Hufflepuff Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    are we suppose to post our newts and owls daily? or just post on DOCS at the end of the week?

    If you want to post owls and newts here you can, just to update on the progress. Otherwise just post on the spreadsheet once a week. I had started posting daily, but Bron had posted she prefers we update the spreadsheet once a week, I would say post by Saturdays for the owls and newts and then on Sat to Mon for your weekly weight.

    I think I was unclear. If you prefer to add your OWLs and things a day at a time, that's totally fine! I'm only concerned that we don't get weeks confused by posting too early. If you're sure the stats you're posting are from the week you're posting on, that's all I'm worried about.

    Remember, as long as you end up with ONLY 7 days' worth of numbers (and weight loss) at the end of the week, you're good.

    Sorry for the confusion. :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Hello hufflepuff!

    Sorry I haven't been active today, I am spending a few days with my best friends. Best friend #1 arrived back from Uni at the weekend so she, best friend #2 and I are together for a girly few days. Today we stayed in, watched movies and talked all day long (we're still talking now in fact, it's crazy how much we can talk!) and tomorrow we are headed to a nearby city for a shopping and lunch today. My town is expecting snow tonight (crazy since it was a heatwave here last week) and we're getting the train shopping tomorrow, so hopefully it won't be disrupted by the weather.

    I'll be back tomorrow evening, I just wanted to check in with everyone. Welcome to our new huffles too.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Hiya Hufflepuffies!

    Karen - I was using the crockpot... then I got lazy and bored... I need new dishes.
    Also, I think the reason we had the perfects pick the challenges was because after awhile it became a challenge to think of something new/fresh/etc... I am not trying hard enough to be a perfect anymore, shame on me!

    Not much else to report... I had a headache on and off today... I flirt too much... LOL!

    Xoxo - Jenn
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Greetings Hufflepuffs! My oldest son is sick, possibly with the norovirus that has been raging through the schools around here. I've been trying to feed the family lots of fresh produce and raw stuff, but we may not have escaped regardless.
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Hello fellow puffs.
    Not such a great day for me. Dealing with a lot of stress and personal drama, on top of moving this week. I ate way too many calories today (mostly from cookies. Damn you cookies, why you so delicious!?) and I felt extremely guilty for being in the red. So I kicked it up despite being exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically and did a good cleaning that put me back in the green. :)
    I'm truly proud of my efforts. I've never been this serious about it before even though I've wanted it for so long.
    Hope everyone's day was better than mine!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Staff development day tomorrow...a day to kick back and learn and reconnect with other divisions. In the past we got to pick our lunches, but planning committee just chose this time...will be interested to see what they give us. I think the organization is beginning to think healthier I am hopeful...

    Sanjoparolas- Your son should be feeling better in a couple of days...I think I had over the holidays as well-- thought I was going to die...norovirus is raging in many areas now. Even our own health department central intake staff had it this year! Wash everything you son may have touched, only since when he first started getting sick (think doorknobs, computers etc). We used and recommend use a 10% bleach solution to institutions, but it is quite corrosive. You could just use a soap and water solution. The alcohol based cleaners are RESISTANT to noro. Norovirus can live on a surface for 7 days

    Lisa-good job compensating with the exercise for those cookies. Cookies are addicting aren't they...I could never stop with just one either. Good luck with your move, they can be stressful

    Jenn...on facebook there is a great page called It has tons of great recipes for the crockpot. It may be just what you need to get back into the groove you were in. Since Queeda's move, we have not assigned prefects and have just been posting challenges intermittently. I'll skip this week and announce them next week. Bron has been a great influence to get us back on track!

    Molly...sounds like a great time with your friends! Are you going to be going to the same uni next year? If not, hopefully you will be closer to them than you are now!
  • Molly_Louise
    I've had such a great day with my two best friends, I am exhausted now though! We did so much walking, we were on our feet for about 8 hours. I don't know whether to count this or not but I have added 180 mins to the spreadsheet for now, as I wouldn't usually walk for this amount of time. If anyone thinks I shouldn't count this then please let me know and I'll remove it.

