Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Queeda- what a pain! I hope they get that sorted out soon! I can't wait to hear about your new adventures and what teaching is like there.
    Suzie/mom- I am soooo proud of you! Keep it up lady!
    Bumflapassion-usually when people say they lol, they are exaggerating, but thinking about your shorts in the pool made me lol for real!! Was your pool full of little white haired ladies?

    Today was the first day this week that I didn't eat my feelings (yay me!) Conferences are so stressful. I can't keep rewarding myself with treats!!

    For today-5 newts, 11 owls (went to a toning class) 60 HP

    Have a lovely Thurday ladies!!

    That is great progress! I know how stressful conferences can be so kudos to you!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    haha, the pool was full of middle aged women with a few silver heads dotted around. My shorts actually gave me quite a nasty rash/bruising type thing - everything in the shorts area hurts but it was funny and I'm glad I experienced it.

    Queeda, well done on the weight loss over the past few weeks. Also I hope they sort out a seat for your daughter soon. How exciting - we'll have to hear all about the new neighbourhood.

    I actually came on here to boast a little bit. Guess what guys? I swam a whole mile this morning before work. Been flexing my muscles about it all day :smokin:
  • Molly_Louise
    It took me a while to find our new thread :laugh:

    Queeda, I hope they manage to sort your daughters ticket out soon. How different will your life be living over there? I understand it's a pretty strict country, well that's from what I've seen/read/heard. I can't wait to hear your updates about your new life.

    Stats for 18/1

    OWLs - 10
    NEWTs - 15
    H.P - 72


    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 15
    H.P - 50

    I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Huffelpuffs,

    Wondering if I can play too! I've been a food and exercise logger in the past, took a *bit* of time off and am back at it again.

    I'm one of the odd ones out trying to gain weight. I've been under weight since I was a kid and continue struggling to put weight on. I log mostly because I'm also a distance runner, so always want to be sure I'm eating back enough calories.

    So, if I can be a Huffelpuff, let me know what I'll need to do. I read around for a while, but I'm not finding one comprehensive beginners sheet or anything like that.

  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone! sorry i've been mia lately. i've been too busy at work to be trolling the board and respond. i have missed so much! i really need to get in and read all that's happened. i can't even remember the last time i posted-

    start of the year 1/1 to 1/8 hp 453
    last week 1/8- 1/14 to hp 475
    so far this week 1/15 to 1/19 hp 327

    good night everyone and i'll be back tomorrow.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi Huffelpuffs,

    Wondering if I can play too! I've been a food and exercise logger in the past, took a *bit* of time off and am back at it again.

    I'm one of the odd ones out trying to gain weight. I've been under weight since I was a kid and continue struggling to put weight on. I log mostly because I'm also a distance runner, so always want to be sure I'm eating back enough calories.

    So, if I can be a Huffelpuff, let me know what I'll need to do. I read around for a while, but I'm not finding one comprehensive beginners sheet or anything like that.


    Welcome. :smile: No need to be sorted. Our head of house is Queeda (lhurtubise). She is in the midst of an international move. Please post your starting weight. Even though you have no weight to lose, house points (daily exercise) are very important for the monthly house cup, and the owl and newt challenges determine if you are chosen as a prefect. Our challenge week starts on Sunday-Sat, and we post weights Sat-Mon. Every two weeks new prefects are chosen (due to change this week). We have a weekly challenge for newts (food) and owls (exercise) and we post work out minutes (house points) for the house competition. You can start on Sun when new newt/owl challenges start or scroll back through the week to find details regarding the current ones. Hope this helps, and if I left anything out...other Hufflepuffs please feel free to add on! My brain is mush this week!
    Hats off to you to you and distance running. I am in the midst of transitioning to jogging...not sure how much I like it...
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Queeda...Have faith they will have your flight sorted out! I second Mandy's response what a pain!
    bumflapassass--great job with the water aerobics, and then the mile swim. Regarding your shorts, I develop a similar problem with my cycling shorts. some air and antichaffing cream (any cream with shea butter will do) will make it better soon!
    Molly...I couldn't agree more TGIF...I thought I'd never be saying at least I can get some work done at home in peace and quiet...
    Mandy great job with the toning class. There is one I want to try when I finish up my cycling class in 2 weeks. I enjoy weights but I think a toning class would be helpful
    danizanga--great to hear from you, glad things are going well despite the craziness
    Jenn...Miss your posts...fingers crossed you will get the router at home figured out! I hope you were able to patch your bike tire and get the tube changed...and no damage to the rim I just learned how to change a bike tire that last weekend...harder than it looks...that is not to say I still need more practice to become marginal!

    stats...before I forget to post again

    HP 77 owls 10 newts 10 (5 for calories and 5 for water)

    HP 75 owls 10 newts 10 (5 for calories and 5 for water)

