Hufflepuff Common Room



  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    weight: 195 down another 2 pounds :happy:

    1/19: 0 HP (though feeling slightly guilty I know it was for the best) 5 Newts 0 owls
    1/20 75HP 10 newts 10 owls

    Danielle the owl challenge was 5 owls for 30 min of exercise and 1 owl extra if you tried anything new. I hope your race went well this weekend. My first 5k is March 24th. (I know how backwards the sprint tri AND then the 5k) I am hopeful to run a 1/3 of it and finish just under 45 minutes.

    Amber I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie...need I say more? I now live in NC. The winters are just right..mild with some cold days, occasional snow to make things look pretty (and get everything shut down at just the threat of snow!). the summers are hot and moist though...I was exercising at 5am or inside last summer. I have developed "southern blood" and the even the high of 40 is chilly to me now.

    Amber and Danielle...Any run advice is welcomed. Thanks for your insights. I have substantial orthotics that fit only into mens shoe and have been fitted for shoes for years (that is how I found fleet feet, at the time, the only store in my area that would fit shoes) and only I use for exercise. I have a pair brooks addiction that feel good on my feet and have the extra room past the toe. I think I am going to give chi running a try. looks pretty interesting. There are a couple of clinics I found on line where I live. Often times I have trouble reading a book and then applying it properly. For me, sometimes it just takes that human interaction and feedback. I like the idea of running from your core.

    Molly...Sorry about your parents, and no families are NOT always fun. Deep have survived this much... soon you will be going to be at uni, miles away and working towards a career you want to have for yourself (not for your parents). I have found I have 2 families. The one I was raised with and the one I have made for myself with my husband, the animals, my friends including all of you here on MFP :smile:
  • msrobinson77
    Good morning all! All this running talk makes me want to start running:-) My school is sponsoring a 5k for charity in October. Last year I ran the first mile, thought I was going to die and walked the rest. I told myself that I was just going to walk with the kids instead of running, but really, that was just an excuse because I knew I didn't have the stamina to run it.

    Since my last post-
    90 house points
    15 owls
    10 newts
    Weighed in yesterday at 134.5. It's now the dreaded TOM so I'm going to try not to eat myself into oblivion this week. For those of you that are new to our house, we usually have new prefects/challenges on Sunday. Our head of house is in the
    Midst of a move so why don't we continue tracking last week's challenges until we hear from her.
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly...Sorry about your parents, and no families are NOT always fun. Deep have survived this much... soon you will be going to be at uni, miles away and working towards a career you want to have for yourself (not for your parents). I have found I have 2 families. The one I was raised with and the one I have made for myself with my husband, the animals, my friends including all of you here on MFP :smile:

    This message definitely cheered me up a little, thank you. I have to say, I'm extremely jealous that you grew up near Lake Erie, I've always wanted to visit there as it just seems so beautiful and peaceful. One day I hope I can be there.

    I know Queeda is awfully busy with her move. If you don't know, she's moving from the US to the Middle East and so has a lot going on. Queeda is our head of house for those who didn't know! Because of that, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to post this weeks OWLs and NEWTs challenges in her absence. Again, I really hope you don't mind, but she has so much going on that I feel it's only fair we share out her duties. So, with that in mind..

    ****OWL challenge! This is the exercise challenge for all of our new members.****

    Crunches with punches is this weeks exercise challenge. Simple crunches made a little harder by adding in alternating punches. For each set of 10 crunches with punches, award yourself 1 OWL. Give yourself an extra OWL per set if you use weights while completing this exercise.

    There's a photo guide which explains how to do

    ****NEWT challenge! This is the food challenge.****

    I'd like to continue with the water theme from last week and so 5 NEWTs if you drink 8 glasses of water a day. Award yourself an extra NEWT for every additional glass of water after your eight glasses.

    I'd also like to use last week's 'staying in the green' challenge and continue into this week. Excessive amounts of carbs, fat and protein can all hinder weight loss and so the challenge for this week is to stay 'in the green' for these food groups. By this I mean that I want you to be under the goal MFP gives you for this amount of food. 2 NEWTs per food group if you manage to stay in the green, so a possible 6 NEWTs available from this challenge.

    I hope both of these make sense, you like the challenges and you don't mind that I've set this weeks challenges.

    I will post my stats later today!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    OK, stats for me to start with.

    My starting weight will be a whopping 90 pounds. I'll be happy to get up to 95 by the time summer rolls around - but that'll be a stretch. Ultimate goal would be to see how I feel at 110.

    House points this week for me is 227.

