NEW Runner! (Introduction)



  • twistedpair
    twistedpair Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there! I'm brand new to this board and I haven't ran since college days(15+ years).
    I'm excited to commit myself to C25K. I think i'm going to ease into it with a combination of brisk walking
    and using an elliptical. I've come across Podrunner Intervals, on iTunes, and i'm looking forward to using that as
    part of my motivation. Thanks for letting me join you in this!!! :drinker:
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I just started today! Day 1 completed. I haven't ran in over 2 years and this feels amazing. I was dead when I got off my treadmill but I did it!!!! Congrats to everyone on this journey with me!!!!
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I started today too!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • lottb2
    lottb2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am a mother of four beautiful children. My oldest daughter will be 16, my twin daughters are going to be 6, and my son will be 8 months. Today was week1 day 3 of C25K. I am loving it. Just looking for some extra support from others working on the same goal. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this and hearing of it. I did last summer run 2 miles in 1/2 mile increments (walk 1/2 a mile, jog 1/2 a mile). I started with 1/2 mile, worked up to a mile, then 2 and I would walk 3 miles. But the weather (Seattle area) took over and has been cruddy for a very very long time.

    So I'm doing it again. This week twice I have jogged 1 mile, in 1/2 mile increments, (walk 1/2 mile, jog 1/2 a mile). I plan on keep going for the next few months until I'm up to 3 miles without stopping.

    Is jogging considered running, what's the difference?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Most runners don't like to distinguish between jogging (which would normally be considered just a slow run - Like less than 6mph) and running. It's all running.

    You're going to do great :)
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Hi! I am so glad I found this group today yay!
    My massage therapist who tried the Couch 2 5K before, told me about it 2 weeks ago.
    I started my first week just last week and am enjoying the program.
    I thought I would be able to train for a 1/2 marathon that is coming up but as it turns out
    I will not have the proper 12 weeks to prepare so I will sign on for the 5K instead.
    I really have no desire to become a full marathon runner and am not sure if I want to stress
    my body to do the half either. I suppose that time will tell as I move forward with this group
    and my training program. I have downloaded all of the free podcasts titled
    "Chubby Jones C25K" and am switching out on off days with X-training.

    What types of workouts do you guys do when you are taking a break from running? I like my
    elliptical workouts, weight training, swimming, hiking and walking the beach here in SoCal.

    Thanks for sharing your stories here and thanks for checking me out too:drinker:
    Here's to a great Summer of health and good fun!!!
  • susannahcooks
    susannahcooks Posts: 293 Member
    What types of workouts do you guys do when you are taking a break from running? I like my
    elliptical workouts, weight training, swimming, hiking and walking the beach here in SoCal.

    Off days are beach volleyball (league play on Thursday nights), swimming (and hopefully alot more swimming now that its warming up properly), walking and some stretching and additional strength training targeted at making my knees more stable. (I do lifting on training days, but only about 20 minutes worth)
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    I started today. Please add me!
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Hi there,

    My Name is Nicola, I'm 36 and live in Lanzarote.

    I started yesterday and enjoyed it BUT has anyone
    else who's just started found any 'tummy problems'
    the next day?

    (I really enjoyed it but wondering if this is something
    that happens initially or something I need to watch
    out for)

    Nicola x
  • New runner here! I am a 35 year old mother of 3 amazing children. I started running yesterday for the first time in over 15 years. YIKES. I have 45 pounds to loose and looking for others to keep each other encouraged. Please feel free to add me :) Good luck!
  • kryia
    kryia Posts: 10
    i just started today :)