Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bethelcheryl
    bethelcheryl Posts: 199 Member
    Hello, I have just sorted myself into Hufflepuff :)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hello, I have just sorted myself into Hufflepuff :)

    Welcome! We are always glad to have new members! I posted rules and such on Thursday, I think at 717am. They are on page 12 of this thread. There is also a thread on interhouse rules that may be helpful. Feel free to ask questions. The challenges are a lot of info to take in at first. I am also going to repost the spreadsheet here. You can access it , add yourself to it and place your starting weight/goal weight this weekend

    I have the link saved to my favorites. I will be posting my start weight later today, as Sat is my weigh in
    Someone is going to be posting OWL and NEWT challenges me be me or another member that will start tomorrow. Stay Tuned!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    I messaged Queeda, and this is what I asked of her:

    To please choose a Deputy Head of House from those that have volunteered by next Wednesday, or I will nominate someone. (So, if you're interested, please make it very clear in the Common Room!)

    If she chooses to step down entirely (which I hope is not the case), or I don't hear from her, by next Wednesday, I will choose a new Head and Deputy Head from the volunteers.

    Just a heads up.

    For now, does anyone want to post challenges, or would you be interested in sharing Gryffindor's challenges that will be posted later today? I'd prefer that someone interested in being Deputy create the challenges.

    I know Queeda has been involved with her move, I hope she does not step down either. I am in a position to be a deputy at this time, however, I don't want to step on anyone or offend them. If anyone else really wants the position, that is fine with me. My job keeps me busy, but I usually am on the board most days. We can post our challenges. I know Molly was asking for ideas for challenges. It has been quiet on the board this week. If no one else posts challenges by tomorrow, I will post challenges. We can then collectively decide if we want to revert to q 2 weeks or continue once a month.

    I don't want to step on any toes, either, but we have to keep things moving to be fair to everyone else. It's sad, but if she would ever want to come back, I would be more than open to that if it comes to it. My first hope is that she stays, but I haven't heard from her. I think someone should still post challenges however you see fit so you guys can get started. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Also, I just posted this in Slytherin because they were some recurring questions. If you're confused, PLEASE read the rules before you ask. There's a very good chance your question could be answered there:

    If you don't understand something and you haven't read the rules first, read them here:

    I'm not even kidding, read the rules. They help us all stay on the same page and keep the challenges fair. And many of your questions could be answered there, first. You're always free to ask questions after!

    YOU all need to enter your OWLs/NEWTs/House Points onto the spreadsheet WEEKLY.
    You can always post them in the Common Room to chat about your progress, but it's YOUR responsibility to add them to the chart.

    House Points are ALL exercise minutes, including ones for strength training/cardio/OWLs. House Points are NOT calories burned. Only minutes exercised.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I will go ahead and post challenges. If anyone has better ideas...I am open for suggestions

    NEWT's food challenge
    Lets try to plan our snacks and meals. Having a plan of how we eat can help us stay on course to our weight loss goals.
    Meals and snacks can be can be planned daily or weekly. Keep in mind plans don't always have to be rigid...they can be loose and adjustable. I usually prepare 2 meals a week, plan 4-5 snacks and have emergency frozen meals and interchange them throughout the week. Part of my plan may also be to include a fast food meal, which is a treat...but part of the plan :)

    1 NEWT for every time you follow through with a planned meal or snack
    10 NEWT'S if you take the time to post a favorite recipe or snack. I tend to get bored with the foods I eat am always on the lookout for new ideas!

    OWL's Exercise challenge
    Building essential for health. Even after 2 weeks of strength training, I noticed I felt stronger and also had an increased stamina.

    1 OWL for each set of strength exercises you do. This can include weights at the gym, any strength exercises like sit up's push ups, plank, Jillian Micheal's shred DVD...etc. I am leaving the challenge wide open so members can focus on what they feel they need to strengthen..I'll leave the number of reps per set up to each individual member

    I will place these challenges on our spreadsheet as well
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all, happy April 1st!

    Karen, thanks a lot for posting the challenges, I really appreciate it. To our members, new and old, if you have any questions please ask as Bron said.

    Bron, thank you for clearing up some things and thanks for all the help you've given us recently, it's very much appreciated.

    As for the role of head of house...this is a tricky one. I don't want to take Queeda's role away from her but seeing as she has such a busy schedule right now I think it's only fair (on her) that we give her role to someone else. As we all have fairly busy lives, perhaps we could share the role of head of house, is this allowed Bron? Can you just clarify what it is the head of house actually does? I am happy to take the role but only if I am able to share it with someone else as I picture it to be a big commitment and I wouldn't want to let any one down.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi all, happy April 1st!

