OK men .. brutal honesty time..



  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    it all depends on the tequila . 1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila more tequila mas BONITA
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    Basically .. if you went on a date with someone that you didn't necessarily want to see again .. but because she was willing .. you had sex with her. I don't like to think that men could be so cold.

    You must not watch, read or listen to too much news cause (Hu)man(s) are cold, very mean and cruel to each other in the world.......
    Sad but true.
    As you get older, mature your libido changes your sexuality matures as well and the whole concept of sleeping with a woman that your not attracted to loses its appeal. However when I was in my late teens, early 20's a lot of women were just vaginas on feet. Sorry ladies some men do think like that beyond there teens. It's a cultural thing too as a black male coming up I was taught to try to hit as many women as I could.

    Another guy said that he wouldn't sleep with a woman who he thought was hot but didn't like their personality. This guys personal view doesn't reflect the view of 99.9% of men . Please believe that.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I've always wondered about some guys who will keep a girl as a F*** Buddy but won't date them. I know in some cases it's because of a mutual just want to scratch an itch without ties, but in my head it's similar to this OP where they are good enough to get it on with but not to keep around the rest of the time.

    I just can't help but to have a skewed view on this because my best friend who has a really hot FWB won't date her because she's 30 pounds overweight...like he's straight up said this to her face. She's only good enough for the bedroom, which makes me want to tear his eyes off and cut off his....., but she stays in that messed up "relationship" because he's hot. So she's superficial too, so it evens out??? But she definitely has growing feelings for him and I just keep trying to pull her away! She thinks if she loses weight things will change...but we all know that isn't true.
  • eduardo_d
    eduardo_d Posts: 85 Member
    Basically .. if you went on a date with someone that you didn't necessarily want to see again .. but because she was willing .. you had sex with her. I don't like to think that men could be so cold.

    Believe it. The same is true for both sexes.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Basically .. if you went on a date with someone that you didn't necessarily want to see again .. but because she was willing .. you had sex with her. I don't like to think that men could be so cold.

    Don't hate Im this cold :laugh:
    I really think it goes both ways...