    It's pretty gross outside today. I wanted to run with my friend, but she could not meet today, so I went to the indoor track. When I got there, I realized I'd left my Garmin at home (it has a foot pod so I can measure how far I've run on the little indoor track without counting tons and tons of laps). So, I just got on the track and ran until I was so bored I could not take it any more. Made it about 45 minutes. Then, did some stretching and a little bit of glute strength work.

    Now, I'm back at home, hanging with my guy. I've got some black beans in the slow cooker and more bread in the bread machine. I'll do some laundry and we'll probably watch a movie or two. We are exciting.

    You probably won't see much of me tomorrow as I'll have an extra long day at work. Lucky for me, part of my work day includes our running group! Yep, I get paid to go run with a bunch of really great people.

    Molly - thanks for posting OWL and NEWT stuff. Maybe I'll get things messed up my first week tracking, but it'll at least be something new to try! And I'm sorry to hear about icky family stuff. I think anyone with a family as, at one time or another, had a tough go with people.

    CarolinaGirl - so glad to hear you have good shoes that fit!

    MsRobinson - If you want, you could start getting ready for the 5K now and be SO very in shape by October! You could even do the event twice!

    Danielle - hope your race went well for you! Can't wait to hear about it!
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for today!

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 11
    H.P - 15

    Weight is 151, yayy! I am 1lb down and right on target for my weight loss.

    I was supposed to start my final week of the EA sports Active 2 programme today but I was too lazy and I didn't :blushing: Gahh, silly Molly wanting a rest day but feeling guilty so doing 15 mins of dancing!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    does anyone know how to post pictures on here? i'm trying to post my pictures to show you all. i ran a 14:35 pace.

    molly don't mind at all that you took charge.

    <table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="; height="288" width="215" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">from phone</a></td></tr></table>

    <table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="; height="288" width="215" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">from phone</a></td></tr></table>
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Right. Hello again everyone, I've had a somewhat stressful weekend wrestling with sewing machines and pin cushions. I didn't quite get the NEWT challenge and I read it twice but I am feeling a bit naff right now so I think I'll come back to it and it'll probably make a bit more sense. Hope everyone's alright
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    My Monday check in.

    It was a long day. I was at work from 10 AM until 9:30 PM. I packed a good set of lunches and snacks (yeah, I sometimes have a light breakfast and 2 lunches).

    I was at work so late because we had a meeting with our Nike rep to talk about the new line. We normally get good pizza and beer at these things. But, she treated us to Pizza Hut - which I just hate. Yuck! I had 2 slices, and am still hungry. I am going to have to find a snack before bed to put something of quality in my tummy. On the up side, I got a free pair of running shoes!

    Running group was fun tonight - but cold and icy! We had a new person at group who remembered that her asthma acts up when its cold. So, I ended up doing more walking to stay with her. Walking was fine, but when it's so cold out, it got uncomfortable fast.

    I did crunches and push ups this morning. AND I got all my water today.

    So, Let's see

    NEWTS - I get 5 for drinking all my water?

    OWLS - I did 4 sets of 10 crunches, so I get 4 OWLS?

    And house points - 60.

    Tomorrow, I'll try out the new running shoes (I might end up trading with another person on staff), do some crunches and glute work. I have a weak bum.

    How was Monday for the rest of you?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I have become very lame... Just putting in my two cents and HP's...

    HP's from 1/15 to 1/21 is 386. Low again, but the whole off the bike for two days killed it.

    Glad to see all you runners... Go! Run Fast/Far! I do not like to run, my little short legs feel 'equaled' out on a bike. LOL!

    Have a great week EVERYONE!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone! i've been toying with my work out schedule lately- resting mondays/fridays and working out the rest of the week. i find monday is a good rest day but i'm so conflicted. i like the zumba instructor that teaches at 8:30p but i don't want to wait around at the gym for the class to start. (by waiting around i mean doing the elliptical then taking the belly dance class at 7:30) i'm usually so exhausted by the time i get home it's hard for me to get up the next morning.

    i'm kinda glad i don't have kids because i'm been spending most of my weekdays at the gym trying new exercise classes. last week i tried the core, cardio and more and the hip hop class. OMG i was So sore the next day. the hip hop instructor actually teaches one routine a class it's so intense, i was completely soaked in sweat and i only stayed for the first 5 minutes.

    1/22 hp 46 owl 0 newts 5
    1/23 hp 0 owl 0 newts 5
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    Queeda, I hope they manage to sort your daughters ticket out soon. How different will your life be living over there? I understand it's a pretty strict country, well that's from what I've seen/read/heard. I can't wait to hear your updates about your new life.

