Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    I'm currently battling a kidney infection which I discovered earlier, so I'm sorry if my efforts for the last few days are not as they should be. I've felt bad all week, but a doctor's appointment this afternoon discovered a horrible kidney infection. Just what I need!!

    I've changed my weight loss settings to lose 0.5lb a week. I know I will not lose this week and I've been struggling weight loss wise for the past few weeks, so I'm hoping the change will help things and send me in the right direction.

    molly just focus on getting well. kidney infections are horrible.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Feel better soon Molly!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs!

    I am still alive. I am sorry I have been so absent lately, but the time change coupled with living in a new country and teaching at a new school have totally time consuming. All of my lessons from the US have to be redone to fit the curriculum here and it is an extensive process. I love you all and I am doing great with maintaining my weight! I am hoping to get caught up on the board today because it is officially my weekend. I have no idea what time it is all over the world, but I am on Friday night 24 Feb and it's almost 10pm! It is absolutely beautiful here and I love it already. I have a few pictures up if you have facebook here is the link to my album ...

    Love you all

  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    QUEEDA!! GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU! omg the beach and your son are so beautiful!

    hey everyone i've been looking at the week results tabs in the google document and my numbers don't make since like they don't add up at all. i think some how Nikki (bum) and my cells got mixed up in creating the functions for the spreadsheet. can someone check this to make sure i'm not missing something, please?

  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Queeda - Again, those babies are so dang pretty! (Of course, they get it from their momma!!)

    Hoping life is starting to settle down, enough... Xoxo!!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    hey everyone i've been looking at the week results tabs in the google document and my numbers don't make since like they don't add up at all. i think some how Nikki (bum) and my cells got mixed up in creating the functions for the spreadsheet. can someone check this to make sure i'm not missing something, please?


    I was looking at mine and they don't match either.

    Queeda - that beach does look lovely. Looks like ya'll are very happy and having a great time! Glad you are finding time to catch up on a few things.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Molly_Louise
    I think my stats are correct - they seem it based on what I have logged but I am not sure. Though on the summary bit at the bottom, my weight is 129.8 which is way off. This is creating an incorrect percentage for my own weight loss and it's unlikely that my 'summary' is the only one affected. I am not sure how to change this though, perhaps we need to create a new spreadsheet as it seems there are problems with the current one? Again, I don't know how to do all the formula's etc, but I can (try to) help where needed.

    I'm still fighting my kidney infection, so I will blame my weight gain (I know I've gained) and lack of exercise on that. I have to do a 10 hour shift at work tomorrow and I will log some of this as I spend most of my day running around trying to make sure customers are okay and hope they don't bite my head off.

    Other than that, a quiet weekend before more birthday celebrations on Monday evening for a close friend's 18th birthday.

    What is everyone up to this weekend?
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Molly - take care of that kidney infection. You don't want to end up in the hospital. Hope you feel better very very soon.

    My daughter and I are going out of town to a company regional event on Saturday. Sunday she will spend the day with her boyfriend and I'm hoping to get some grass cut around this place.

    Hope everyone else has a good weekend planned.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey guys, I have had a look at the spread sheet and I do not understand it so I'm afraid I'll have to leave it to you guys to figure out (numbers are not my strong point - sorry) But I have been putting numbers into my own squares so it's definately not me messing things up :happy:

    I am upset with the scales today but I know it should be myself I'm upset with. WIll update my weight when I'm ready though. I hope everyone is having a good weekend and that everyone who is sick gets well soon
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Very busy this week! I maintained at 192. A victory given it is TOM. I was bummed to find my cholesterol was actually WORSE than last year. My NP seems to not be too worried, but it has been steadily increasing ever sense I beginning my journey to health 4 years ago. Beginning to wonder if genes are at play. It is bad (or good), when her only diet suggestion was to give up the one ounce of cheese I eat most days and to "try" to add more fruits and veggies though I already get 4-6 servings in most days already.

    As far as the spreadsheet is concerned, I have only been filling out the first tab, and have not touched the other tabs. I am not on good terms with spreadsheets, have the other tabs been populated by the info on the first tab? If so it is likely there is a calculation is off. Hopefully Amber makes it back soon to help us straighten it out :) If anyone else in the group is savvy with spreadsheets, have at it to straighten it out!

