Getting Hopeful?



  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I wear perfume on third/fourth/fifth dates so that the stench of hopefulness is well-masked.

    :laugh: I'll have to try this next time I go on a date.

    I am currently working on a new online dating profile. I had some not so great experiences, but nothing terrible enough to share for a good laugh (or cry). Unfortunately most of the few first dates I went on the past year or so went well and were followed by the guys texting me in the days following the date (cue hopefulness), only to cut contact once I initiated hanging out again. :huh:

    Thats weird that they would follow up after the date and then not wanna hang again, unless they had someone else in the works.. that sucks!
  • Silver180
    Silver180 Posts: 294
    I have a story, a sad one actually...

    I was out with a female friend. We run into one of her high school friends who just knocked my socks off. We connect instantly, spending the next six hours talking. Fortunately, my friend found someone to occupy her, because we weren't about to leave.

    I had sent out my resume the week before we met and after our second date, I tell her that I'm flying to San Diego for a job interview. The look on her face just crushed my heart. She started crying. I calmed her down, but it was obvious that I had a tough decision to make. I chose her. I canceled the interview.

    Two months later, we signed a lease together for an awesome apartment in Round Rock. The week before we moved in, she broke up with me for no other reason that "its me, not you."

    For the longest time, I avoided "getting hopeful."

    Wow....this IS sad. Firstly, you chose a woman over your career (one who you barely knew), that's where you went wrong. Then again, you put yourself out there for something great, and got shat on anyhow. I don't know what else to say other than I feel for ya...

    And me getting hopeful? How about trying on and off (like 8 times) to make things work with my ex. Every time I leave, she brought me back, or I brought her back. But things never changed. Always the same sh1t. It. was. DRAINING. I really wanted it to work, but it simply didn't.

    Or a more recent hopeful: There's a girl on match who's profile leads me to believe she's almost perfect for me (consider that I've read hundreds of profiles...). I favorite her, and I send her a message, trying to get a response. Hopes are way up on my end, as I really, really want to meet her. She reads my message, doesn't check my profile or reply. Hopes slide. Then I see she views my profile. Hopes soar. Then, I realize there's still no message. Hopes slide -- a LOT. And this is where I am now. Will keep hope for a few days, but will most likely be depressed, lol..... :(
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i just try my best not to give a **** anymore

    and if i do............................................................NO ONE knows it but me

    i have more stories....funny, scary, and hauntingly sad
    than i feel like telling now

    but the way it goes down for that i assume every guy i go out with wants sex and to lie to me...and simultaneously keep my mind open by listening and watching his every word and action to get a sense of time wasted or well spent....

    if it goes well, date.............if not................he will leave the situation believing i care less
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    This thread is depressing me! :sad:

    It's a wonder relationships EVER work out!! :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    well its not my fault that as soon as a guy finds out you like him, he's over it.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So for the ones that don't let yourself get hopeful...

    Do you not get hopeful about other things like when interviewing for a job?

    I find it very pessimistic to not be hopeful. Sometimes I'd be TOO hopeful and though it sucked to get disappointed, it was all part of the package for me.

    Anywho.. I'm rambling.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    So for the ones that don't let yourself get hopeful...

    Do you not get hopeful about other things like when interviewing for a job?

    I find it very pessimistic to not be hopeful. Sometimes I'd be TOO hopeful and though it sucked to get disappointed, it was all part of the package for me.

    I agree! Does it just apply to relationships or is it everything?
    I tend to get my hopes up over everything, and usually I'm not too disappointed if it doesn't work out.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So for the ones that don't let yourself get hopeful...

    Do you not get hopeful about other things like when interviewing for a job?

    I find it very pessimistic to not be hopeful. Sometimes I'd be TOO hopeful and though it sucked to get disappointed, it was all part of the package for me.

    I agree! Does it just apply to relationships or is it everything?
    I tend to get my hopes up over everything, and usually I'm not too disappointed if it doesn't work out.

    Same here.. I get excited over every little thing. I've been told I'm child like in that area. :happy: I just think w/o the feeling of hope.. well what's the point?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Do you not get hopeful about other things like when interviewing for a job?

    I get excited... but not hopeful Even for things like interviewing for a job. Like a good date, you can get all the right signals and still never get a follow-up phone call. It doesn't mean I won't be excited for the next date or the next job interview, or the next new car or the next whatever. I just know that I can't put all my hopes into something until I have proof that it will happen.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    This thread is depressing me! :sad:

    It's a wonder relationships EVER work out!! :laugh:

    I don't know if its depressing me but it really shows me that dating /relationships for some people is REALLY REALLY HARD! it actually does seem like an all consuming situation for some of these people.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Nah, I get hopeful about everything else.

    In my eyes, my life is completely and 100% in my own control. Love is not- that's 50 me/50 someone else and I cannot control another's feelings EVER. I promised to never try to control anything that isnt completely mine.

    but jobs, apartmets, personal ambitions, im so full of hope I make myself sick! hahahaha freaking pollyanna over here
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This thread is depressing me! :sad:

    It's a wonder relationships EVER work out!! :laugh:

    I don't know if its depressing me but it really shows me that dating /relationships for some people is REALLY REALLY HARD! it actually does seem like an all consuming situation for some of these people.

    this is why its something I only dabble in a couple times a year - i dont like how much dating stresses me out. Its ALWAYS been a burden, a very unfun activity thats always resulted in myself-esteem dropping through the floor and my stress going through the ceiling.

    THis year I actually met someone that made those two things do the opposite. He brings out the best in me and is elaxing just to be around. Because I can be myself.

    I met him and months later im still saying "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so this is what its supposed to be like"

  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    Nah, I get hopeful about everything else.

    In my eyes, my life is completely and 100% in my own control. Love is not- that's 50 me/50 someone else and I cannot control another's feelings EVER. I promised to never try to control anything that isnt completely mine.

    but jobs, apartmets, personal ambitions, im so full of hope I make myself sick! hahahaha freaking pollyanna over here

    ^^ THIS