    Karen, thanks a lot for posting the challenges, I really appreciate it. To our members, new and old, if you have any questions please ask as Bron said.

    Bron, thank you for clearing up some things and thanks for all the help you've given us recently, it's very much appreciated.

    As for the role of head of house...this is a tricky one. I don't want to take Queeda's role away from her but seeing as she has such a busy schedule right now I think it's only fair (on her) that we give her role to someone else. As we all have fairly busy lives, perhaps we could share the role of head of house, is this allowed Bron? Can you just clarify what it is the head of house actually does? I am happy to take the role but only if I am able to share it with someone else as I picture it to be a big commitment and I wouldn't want to let any one down.

    I actually prefer that you share duties! I want every House to have a Head of House AND a Deputy Head of House. What I need as Headmistress is the results sent to me each week, but the in-House duties include making sure the students have OWL/NEWT challenges, naming Prefects and anything else you all decide you want to do as a House.

    I don't care how you delegate duties to, but the first Head of House should be the person that you want people to contact first with questions and things. It will be less confusing to know who to come to first, but you could delegate things to your Deputy as necessary for you.

    So, however those who are willing to volunteer want to split things up is fine, just keep me posted here :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello to all my Hufflepuff friends. Just want to throw this idea out there for you... One of the things that we do in Ravenclaw that has helped keep our house one of the most active is that we have an ongoing House Spirit challenge to earn extra OWLs. Each day we drop by the common room and leave a post, we earn an OWL (limit 1 OWL per day for this). Sometimes its just to say hi or report our progress for the day - sometimes its about something going on in our lives. It can be anything as long as we post - and it really helps keep us connected.

    Good luck! I'm really glad to see this house pulling together again! :drinker:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hello to all my Hufflepuff friends. Just want to throw this idea out there for you... One of the things that we do in Ravenclaw that has helped keep our house one of the most active is that we have an ongoing House Spirit challenge to earn extra OWLs. Each day we drop by the common room and leave a post, we earn an OWL (limit 1 OWL per day for this). Sometimes its just to say hi or report our progress for the day - sometimes its about something going on in our lives. It can be anything as long as we post - and it really helps keep us connected.

    Good luck! I'm really glad to see this house pulling together again! :drinker:

    Gryffindor does this too, but we call it SPEW (just to be geeky). It might bring out some of the less talkative people and bring you guys together even more!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    alright i am up for the challenge and ready to start the month right!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I'm not so active right now, I am spending my time either working, helping my boyfriend with event planning or driving to my parent's house to water their plants because they're too proud to ask neighbours to do it while they're away. I've not been to the gym for ages and it's starting to get to me but since I'm looking after the dog who likes to try and liberate my gerbil while I'm not looking, opportunities to go are slim.

    As far as head of house stuff goes, I'm willing to step up and give a hand but I'm perhaps not around consistently enough to be of use. I'm happy for Molly and Carolinagirl to share duties. Don't be shy about saying if you get to the point where you've had enough though.

    Great challenges by the way. I always wondered how the other houses earned SPEWs. Does that sound fun to anyone else? I guess if we do this it might be useful to post the SPEW challenge the day before (or the entire week's challenges at the start of the week).

    I'm currently reading Gaiman's The Graveyard Book. Does anyone else find that all these books tend to have similar characters and storylines? Maybe I need to read something other than spooky fantasy for a while.

    By the way, welcome, new hufflepuffs!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Molly...Maybe we can become co deputy chairs in the hopes Queeda will get herself settled and back to the house. I continue to be the optimist she will return to us. According to Bron's post, This is the following we need to do.

    1. We need to send the weekly numbers to Bron off of the spreadsheet.
    2. Have a point of contact to give information to all new and potential house members
    3. Assign prefects. It would be nice if we could get back to doing this every 2 weeks, and having the prefects make up weekly challenges. Different house members have different ideas and keep the challenges fresh and exciting.
    4. Make sure that there are challenges posted to earn OWLs and NEWTs

    I could pick up any of these roles. I am the one with a busy...but stable work schedule. You are the student finishing up school...I remember graduation was a very busy, unpredictable time for me, and I am sure that graduation activities are just as busy in England as they are here in the US. Let me know which of the tasks you are willing to pick up and I will be able to do the rest.

    I do like the idea of a spew or a spirit challenge. It looks like it is an ongoing challenge to earn an extra owl as way to encourage members to post daily. I say we implement it starting this week. About half of us posted yesterday, so it would not be too much of an unfair disadvantage to those reading this this morning
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Happy Monday to all Hufflepuffs!

