exhausted like I was on 1200 calories or less, just tired the last couple of weeks....)
    5) forgetfulness at work/concentration issues
    6) weird new muscle spasm in my left leg (feels like it's gonna give out) in the past two weeks...comes and goes
    7) headaches, neck tension
    8) sniffles, runny nose (cold symptoms, but not quite succumbing to a cold)

    can't tell about resting heart rate in the morning (didn't check it) or appetite since it's all over the map...hungry one day, can't barely eat the next.

    So, that leads me to believe I need to lower the exercise...but I want to stay in the MODERATE range of exercise and still tone. I can always add a bit of cardio if I want to eat a LOT one day or something is what I'm thinking...so with the new plan I outlined above, I'm thinking that would be moderate?
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Did you see the chart I gave you from Fit2Fat/tools? Does that look pretty close to what you're doing?

    Also, I don't understand it when people say "they can't eat that much". How do you think we all got in the position of being overweight in the first place?? We all ate over our maintenance calories! So I'm sure you can eat 2300 calories. Eat full fat dairy, nuts, peanut butter, oil, butter. That stuff adds up quick.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Did you see the chart I gave you from Fit2Fat/tools? Does that look pretty close to what you're doing?

    Also, I don't understand it when people say "they can't eat that much". How do you think we all got in the position of being overweight in the first place?? We all ate over our maintenance calories! So I'm sure you can eat 2300 calories. Eat full fat dairy, nuts, peanut butter, oil, butter. That stuff adds up quick.

    First off...small correction: I gained weight by eating too FEW calories. And as for eating more, let's just say it's a transition, a learning process to learn to eat normal food after years of eating way too little and mostly diet foods. It's a head game, and it takes time to adjust. I am learning, but if I'm finding exercise is causing the symptoms listed above, why learn to eat even more? The only reason I'd need more at this point is to add junk food or larger portions...I'm eating pretty awesome amounts of regular food now and it's comfortable for the most part (as I get better at it) However, some days I still struggle, which could be a symptom of the over training issue (over-training can lead to appetite suppression).

    I also don't need to be an exercise junkie...I LOVE to do regular things like mtn hiking, walking, tennis, yard work, swimming, housework, baking etc. I like DOING stuff.... So, I want to leave room for those kind of things. If you check my original workout schedule, you can see that there probably wasn't much room left to add those things on top unless I want to be eating 3000 or 4000 calories/day. I just don't need to eat that much most of the time.

    As for the numbers, thank you for those. I've run them myself several times but the 7 days of walking and my 'natural lifestyle activities' are, I think, what are skewing my perceptions of what I'm actually burning...I consider those normal, light activities for the most part and lots of stuff I don't even enter into my burn count, but in reality the amount added up is putting me over what I think I'm doing. I'm trying to tweak those numbers with Lucia's help. I don't KNOW what is normal - I'm so used to doing things to the extreme to get results. don't eat? ok....exercise every spare minute even if you're exhausted? ok. I understand that! But, eat more, exercise less? I understand the CONCEPT, but what is the right balance for me? ...that's the help I'm looking for...that's where my brain, my mind is screwing with me and making it difficult for me to figure it out. I've learned over time to add movement into my life-style in everything I do (like parking at the other side of a parking lot when I go to a store and walking the distance, or taking stairs, etc) I don't really know how to be still other than at work and even there I refuse to use phones to talk to the guy in the next office...I make up reasons to walk around the office. so you can see, the calculators are helping me get a start on it, but it's the rest of it I need to get figured in.... and yes, a BMF would be great initially just for that reason. I wish I could just borrow one....
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Jyska,

    Whew, ok I really don't want you to eat any less than the 2200...the reason being...I feel like (as you are thinking too) that you are underestimating the number of calories you are burning, so you end up still not eating enough...so dropping the calories won't help. I too so wish you could borrow someone's BMF or BB or FuelBand...I think that would truly help because then we could go off cutting from those "true" numbers.

    So, we now have your new exercise schedule and hopefully agree on you still eating the 2200 daily and let's see how you trend for the next 4 full weeks. I don't know how you keep up that pace, it tires me reading it...even your new schedule...lol.

    I would also like you to take a sports bra and biking shorts pics front and side. With heavy lifting you should see changes in your body for sure. Do you have pics from when you started and now?

    Side note...on high burn days, you know how we say make sure to net your BMR please make sure you are doing a minimum of BMR:-)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I read an article yesterday that said it can take up to 10 weeks to notice any transition on the scale because of water retention.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Hey Jyska,

    Whew, ok I really don't want you to eat any less than the 2200...the reason being...I feel like (as you are thinking too) that you are underestimating the number of calories you are burning, so you end up still not eating enough...so dropping the calories won't help. I too so wish you could borrow someone's BMF or BB or FuelBand...I think that would truly help because then we could go off cutting from those "true" numbers.

    So, we now have your new exercise schedule and hopefully agree on you still eating the 2200 daily and let's see how you trend for the next 4 full weeks. I don't know how you keep up that pace, it tires me reading it...even your new schedule...lol.

    I would also like you to take a sports bra and biking shorts pics front and side. With heavy lifting you should see changes in your body for sure. Do you have pics from when you started and now?

