What do you do? Tell us about you!



  • wonderlilly
    wonderlilly Posts: 27 Member
    hi everyone! i have a marketing and business strategy company, so i coach new and small businesses in how to brand themselves and grow. so my schedule is totally erratic, i'm eternally hunched over the keyboard, and i'm dangerously close to my refrigerator at all times ;) i don't make horrible eating choices (usually!) but the lack of activity is really hard on my body. looking forward to your thoughts and opinions!
  • vbontheriver
    vbontheriver Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Vicki and I work full time as a biller for a 100 bed nursing home and home health service. I sit all day from 8-4:30 and most nights I work until 5:30 or 6:30. I do zumba atleast 4 times a week if not more, this week I have added 30 day shred to my list of things to do, but have not been consistent with that. I would like to get my butt out of bed in the AM to walk but I am NOT a morning person so that does not always work for me. I try to get away from my desk and take little walks but sometimes just get into my work and that doesn't happen either. I think after writing this I am going to make a better effort to do this more often daily!!!
  • I'm a stay-at-home artist/housewife & I'm a bit of a workaholic
    I draw pretty much anything - I do story illustrations, I have a webcomic, I design clothes, & I draw pin-up girls (just to name a few). It's not a steady paycheque, so the more I work, the more I can get paid. My fiance leaves for work at 11:30am, which is when I start working, & I keep going until he gets home at 8:30. I don't really take weekends either, so I'm pretty much working 9 hours, 7 days a week. & when I'm not working, I feel like I should be. I also have the bad habit of working on the couch, cross legged, so my legs start to go stiff after about half an hour of working.
    I get lost in what I'm working on, so I often forget to take breaks or eat. I'm trying to work on that & take a break every 1 & a half hours to get something small to eat & to do a little workout
    Because I work from home, I have access to all my workout stuff (nothing special, all Wii games - Wii Fit, My Fitness Coach, DDR, & Zumba)
  • I work in the IT Department of a mental health agency, my hours are 7;30-4:00 ... but recently we have been putting in a lot more hours due to a system conversion. I find myself sitting for hours on end, and only realize how stiff I am once I stand up. I need to become more active during the day - walking to peoples offices instead of monitoring/helping them from my desk.
    I wake up at 4:30am three days a week to walk four miles with a friend - having to be accountable to someone who is waiting for me seems to hep me, plus getting to catch up and chat is a bonus! Adding two more days of workouts would be good for me!
  • IseLedon
    IseLedon Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm Isela and I'm 34 yrs old (35 next month). I work for an international luxury fragrance distributor in South Florida, and sit behind a computer all day, Monday through Friday. Out the door by 8am, back home by 8pm most days (sometimes later, rarely earlier), sitting on my butt the entire time (includes an hour commute to and from). I love my job, and I have no intentions of changing it, but working long hours, and coming home exhausted makes it challenging to exercise and lose weight. Also, like in many office environments, chocolate and other kinds of sweets, like cakes and cookies, are always brought in by someone who apparently does not have weight issues, making weight loss that much harder.
    I joined this site today, after a friend's recommendation, and hopefully can find the much needed motivation to lose the weight I need to lose and get healthy.. Eating healthy, counting calories, and exercising... here I go..
  • jessersue
    jessersue Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys, I am new to the group. I work at a magazine company providing customer service via email.. We are participating in a biggest loser type challenge at work. That is my little extra motivation there because I love to win, and getting back to a wight I feel good at would be awesome!
  • LReReed
    LReReed Posts: 26 Member
    Hey ya'll!