    HP 65 owls 10 newts 15 (10 for calories 5 for water)

    I have actually lost closer to 40 pounds, I had lost weight prior to joining MFP. I had an opportunity to assist a coworker carrying in her fruit orders...about 40 pounds worth...OMG I could not drop that stuff fast enough. I could feel the strain on my core, back, knees and arms. I could not believe I used to carrying around that weight ON ME. On a bright note...I was physically able to carry in that much weight...My former self would have been exhausted at even going inside to get a cart to wheel it inside and help my coworker (it is about a 5 minute walk from the parking lot to work).
    Hope everyone has a great Friday :drinker:
  • loveangel03
    Oh ok that's what I thought you meant with the newts! :)
    and I always try to make it my goal to be under, regardless of exercise. :)
    I think I'll update mine in the morning.
    Why was a new Topic made? Does anyone know?
  • loveangel03
    lol I removed this cause I'm rambling. :P
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Oh ok that's what I thought you meant with the newts! :)
    and I always try to make it my goal to be under, regardless of exercise. :)
    I think I'll update mine in the morning.
    Why was a new Topic made? Does anyone know?

    I think after so many posts a new one is automatically made.

    Has anyone else tried the Carmen Electra workout series? I have the set and I would say that the first one has a nice little warm up, the second one is very good...the rest of them are somewhat embarrassing although I quite enjoy the lap dance one (making sure ABSOLUTELY NO ONE can see me!) - I feel like it's good for my bending and stretching and also hip wiggling.

    So anyway I'm off for the weekend, probably won't have signal on my phone or internet access but if I do any exercising I'll keep a note of house points.

    So far this week I have earned 155 house points.
    Lost 2 pounds this week as well so I'm back to 132. Phew. Sometimes I just feel like stabbing myself in the legs/torso when I get frustrated with my progress but I feel like I'm back on track now.

    Thanks for the shea butter tip Carolinagirl - gonna get on that right away!

    Also, welcome Amber. Long distance running sounds much more impressive than my berking around in swimming pools in clothes that don't fit :laugh:
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member

    Also, welcome Amber. Long distance running sounds much more impressive than my berking around in swimming pools in clothes that don't fit :laugh:

    Thanks for the welcome. Yes, distance running is quite glamorous. This morning, I got out of bed walking like a zombie. Or a very old lady. Or an old lady zombie. On Wednesday, I did some speed work on the track in very minimal shoes. At present it feels like my calves are on fire.

    Your swimming pool sounds like a lot more fun than my time on the indoor track. I'm in Wisconsin which is quite cold this time of year. At present, with the wind chill factor, it's -10F (-23C). So, I run in little circles. Whee!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Huffelpuffs,

    Wondering if I can play too! I've been a food and exercise logger in the past, took a *bit* of time off and am back at it again.

    I'm one of the odd ones out trying to gain weight. I've been under weight since I was a kid and continue struggling to put weight on. I log mostly because I'm also a distance runner, so always want to be sure I'm eating back enough calories.

    So, if I can be a Huffelpuff, let me know what I'll need to do. I read around for a while, but I'm not finding one comprehensive beginners sheet or anything like that.


    Welcome. :smile: No need to be sorted. Our head of house is Queeda (lhurtubise). She is in the midst of an international move. Please post your starting weight. Even though you have no weight to lose, house points (daily exercise) are very important for the monthly house cup, and the owl and newt challenges determine if you are chosen as a prefect. Our challenge week starts on Sunday-Sat, and we post weights Sat-Mon. Every two weeks new prefects are chosen (due to change this week). We have a weekly challenge for newts (food) and owls (exercise) and we post work out minutes (house points) for the house competition. You can start on Sun when new newt/owl challenges start or scroll back through the week to find details regarding the current ones. Hope this helps, and if I left anything out...other Hufflepuffs please feel free to add on! My brain is mush this week!
    Hats off to you to you and distance running. I am in the midst of transitioning to jogging...not sure how much I like it...

    Thanks for the welcome!

    I'll post my starting weight as this weeks weigh in as well as my exercise minutes. Then, this coming week, I'll hop in with the NEWTS and OWLS. Cool?

    For exercise minutes, what do folks count as exercise? I use a GPS to track all my running, so it'll be super easy to count up all the minutes for running. In some forums, people count things like walking the dog, vigorous house cleaning, hauling laundry up the stairs... Am I counting dedicated exercise or active life activities?

    How is your transitioning to jogging going? I assume you have been walking and thats where the transition comes in? Running is a lot of work, but can be very, very rewarding. I work at a running store and lead our beginner/intermediate running group. I really enjoy working with the newer runners, it's so much fun to see the progress people can make. Sticking with it and a good attitude seem to be the most important things. You've probably heard of it, but if not, look around on line for the couch to 5K program. It's a really excellent place to start!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Well Hello New Shiny Thread...