    My life will be SO different, but I welcome the change. They are very strict and conservative, but I am only required to be that way when I am at work. To me it is the same as it was/is in the states. I come to work as a professional and I go home and be myself. I am so excited for this adventure though. I plan to post pictures and everything once I get settled! I am leaving Saturday! Wish me luck!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    I know Queeda is awfully busy with her move. If you don't know, she's moving from the US to the Middle East and so has a lot going on. Queeda is our head of house for those who didn't know! Because of that, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to post this weeks OWLs and NEWTs challenges in her absence. Again, I really hope you don't mind, but she has so much going on that I feel it's only fair we share out her duties. So, with that in mind..

    Molly you are an angel!!! Thank you. Can you please continue to do the OWL/NEWT challenge for me until I can get caught up. I will message you when I am back on track, but I am just barely getting the weights/house points in for the competition. Thank you for keep up with our in house challenge.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    just sticking my head in to say hello. Unfortunately I'm not having a fun time at the moment so may be a bit quiet and slack on the challenges. Hopefully not for long though.
  • msrobinson77
    Hello my lovelies! Just popping in for a quick minute. It's my TOM and I have been a ravenous fool the last few days. Hope you are all having a great week! Thanks Molly for coming up with something new for this week. I'll stop in later with stats. Right now it's going to take all my last bit of energy to brush my teeth before bed.

    Good luck Queeda- have a safe trip! We are all so excited for you!!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning all, I knew I hadn't been on but didn't realize how long it has been since I have logged in and posted. A friendly reminder phone call from the lovely msrobinson reminded me that I need to get back on track. So, I apologize for neglecting my Huffle duties, and am back on track today. Thanks M.

    Welcome Amber, it is great to have you in our group. I too, am a runner, but not quite to your caliber. I had a back injury a couple of years ago, and my running has suffered since. My goal is to get back out there regularly this summer. I LOVE running. I used to live in a city where the Tuesday night Crim Training is a big deal. All over the city are groups of 15-20 runners running every Tuesday night all summer. The training is based on Galloways Run/Walk method, and Jeff even comes every year to speak to the runners. I now have a job where the hours make it impossible to participate in this training group, and I am bummed about that. I love running with a group. I am excited to have you as part of our group as I think all of your running talk will help to motivate.. 8 )

    Hope everyone is doing well, Good luck with your move this weekend Queeda. You are so brave!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Suzie, I guess a "welcome back" is in order for you! That group sounds like a lot of fun. Running partners can make all the difference in the world!

    Yesterday was pretty good for me. It would have been easy to skip my workout. The indoor track that I use is a university facility, and sometimes the track team takes exclusive use of the track. Times are sort of random, so it can be difficult to plan a workout. When I showed up yesterday, they were closing the entire track for team use. I was lucky to nab a treadmill - they have 4 treadmills and about a billion elliptical machines. So, I got my 4 miles in anyway. It's kind of cool running on the treadmill and watching really great college runners do their thing!

    So, yesterday (Tuesday) stats:
    Newts: 5
    Owls: 3
    HP: 50

    Today, I went to the track and at least lane 1 &2 were open so I could do my workout. I did 4x1600 at 8K race pace. Translation: I ran a mile at 7:50 pace, rested for a few minutes, and then did it again to total 4 miles. I ran the last mile a little faster and it was very difficult! My calves are always sore from speed work, and they sure are hurting now.

    It's kind of fun sharing the track with the team. They are all so much younger, stronger, fitter and faster than me, but it's inspiring to me. They work hard, I work hard. I could never keep up with any of them but I like being around the team!

    My stats for today (Wednesday)

    Newts I've not drank all my water yet, but I'm on target to do so. I'll say 5 and then I have to drink my water!
    Owls: 3
    HP 60

    Aside from running, food has been ok. I used to eat a lot of processed convenience food, but I've cut MOST of that out and am eating more fresh food. Although, winter is tough. Being in a colder climate, its tough to get any good produce. I stocked my freezer over the summer (I do a worker share on an organic farm - work 4 hours per week in exchange for a TON of produce). So, we have lots of green beans, zucchini bread, Brussels Sprouts, corn, apple sauce, apple bread, stuffed apples, tomatoes, and a ton of tomato sauce. Last night, I made pasta with a big side of green beans and tomato sauce that I'd made from scratch in September! But, I crave a fresh salad, greens! Oh, I miss greens!

    Queeda, I've not gotten to know you yet, but good luck with the move! It seems like you'll be very busy for a while. Would it help if I made a Google Doc so that people can track their own stats? That way everyone could log into the same document so no one has to sort through all the posts here? I don't know if there is already a system in place for that, but I don't see one. I don't want to take over, just to help!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Sorry to be MIA the past few days...I feel like the week has been repeat. Looking forward to a rare Friday can't come fast enough! Got off track with food this week...not horrible like I used to to though, but I was able to get myself back together today. I FINALLY get a couple hours today to knock out about a quarter of the admin stuff I needed to get done...I still have a lot...but at least I got something done!

