Hufflepuff Common Room



  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning huffles,
    Hang in there Molly! It will all be worth it. You have done such a great job.

    My stats for yesterday 1/31

    Newts 7
    Owls 1
    House pts. 30

    Have a great day everyone! 8 )
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Wow, nobody has posted in 24 hours...that is unusual. Here are my stats for yesterday


    Newts: 13
    Owls: 0
    House Points: 27

    It's almost Friday 8 )
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I am still alive! EXTREMELY Jet lagged and exhausted , but alive. Thanks to amber we now have a googledoc to record our stats. This will make everything SO much easier for me! All you have to do is put in your name and stats ... The googledoc will save it for me and I will be able to calculate everything easier. We will start using this googledoc this week. Welcome to February! Who is excited for Valentine's Day! My kids are my Valentine's this year so we will do something cute together. I miss you all ... Please continue to excuse my absence I promise I will be more involved soon. Thanks! I :heart: all the beautiful Hufflepuffs!

    Googledoc link:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Molly= Don't stress everything will be ok. Try to do something relaxing ... Maybe a message. The one thing I do know is stress is bad for your health and we want you to be healthy.

    Amber- Don't get discourage weight loss is difficult, but healthy weight gain is extremely difficult. Keep working at it and eventually you will see results. I am unsure of how you are eating, but high protein foods are a great for gaining weight ... Just a suggestion!

    Jenn- You have been through a lot recently. No worries and I haven't been the greatest Hufflepuff either. This whole moving across the world this is crazy.

    Carolinagirl- Thanks for your continuous posts and keeping up with the board so well. It's great to have your encouragement and comments.

    Suzie- You are doing so well keep up the great work!

    Danizaga- I am sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon though.

    Bump- I hope you feel better soon. We miss you on the boards.

    MsRobinson- Great work so far. I know it can be stressful when you have so much to do!

    A HUGE thank you to Molly for helping me keep up with Newts/Owls challenges and to Amber for helping me with the googledoc. I have the best team a girl could ask for! XOXOXO
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    All google doc glory to the Ravenclaws! They were kind enough to share a template - which I sort of mucked around with to fit our needs!

    Queeda - glad you are safely arrived. I look forward to getting know you better.

    Everybody else - I miss you!

    Last night, I had a great workout. Went to the track and ran with some faster folks. It was fun to be around some quick folks and put in a good effort. With my normal schedule, this Wednesday night thing won't work for me, but I'm going to try to move some things around so I can make this workout happen more often. I think I'll see significant speed gains. :)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening guys. The google thing looks a good idea...Amber, clearly the Ravenclaws will have found the best, most efficient way of doing things but well done you for nicking their ideas :wink: So do we update it on Sat/Sun this week for week 1 then? I'm going to approach this in a "monkey see monkey doo" kind of manner. Do we put our names under where it says house? Also is this spreadsheet just for Feb or is it somehow for the whole year? (sorry, if this is obvious to everyone else)

    I have 45 house points for the week so far. Not much but it's something.

    I left work an hour and a half early and thought: great, I will go to the gym in the first time in ages. Then I drove past the gym. So I thought: excellent, I'll tidy the house a bit, since I've neglected this for some time. And I haven't done that either. So I'm going to put an album on and make myself tidy downstairs (with a no sitting down rule) until the music runs out.

    I hope everyone's ok.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Bump - good catch!

    I'd sent Queeda a link to the TEMPLATE which she posted above. Please don't write on the template. Each month, we can make a copy of the template and add dates as we go. This means each month we will use a new link to get to the document, but it'll be less work than creating a new document each time.

    I made a copy of the template and added February dates. I used Saturdays - because I did not know what else to do. If someone wants to change those dates, go for it.

    To use this document, you'll need to be signed into your own google account. If this is a problem for people, it can be changed.

    Open the document, add your name and your goal weight - what you hope to be at the end of February. Then, add your starting weight when we weigh in this weekend.

    Add your own house points, OWLS and NEWTS each week. The program adds everything up, so you don't have to worry about that.

    Please use this link instead of the one from Queeda!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member

    This appears to be a joke spreadsheet that is un-editable. Either that or I'm being an idiot again.
  • Molly_Louise
    Queeda, it's great to hear from you! I am glad you and the children arrived safely. When do you start your new job? I know some people living in Dubai and they are at the Dubai British School so they can continue their British education. Is your son in school yet and if so, will he attend an American/international school?

    Amber, thank you so much for creating the spreadsheet. It'll make things a lot easier for everyone I'm sure. I am unable to edit the document though, so the settings will need to be changed in order for us to add in our own details.

    I am a little confused about the weeks though - is week 1 the week we are currently in? As in Jan. 29 - present day (will be until Feb. 4th as new challenges start on sunday), or are we starting week 1 on Sunday 5th? I weigh in on Sunday's so I will add my weight a day later than scheduled, which I hope is okay.

    I'm posting my stats in this post, just so I can look back through them and see them if I need to add them to the spreadsheet.

