Hufflepuff Common Room



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Who knew??? Aparantly, after a heavy-duty work out (boot camp class or equivalent) I am supposed to feed my muscles with something like 200 cals worth of fruit and yoghurt smoothy or something like that.

    Maybe I do have to do some "eat more to weigh less" on heavy-duty exercise nights :huh: ... maybe that is part of what has been holding me back. Lets see what the results are at the end of the week.

    Haha, yep, that's totally a good idea! Something needs to maintain those muscles, strengthen them, and repair any damage. Food truly is fuel! Protein is definitely a good thing to have after a work out, I typically go for a Greek yogurt smoothie with a half cup of chocolate milk and all the fruits XD I'd have one right now if half the house wasn't asleep.

    Here's some other ideas/information about that if it helps! Everyone should be aware of this kind of thing because we need to take proper care of our bodies. [/lame psa lol]

    I will be doing some reading at lunchtime!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I read the articles, and picked up some Absolute Isolate Protein (unflavoured - thought about the Chocolate Flavour .... but turned to the 0 sugar version instead :bigsmile: ) that I mixed with 1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk plus a touch of vanila extract and cinnamon for flavour. With a slice of whole wheat toast on the side.

    One question to anyone with any idea ... if one is to have "protein plus carb after workout" ... do they mean "sugar-from-fruit" carb or "whole-grain-toast" carb? Should i keep with the toast, or add berries to the drink?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Just back from the Boot Camp 4 wk Weigh&Measures .....

    Ta DAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I am down 5 pounds over 4 weeks :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: / 8.6 pounds over 8 weeks :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: / a whopping 15.4 pounds since the beginning of January :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Looking back at the difference between January inches and current inches in 8 different points and the total inches. also fantastic no mater which way you slice it. And it's not quite the end of the month yet!

    Fyi, one more 30 minute session (tomorrow) will put me At The Top Of Mount Everest ... then I will be switching out much (but not all) of the step bench for interval wind sprints, which my boot camp leader says is THE most fat-burning return on your cardio investment. Even better than spending longer at a steady pace.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Great job BeeJ Your success is inspiring! I think the preferred carb is bread/grains, but I have seen several suggestions for smoothies as a post workout snack that ate based with fruit/yogurt/milk and protein powder. The important thing is to eat something healthy after a workout!

    Finally going to see Wicked tomorrow. I have been looking forward to it for months. The remainder of the weekend will be spent being lazy, pool time, no real set plans for the Memorial day weekend. Anyone else have plans for the long weekend??
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Finally going to see Wicked tomorrow. I have been looking forward to it for months.

    I've read the book, and I hear the show is AMAZING!!!! Looking forward to details!

    We in Canada had our Long Weekend last week. Attended a wedding and did some planing of "purr-enials" :wink:

    And by the way, today is my 60th day on MFP - and I haven't misses a login yet! (no where near your record, but then I haven't been at it as long :laugh: )
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend to my fellow American Huffies, for those living across the pond, this is a holiday weekend for us WhooHooo, we have a three day weekend (some of us --me--get an extra day off work on Monday ) and this is the official start of our summer here. And Mother Nature has cooperated nicely, as it is going to be a beautiful weekend.

    Somehow I got confused with the challenges, I had thought they changed and when I went on the spreadsheet I saw that some of them were the same 8 / ....well hopefully with Carolina's help I have it clear now. I am going to chalk it up to being absent for a while Heeheee.

    My daughter is doing better, nausea is letting up a bit and she is able to eat again, she had lost 18 lbs and she was tiny to start with. She was hospitalized for 4 days for IV nutrition plus IV meds for nausea, went home with an iv pump to get medication continuously at home, but hopefully the worst is behind her...and she does have a cute little babies bump 8 ) ( stomach is still smaller than mine, but I am working on that)..... any how, hope you don't mind this update....I find myself wanting to show complete stranger the ultrasound picture of the babies. Have a great weekend everyone. see you tomorrow.
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in days, what a week I've had! I had a great birthday, so thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I got a lot of great things and I was able to spend the day with some close friends and family, plus we had amazing weather too which made things even better. Though, the fact that my best friends (one of which traveled 85 miles specifically to surprise me) turned up at my house with a cake and presents really made my day. I cried! Haha. I wasn't expecting to see either of them as we'd arranged to do something in the week so I was overwhelmed. I've eaten so much cake plus I went out for dinner twice so I am not looking forward to what will inevitably be a gain tomorrow. But I have now finished sixth form forever so I am really really happy about that!! :D