    I'm Lauren, 24, and I work as an Admissions Advisor at a small college in SC. I work from 8:30-5:30 M-F. I'm also working on my Masters Degree in Counseling, so after work I have class twice a week. In May, I have to start an internship for 20 hours a week at a children's shelter, so I am one busy woman!
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I work at a financial institution 8 hours a day, sitting in front of a computer. Then I come home and sit in front of the computer again working down emails, etc. I'm pretty sedentary. Follks say to find an exercise you like, so you'll stick with it. I've tried a few, and I don't really like any of them...:ohwell:
  • bktibbetts
    bktibbetts Posts: 131 Member
    My name is Brenda. I am the enrollment specialist for our local Head Start. I too sit most days 8 or so hours. I am also doing online college classes in hopes of attaining my Bachelor's degree in the next year or so. PLUS I have 5 children (4 teen-agers and a 6 year old). I have trained myself to get up at 5am to work out - videos - biggest loser, Jillian Michaels, and others collected. I am going to try and find time in the evenings 3 days a week to attempt the C25K program. Time is such the issue! I am looking forward to the ideas and encouragement through this group. I am already flexing at my desk!!
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi my name is Julie and I live/work in Albuquerque, New Mexico (originally from Michigan) I work as a "sec/tech" at Presbyterian hospital where the majority of my day is at the computer answering phones and entering physicians orders and if I'm not too busy I help my other nurse techs with their patients. I definitley do not burn alot of cals here especially with all the treats our patients bring for us or all the potlucks we have:happy: I gave birth to my son in January and even tho he only weighed 7 lbs I was 60lbs heavier than when I got pregnant so here I am at MFP determined to at least get to pre pregnancy weight and then hopefully 30lbs more from there. I work out 3x a week sometimes more and so far I keep losing inches but not lbs which is kinda frustrating but at least my clothes look better right? Anyways I'm very happy to be here and have all the wonderful support that this site offers so thanks to all of you!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jill. I live in central Massachusetts. I am a 911/police dispatcher. I work a 4 on 2 off schedule 7pm-3am. I am stuck at the desk unless someone is in the room with me to give me a break. NOT even a bathroom break unless someone is on the desk. I get up to go to the printer occassionaly (ONLY if someone is there on the desk!) LOL you get the idea I think...I am pretty much CHAINED to the desk :) I LOVE my job though! It's exciting and always something different.

    I am a mother of a wonderful 5 yr old daughter, I have been married to my husband for 2 years, this monday (we've been together going on 9) We just bought our own house and have just settled in. I am currently climbing back on the horse and pulling myself out a hole that I had been in (depression wise).

    I am VERY glad to have found this group!!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jenn and I'm a database administrator. I get to stare at computers all day waiting for something to go wrong. So much fun!!! I hate just sitting here all day that I just makes me lazy and I have no energy when I get home from work to do any kind of work out and I just snack at my desk all day. Also if something does go wrong after hours, I get to go back to the office, so my time is not my time, its wait for work to call time, since I have to respond to the call with-in 15 minutes. I really need to get out of this rut I call a job.

    Outside of work, I am single mother of 2 and I love to hike, camp and bike ride on the weekends.
  • Leamonator
    Leamonator Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I"m Cat. I actually work from home for an online university. I have my office set up in my nook. So, what's doubly hard for me is that I really don't even have to get dressed to leave the house, why would I want to exercise?! I know that's my huge problem.
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Hello fellow DESK FLYERS!
    I recently "retired" at the early age of 33 from teaching (read: got burned out) and now work at a desk all day. I was worried that going from walking around a classroom/school all day to a desk job would cause me to gain weight. But I walk as much as I can, make sure to get out during my lunch even if only for 20 mins, and also my commute throught the city streets helps. Tracking my steps is fun too-I try to hit 10000 every day and sometimes that means taking an extra walk with my hubby at night.

    I like to jog, and try to make time for it. I'm starting to feel so lucky, my commute is about a half hour (of course that's to go all of 4 miles in the city but anyway) so I can be home by 5:30/6. I prefer working out in the evenings but life can get in the way.
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Everyone...My name is Leah
    Everyone.....Hello Leah, lol