    Karen, I will be closer to one of them but sadly not the other. One of my best friends, Tasha (I refer to her on MFP as best friend #1) lives in London currently and I see her every 6 or so weeks. My other best friend Laura (referred to as best friend #2) lives in the same town as me and I see her several times a week. Laura, Tasha and I all worked together but after Tasha left for uni, just Laura and I work together at the same company. I will be just north of London when I go to Uni and about 20 minutes from the centre of London. Tasha is south of London and about the same distance from the centre as I am so I will be a lot closer to her than compared to now (60 - 90 mins away depending on which train I get) and we can regularly meet up. Laura will be about 100 miles north of me so a lot further away, sadly.

    I didn't make the best food choices today sadly so I am already dreading the weigh in on Sunday. I had a good day though and it was nice not to have to worry about food for once as I'd given myself a day off from MFP!

    I hope you've all had equally nice days. Have you got anything planned for Easter this weekend?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Why do I love Tall-High heels?!? I love the way they make my legs look, make me taller... But at the end of the day I love them even more, NO ON MY FEET!

    I was in high flirt mode today, passing out homemade cookies and such... Ate 3... Dangit!

    I am ready to be home... Holy week is going to be hard on my typical lazy bum, church every day till Sunday... And this is our first 'holiday' that we aren't going back to my parents, so we are spending it at church with breakfast, service, and egg hunt.

    Anyone else have super exciting plans?
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Thank you CarolinaGirl for the noro advice. Luckily it didn't turn out to be that after all, but if it hits I will be prepared! Lisa, your cookie comments were funny!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good job everyone! Today was a rough day for me too. I hope to make up for it with a later workout. Thanks for the advice i'll just post weekly. I have been keeping count through my food and exercise notes on my dairy so i don't forget.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, Hufflepuffs! Unfortunately, I did not hear a thing back from Queeda. Today was the deadline so we can keep things moving.

    Here's what I would like to do. I still want two people to step up if at all possible. One to be the Head of House (acting until/if Queeda decides to come back in the future, but taking over the duties indefinitely until we hear otherwise) and one to be the Deputy Head of House.

    I don't care how you split up duties as long as you designate one person to send me the results every week and that person will be the main contact person I'll list in all the threads.

    Let's try to have this sorted before the end of this coming Monday April 9th. Is that ok? Thanks for being so awesome so we can keep this House going! It's much appreciated!

  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Hey ladies and gents!
    I'm sleepy. I'd like nothing more right now than to go take a nap. But its not possible atm. -le sigh-

    I posted under success stories about my NSV today.
    I said no. To fast food. In the drive thru line. And I was offered anything on the menu. For free. :noway: Not typical Lisa. Normally I'd be "Hell yeah! I want ....." But I said I'd rather go home and eat. :) Proud of me!

    Shreddin mama- well all have those days love, can't be perfect ALL the time. :) Today will be a better day for you.

    Sanjo- Thanks. :) I aim to please.

    Jenn- I hate high heels. I can't wear them, simply because I can't walk in them. LOL. I've also got huge manly calf muscles, and not very sexy legs (FOR NOW!) I think they look much better on the floor. haha!

    Molly- I'd count it! If it's not in your daily norm to do such things, then heck yeah!

    Stay safe and keep doing amazing (like you all are!)

  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    So, I had this amazing salad with walnuts/almonds/peanuts (about 1/3-1/2 cups total).... Nut protein NEVER makes me feel full! (How can I word that not to be dirty?!? :blushing: Tree-Nut?) It is 2pm and I think I could eat a small calf... Greek yogurt to the resuce. Hopefully that holds me over! I am low on my protein for the day - I am sure I can fix that tonight!

    Lisa - Good for you! I have a really, really hard time turning down free meals... Typically don't! So Gold Star for the day!!