    I had work today and it was awful. The country is currently experiencing a heatwave, or what should probably be regular weather for this time of year but given it always rains here, a heatwave and so conveniently our air conditioning broke meaning it was 30 degrees Celsius in my department and it was awful! Of course, no customers were in the shop either due to the weather (and the fact they have sense. Who'd want to go shopping when you can enjoy the sun?!) so it was a boring day but it could have been worse!

    Tomorrow is the start of an 'off week'. Karen and I have not arranged challenges for this week so for now I am going to say that we will continue with the previous challenges for the next 7 days. Of course, you are welcome to create your own challenges and share them if you'd like, but we are not competing as a house or with the other houses so you don't have to and can give yourself a complete week off if you'd like! :)

    How are you all doing? :)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I've been switching out my winter / summer wardrobes and seeing what fits now / is too big (donate) or still too small (repack)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    So no challenges for this week, well I will continue with my own personal challenges then, to snack healthy, and to exercise at least 4 times per week. I would like it to be everyday, and am working towards that, but am happy when I get more days in than not.
    I did have a weight loss this week, was really pleased with that as I had 2 parties last weekend. I also have two parties next weekend (a wedding and retirement party) and a holiday weekend in between. Oh, I love summer because of all the fresh fruits and veggies, makes it easier to eat healthy, but on the other hand..parties..parties...get togethers...makes it more challenging. I plan on weighing less at the end of the summer will not let myself indulge mindlessly 8 )

    Molly --happy belated birthday, that was sooo nice of your friends to surprise you.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello! I am alive in the UAE. My elliptical was delivered today! I was SO happy about having it at my fingertips. I did 9 miles. Not as much endurance as I had built up 3 months ago before I left the USA, but still awesome. I am still losing weight, but I honestly thinks its because it's so hot here that I am just sweating it all off! I will be back to the good ole US of A in July for vacation. Can't wait to see my family. We are headed to Mexico! I haven't caught up with any other post, but I wanted to say hello. It's way past my bed time in the UAE. I need to enter grades and get ready for bed.
    Lots of Hufflepuff Love,
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Sorry for the lack activity on here. This week has been busy as I've started a new job and I still have summer school on top of that. Just added all my NEWTs, OWLs, and exercise minutes to the spreadsheet though, that's all caught up.

    Hope everyone's doing well and that any Yanks on here are enjoying their Memorial Day Weekend.

    Too tired to write more XD
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    All "activity calories" and no "true exercise calories" burned this weekend. At least the eating also stayed within reasonable bounds.

    As of tonight, back to the hard-core work-up-a-sweat stuff. I will think of it as "practice for maintenance" since there are no Boot Camp classes this week (resumes next Tues). One more 30 minute session on my step bench should put me Over The Top on my climb up Mount Everest.

    I did a huge catch-up on logging in the Hufflepuff website - and was ecstatic to record a significant weight-loss for the week / total of 5 pounds for the 4 wk boot camp session! Alas - not so much in the way of stretching-OWLS, though :blushing:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Wicked was awesome. I would pay to see it again...Started to read the book, want to get back to reading it. I read enough to know, though the show was great, the book has a lot the show left out (it probably would have been a 12 hour musical if it stuck to the book). I love lazy days, and I had 3 of them in a row. Alright back to reality tomorrow...I have been swimming at the pool and playing catch with hubby this weekend, no formal exercise this weekend, but tried to stay somewhat active. I have been logging back at weight watchers, and will probably continue to so for another week. It is too taxing to log in both places. My points have come way down, (which is good) and wanted to make sure I was keeping in range.