    Naw, but I am a super desk working for a major bank. I work an hour away from home and have to be here at 7, so that means I'm up at 5 our the door at 6 (not to mention getting my two year old together) and on the fwy. I sit and sit, but my office is on a big hill so i started to walk on my 15 minute breaks. Sometimes I walk and get lunch. I get off, and its either school or my child. Its very hard to work out, but I can still see the lbs coming off as I have began eating better and having a healthier lifestyle. Good Luck everyone.
  • 0919christina
    0919christina Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Christina and I'm an Analytic Consultant with Medicaid. I am often so busy I have a tough time getting away from my desk, even for lunch. My schedule is often exhausting as I have three children, two with high functioning autism, who are in therapies every day of the week except for Sunday. My daughter plays soccer and has been dragging me out of the house to walk and kick the ball around -- thank goodness! Still working on reducing the calorie intake as I love sweets, chocolate, and comfort foods in time of stress, which is often...
  • Jauryn
    Jauryn Posts: 73 Member
    My name is Jeanette and I work in the finance department of a NFP homeless shelter. From 8-5 I'm at my desk, and because I'm trying to watch my calories I bring my lunch, which leaves me eating at my desk as well. I have a 30/45 minute commute both ways and sometimes I have evening classes as well. Being an avid gamer and a writer also has me sitting down at my desk at home as well, but to combat all this sitting I've been forcing myself to walk more, both indoors and out. I got a treadmill for Christmas and I've put it in the living room. My new entertainment rule is (which I tend to break half the time) that if I want to watch something, I have to walk through it. I'm trying to stick by it as much as I can though.

    Anyway, hello everyone!
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    Kat here in Boise, ID. I am a Test Lead at Hewlett Packard, sitting at my desk from 5:45a - 4:15p M-Th. Yep, 10 hour days. We have (3) 10min breaks and a 30 min lunch. I have very recently started walking around the duck pond out in the beautiful sunshine on each break. One lap around makes 10 min. At lunch, I've been eating out at the pond, and then the last 10 min is my walk.
    I have also recently cut out glutens. Not drastically, but the main foods that have it, I try to avoid. It has made a drastic difference in my size. I am down almost 2 pants sizes since Easter. :)
    I haven't done an official weigh in yet, but I know how my clothes fit!

    Since I came back to this site, I have, obviously, been paying pretty close attention to what I eat and I make sure to get my water intake!! I go to the bathroom so much!! And since my boss is upstairs, as are my engineers, I take the stairs whenever possible.
    I need to convince my husband to take the dogs out for a walk when we get home, but we're both so wiped by then its hard to muster up the energy to even make dinner. :(
  • Msdixie1
    Msdixie1 Posts: 2
    I work as an accounting assistant from 9-5 with an hour commute each way. It seemed that the only time I could workout was early in the a.m. and I was not a morning person. For the past month or so, I have been walking at 830 pm with a neighbor for about 35-40 minutes nightly...it feels great to be doing SOMETHING!
    At work I always take the stairs up in the parking garage and use the stairs to get up to the office....anything to keep it moving!
  • arisher
    arisher Posts: 15 Member
    Kat here in Boise, ID. I am a Test Lead at Hewlett Packard, sitting at my desk from 5:45a - 4:15p M-Th. Yep, 10 hour days. We have (3) 10min breaks and a 30 min lunch. I have very recently started walking around the duck pond out in the beautiful sunshine on each break. One lap around makes 10 min. At lunch, I've been eating out at the pond, and then the last 10 min is my walk.
    I have also recently cut out glutens. Not drastically, but the main foods that have it, I try to avoid. It has made a drastic difference in my size. I am down almost 2 pants sizes since Easter. :)
    I haven't done an official weigh in yet, but I know how my clothes fit!

    Since I came back to this site, I have, obviously, been paying pretty close attention to what I eat and I make sure to get my water intake!! I go to the bathroom so much!! And since my boss is upstairs, as are my engineers, I take the stairs whenever possible.
    I need to convince my husband to take the dogs out for a walk when we get home, but we're both so wiped by then its hard to muster up the energy to even make dinner. :(

    Hi Kat,

    I'm a Lead QA Analyst in MD. I sit during the day as well and most days hunched over my computer:) I know when I push myself to take a walk or just get up and stretch I feel so much better. Keep pushing yourself and you'll see results......we can do this and keep our jobs lol!!!!