    Queeda--that is an awesome picture. Glad to hear things are going well. I had to look it up on the internet, you are 9 hours ahead of me here in the land of EST :)
    Amber--Shower sounds like fun, and good luck finding full time work. It is difficult in this era. My hubby still can only find part time work. He is going to start back to school this summer in a paralegal program. We are lucky they are in demand in my area
    Molly--take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon. glad you caught it early, I have known many women who let those infections go, and they get so bad they wind up in the hospital.
    Kathy-sounds like a fun weekend planned even with the grass cutting (exercise right??) :)
    bumflap- don't let the scale get you down. So close to goal, it does get harder to lose weight as you are close to goal. hang in there :)
    Jenn and Dani--I have a Nook, and like it, but I wish I had a Kindle. it is just lighter, and screen is easier to read. I do not like the fact I can not loan out books to a friend unless they have a Nook. I used to love reading, but since graduate school, it is harder for me to read. I am currently reading You are an Ironman, about 6 normal people and their road to an Ironman triathlon in Arizona. Very inspiring...makes me feel so lazy :)
    A great weekend to all Hufflepuffs!
  • Molly_Louise
    3lb gain this week :( I am blaming it on my kidney infection. I was disappointed to see the gain, but not surprised as I had seen a similar figure when I weighed in earlier in the week. Weight is back up to 150, so I am hoping to be down to 148 by next Sunday. Fingers crossed.

    A poor effort from me this week as far as OWLs and NEWTs are concerned, I did manage to rack up 518 h.p's though so I am happy at that. I also managed to earn 30 NEWTs this week, an improvement from 17 last week and 13 the week before. I am hoping to get 600 h.p's this week, along with 60 OWLs and 40 NEWTs. We'll see. I am meant to be at a party tomorrow night for my friend's birthday, but I will see how I feel. Hopefully I can get in a good amount of H.P's dancing, if I do end up going.

    Now onto day 5 of my lent - no diet coke/pepsi. I'm not struggling at all, which was a surprise. I am having a cheat day tomorrow, as I will drink diet coke at the party, if I do end up going. Tuesday is back to normal though and a diet coke/pepsi free few weeks continues. Did anyone give up anything? If so, how are you doing?
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey guys this may go wrong as i'm trying to access mfp on my walkie-talkie which has deteriorated in efficiency and simplicity since I plugged it into the dying laptop. Anyway 3 hours done today and I havent eaten yet so i'm looking forward to a meal out with the boyfriend. Tried out gillian's 6pack dvd. Not that I want a scary 6pack, but it's great for the core and there's 1 move where I could *accidentally* kick the tv which would be hilarious so i'll let u kno if I end up doing that. Bookwise i'm on lovely bones which is turning out to be a gd read. Shame I keep falling asleep reading in bed with the light and my glasses on and the book ends up all bent up, not to mention losing my page each night. Anyway I feel like i'm texting so i'll leave u all to yr sundays
  • Molly_Louise
    I've just noticed the "10 bonus points if you beat your NEWT score last week" on the far right of the spreadsheet, so I've added 10 NEWTs my my week 3 total of NEWTs.

    I hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I fell off the wagon there!

    But, I'm determined to crawl back on, starting right now. Despite logging inconsistently for the last couple weeks, I've managed me meet my February goal. Sure, it was a modest goal of gaining half a pound in a month. But It's better than no gain or a loss for me.

    I want to see if I can gain a pound by the end of March. I bet if I stick to logging better, I can do it.

    As far as that spread sheet goes... I'll have to look into it. I don't think I'm going to be capable of getting Februarys fixed up, but maybe I can make March happen? Really, the nice Ravenclaw ladies just sent me some stuff, so I'm not all that well versed in what they did.

    Training for my race is going pretty well so far. My weekend long runs are feeling fine - But I've skipped my last two track workouts. I'll head back this week. It's nice to take some down time from training every now and again.

    Also - for house points, what do we count? I've just been counting what I call "dedicated exercise" like going for a run or doing push ups. Am I supposed to be counting daily activity too? I work at a running shop, so am constantly walking from the sales floor, to the back room, climbing ladders, running papers upstairs to the office... But I thought that was just included in the section where you fill out if you are sedentary, light activity, moderate activity... If I count all the time I spend moving around at work... That's a lot of time!

