Hufflepuff Common Room



  • loveangel03
    Yay I finally got hold of a scale today! I've been working so hard, I was so excited to get up this morning and have a look-see! And I lost another 5 pounds since last week, yaay! :) I couldn't quite read it cause I got the cheapest scale I could get which was a dial one, so I just rounded up to the nearest big line I could see, haha. That way it'll feel better when I weigh myself again on a digital scale. :P

    Anyway, here's what I've got
    Newts 8
    Owls 0 :(
    and HP- ? I haven't been keeping track of because our gym at school isn't actually open yet (they remodeled it) but walking to class and back from my apartment about twice a day and then I've resolved to go up my 5 flights of stairs every time I come home now. :P I say there's some good exercise in there.

    You guys all seem so nice! I'd love to get to know you all more!
    Is anyone in college? (or am I a youngin'?) If so where do you go? I go to California Polytechnic State University, otherwise known as Cal Poly. :) and I major in Agricultural Communications.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Alright Love :tongue:
    Molly is in education still but I think the rest of us are doing the work thing. But just because we're old doesn't mean we're not cool :glasses:

    I work with young offenders in the uk, kind of like a probation officer for kids. Today I had to go to Court because a young person had been arrested in the night and was being kept in cells. I had to help decide what to do with him; in the end he was remanded in custody for the safety of the public. It's quite an interesting job. This evening I'm staying at my parent's house because in the morning my mum wanted me to go and try out a new class with her called Pump FX. I found out this evening that it's a weights class. Not sure how I feel about that and mum's just said that she'll drop me off to the class, go shopping and come and do the second class (spirals) afterwards! Cheeky!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    nearly forgot my stats for the week so far:

    NEWTs 30
    OWLs 19
    House points 350
  • Molly_Louise
    I'm still in education! I'm in sixth form, well to avoid all confusion I'm in the equivalent to 12th grade in high school. Here it's called college/sixth form, but I know you call what we call University, college. Silly language differences :laugh: I'm going to University in September though, to study nursing. I work part time too, in a shop and in a school.



    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 0
    H.P - 45

    Today wasn't the best day, sorry guys.

    My best friend sent me flowers today as she knew I'd been having a bad week. I love her.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    stats today 1/13
    HP 45
    newts 3
    owls 1

    loveangel--congrats on the weight loss this week!
    I am married. I finished grad school in 2004 from UNC (University of North Carolina) and work as a nurse practitioner at an inner city health department. My job is essentially is to keep words like influenza, meningitis, TB, hepatitis, salmonella, pertussis... etc out of the local news (unless we are providing education and promoting immunizations :smile: ). Knock on's been manageable this week...though flu has got to be right around the corner...I also evaluate the new refugees to the area (about 30 a month), sort out their medical concerns, and work to get them established with primary medical care.
    bumflapassass--your job sounds exciting...good luck with the exercise class tomorrow!
  • loveangel03
    Wow, you're both from the UK? Sweet! :)

    Carolinagirl- sweet, my mom's a nurse, an RN though, not a nurse practitioner. That sounds like a rewarding job.

    Haha and nah, you're probably cooler than me being older! :P Being in college is fun though, I get school stress, boyfriend stress that I never experienced in high school, pretty great stuff. LOL Drama.

    Oh and BTW all, my name is Angelina, in case you didn't want to call me by my screenname all the time. :)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    5.1 pounds on according to mum's scales! Gah!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Oh and BTW all, my name is Angelina, in case you didn't want to call me by my screenname all the time. :)

    Mind if I call you Love? It amuses me !
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    134.2 on my scales so i'm sticking with that one... slightly smaller gain!
  • lcjensen83
    lcjensen83 Posts: 10 Member
    HP: 60
    Newts: 11
    Owls: 4

    I started drinking green tea with lunch for a Newt. And it keeps me going through the afternoon!
  • TeeRaceFisher
    TeeRaceFisher Posts: 44 Member
    I'm new to MFP and this groups thing in general- are we "sorted" in any fashion or just jump on board into the house we'd like?
    I figured the Hufflepuffs would be the friendliest sort to ask... ;)
  • msrobinson77
    Yay! Welcome ubergeek and loveangel! So excited to have some new huffles on board! Über, you are just in time to join us- no need to be sorted. Please post your starting weight for our head of house. Every two weeks new prefects are chosen. We have a weekly challenge for newts and owls and we post work out minutes for the house competition. You can start fresh tomorrow when new newt/owl challenges start or scroll back through the week to find details regarding the current ones.

