


  • Hi! My name is Erin. I'm 28 and started running about 4 weeks ago. My goal is to run a marathon before I turn 30 (which NO ONE believes I can do!!) I have never been a runner, but now that I have started I LOVE IT!! I run about 5 days a week, with my long runs at 4.5 miles. I know I'm a long way from 26.2, but I'm working on it :happy: Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi! My name is Erin. I'm 28 and started running about 4 weeks ago. My goal is to run a marathon before I turn 30 (which NO ONE believes I can do!!) I have never been a runner, but now that I have started I LOVE IT!! I run about 5 days a week, with my long runs at 4.5 miles. I know I'm a long way from 26.2, but I'm working on it :happy: Keep up the good work everyone!!

    I know you can do it Erin! I just recently started running (February) and I am running a half on Sunday! You have plenty of time to train and condition for the 26.2! I wish I had time to train for a marathon. Good luck!! I can't wait to hear about your progress!
  • youngjoe
    youngjoe Posts: 1
    Hi everyone My name is Joe and I wlll be 65 in 2 weeks. I have ran 12 marathons and 12 1/2 marathons plus 30 other races. I started in 2004 when I quit smoking. I train from 35 to 45 miles per week. I am running a 1/2 marathon next week in Alexandria,Va and am preparing to try and qualify for the Boston marathon at the Richmond marathon in Nov 2012.
  • Hi My name is Kelli. I started my weight loss journey around August 2011. I was never into running but my cousin has ran 1/2 marathons and I was thinking that would be a great goal for myself.
    1st 5k- Oct '11- 39:25
    2nd 5k- Nov '11- 34:12
    3rd 5k- Jan '12- 36:22
    4th 5k- May '12- 30:47
    April '12- Diva Dash in Austin (SO MUCH FUN)

    I plan on finding a 10k next but it is so hot right now that will probably have to wait until later. Eventually I will run a 1/2 marathon but am afraid I will disappoint myself. It's very hard right now to find time to practice for a 1/2. But I will get there.

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  • whutzup1
    whutzup1 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi to everyone, I am new to running just started about 3 months ago with C25k and everything was going well untill I pulled something, not so sure what but I think it was my hamstring cause it put me out of commission for 3.5 weeks, It drove me crazy that I got all the way to week 8 and this happened to me! All my fault though at the time I was also doing the 30DS. So I am back to running now very carefully. I am 44 and love running and the feeling I get from it! It's like an instant high on life. I have a long way to go but I am going to work on my pr one day at a time. I want so badly to run a 5k and I am hoping to reach that goal by the end of summer. Love to hear from others about there running adventures.:smile:
  • Teresa712
    Teresa712 Posts: 32
    Hi my name is Teresa....45 years old and running/training for my first half---running it in Sept. It is the AF Half in Oh.

    I have been running on and off for a couple of years. Last Nov. is when I made a decision to running 4 times a week and bump it up to longer runs on the weekend.
    My longest run was this past Sat. My husband and I ran 6.06 miles in 80 minutes. I still don't love running, but have a great 'like' of running!! ha!
    I have a sore/creaky/cracky knee and some heel pain. I do stretching before and after every run. I also run my heels and arches over a frozen water bottle around 4 times a week. Does anyone else have heel pain? I know it is called Planters facitius (?) and it really never goes away, but sometimes walking is really painful.
    And an FYI, frozen corn works great on a sore knee!!!
  • lsorensen130
    lsorensen130 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and new to MFP! I was happy to find a group of runners! I've run 3 half marathons and my goal is to run a race in every state! My next race is the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay on the 15th! It's my first Ragnar and I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! Happy running!
  • HEY!! My name is Michelle Rose. I have run several marathon and half marathons and I'm finally going after my goal of qualifying for Boston marathon with the Long Beach marathon, just one day after my birthday!! Happy Birthday to me hopefully!! I would love to get more connected with a group of runners!!!
  • jog8s
    jog8s Posts: 10
    Hi, I'm Jodi and I have never ran....ever! But I want to give it a try and I want to loose weight and get into better shape. My health/high cholesterol is what got me here, now I just need to do it!! I am looking for any encouragement you can give!
  • Teresa712
    Teresa712 Posts: 32
    I don't have a tip to help you with speed, just a tip about insoles.

    My husband and I went to a store called RoadRunner--a store dedicated to running. They make custom insoles there. It took us about an hour total to get our insoles made and then new shoes.

    This was a very expensive trip for sure!! The insoles were almost as much as you pay for a good pair of running shoes.
    The most amazing thing that came out of our trip was I needed a entire size bigger shoe! I wear size 7.5 in all shoes, but they measured me and I should've been wearing an 8.5!!!
    The difference is unbelievable!!!!
    I was having knee pain with my old shoes--so they recommended this tape to place on my knees that I wear on our long run each Saturday. Between the new insoles and the tape, my knees are in great shape!!!!
  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    hi everyone! I'm Victoria and I'm 33. about 4 yrs ago I got into running with a C25K program and did several 5ks in 2008 and 2009. Due to an injury from a fall off a horse in 2009 I stopped running for over a year. Since then it's only been on and off and mostly more off than on.