    Be back later. :) Promise.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    amber, i feel like i'm hanging onto the wagon with my fingernails sometimes. logging doesn't work for me but this forum helps, i think because i'm part of a bigger thing.

    excercise is any strenuous activity you wouldn't normally do. So walking around and going up ladders at work shouldn't be counted but a morning spent gardening gardening would count if you don't normally do it often.

    Also i don't tend to count walking anywhere unless i'm putting effort into making it a Power Walk and don't normally do that walk very often. But that's just me.

    amber, you do a lot of excercise anyway I think so I wouldn't worry about your house points :wink:

    What does everyone else think?
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!
    I had a good weekend. Saturday just did more spring cleaning. It’s a bit embarrassing when the people at the goodwill donation place know me by name since I’m there every week. Sunday had the usual family members over for brunch then we took all our dogs to the park. We’ve resolved to do this every weekend but we’ll see. We’re having some crazy weather in Cali. Yesterday it was beautiful 68 degrees and now it’s pouring and there is a bit of hail. Just praying it won’t take me 2 hours to drive home.

    Alaska- hope you and your daughter had a great weekend. got any pictures?

    Carolina- I feel you on the cholesterol front. My ‘bad’ cholesterol keeps going down but my ‘good’ cholesterol is still stuck stubbornly in the low range. It’s frustrating. Right now I’m reading The New rules of Lifting for Women.

    Molly- try drinking cranberry juice but get one with low or less sugar, eating yogurt or drinking one of those probiotic drinks. Also, I find Sundays is a good cheat day since Sundays aren’t actually included in the 40 days of Lent. I gave up eating out and so far so good. It forced me to eat lunch before my sister and I went shopping on Saturday.

    Amber- I’ve fallen off the logging wagon countless times. I feel that as long as you keep track of what you are eating/exercising and put in the food/exercise notes you should be good. It’s not always possible to know the calories consumed and burned for everything. It’s just not realistic. Thanks for tackling the spread sheet.

    Bum- I’m cool with your explanation.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Proud to say I logged yesterday! Yay for me. Plan to log today as well.

    It's 5:45 in the morning here, I'm getting ready to meet a friend at the track, then off to work for me. Why do I agree to this insanity!?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Procrastinating for a few more minutes. I have a mandated office day (I need desperately).

    Amber-the important part is you find your way back to the wagon and climb back on. You can do it--Nothing like exercising early morning. I am running late if I am not at the gym by 530am!

    Bumflap-I agree with your explaination of activity. I don't usually count walking anywhere as exercise unless I put some effort into it and fell my HR rise, or I rarely count cleaning/gardening unless it is super active and sustained AND I have not exercised for the day. I have my basal set at light activity to account for these activities. I suppose if you set at sedentary, you could then think about counting it, but I think it is more of an individual choice.

    Dani- That is another book I want to read, haven't been able to focus long enough to read it. I think it may be helpful now that I am seeing the benefit of lifting weights
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi guys!

    Sorry I've been quiet recently. I'm almost over the horrible kidney infection I have, thankfully. I felt well enough to go to my friend's birthday party last night and I'm glad I did, because I had a great night, as did she. My friend, Jo, turned 18 on Saturday so she, some of our friends and I went out celebrating. Her parents surprised her with a limo, to take us out, and since we didn't know about it either it was a nice surprise for everyone!

    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow and see the damage, or hopefully a loss. I've been having a bad time recently weight loss wise, so I need to see the figures going in a downwards direction!

    Sorry about my lack of participation here in the common room, I'm not purposely ignoring you all I promise! I'm now up to date with all of my school work which is a relief since I noticed it was all piling up again, so hopefully that means I can get to come on here a little more. I like to read every night for about 30 mins before I go to bed but lately that hasn't been possible because I've had so much work. Usually I'm really organised so I know I've been ill when I let things slip :laugh: I'm now just anxiously waiting an exam result for the psychology exam I had in January, I should get that in a couple of weeks.

    Other than that, that's all from me folks! I don't know if any of you are 'big' make up wearers, but if you wear lipstick, which brand and shade do you use? I'm looking for a new one and want some recommendations!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Still alive here. February is over so I will keep a closer eye on the March spread sheet. You are all awesome. I am still on the wagon with exercise ... food choices not so much, but I am dropping weight though. I think it's stress related which is not a good way to lose. It could also be the fact that we literally walk everywhere here in Abu Dhabi. It's all so confusing for me with the time difference. As I get settled more I promise to be more active. I am just barely hanging on as it is though. Please forgive.