Hufflepuff Common Room



  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Alaska- welcome welcome. where in texas are you from? my sister went to college in dallas so i've spent some time there.

    I live near Corpus Christi.

    OMG IS THE SELENA MUSEUM STILL THERE!?!?!? i went to her store in san antonio right before it was closed. techno cumbia love that song

    Not 100% positive but I think it is. There are a lot of die hard Selena fans here. I cannot imagine it would close.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Karen - Great weight loss for the week!!

    Yes I am excited about the trip to Hawaii. I hope we can make it work. We are going to the Big Island - isn't that where Kauai is located? I am NOT looking forward to the flight though! I could eat my weight in fresh pineapple!! I'm looking foward to trying as many different types of fish as possible!! Bootcamp is hard and I am sore but she works different muscle groups so the same group is not sore at the same time. You should try the class you may find that you like it. I have wanted to try a spin class but have been too scared to do it - ironic isn't it? :ohwell: My plan is to add the the Jillian Michaels 30 DS a couple days and then walk/jog one day. Big plans I just need to get off my butt and get it done. Hopefully this week will be better for making it to my workout and getting in the extra ones.

    I am going to a birthday party for a friend tonight and I'm trying to plan ahead. I don't want to blow the week's weight loss in one day!! Bar B Q, Beans, Potato Salad and cake - Yum but fattening!! They were nice enough to get some chicken for me so that will help. Portion control will be key!!

    Hope everyone has a safe and healthy weekend!!!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Folks,

    Well, I'm up a pound since last week! Yay! The bummer is that last week was a loss, so this weeks gain is actually getting me back to my starting point... But I'll take it.

    I've not been on my A game this week due to that weird cold I had. Wednesday night I was stuffy. Thursday morning, I was not stuffy anymore, but just exhausted. Friday, I was fine. Today (Saturday) I decided to run again, but only made it a mile before I needed to be done.

    So, not a ton of exercise for me this week. But my running partner will be here in the morning and we plan to take a run around the lake which is about 11 or so miles (20K) depending on which route we take. Hopefully I'll feel ok for it.

    Congrats to those of you moving in the right direction this week. If the scale is not going your way, keep trying!

    Queeda - you've been quiet. How are ya?

    Nikki - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I baked and ate brownies in your honor. Even served 'em with ice cream. :)

    Dani - did you take a look at any of the recipes I sent you? I hope you find something that inspires you!

    Alaska - hope you had fun at your party and did not go too crazy!

    If you don't hear back from me, it means I froze to death running out in this wicked cold tomorrow! I hope to come back with my fingers, toes and nose all attached!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Also - what are the challenges for the coming week?

    I'd actually like to keep them the same. It takes more than a week to change habits! I find that I'm doing better now adding veggies and I still need more time to add strength work.

  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I was thinking that the NEWTs are a bit low for most of us, considering that guidance is to eat at least 5 portions of fruit/veg daily...

    Perhaps we could keep the same challenges with 10 bonus points at the end of the week if you improve on your score for this week?

    What do others think to this?

    p.s. thanks for the birthday wishes although my birthday is next week on Friday - I'm just preparing now because I know I'll be busy in the pub later in the week!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    I was thinking that the NEWTs are a bit low for most of us, considering that guidance is to eat at least 5 portions of fruit/veg daily...

    Perhaps we could keep the same challenges with 10 bonus points at the end of the week if you improve on your score for this week?

    What do others think to this?

    p.s. thanks for the birthday wishes although my birthday is next week on Friday - I'm just preparing now because I know I'll be busy in the pub later in the week!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    I was thinking that the NEWTs are a bit low for most of us, considering that guidance is to eat at least 5 portions of fruit/veg daily...

    Perhaps we could keep the same challenges with 10 bonus points at the end of the week if you improve on your score for this week?

    What do others think to this?

    p.s. thanks for the birthday wishes although my birthday is next week on Friday - I'm just preparing now because I know I'll be busy in the pub later in the week!

    I think that is a great idea!!
  • Molly_Louise
    My weight is down to 148, yay! I like the ideas suggested for NEWTs/OWLs challenges so far, I am happy to take part in any challenge. Since an official challenge isn't yet posted and I am away for 2 days as of tomorrow, I will work my OWLs/NEWTs out when the challenges are 'revealed' and I am home.