    For all of the new members, I brief introduction of me. I am Karen. I live in North Carolina. I am married for 4 years with 2 furbabies, a dog and a cat. I work as an NP at a local health department. I tell people it is my job to keep diseases like TB, hepatitis,meningitis, influenza etc... out of the news. It is very complex, and I never really know what I will be doing to from day to day.
    I am also a budding sprint triathlete. I completed my first one in Oct as a way to keep me motivated with activity...and I am hooked. Cycling is becoming my favorite out of the 3 and though I am trying to break into running...I don't think I am ready yet. No need to push it...there are many people who walk the portion of the triathlon.
    I pulled my back a few weeks ago, and it is quite the pesky injury. I have sought out the help of a PT to get me back on track. I am up to 30 minutes a day of activity. I far cry from my 60-100 minutes daily...but I will take it. I look forward to learning a bit about all of our new house members. This has traditionally been a small house, but friendly and supportive as well.

    bumflap...that sounds like a great book (looked it up on wikipedia). I recently finished You are an Ironman, a book about 6 regular people and their journey to Ironman Arizona in 2009. Very inspiring book, you don't need to be a triathlete to appreciate it. I am now reading the Hunger Games. I am through the first 2 books, despite my need to finish the 3rd brain is fried at the moment. Looking forward to reading the 3rd one this holiday weekend. (Yea 3 days off for me!). It sounds like there should be some activity points for keeping the dog from liberating your gerbil:smile:

    shreddin_mama love the attitude...great way to start the month!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If you guys as a House prefer to have Prefects assign the challenges, that would be even less the Head of House needs to do.

    Keep in mind that there is a thread up now to post ideas in that you can go to if you're ever stuck on what to do. There's nothing posted yet, but if we can post our new challenges each week, it will fill up quickly :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am so far behind on everything that is going on here... OMG!

    I need a fire lit under my rear. My 10 year HS reunion is next month, I haven't decieded if I am going... but the way I currently feel about myself - I don't wanna. (This is me being a huge brat/prat!) Will someone please either a.) follow me around and track my food for me or b.) pre-plan EVERYTHING (mainly suppers) for me?! K. Thanks!

    Have a great week everyone... I hope this mess is cleaned up soon.... :ohwell:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    are we suppose to post our newts and owls daily? or just post on DOCS at the end of the week?
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Can I be a Hufflepuff?!
    Not only do I LOVE HP, I'm totally in this to change my life. Been on MFP for about a year off and on, and I've been back (and sticking with it!) for a month so far. :)

    <3 Lisa.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Checking in, saying hello. I have been good with my eating and exercising but have not been losing weight. We did just get a pull-up bar for our household and even though I can't do any yet, I can work my way up to it . . .
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    are we suppose to post our newts and owls daily? or just post on DOCS at the end of the week?

    If you want to post owls and newts here you can, just to update on the progress. Otherwise just post on the spreadsheet once a week. I had started posting daily, but Bron had posted she prefers we update the spreadsheet once a week, I would say post by Saturdays for the owls and newts and then on Sat to Mon for your weekly weight.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Lisa welcome! I sent you a message with rules and such. Please feel free to post any other questions! Changing for life seems like a lot, but it is the way to go. I have been picking away at weight loss for almost 4 years now, with the mindset changing for life and am about 50 pounds lighter. Sure I have stumbled a lot, but still I am 50 pounds lighter!'ll be doing chin ups in no time. I have a machine at the gym I can add counter weight to do chinups...I can only at 10 pounds below my weight..but hey at one time it was 100% of my weight! Keep with your plan, the scale does not always show hard work!

    Jenn Always glad to hear from you. Do you have a crockpot?? If so you could throw dinner in before you leave for work, and then probably have leftovers for a couple of days. I do most of my cooking on Sun, (meat/rice and roasted veggies) so I don't have to worry about cooking for the week, and then usually crockpot on Fri for the weekend. Any leftovers you don't eat you freeze, and then you have a meal if you are in a pinch for something healthy! Otherwise it would be fast food alley for me!

    How does everyone feel about adding the spirit challenge? A chance to add 1 owl to your total for the day if you make a post.

    Also I have learned that the other houses have one set person to post challenges. Traditionally in Hufflepuff, prefects were announced on Sat every other week and then the prefects decided the challenges. Is this something we would want to continue or do you want one person to be setting the challenges? Let me know what you all think!
    Happy Tuesday to all...with a short week for most I hope