
  • daisz4
    daisz4 Posts: 7
    I have been walking each day and today I mowed the yard for 80min. I want to start my weight lifting back up but my back has been giving me some pain. So does anyone have any suggestions on exercises that I could do to strengthen my back?? I felt great when I was lifting weights but I really don't want to make my back any worse. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  • RenVan
    RenVan Posts: 121 Member
    Are you lifting in front of a mirror? Ensure you are lifting with proper form to reduce/eliminate pain.
    Also, try to foam roller at the end of your workout. It helps break down the tensed up muscle fibres (like a free massage). Also, stay hydrated!
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Best thing for the back is yoga! You can also do Superman's. Go on all 4 and raise one arm out and opposite leg behind you and hold for 10- 20 seconds and switch do 3-4 times. You can also do it with stomach flat on the ground.
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Bicycle ride again today (16K) and P90x Yoga X tonight. Tomorrow is Friday :)
  • Had a great workout yesterday!!!!!

    And today as well ...Brazill Butt Lift Body Scuplt and Cardio Axe ( ME ) heeee

    Is it just me but sweating is such ans awesome thing right ? When you really push it and sweat it

    And remember reach for water always ..make this a habit to where your body is callign for water and not something else that
    is full of sugar and dehdarting things

    Have a fun Thirsty Thursday everyone ....Your body is not tired or feeling sick or sluggish ..its just "THIRSTY " for water
  • And way to GO everyone here psoting away !!!
    Fabulous effort and gains every day are happening all around
  • tmte1207
    tmte1207 Posts: 22
    Today's workout:

    Warmup (2 rounds)
    20 double-unders (jumping rope with getting the rope under you twice per jump)
    10 jumping squats
    bear crawl (across the gym floor and back)
    20 mountain climbers

    Strength/Mobility (3 rounds)
    12 weighted step-ups on a 20 inch step @ 20lb dumbbells
    15 banded heavy Russian kettlebell swings @ 35lbs with med resistance band

    Workout: AMRAP for 15 minutes
    15 double unders
    2 squat cleans @ 75lbs
    3 push press @ 75 lbs
    200 meter run
    *I got in 5 full rounds + double unders and 1 more squat clean*

    Fun stuff today! Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    My exercise today was a 3 hour walk, in the sun, pushing my Mum in her chair! Uphill, down slopes - we did it all today!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • You make me smile Jules ...keep having fun !!!!
    and push mom
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    P90x only today, birthday dinner after :)
  • Happy Fun Fit and FEEEEEELING more Fabulous Friday everyone!!!!

    And Happy Birthday Temporalia ..Miss French Canadian :)
    Wishing you SO much happiness , health,wealth ,love and joy and JOY and all the
    time freedom to enjoy it all
    Smiles for miles and cheers to you

    Its Brazil But Lift Bum Bum ..Cardio Axe and Tummy Tuck today

    Have fabulous day and DO NOT throw it all away long weekend in USA :)
    YOU /WE worked hard all week ,lets keep it rocking and rolling with foods and enjoy yourself
    BUT not that much,taste but don;t enahle it all ,eat ,but eat small ,meals through the day if your celebrating
    .Your worth it and ITS YOUR TURN!!

    PS ....Drink lots of water ,not matter what ..reach for water ,always have water with you ..make this a habit and YOUR body
    will love you and GLOW for you !!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    P90x only today, birthday dinner after :)

    Happy Birthday :flowerforyou:
  • tmte1207
    tmte1207 Posts: 22
    My workout for today:

    400 meter run
    3 rounds:
    4 strict pullups
    5 perfect pushups
    lunges with a twist across the gym floor

    Dutch stretch:
    Lots of dynamic stretching in prep for the workout.

    Group Workout:
    Reps: 63-45-27 for a three person group (breaks down to 21-15-9)
    Thrusters @ 55lbs
    Pullups (assisted with a med resistance band)
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Crazy schedule right now. But I am still trying to get my walks and jogging in as well as my boxing jabs and side to side leg curls. I need to up the game just honest don't have time right now. I figure better to keep moving even if same old same then not at all.
  • tracymarie2012
    tracymarie2012 Posts: 164 Member
    Hello All,
    I had an ok day, after coming off a 27 hr shift of being awake, I went out and went for a run and did some circuit training ( 55 mins) before sleeping for a measly 5 hours. I'm off to a graveyard shift again, have to go straight from there to a 48 hr shift tommorow, will see what kind of workout I can sneak in there. Hope you all are doing great, have a awesome weekend. T
  • Workout today was a tough one ...Body was feeling it :)
    Made it through ...Body is seeign and feeling the difference

    Body Scuplt .brazil Butt Lift Today
    10 pound weights and 8 pound weights

    And Yesterday was WOW ONE and probably why
    Cardio Axe
    Bum Bum ..and 100 push ups 5 sets of 20 on weights with mason twists in between

    Like I said ..Body today is like ..feeeeed me liek a bavy always hungry
    Metoblism in full gear

    Love to all
    and happy Long weekend USA to all
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Just walking mainly yesterday and today. Bit down. Just lost motivation. Tired of getting crapped and dropped cause I choose to keep my information private. I don't get who I am hurting by doing so. If ones want to know something all they have to do is ask. I just don't see why I have to put myself out there for every person in the world to see if they want to.

    Makes me wonder who is going to drop me next??? Sorry just really down right now. But trying to keep moving and not turn to food like I would before. To hot to walk outside cause of my asthma. So not as much time being logged but trying.
  • tracymarie2012
    tracymarie2012 Posts: 164 Member
    Been a little tough keeping up last couple of days with my crazy schedule. I've gotten exercise, but the body sure protests when it
    Hasn't had sufficient food and sleep. I am going to be happy when this month is over.. I refuse to give in or give up, going to whip this body into shape. Here's hoping I get some sleep tonight,and kick butt tommorow.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Still pushing the walking & sit-ups!! Planned a run yesterday but it didn't come off!! Oh well, there's always another day !!!

    My hubby asked me today if I was putting on weight !!! The prognosis is 50/50 as to whether or not he survives!!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Well been doing some walking the past couple days. However with it getting hotter harder for me to walk outside with the heat. So today some strength exercise and doing spring cleaning (yeah I'm behind) I know some don't think that as exercise. But believe me the way we do it it is. Basicly spring cleaning is a month long event at least where we rearrange each room of the house as well as do thru stuff and get read of things we haven't touched, used, or wore last season. So it is a major effort.