    As I said, I am away for 2 days as of tomorrow and I'll be back on Wednesday evening. I'm heading to London with my two best friends for a short girly break, so I won't be online until Wednesday night/Thursday. I'll talk to you all when I'm back and I really hope I don't gain next weekend since we're going to be eating a lot of food!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Since an official challenge isn't yet posted and I am away for 2 days as of tomorrow, I will work my OWLs/NEWTs out when the challenges are 'revealed' and I am home.

    I'm putting my numbers on the spreadsheet but if we switch to other challenges I'll recalculate. Where is everyone?

    I've hurt my foot so I'm going to be doing mainly swimming this week.

    putting this here so I can easily find it later
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I am fine with Nikki's NEWT challenge. Why do we just keep the OWL challenge the same as well, since it includes both activity and strength training.

    Kathy--Kauai is the little island. Not a lot of the "touristy" islands, but some beautiful nature excursions. Not sure if I will ever make it back, but if I did, but I would go to Oahu and to the Big island. I too was scared to enter my spin class for many months, all the loud music and the yelling, but I finally got brave and did it, it is a blast. I am now addicted to class on Tues/Thurs. You can adjust your bike as you need to, and go at your own pace. The easy gear is really easy. Take a water bottle with you!

    Amber--Hope you did not freeze on your run today. Glad you are feeling better. I was laying low this week too, I never got sick, but I was afraid I would overdo it, so I was only exercising about half of my usual amount.

    Nikki--Hope your toe feels better soon. Glad you are able to swim despite the injury.

    Molly--Have a great time this week and congrats on the loss.

    Suzie--great to hear from you again I hope all is going well

    Queeda--Hope all is going well with your move and your new job!

    Is it going to be Monday ALREADY?????????? This weekend went way too fast! :smile:
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I did survive my run today! Just about 11 miles in very cold weather. It was about 7 F with winds around 10MPH. So, cold. But it was good to run with my running partner again. It's so much more fun with company. I was tired when I got home, but had to head to work anyway.

    I'm excited to give the challenges another go. But, let's perhaps improve upon them - by making things a little more clear. I looked around for a minute or two on the web to define what is a serving of fruit or vegetables. This is a bit dated but I think it's pretty simple and clear. Actually helpful to me. Check out this link for a definition of a serving of fruit or vegetables. If I go by this, I'm eating more than I was counting before! Although, I do protest the claim that avocados don't count as a vegetable! Humph!

    Does someone else want to clarify the OWL challenge since there was some confusion on that?

    Bum - what do you mean "where is everyone"? Looks like most folks are playing along! We need weights from Danielle and Jen - and points and weight from Queeda. Other than that, we are looking good! We averaged 275 minutes of exercise this week! Good for us! :)

    So, I'm off to eat my beans, rice, Brussels sprouts, salsa (which is NOT a vegetable) and avocado - which IS a vegetable - or possibly a fruit?

    Anybody else have a yummy Sunday dinner in the works?
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    For clarification on the Owls challenge

    1 Owl for each 10 sets of calisthenics, and 1 Owl for each 10 minutes of cardio.

    For example, 20 pushups (2 Owls) , 20 sit ups (2 Owls), 10 jumping jacks (1 Owl), followed by 40 minutes of cardio (4 Owls)
    would earn you 9 Owls.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Bum - what do you mean "where is everyone"?

    I meant on the forum. I kept checking back because I guess I had a slow weekend but not much was happening on here. Obviously I think Hufflepuff is the best house in Hogwarts; we've been killing it with the house points... *runs around the common room doing hi-fives*
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hi all!
    Glad the Owls & Newts stayed the same.

    Amber - I ended up eating way to much at the party! I made the mistake of going hungry. Oh well guess I'll have to work that much harder to lose back what I gained! :sad:
    Glad you were able to complete your run. 11 miles is quite an accomplishment!

    Molly - Congrats on the loss. Hope you enjoy your girly weekend.

    bum - I agree with you about Hufflepuffs! That's why I chose this house!:wink:

    Have a great week everyone!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Nikki- happy early birthday!