    I am in need of a serious nap... instead back to work! :sad:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Dog to the vet (routine check up), exercise, and off to finally see the Hunger Games tomorrow. I am excited to see the movie now that I have read the book. Hubby and I may go to the beach (about 2.5 hours away) for a day this weekend...the weather forecasts are not making much sense between us and the beach ( reliable are they!), so it will probably be a split second decision if we go...otherwise it will be an uneventful weekend for me

    Lisa...Awesome job today turning down the free fast food! I still struggle both with turning down free food, and eating fast food.
    Sanjoparolas...hope your son is feeling better and glad it is not Norovirus.
    shreddin_mama...despite it being rough, kudos to the great attitude displayed by making up for it with a workout. If it is easier to post numbers daily, you can. Bron had made a comment about only accessing spreadsheet weekly, but she commented later and said she did not care.
    Jenn Your salad sounded yummy, though I agree nuts never keep you full for long, but a carefully planned snack of nuts has saved me from a binge on more than one occasion!
    Molly I always count activity out of my normal go for it!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    hey guys, I'm being lazy. It's 12.40pm and I'm still sitting in bed. I :heart: bank holidays.

    I've been experimenting with trying to only eat at mealtimes (which is so hard when I'm at work) but I am finding the gap between breakfast and lunch is no problem at all thanks to my muesli breakfast. Then a rice kind of meal for lunch almost keeps me going until dinner time (perhaps it'd be easier if crisps and chocolate weren't freely available), so I am feeling quite pleased with myself. I haven't been to the gym for 2 weeks though so I'm looking forward to going back.

    Sorry I've not been around much; things and stuff, you know. x
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy Good Friday all. I hope you have a nice Easter weekend, however you're celebrating it. On Sunday or Monday I am going to see The Hunger Games with my mum so I am looking forward to that. On Sunday evening I have a meal with my work colleagues as a manager is leaving so we are throwing him a small surprise meal/party which will be nice.

    I logged 180 minutes of my day out the other day, I feel this is a fair number since logging all 8 hours would be a bit unfair!

    How are you all celebrating Easter?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Just a reminder!
    Hi, Hufflepuffs! Unfortunately, I did not hear a thing back from Queeda. Today was the deadline so we can keep things moving.

    Here's what I would like to do. I still want two people to step up if at all possible. One to be the Head of House (acting until/if Queeda decides to come back in the future, but taking over the duties indefinitely until we hear otherwise) and one to be the Deputy Head of House.

    I don't care how you split up duties as long as you designate one person to send me the results every week and that person will be the main contact person I'll list in all the threads.

    Let's try to have this sorted before the end of this coming Monday April 9th. Is that ok? Thanks for being so awesome so we can keep this House going! It's much appreciated!

  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I have no idea what to do with our leadship mess!

    **Backs away slowly... changing the subject**

    Went to a Mediterranean Cafe for lunch (Which is 'hidden' in the back of a jewerly store = FUN!)... Had lentil soup & Veggies over Couscous... There was way too much Couscous so I ate all the goodies and the soup and half a pita-pocket. Yum! I probably shouldn't try to date younger gentleman, we had very few things to talk about... I like to talk and he didn't keep the convo going... Sigh! The first lunch date was much better, this one - Meh!

    For those whom celebrate: Happy Easter! Happy(?) Passover!

    Have a great weekend everyone!! Xoxo!!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Molly and I are using IM to sort this out, we should have things sorted out this weekend.
    Jenn...your lunch sounds yummy. I only like the pearl couscous, not the regular stuff
    bumflap...sounds like great meal planning...even with the crisps and chocolate. I miss my regular workouts at the gym as well.

    Looking forward to a quiet the weathers supposed to be nice for the beach...I suppose the forecast can flip a couple of times before we decide. I plan to roast a chicken, (ham has become way to salty for me) and have asparagus and stuffed mushrooms for dinner. no dessert planned yet....I have a lot of fruit to eat, something along those lines would be in order.
    The Hunger Games was pretty good, but it left out details in the book, and since I know the ending motivating me to tackle the last book in the series! My brain had to process the first 2 books. I swear I was dreaming about it one night!
    Shopping today...although I realize sizes can vary widely, I fit into my first pair of misses large exercise pants/shorts yea for me!
    Weigh in tomorrow...not going to be pretty...
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. I'm just finishing up the hunger games and hope to see the movie soon. Today was cleaning day at work and my job was to carry boxes up and down stairs. My legs are sore. what a workout! Happy Easter!