    Epic fail regarding owls this week. I have been trying to drink a cup of green tea everyday, but it's just not as tasty as my coffee that I load with fatty cream and sugar. Baby steps...

    O owls
    4 newts
    60 house points, also 30 house points from yesterday
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Weight 197 a 2 pound loss for me this week :smile:

    HP 80
    Newts 2
    Owl's 2

    welcome to ubergeek!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Weekly NEWT challenge

    Lets focus on calories and water intake

    10 Newts if you are under/at your daily calories allowed
    5 Newts if you are "in the green" with calories with your added activity
    5 Newts if you drink 8 8oz glasses of water daily.

    A one time bonus of 50 Newts if you complete this activity.
    Some of us are new to weight loss, and others have been at it for awhile. The holidays are famous for derailing our best efforts. I was beginning to become discouraged with my progress and nearly fell back into the trap last week yet again of "whats one more day of screwing up...I'll start tomorrow"
    The challenge is for 5 minutes to carry around the amount of weight you have lost to date, and then to post how you felt while carrying around the extra weight. (I was challenged to do it this week by my nutritionalist, I'll post tomorrow about my experience). If you are new to weight loss, carry around 10 pounds and see how you feel when you "lose it". Most of us are going to be carrying anywhere from 10-100 pounds. That is hard to do...and to think we were carrying around this weight with us ALL the time. The goal is to physically remind you how you felt with the extra weight, make appreciate your new weight and (hopefully) inspire you to continue your weight loss efforts, and remind you how bad you felt at your start weight!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Numbers for the week.
    NEWTs 33
    OWLs 19
    House points 410

    Had really bad knees today and with it my legs were really achey. It was difficult to do anything as I was in pain just sitting down. Feeling better now though! I reckon it was chicken burgers that made it all better

    That's a great idea carolinagirl - I will carry around 10 pounds since I seem to have turned into a yoyo recently going from 2 pounds to go, to 2 lost :noway:

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend and welcome to the best house at hogwarts, ubergeek!
  • msrobinson77
    Ooh I love the idea of carrying around our lost weight as a reminder of how far we've come. I am in a real funk this weekend-as proven by my breakfast of chocolate chip cookies. Bla!! I have been the same weight (give or take a pound) for a month now. I have been faithfully logging, but to be honest, I've gotten lazy about measuring. It's likely my portions haven't been accurate. I need to really be honest and figure out why the scale is not moving. I know my sodium is too high so I am really going to try to accomplish the water intake this week.

    Onto the OWLS challenge for the week:
    Get moving and try something new! 5 owls for every 30 min of exercise and an extra owl if you try something new! This could be a new machine, a new class, a new video-whatever you like!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Here are my stats for the last few days:

    Thur. 1/12 through Saturday 1/14

    Newts: 5
    Owls: 0
    House pts.: 0

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so will post my weight tomorrow.
    Love the challenges this week. Hoping to score the bonuse 50 newts. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Ok, so I decided to weigh myself anyway, even though I have already eaten breakfast today.
    My weight this week:

    161.0 yayyy!!! think that officially puts me back to my pre-holiday weight 8 )
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Sorry I'm feeling a bit thick. I went over my cals today but some of my numbers were green. What does "5 Newts if you are "in the green" with calories with your added activity" mean? Can I get some NEWTs here even though I went over my calories?

    Waiting for work on the exercise challenge with great anticipation!
  • Molly_Louise
    My laptop battery is about to run out but my weight is 152!! I will do stats tomorrow, but thought it was best to post weight now xo