    I did a couple 5ks in 2011 and have a few in mind for this fall. So I'm getting back into running with some real goals in mind. I've never done a race longer than a 5k and would like to do a 12k in November.

    Today was my "first day" of training, of real focus for the 12k, and I ran about a mile and a half. It's a start!
  • Hello, my name is Stephanie. I am 26 years old and live in the metro Detroit area. I started running long distance last year in prep for my first 5k. I was so happy to finish and finish in a great time, but failed to follow through with keeping up the running habit. I haven't ran in a long time until now. I just signed up for a 10k at the end of Oct., I know it will be a challenge but I think I can get my running bug back. I also keep up by doing Crossfit a couple times a week. I'll have to create a schedule to make sure I am getting some rest between training for the 10k and Crossfit. I truly want to lose 50lbs. and be able to buy those extra skinny jeans!
  • Hey guys! I've always looked up to runners because of the motivation it takes to run. I have ran the Color Run and I am doing it again this November. I'm not the best runner. I stopped running after the race in April and realized I have to get on the road again. I struggle with positivity when I run because I am slower than others. I can't run a mile without walking, but I know that as I lose weight along with the running and workout classes I take, I will become a stronger runner. I will need a lot of encouragement. :)

    I have a question too. Should I run the same days I have my workout classes??
  • Hi!

    I only joined today! I like to run as it helps me to relax and forget about work....just started over the last few days , hoping to do a half marathon in march :smile:
    Please feel free to add me !
  • JudyHarris616
    JudyHarris616 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Judy and I am 46. I am new to running but started the first of the year on the Ease into 5k program. I tried it last year, but I am an avid golfer and golf won out in the Spring! I was urged by a friend, who runs a Fit Camp, at a New Years Eve party to keep trying and your body will adapt! I am running on Faith at this point! This year, I hope to progress farther and stick with it - at least 3-4 runs per week. I am hoping to run the Cowtown 5k in March in Fort Worth. My goal is to finish in the top 1/3 in my age group. That will allow about 35 minutes. I at least want to break 40 minutes! I love running, but lack of air always get in the way! So, I started off the year with high hopes and so far, so good! It is inspiring to hear all of the stories from all of you who have made running a part of your life for years. I hope I can say the same thing at some point!
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    Hello fellow runners! My name is Martina and I live in NYC! I love running! That's the only way for me to stay fit (or at least try to! LOL). I run 3x per week and I've been running for years but never "professionally" due to lack of time (college+working full-time...). I now would start to finally get serious with my running and run as many races as possible! Feel free to add me, especially if you are a fellow New York runner :happy:
  • catgocrazy
    catgocrazy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Cathrine. I'm 33 and have signed up for my first 10K run in May of 2013. I'd never done any running before this. I started training in January only to get side tracked in February when i wasn't able to balance work and running. Now it's March and i'm less than two months away from my 10K and i need to kick it into high gear. I'm doing everything i can to try to stay motivated. I've been stuck at trying to the run for 3 minutes straight for a while now but this week i finally was able to do it, although only once. I'm using the 10K iphone app to help guide me in my training and today i did my first outdoors run. I live in Toronto Canada and discovered the dangers of running in winter when i slipped on ice three times. :laugh: People can be really great though. Half way through my run, my first ever run outdoors, a complete stranger cheered me on bringing a smile to my face and a spring back into my step.

    I have joined this group to hopefully get some help in keeping motivated and just to be able to see what other runners are experiencing.
  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    Hello everybody,
    I have been in the army for about 15 years now. So of course I ran regularly to maintain my fitness levels. However, I always preferred strength training more. During my last deployment, I injured my back and since then I'm constantly plagued with it coming back to haunt me. Just recently I reinjured my back and my shoulder. This injury caused a great set back in my physical condition. In fact, I lost almost all my upper body strength. So I've slowly been getting back into strength training but I really started to focus on my cardiovascular training. My normal week consist of 6-8 sessions last between 20-40 minutes. I make sure to add variety to these workout by rotating cycling, running, elliptical, or walking on incline. But I'm always looking for new ideas to keep myself interested.

    If anybody would like to add me, feel free to. I am on always logging and communicating with my current friends.
  • paulanthony9596
    paulanthony9596 Posts: 131 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Paul and I am 43. I started running about 5 years ago and have run several 5K races. I have set a goal to run a marathon this year in October. I was training last year when I pulled a muscle two weeks before the race and was really bummed. I have really enjoyed reading each of your post and look forward to sharing and motivating one another in our goals. Please feel free to add me!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Hi! My name is Denise, Dee for short. I am 23. I have never liked running and I can barely jog for a minute or two before my lungs protest. That said, I've been craving it. I know I can barely jog right now, but I love the feeling of going out for a "run." I have gone 3 times in the past month and want to go out more. Being from Rochester, New York, it is still quite cold out. I think my legs can go a lot further than my lungs and throat can currently go, so I think I'm going to either use a scarf to cover my nose and mouth or buy a gaiter.

    I am so excited to give running a shot.

    I do have some past knee and back injuries, so I'm hoping my running doesn't aggravate them.