    Queeda---Good luck with the move...sounds so exciting!

    Danielle great job with the race!

    Amber--your run sounds neat sharing with the track team...even if they hog the track sometimes. I wish I had room for a big freezer. Right now I have slim pickings at the farmers market...lettuce, sweet potatoes and some odds and ends, whatever the greenhouse seemed to put out for the week. I am ALREADY looking forward to fresh of the farmers greenhouse tomatoes should be out next month. I like the idea of volunteering in exchange for produce...may have to look into it.

    Molly--thanks for coming up with the challenges. You are so disillusioned with Lake Erie...beaches are rocky, it is smelly and polluted. I remember having to stop to see which beaches you could swim at. If you ever make it to the US, I'll make sure to suggest several lakes that are much better than Lake Erie (ok but it is still where I grew up so I shouldn't knock it too much)

    Suzie---Glad to hear your back!

    HP 60 NEWTS 9 OWLS 0

    HP 60 NEWTS 9 OWLS 0

    HP 65 NEWTS 5 OWLS 0

    HP 100 NEWTS 11 OWLS 0 (ok I did finally do some crunches...but not the punching ones!)

    edited because I forgot to add the water to my NEWT totals!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Huffles,
    My stats for yesterday 1/24

    Newts: 10 (Almost stayed in the green for everything but not quite)
    No exercise points-- 8 ( I won't get home tonight either until until 10:30 or later so, but am really going to try to get on the
    I didn't log in points for sunday, monday or tuesday. I will have to catch up on that later.

    Have a great day everyone.--Suzie
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    So glad it's my exercise day off! I'll still do a couple strength things and a little stretching, but NO RUNNING! Don't get me wrong, I love my running, but my days off sure feel good when well timed. Yesterdays workout was tough.

    I stepped on the scale this morning as a mid week check in - and I'm down 2 pounds?!!? I've gone over my calorie goal every day this week. I have to remind myself of my motto or mantra or whatever it might be: I will give my body everything it needs to become bigger and stronger. That's all I can do, and all I can focus on. So, that said, my food diary is open to "friends". If anyone wants to take a peek and make suggestions, I'm open to that. Keep in mind, no meat. And I'm a bit lactose intolerant. I can handle some dairy, but too much makes me ill. Also, note that I recently changed the meal labels. So, sometimes my snack is logged as lunch and my snack is called dinner. All the food is there, maybe just not under the right category.

    MFP tells me I should be at 1700 calories per day to gain half a pound a week. I manually raised my goal because I don't think 1700 is enough.

    I suspect the problem is not enough calories OR my HRM is off with the calorie burn. It's probably not the HRM because it's a good one (Garmin 610) and it's appropriately set up for me. I measure MOST of my food with either measuring cups/spoons or an accurate digital food scale. I don't measure every last thing, as that would make me nuts - but most of it.

    Suzie - time can be a big issue with exercise, right? I'm so lucky to work at a running store. When I have to work open to close, my manager knows I'll need an hour run break. If you can't get away for an hour, can you maybe just walk around at work? I used to work at a college, and one of my co-workers would walk laps around one of buildings in 15 minute increments, 3-4 times a day. She said it was her cigarette break, without the lung cancer.

    Miss Carolina (I don't know why I like calling you that so much. Do you mind?) Yeah, having the fresh produce is great, but it sure is a lot of work! The first few weeks, I come home from the farm so uncomfortable! But, we had "fresh" greens last night and it was really nice. I'd blanched them before freezing. Then, I put the frozen Brussels Sprouts in a baking dish, added a bit of pepper, olive oil and a few spoons full of apple sauce (that I made last fall) and covered it up, tossed it in the the oven - and it sure was tasty! Could not really tell it had been frozen months ago! Being in Carolina, your growing season has got to be longer than it is up here! I'm sure if you look around, you can find some good stuff. You could also look into a "CSA". I work at a CSA, but instead of buying my food with money, I buy it with work! Also, have you picked up that Chi Running book? How is your running transition going?

    Dani - You doing ok? You've been quiet around here!

    Molly - I hope you are doing well too. You'd mentioned you'd be away for a while. Anything we can do for ya?

    And MsRobinson, I'm in that same boat with ya. But instead of being hungry, I'm tired! I did my workout yesterday, and pretty much fell asleep on the couch right after my shower. I did not have much of a lunch because I slept through it!

    Take care!