    Side note...on high burn days, you know how we say make sure to net your BMR please make sure you are doing a minimum of BMR:-)

    I always find it so weird when someone says I do so much even though I'm starting to grasp the concept! It's just become such a way of life for me in my ever increasing efforts to lose weight. (believe it or not, I even feel compelled to get on a treadmill when I watch TV or a movie still because I had started that habit over the winter, although now with summer I had substituted that with longer outdoor dog walks and the P90X program I began 2 months ago) Now I get to learn how to 'sit'. Such a strange thing! lol! I may still look into a BMF....but it's just so hard to justify a subscription/purchase for a week or two of use (I already have a heart rate monitor)

    I will start the new exercise regime on Monday (although I'll likely resume walking the dog tomorrow each day...) and I will continue to eat the 2200 calories. I am noticing that in the past 3 days of 'rest', I'm starting to feel a bit more energetic and am seeing a lessening of other 'over-training' symptoms so that is a good sign.

    I will take the pics (although I've avoided doing so up to this point...ugh:embarassed: ) and I have always been careful to at least NET BMR, but I guess if my tdee has been off, then my NET was not likely what I thought. :frown:

    I seriously appreciate all the help. I know I could not do this without all the support, encouragement and wisdom I get here. I would simply just not know HOW!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey lady, can I make one more request? Can you please not walk the dog for two days a week...give your body two days down time...no getting on anything to do anything but relax. It really isn't healthy to keep going. We are not machines. I know people will argue that there are elite athletes that do xyz, but studies are showing that they have shorter life spans....that is a future blog to come on EM2WL website...coming soon!

    But anyway, our body really isn't designed to go non-stop all the time....so if there is any way, please just take off 2 days weekly...that will help you.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Hey lady, can I make one more request? Can you please not walk the dog for two days a week...give your body two days down time...no getting on anything to do anything but relax. It really isn't healthy to keep going. We are not machines. I know people will argue that there are elite athletes that do xyz, but studies are showing that they have shorter life spans....that is a future blog to come on EM2WL website...coming soon!

    But anyway, our body really isn't designed to go non-stop all the time....so if there is any way, please just take off 2 days weekly...that will help you.

    hmm, ok - I wanna live a long life!!! ....I'll work something out that way. I could just take her to the dog park and sit on a picnic table I guess instead of walking the circuit with her.....oy....rest days are hard to figure out! lol...(yes, I know...I'm crazy....working on sanity)
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    WOW, lyska, I totally feel your pain! I have been active and overweight my whole life, gradually eating less and training more for 20 years. I was on a VLC diet a couple years ago and I think I totally killed my metabolism. I'm so active, training for a tri, my weekly estimated exercise burn is 2800 calories on top of my daily BMR 1533...

    I HAD been upping calories incorrectly for 1 month trying to net 1800. Just realized that I need to average my exercise for the week then eat consistently...I was calculating daily based on my training that day, using MFP to calculate calories burned.

    I just ordered the BodyMediaFit...I'll let you know how accutate I was at estimating calories burned... It should be here tomorrow (wish I had read the note about CostCo 12month subscription before :)

    Now I am trying to hit 2400 regularly:
    Age: 45
    Height: 66"
    Weight: 178ish
    TDEE at Very active: 2897 (training for tri)
    15% cut: (435) = 2462
    BMR: 1533
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Hey Jyska,

    Whew, ok I really don't want you to eat any less than the 2200...the reason being...I feel like (as you are thinking too) that you are underestimating the number of calories you are burning, so you end up still not eating enough...so dropping the calories won't help. I too so wish you could borrow someone's BMF or BB or FuelBand...I think that would truly help because then we could go off cutting from those "true" numbers.

    So, we now have your new exercise schedule and hopefully agree on you still eating the 2200 daily and let's see how you trend for the next 4 full weeks. I don't know how you keep up that pace, it tires me reading it...even your new schedule...lol.

    I would also like you to take a sports bra and biking shorts pics front and side. With heavy lifting you should see changes in your body for sure. Do you have pics from when you started and now?

    Side note...on high burn days, you know how we say make sure to net your BMR please make sure you are doing a minimum of BMR:-)

    I always find it so weird when someone says I do so much even though I'm starting to grasp the concept! It's just become such a way of life for me in my ever increasing efforts to lose weight. (believe it or not, I even feel compelled to get on a treadmill when I watch TV or a movie still because I had started that habit over the winter, although now with summer I had substituted that with longer outdoor dog walks and the P90X program I began 2 months ago) Now I get to learn how to 'sit'. Such a strange thing! lol! I may still look into a BMF....but it's just so hard to justify a subscription/purchase for a week or two of use (I already have a heart rate monitor)

    I will start the new exercise regime on Monday (although I'll likely resume walking the dog tomorrow each day...) and I will continue to eat the 2200 calories. I am noticing that in the past 3 days of 'rest', I'm starting to feel a bit more energetic and am seeing a lessening of other 'over-training' symptoms so that is a good sign.

    I will take the pics (although I've avoided doing so up to this point...ugh:embarassed: ) and I have always been careful to at least NET BMR, but I guess if my tdee has been off, then my NET was not likely what I thought. :frown:

    I seriously appreciate all the help. I know I could not do this without all the support, encouragement and wisdom I get here. I would simply just not know HOW!

    I feel your pain buddy. I too have been increasing my "daily activities" for a long time. I try not to sit at night (since I sat all day). Take frequent walks. Walk or workout almost every day of the week. It is hard for me to grasp the concept of doing less when I thought I was making healthy lifestyle changes all along. Le sigh.