    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 11
    H.P - 60

    I promise that as of next week I will be so much more active!! I've had so much to do, especially within school. I had an exam last week which I think went horribly, so I am expecting to have to resit that in the summer. I've also had a big project to do for psychology (I took the exam in this subject too) so my brain has been overloaded with psychological things to say the least. I haven't put my all into weight loss this week so I will be surprised if I lose 1lb this week. I am hopeful though!

    Does anyone have Skype? Jenn (Jenn_W) and I spoke on Skype a while back and it was a lot of fun! We should all try and arrange a Skype session sometime.
  • msrobinson77
    I have missed you all this week! I have been taking a graduate course in math (for recertification) and it's been keeping me uber busy. My Cohort is getting ready to present at the statewide Math conference in a few weeks, which is leaving me no time to play and mess around on the computer-boo!!!

    Anyhow, I have been working out and logging, but I am so behind in the current owl/newt challenge. I think I'll have to start fresh on Sunday when we have a new challenge. My current weight is 135 and I have 150 House Points so far for the week. I decided to try something new and got a pilates video to spice up my routine. Woah baby-my abs are on fire!!

    Amber-thanks for making us a doc. I wasn't able to edit it though???
    Queeda-Hooray- you made it!!! Can't wait to live vicariously through you!
    Mom/Suzie-You are doing great! Don't be too hard on yourself about the gain. Remember the tortoise-slow and steady!
    Molly-Hang in there sweet girl-College/University is such a wonderful experience and it's just around the corner!
    Jenn-Have a wonderful weekend with your little man! BTW you look smokin' hot in your work outfit:-)

    To all of my other hufflepuffs-Have a great week!

    Looking forward to a new week of challenges:-)
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    OK, you should now all be able to edit.

    And I changed the dates to make things more clear. Hope it works now!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    TGIF...Really for real this week. It has been a killer week to say the least. I ate Chinese last night...YUM those stir fried green beans. Love them. but UGH the sodium...I gained 3 pounds overnight...I know better too...Oh well this too should pass (and hopefully by weigh in tomorrow)

    Queeda Glad you finally made it I look forward to hearing more about your adventure as it unfolds

    Amber Great idea with the google spreadsheet. Thanks for pulling it together. I was in another challenge where it was used, but there was over 100 of us in the challenge, it seemed to work well. I accessed the spreadsheet and added myself to it. My only questions are is the week of 2/4 for this week, or next week? and for goal, is it a goal weight for Feb or ultimate goal?

    Molly Sorry to hear your having a rough week. Deep breath...Keep your light at the end of the tunnel in sight (UNI) And it will be all worth it in the end. I still have not come up with the technology age and have skye yet (ironic I know as by BF STILL does not have a FB account and even she skypes...may have to look into)

    Danielle Hang in there with the sore throat. strep is a killer to cream...great for the sore throat! (or at least a great excuse to indulge)

    Mandy hang in there with the class. Is for a whole semester? I hated math and stats when I was in college. I learned exactly what I needed to function and have forgotten the rest :)

    Jenn Love the new picture

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey all!

    NSV for me - my undies and some jeans are getting snug! Nothing is really showing up on the scale, but it's showing up on my bum! I'll take it!

    For the spreadsheet - the goal section should be what you hope to weigh at the end of February. Suzy, I hope you don't plan to weigh 5 pounds!

    As for dates, I am still new to Hogwarts, so I made some assumptions. I'm assuming the week we are in now still counts as January.

    So, we should start using the sheet in just a couple days on Sunday. I tried to make things more clear by changing the date at the top if the columns. There is now a date range.

    Anyone "in charge" - please feel free to change that if you want. I just put in what I thought was right!

    Ms Carolina, good luck with that sodium. Exercise really helps flush that out, so go get sweaty!
  • Molly_Louise
    Amber, congratulations on the NSV and again, thank you for creating the spread sheet.

    I will be logging on the spread sheet Sunday onwards, with both my weight on there and the new challenges. Speaking of challenges, since Queeda has just moved, I think it'll be a lot easier if we create the challenges again rather than Queeda, as I'm sure she has a busy few days ahead of her! I did the past two weeks challenges and while I don't mind doing this weeks, if someone else wants to create some challenges then feel free.

    Stats for 3/1

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 11
    H.P - 75

    I am working 9 - 7pm tomorrow so I am hoping to get a good burn. I usually log about 3 hours of walking when I work a 10 hour shift, since I probably burn around 500 or so, but I never know what to log it as and working 1 day a week doesn't really qualify for an 'active lifestyle' category.

    Does anyone have plans for Valentines day? I am spending the day with my two best friends! Best friend #2 turns 18 on the 16th so we're having a 2 day birthday celebration. Best friend #1 lives almost 100 miles away, as I frequently mention, so she and I have teamed up to give #2 a big birthday celebration surprise. It involves whisking her away to a spa in London, where best friend #1 now lives, spending 2 nights in a hotel, dinner, girly time, relaxation and generally a great time. I am so so excited and best friend #2 has NO idea what we've planned for her, so keeping it a secret has definitely been hard!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun! I don't think my fiancé and I will do much for Valentines day. We are both kind of lame. I've been hinting quite clearly about my favorite chocolates though. Not sure what to get for him.