    Molly congrats on your graduation and glad you had a great birthday
    Suzie I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. I love the fresh fruits and veggies this time of year as well...due to the lack of winter here, all the crops are early, I can't believe we already have everything at the farmers market except corn! I agree staying smart is harder this time of year. You can do it!
    Queeda welcome back to the board. Glad to hear things are going well, and hopefully you won't melt away before your trip back to the US, I bet you won't be complaining how hot Mexico is in the summertime :)
    BeeJ great work, your results are quite an inspiration keep it up!
    Moe get some know they say lack of sleep slows weight loss :)
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Queeda, great to hear from you, Wow 116 degrees, I can't even imagine. I see you broke in your new elliptical, Great Job!! Stay cool.

    Had a great weekend, as usual it went by waaaay to fast, even with the extra day. Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I've been switching out my winter / summer wardrobes and seeing what fits now / is too big (donate) or still too small (repack)

    Almost nothing summer-weight fits! Some tops, but no skirts OR slacks yet (in either office or casual :grumble: ) Well - my "Lose 5 Pound in May" Final Week Challenge was to treat myself (anything non-food) .... so I hit The Sales on the weekend :bigsmile:

    Everything mixes and matches with the few things I already had that still fit; and some of what doesn't fit is real close to borderline, so they MAY fit before the summer is over .... great insentive to work extra-hard!

    Anyone else been checking out wardrobe fittings lately?
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Hi everyone :) It's gone midnight here so a late post from me.

    Firstly - here is the spreadsheet for June! If your name is not on the spreadsheet, it's purely because I have not copied your name across and not because I don't like you! Ha. Bookmark the link as weigh ins can be made Friday onwards, but you cannot enter your weight before then. The OWL and NEWT challenges for week 1 and 2 are posted on the right hand side of the spreadsheet (on the 'weigh in here' tab), so familiarise yourself with those while you can.

    Queeda, it's great to hear from you. Your weight loss is going fantastically by the sounds of things. I don't know how you're coping with that heat, it sounds unbearable to me! Do you have access to a pool to cool down in? It's great to hear from you again as I said, you've definitely been missed.

    I will be on holiday/vacation between June 10 and June 17th as I will be in Majorca with my mum and step dad. I am hoping the hotel we are staying in has wifi so I can keep up to date with everything but I don't think it does, which also means I lose my streak of continual log in days, boo! I am upset about that as I've just hit 280 days.

    In other news, I have a second job which is exciting. Some more money will be great and hopefully the extra exercise from physically working will help with the weight loss too.

    Enough about me, how are you all doing? Those in the US, did you have a nice memorial day weekend?
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Just checking in! I had a awesome memorial day. i ran my first 5k!! I came in exactly 30 minutes. I have another one coming in June so excited. ready start June
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    I hope this is the right place, sorry if it isn't, but I would love to join Hufflepuff :) I read the rules and the important posts and I think I understood half of it, I'm a little slow at first. In a nutshell, where should I post about my weight loss or exercise time for points, directly on the spreadsheet or in here? Thanks in advance to whoever helps me with this and I can't wait to get to know all of you :) by the way, my native language is Spanish and not English, so if I say something that doesn't make sense please do tell me so I can explain myself better and also learn in the process.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Just checking in! I had a awesome memorial day. i ran my first 5k!! I came in exactly 30 minutes. I have another one coming in June so excited. ready start June

    That is awesome!!! Great time too!!! I have not done a 5K yet this year and just said to my husband, we need to choose one. I am quite a bit slower than you heehee, I run a 5K in about 43 minutes. I didn't run last year and am getting back into this year. I do love to run.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    I hope this is the right place, sorry if it isn't, but I would love to join Hufflepuff :) I read the rules and the important posts and I think I understood half of it, I'm a little slow at first. In a nutshell, where should I post about my weight loss or exercise time for points, directly on the spreadsheet or in here? Thanks in advance to whoever helps me with this and I can't wait to get to know all of you :) by the way, my native language is Spanish and not English, so if I say something that doesn't make sense please do tell me so I can explain myself better and also learn in the process.

    Welcome to the Hufflepuff House... we usually put our weights directly on the spreadsheet, as well as our Owls, Newts and House Points. We are taking a week off from any challenges this week, but will start again on Sunday. Our weekly challenges run from Sunday-Saturday. The link for the spreadsheet is found under Molly Louise, on the 3rd page of comments. This is a great house to be part of. Where are you from/ do you live?