    Amber- I haven’t had a chance to check them out but I did get the quinoa out of the cupboard and put it on the counter, one step at a time but I have to say I’m ashamed of what I ate this weekend.

    I had my sister help me re-arrange the house/swap rooms and make an office in the extra room. It was a musical chairs of moving rooms and furniture this weekend. It was a super busy and physical weekend but I didn’t make very many good choices and I didn’t get a chance to walk my dogs. They were very upset.

    Avocado is fruit, I can’t remember the reason why but the US gov’t classifies tomatoes as veggies even though they are a fruit, it’s political. You should try it Filipino/Asian style in a smoothie.

    so the owl/newts challenges are the same? this might be a radical suggestion but why don't we keep the same owl/newt challenges for the month?
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    What a nutty day for me!

    I totally fell off the logging wagon and went wacky with my eating. Not that I ate anything "bad" though. After work (and running group) I went to the grocery store because I needed ONE thing but ended up going crazy and buying a bunch of food from the deli. I was at the local hippy healthy store, so the deli section is full of veggies and tofu... But I just started grabbing stuff. I got a beet salad (it was FANTASTIC), Spinach dip, veggie pot stickers, and a puff pastry filled with spinach and fetta. AND I got a big package of freshly made croutons. Like the kind they make from day old bread. I broke into the package in the car and ate a TON of them. Then, I got home, ate bits of my purchases, got distracted and talked to a friend on the phone for a while and got some computer correspondence taken care of. Then, I got really thirsty even though I'm already over my water goal for the day. Just downed about 20 oz of water... I gave up on logging past lunch because I don't even know what I ate, really...
    Oh well.

    Start again tomorrow.

    Dani - unless you've been eating people or something nasty like that, no need to be ashamed of your weekend. Own it and move on. Make better choices today. :) Just don't give up.

    And I think keeping at the same challenges for a month might be good. It'll give us a chance to get good at them before we move on! It takes 3 weeks to make a new habit, right?

    Bum - Oh, I see! I thought you were looking at some other spread sheet or something. I try to check in - I read regularly, but don't often have access to a good keyboard so don't type as much as I read. :) I'm here... Lurking...

    My exercise plans for the week:

    Today: running group. :)

    Tomorrow - 5 miles? Push ups, sit ups and glute work.

    Wednesday, run with my friend in the morning, nap, speed work in the evening.

    Thursday - OFF! Stretching!

    Friday, 5 miles at marathon pace. Push ups, sit ups and glute work.

    Saturday, 6 miles easy. Push ups, sit ups, and glute work.

    Sunday, 10 miles - which will probably be close to 11 because that's the best route. If I stop at 10 miles, I'll still be .75 miles from home!

    If I don't do that strength work - please mock me.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, I set my alarm early so I could get up and get on the treadmill, but hit the snooze about 7 or 8 times before I was able to drag myself out of bed (I think I have worked 3rd shift too much of my life and will always struggle with this--or mayyybe I worked third because I am not an early morning person heehee), so no exercise this morning 8 ( I am going to be home really late tonight, but am going to really try to get on the treadmill when I get home. Have a great day!!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Huffelpuffs,

    This is a longer youtube video, but I think it's very much worth the 10 minutes to watch. :)

    Take care of your heart on Valentines Day and every day!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening, I am just here to show off really. I got myself some presents and they arrived early. I got a 160GB ipod (because my original one is dying of old age) and a shuffle for the gym (I called it Sweaty Betty), which I am sure will end up in the wash. My poor, equally geriatric laptop is really struggling to cope with it all and I may be up through the night dragging and dropping things and making sure there are no duplicates. It's pretty boring really but once it's done I don't have to worry for another 5 years.

    I'm not doing much excercise becuase my foot is still quite bad.. Also I seem to be breaking out in all sorts of spots and hormonal instability at the moment so my eating is also very poor. Still, you guys appear to be up for the challenges this week!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Valentines my sweet Huffles, Hope you all had at least one piece of chocolate 8 )

    Hey Bumflap....what did you do to your foot?