    Can I suggest a food challenge?

    A NEWT for each fruit or veggie serving!

    Suggested details:

    Apple sauce made from apples and only apples would count as a serving of fruit, but applesauce made with HFCS and splenda and assorted other artificial stuff would NOT count.

    Spinach, dip made with spinach, mayonnaise, sour cream, cheese, salt... would NOT count, but a light spinach dip made mostly of spinach would count.

    Highly processed soup in a can with a few peas and carrots would NOT count. Soup made at home with a bunch of lightly cooked vegetables would count.

    The spirit of the challenge is to include as many servings of unprocessed fruits and veggies, so play nice!

    And for a bonus - take an extra NEWT for each NEW or unusual for you fruit or vegetable you try. :)

  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Amber, I like the NEWT challenge, I'm going to start playing again.
    I'd suggest an excercise one but I feel that since I've been so lax with everything someone else should have a go.

    I weighed in at the same weight today and have 155 house points for the week.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Heehee, No Amber, you are right. I do NOT want to weigh five lbs at the end of Feb. I think I would be forced to shop for all new clothes in the barbie doll section, and darn those barbie stilletos never want to stay on....

    Amber, I also wanted to say great job on the spread sheet. It is awesome.

    Molly, have fun with your girlfriends! Sounds fabulous.

    I have an idea for the exercise challenge unless someone else wants to do the challenge. I always struggle when our challenge is any kind of calisthenics, so I was thinking

    1 Owl for each set of 10 crunches
    1 Owl for each set of 10 pushups (girl or guy)
    1 Owl for each set of 10 jumping jacks
    1 Owl for each set of 10 lunges ( one each leg counts as one lunge)
    1 Owl for each set of 10 if you did any exercise towards our house points.

    Just a suggestion. If anyone wants to do anything else just holler.

    I will post stats later.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Suzy, I'm glad you don't want to weigh 5 pounds. Barbie does have some pretty great outfits these days, but her proportions are a bit unrealistic...

    Can I add a slight suggestion or tweak to the OWL challenge?

    Is it going to be just points for strength? Could we have a point for each 10 minutes of cardio too? I only suggest this because it's what I do, what with all the running! :) Feel free to tell me to just be nice and play by the rules.

    Do any of you have big super bowl plans? My fiancé and I are going to his folks house. It's a bit of a drive for us, but it should be a good time. I don't see his parents all that often, and I guess they are super excited to see me. When we get married, I'm going to have the most inviting in-laws the world has ever known!

    Also, my weight is pretty much holding steady for the past couple weeks. Last week, I adjusted my MFP goals. The program was telling me I should be at a net of about 1700 cal per day. I don't think thats enough - a lot of people can loose on that number. So, I manually changed my goal to 2,000 last week. My diary is open to "friends" so anyone is welcome to take a peek and let me know if you see anything that could be adjusted.


    owl 7
    newt 3
    hp 60

    owl 8
    newt 4
    hp 40

    owl 7
    newt 3
    hp 35

    owl 0
    newt 4
    hp 34

    owl 8
    newt 0
    hp 0

    owl 8
    newt 3
    hp 0

    Week so far:
    owl 38
    newts 17
    hp 169
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Suzy, I'm glad you don't want to weigh 5 pounds. Barbie does have some pretty great outfits these days, but her proportions are a bit unrealistic...

    Can I add a slight suggestion or tweak to the OWL challenge?

    Is it going to be just points for strength? Could we have a point for each 10 minutes of cardio too? I only suggest this because it's what I do, what with all the running! :) Feel free to tell me to just be nice and play by the rules.

    Do any of you have big super bowl plans? My fiancé and I are going to his folks house. It's a bit of a drive for us, but it should be a good time. I don't see his parents all that often, and I guess they are super excited to see me. When we get married, I'm going to have the most inviting in-laws the world has ever known!

    Amber we can do 1 OWL for each 10 minutes of cardio as well. I just want everyone to participate. Thank you for helping with these challenges. With the new spreadsheet I think that I will be able to get new Prefects. I will announce them by next Saturday and we can go back to our old way of picking challenges.

    I am attending a HUGE Superbowl Party pool side in Abu Dhabi! I can't wait! It's like a perfect summer here ... 80 degrees you can't beat it!
  • msrobinson77
    Ladies, the new challenges sound fantastic! Amber, you have been such a great addition to our house. Queeda, I think we should all come visit you! 80 degrees sounds heavenly! Will you still be teaching kindergarten? We will be watching the super bowl at my sister in law's house which is always tricky for me because she puts out a TON of junk food and we all eat all day log. Really blew my calories last night so I have to have some self control before the buttons start flying off my pants! I've been losing and gaining the same pound for the last month, but I think I'm losing inches. I can finally fit into my skinny jeans again-yay!!