Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey! Check it out, I actually lost some weight! I only managed to eat muesli at about 9am and then potato with mince at about 9pm because I was so busy (and maybe because I was destitute too) so that probably had something to do with it. I reckon i'll gain next week but hopefully not what I lost. The hunger games thing has sailed right past me. I'm re-reading the rum diaries by h.s.thompson. I think it's a beautiful book, despite the crassness of the characters. Happy easter everyone. My friend posted healthy alternatives for easter treats on fb. I'm on my phone right now but will share it if I remember when my bf gives me back my laptop...
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Congrats to bumflap on the weight loss!
    shreddin_mama great job with the spring cleaning...I got a bit done, have way to to get done!

    I lost 4 pounds this week, and here I thought I had gained! Now that is a switch for me...but I will take it! Fresh strawberries at the farmers market (local) about a month early...yummy! First bike ride in about a month...I really missed it. Still need to keep them short until I get myself straightened out completely. Have isolated the root of my back pain, and has been improving this week. The two causes, poor core muscles and not enough lateral stretching post ride as I began to ride further. Happy Saturday to all...I hope everyone's day was a great as mine!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Puffs!

    Glad to hear everyone is doing alright.

    I have yet to jump on the Hunger Game's bandwagon, but as soon as I'm done with the Southern Vampire Mysteries (True Blood) series, that's next in line. :)
    I'm very tired. All the time. Its annoying.
    Not doing any special work out today because tomorrow is moving day, and I know I'm going to need all the energy I can collect. :)

    Happy Easter to all.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone, happy Saturday!

    Karen (carolinagirl7) and I are sorting out some new things for the house so please bare with us. Well done to everyone who has lost weight this week, I'm hoping I'll be able to say that I have tomorrow. Time will tell though! Work was exhausting today so I am ready for my bed!

    Happy Easter for those who celebrate it. Have a great Sunday for those who don't.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I think Molly and I have the kinks ironed out. She has let Bron know, and she is going to post later on today.
    We are going to continue the challenges from last week through this week.
    Happy Easter or Happy Sunday to all Hufflepuffs!
  • Molly_Louise
    HI everyone, happy Easter and a happy Sunday to all!

    I'm pleased to say that I am going to being the new Head of Hufflepuff! Karen (carolinagirl7) is going to be my deputy and will take over as Head of House in my absence. Once upon a time Hufflepuff were winning all of the challenges so lets get this house back to where we belong -- first place!!

    As Karen said, we're continuing with last weeks challenges. We are going to be (re)introducing prefects to the house. The two prefects will be picked by Karen and I and will be responsible for creating OWL and NEWT challenges for the following two week period. We will be announcing prefects on Saturday 14th of April and the two prefects will have 10 days to let Karen know what the challenges are in order to start on Sunday 28th. New prefects will be announced on the 27th and will have their challenges up and running for the following two weeks. I hope this makes sense and Karen, I hope I've written this out correctly! Please correct me if I am wrong.

    We are officially introducing two new forms of getting an OWL into the house as of today. The first we're calling a "spirit OWL". This was talked about last week so some of you may have already been counting this OWL which is absolutely fine. We're just officially introducing it today so make sure you count it as of today if you haven't already. You can earn a spirit OWL simply by posting once in the common room on a daily basis, so you can earn an extra OWL a day if you post :) Maximum of 1 OWL though regardless of how many posts you make in the common room on a daily basis.

    The second we're calling a "perseverance OWL". This is something Karen and I thought of last night so I hope my explanation of it makes sense! You can earn 1 OWL for continual log in on MFP. MFP counts you log in days in blocks of 5 so for every 5 day period you log in you can award yourself an OWL. This means that you can usually earn 1 perseverance OWL per week, but depending on the day your "celebratory" log in happens, you may be able to earn more than one. I hope this makes sense. For example today I have logged in for 230 days so I will award myself a perseverance OWL for this. In 5 days, it'll be 235 days so I will do the same. I hope this makes sense to you all! Hopefully it'll encourage continual log in and motivate us all a bit more too.

    I have to give our results to Bronwen by Wednesday of every week so I'd appreciate it if you could have your weight, OWLs, NEWTs and Housepoints for the previous week every week by Monday night (your time, wherever you are) so I am ready to send this off on Tuesdays. If you haven't filled in your weight then I will assume you have not lost anything.

    I hope this all makes sense, feel free to ask myself and/or Karen any questions and we'll do our best to answer them ASAP. Thanks for being so patient with us! xox
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Awesome! Excited for the new owls!
  • Molly_Louise
    Just a quick reminder I need everyone's weights posted by the end of today. If no weight is posted it'll be assumed you haven't lost anything.

    I'll make a proper post later today :) I hope you all had a nice weekend and a nice Easter.
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    I was entering an update for my stuffs last week on the spread sheet and I noticed how AWESOME everyone did last week!!!!

    Keep up the amazing work, and we'll have NO chance of losing (even if we are slightly outnumbered.) Seriously, we've got this in the bag! :)

    Tomorrow is Moving day. I'm sad to go, but happy at the same time. I have a ton of amazing memories here and some equally crap-tastic ones. But I knew it was coming, and I'm bitter-sweet about it finally being the time. But there will be some positives and its just time to pick up and move on. I got what is important.:heart: (But most of all, it means I'm going to have a crazy burn tomorrow! hahahaha!)

    Thanks Molly and Karen for stepping up. :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi Huffles!

    A late post from me, it's just gone midnight here so I'll be heading off to bed shortly.