    Took me awhile to figure out why no one has posted in days... Duh- Big Red Truck! LOL!

    I finally gave up on the internet at home and cancelled my service. I don't really need it, but I do to track food. I guess I will start up old school with a paper & pen. I don't have a smart enough phone to get the APP... Ugh!

    I did not fix the hole in my bicycle tire yet... because Thursday Nights at Crazy House get Crazier than Normal! I did bake cookies in order to flirt with boys, so other than eating some cookies it was quiet succesful! Because today is Flirty Friday for single Jenn!! Oh... And the Kid was playing/messing with my patch kit last weekend and I now can't find the other little tool to remove the tire from the rim... Sigh! I took today off. I did ride the stationary bike at the Y last night while the kid had swim lessons... I much prefer my road bike. LOL! It was nice little setup though... Video screen to tell you how to hold your hands and show you all the target zones... My HR was way high the whole time (Ave 166). It had a fan that blew right in my face... LOL! Nice!

    I hope everyone is well.
    Queeda- I hope you mess is settled quickly so you can start sharing your adventures with us!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone! TGIF! i need me a drink but i'll refrain. i was reading thru all the posts trying to find the OWL challenge but couldn't can someone fill me in?

    bumflapass- when you said probation worker the first thought that popped in my mind was "OMG like the probation worker in Misfits?!?!" love that show!
    love- do you go to slo or pomona? i'm from socal and live like 15 mins from cal poly pomona.
    amber- omg you lead a running group for beginners?? i'm so glad to meet you. last year i started doing 5ks and i want to start running 10ks but i can't get past running 4.5 miles on the treadmill. i think it's a mental block or my tight calves, not sure which.

    reading over my post i totally sound like a valley girl even though i sound nothing like one in person. i'm excited do to my first 5k of the year this weekend. yesterday on the treadmill i ran a mile in 13:35 so hopefully i'll be under 40 minutes.
  • Molly_Louise
    Weight is still 152, I am expecting a gain this weekend after a family dinner this evening. I'll find out at the dreaded weigh in tomorrow/sunday. Ugh.

    You know what I really dislike? Rude and disrespectful people. My step dad is just this and it never ceases to annoy me.


    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 15
    H.P - 30
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been snowed in today! My mountain of laundry has been dealt with, fresh bread baked and I managed to get my run in.

    I was chatting on line with my fiancé, who is stuck an hour away - but safe at his folks house, and told him the roads were too bad to drive to the track, so I would just run outside! The roads are too bad to drive on, but I'll run on 'em! I had ice on my eye lashes by the time I got done. The plan was 3 miles at my intended marathon pace, but I ended up doing 3 miles MUCH slower because of the terrible footing. I think I should get double minutes for running in a blizzard with sub zero temps!

    Danizaga, I'm pleased to meet you too! Running on a treadmill has it's good and bad points. If I'm on one for much more than half an hour, I get a little crazy! Have you done any running outside? That sometimes helps! You could also try doing the Jeff Galloway method of doing a run/walk. A lot of people actually get much faster when they put walk breaks in. In fact, my friend set a new PR in the 5K this week by adding walk breaks! And you are on to something - a lot of running is about whats in your head. Good luck on your 5K this weekend - please let me know how it goes. Are you doing a race or running the distance on your own?

    Despite the cabin fever, it's been a good day for me.

    I still need to get in a few more calories before bed, but I have a plan for that! I did not get in my intended workout, but it would have been unsafe. I'm proud that I did the next best thing. It would have been easy to just skip it, or to go with an option that would be very easy and not as beneficial for my body.

    So, house points for me for the week:

    Sunday 1/15 - 60 min
    Monday 1/16 - 37 min
    Tuesday 1/17 - 0
    Wednesday 1/18 - 69 min
    Thursday 1/19 - 0
    Friday 1/20 30 min
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    How is your transitioning to jogging going? I assume you have been walking and thats where the transition comes in? Running is a lot of work, but can be very, very rewarding. I work at a running store and lead our beginner/intermediate running group. I really enjoy working with the newer runners, it's so much fun to see the progress people can make. Sticking with it and a good attitude seem to be the most important things. You've probably heard of it, but if not, look around on line for the couch to 5K program. It's a really excellent place to start!
    I completed my first sprint tri last October and I am hooked! I felt some extra energy with walking that jogging seemed like a logical step to progress to. My local sports store (Fleet Feet) has a running program I was going to start, but the changed the nights to Tues...and that is my late day at work (sigh). I am familiar with the couch to 5k. I may have to start their now since I can't attend this running clinic. I walk/run on a track for now. I started walking 2 laps and jogging 1. I developed horrible shin splints. I figured out I was running on the balls of my feet, began to focus on more of a heel strike which improved things greatly, but I tire easily and lose focus and revert back to running on the balls of my feet. So I backed off the jogging to 1.5 laps walking and .5 laps jogging. It is working better, but after the first mile, I start to fatigue and lose focus. I had received a suggestion to try breaking up the track into smaller segments, and the segments should be even. I was going to try on Sunday. I also feel the need to try to complete 2-3 miles at a time--because I can...but at what expense. Taking a step back, focusing on form and not exhausting myself were other suggestions I received. My adrenaline often kicks in midway through a workout, and then I feel a compulsion to keep matter how exhausted I feel. I suppose it is great trait for athletes and competition, but also a curse as it ultimately leads to burnout and injury.
    BTW--I don't miss the cold and snow one bit! Great job with the run in the snow and ice!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    How is your transitioning to jogging going? I assume you have been walking and thats where the transition comes in? Running is a lot of work, but can be very, very rewarding. I work at a running store and lead our beginner/intermediate running group. I really enjoy working with the newer runners, it's so much fun to see the progress people can make. Sticking with it and a good attitude seem to be the most important things. You've probably heard of it, but if not, look around on line for the couch to 5K program. It's a really excellent place to start!
    I completed my first sprint tri last October and I am hooked! I felt some extra energy with walking that jogging seemed like a logical step to progress to. My local sports store (Fleet Feet) has a running program I was going to start, but the changed the nights to Tues...and that is my late day at work (sigh). I am familiar with the couch to 5k. I may have to start their now since I can't attend this running clinic. I walk/run on a track for now. I started walking 2 laps and jogging 1. I developed horrible shin splints. I figured out I was running on the balls of my feet, began to focus on more of a heel strike which improved things greatly, but I tire easily and lose focus and revert back to running on the balls of my feet. So I backed off the jogging to 1.5 laps walking and .5 laps jogging. It is working better, but after the first mile, I start to fatigue and lose focus. I had received a suggestion to try breaking up the track into smaller segments, and the segments should be even. I was going to try on Sunday. I also feel the need to try to complete 2-3 miles at a time--because I can...but at what expense. Taking a step back, focusing on form and not exhausting myself were other suggestions I received. My adrenaline often kicks in midway through a workout, and then I feel a compulsion to keep matter how exhausted I feel. I suppose it is great trait for athletes and competition, but also a curse as it ultimately leads to burnout and injury.
    BTW--I don't miss the cold and snow one bit! Great job with the run in the snow and ice!

    Oh, Miss Carolina! Those dreaded shin splints.

    I don't want to sound preachy - so feel free to ignore me at any point.

    If you want to start running, first, go to a running specialty store - Fleet Feet should be just fine. Have them watch you run or walk and look at your feet. Let them suggest shoes that will work for your body and feet. And as a note, most people are in shoes that are too small. When standing in your running shoes, you should have about the width of your thumb nail between the end of your toe and the end of the shoe. A quality pair of running shoes will cost around $100 - and they last for about 300-500 miles - so it's best to just use them for your running and walking. They last longer that way!

    Second, landing on your heels can be quite hard on the body. There really is a lot to good running form. Too much to go into here, but you could read the book Chi Running by Danny Dreyer. It's made my life a lot more comfortable! In fact, I can't recommend the book highly enough!

    And I think it's wise for you to see that going for 2-3 miles at a time at this point might do more harm than good! If you want to get a bigger calorie burn than run/walking a mile will get you, try run walking the mile and then get on a bike, or swim, or something else! It's better to start out with too little running than too much!

    Are you from a northern climate? It really is strikingly beautiful today. We have fresh powdery snow on the ground with amazing blue skies, but it's bitter cold out there! I lived in Florida for about a year and could not stand the swampy summers! And Christmas shopping in shorts was too much.
  • Molly_Louise
    Wow I have had an awful evening. Ugh. Families really arent that great sometimes are they?


    OWLs - 8
    NEWTs - 10
    H.P - 240

    Weighing in tomorrow.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    urgh, i totally went over my calories yesterday and today. i made the conscious choice not to go to the gym after work but there is still plenty of time to go today.

    amber- i don't do much running outside but when i do it's either around the track, on trails/paths around my house with a lot of incline or around the rose bowl which is a mix of trails/paths and asphalt. and i'm racing this weekend-

    i was going to do the 10k but i just couldn't get past 4.5 miles. it's totally a mental thing. i was following the hal hidgon's half marathon training program. i want to do a 10k and a half marathon by the end of the year to celebrate my 30th birthday. i find that my 1st mile is my slowest mile but once i'm at mile 2 my speed picks up and my 3rd mile is always my fastest.

    carolina- going to a specialty running store for the foot analysis is worth it. i went to one totally worth it. they let me take back the shoes that i bought after 7 days even though i had been running on the track and trails with them. i finally ended up with some asics that have a wider toe box.