    Our weight loss and house point averages get sent to Bronwen and so I sent our results to her earlier, I have to say I'm really impressed! I think we stand a fairly strong chance at winning (not to jinx anything!), especially with our weight loss percentage. Though we're all winners at the end of the day because look how far we've all come.

    An NSV for me - I bought a new dress to wear out this Thursday and it's a UK size 10!! Yay, I was so happy when I tried it on and it fitted perfectly. I'll be sure to upload pictures when I am them! :)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend!. Great job everyone this week...I must lay off the M&M's...boredom eating really sucks. I am in 2 more days of lectures, and tons of food...even bring my own snacks...the chocolate is calling my name!

    Molly...great job with heading up the house! I am looking forward to winning again! Love the new energy brought back to the house! Congrats on the dress! I bought a cute sundress this week that looks nice on me. It is like what I wore in excited...summer here I come

    Lisa..I hate moving as well, even if it is a step up in life. I hope all goes well with your move...and you burn lots of calories!

    Have a great week all Hufflepuffs!
    edited for typo!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Keep up the good work hufflepuffs! Today is my rest day. My body is sore after yesterdays workout. i plan on waking up earlier tomorrow for a good run. Enjoy the rest of the evening!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Happy hump day! Stayed away from the M&M bowl all day, but did have some frozen yogurt later on. TCBY (not sure local or national) has waffle come Wed, where you can get a kids cone for $1.59. I am such a sucker for discounts! I am so excited the widespread back pain is gone. It is my hip flexors and not the lumbar spine (pain there...can be difficult to isolate a root to the pain when it is widespread). It is common problem for cyclists. I need to figure out how to prevent this in the future so I can keep cycling. I really love it. I am going to physical therapy a bit longer, but I think a personal trainer with cycling experience may be in order. One of my biggest fears is injury to where I can no longer exercise. One...I would have to delve further into food issues, and I have done all I am willing to do for now, and working 10 years with acute rehab patients. It makes me realize one moment/injury can change things forever....I want to be cycling for a long time!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hello Huffles!

    Karen, I'm glad your back pain is easing up. Hopefully you'll be able to continue cycling. I love cycling but sadly my step dad never got round to fixing my bike. Ah well, 6 weeks until Summer starts for me so I am hopeful that it'll be fixed by then.

    I am in the process of job hunting as my current place of work can't give me any more hours over the summer and the eight I work won't be enough to fund some of my University. There are very few jobs here right now, as with most areas of the UK so I feel like I'm already hitting a brick wall and I've barely started looking. I'll work something out though, so I am not stressing over it..yet!

    Tonight I went out for dinner with my best friends and best friend number #1's family. She (best friend #1) is currently studying to become a make up artist and has been picked to help with the make up for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic games this summer. It is an amazing opportunity for her, especially for someone her age (18), so we had to celebrate. I'll post some pictures of her work tomorrow, she's amazing!

    Have a great rest of the day, everyone :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Good morning Huffles or should I say, winners!

    If you haven't already seen, we are this weeks winners for both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the cups, the house who earn the most house points in a week wins the House Cup and the house who have the highest weight loss percentage wins the Quidditch cup.

    This weeks results can be found in the Great Hall thread, or by clicking this link... We won by quite a while (or as Bron said, a landslide!) so lets keep up the great work. Well done everyone, I'm proud of you all :)

    Just a reminder that we are now on week two so all OWLs, NEWTs and House Points should be logged in the week two section of the spreadsheet. Weigh in runs from tomorrow until Monday :)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Woot! Woot! Way to go hufflepuffs!!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Awesome job Hufflepuffs...I knew we could do it!
    I wil post prefects late tomorrow. I want to give everyone a chance to get their last minute owls and newts on the spreadsheet

    Upcoming challenges to start on Sun 4/15 and to run for 2 weeks


    Eat a rainbow in fruits and vegetables
    give yourself 1 newt for each color of the rainbow you eat, AND if it is a fruit or vegetable you have never tried or haven't eaten in a long time (housemembers can define their own long time) give yourself one extra NEWT. I am posting an article that can help you get started.

    We have shown with this weeks results we excerise regularly :smile: Lets see if we can sneak in a few extra housepoints into our day. Many of us sit at a desk most of the day or watch television. 1 OWL for each strength exercise or stretch completed while you are being sedenatary. I am enclosing a link to give you all suggestions, at the end of this link are suggestions for the office. The challenges are not limited to the email link. The possibilities are endless.
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy Saturday everyone! I have my weigh in tomorrow. I'm not feeling too confident as usual so I will be surprised if I have lost anything. I did surprisingly losing .5lb in the week so who knows what tomorrow will bring!

    Karen, thanks for the new challenges, I look forward to starting them tomorrow. I look forward to hearing who the new prefects are. Since I don't know, well done in advance as I will find out tomorrow due to the time here.

    I apologise for being 'off' this week. I haven't been feeling myself for some reason, plus a nasty (though very silly) fall the other day has left me with bruised ribs.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Drum Roll Please....

    The prefects are shreddin_mama and cpa8198.

    Outstanding effort to the both of you.

    shreddin_mama please message me a OWL challenge (exercise) by next Wed Apr 25th

    cpa8198 please message me a NEWT challenge (food)by next Wed Apr 25th.

    I will start announcing prefects on Sunday rather than Sat to ensure everyone has had time to put in their OWLS and NEWTS for the week. If anyone thinks we need to move it out further to a Monday or Tuesday please let me know. Since prefects have 10 days to email me a challenge it would work fine to move the date out a bit...but I hate keeping people in suspense!