Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Sorry I'm feeling a bit thick. I went over my cals today but some of my numbers were green. What does "5 Newts if you are "in the green" with calories with your added activity" mean? Can I get some NEWTs here even though I went over my calories?

    Waiting for work on the exercise challenge with great anticipation!

    sorry, i geddit now. ignore me
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning all,
    My stats for yesterday, 1/15

    Newt: 0, just went over my calories, even thought about getting back on the treadmill to log in some extra exercise points to get
    back in the green, but decided to snuggle with my honey and watch the last of the football game instead.
    Owl: 5
    House Pts: 35

    Happy Monday everyone.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Total House Points from 1/8 to 1/14 is 603.

    A big jump from last weeks 355... Thanks to the very nice weather on Wednesday, my son lead us around on an extra long walk... Then thanks to the crap/blizzard weather on Thursday that lead to me working my booty off (wish it was more literal) while biking.

    I send cyber love & hugs... I am so far behind in this group. I think I saw 2 new people. Welcome!!
  • Molly_Louise
    So I've just realised I didn't ever welcome our two new members, sorry about that. Welcome! I'm Molly, I'm 18 and I'm from the UK :smile:

    Okay, stats. I'm behind on these, sorry. I've also just realised that I have been logging my stats completely wrong. Hello my name is Molly and I am silly. I've been recording my OWLs as my NEWTs and my NEWTs as my OWLs! Gah, I've only done it on the past weeks task due to the original confusion with the NEWTs. I can either repost my stats with the correct figures if that's easier for the person who has been recording them, or you can switch them yourself. Sorry, I've only just realised this.

    Earlier this month Queeda said her boss thought she may be moving on January 15. I haven't spoken to her and I have no idea if she will see this message any time soon, but if you do Queeda, I hope your move either goes well or went well. If/when you can, please let us know you have arrived safely :heart:

    Now, stats! These ones are correct I promise :laugh:


    OWLs - 14
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 192


    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - I was in the green for everything except for sugar, and had under the amount of calories I have been allowed by MFP (1380, not including any exercise cals), so this is 15? I haven't been logging water purely because I keep forgetting, so I will do that tomorrow onwards!
    H.P - 31


    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - Again, in the green and under 1380 so 15?
    H.P - 52
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Here are my stats for today:
    Owl: 1
    Newts: 15 (10for cal, 5 for water)
    House pts: 35

    Good night all. Sweet dreams
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    stats 1/15

    HP 66
    owls 2
    newts 10 (5 water and 5 calories)

    HP 60
    owls 2
    newts 10 (5 for water and 5 for calories)
    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!
  • msrobinson77
    Good morning all,
    Haven't earned any newts yet, but I have been drinking extra water. I went way over cals on Saturday and a little over yesterday.
    Mon- 5 owls -I did carry 20lbs while on the treadmill. I only made it five minutes-glad to be rid of that.
    Tues- 10 owls
    We have parent teacher conferences this week-which means late nights all week...blah!! Hope you all have a great week!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member

    Slow on the old points this week I'm afraid. I have gone over my cals again so no NEWTs for me.

    Tried an aqua aerobics class and laughed my *kitten* off because my swimming shorts kept falling down, repeatedly full mooning the poor woman behind me. What an undignified class! Going to try again next week with normal bikini bottoms on and see if it's any better. So I get some OWLs but I can't remember how may for now.

    I've got an event to create artwork for (it's a live poetry night run by my friends and they get me to make it look good) so this is taking priority at the moment and my keep fit stuff is in the back seat.

    [EDIT] Yes, so 45 house points and 6 NEWTs.
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 17/1 :smile:

    OWLs - 11 - 10 for exercise and 1 for trying something new
    NEWTs - 15
    H.P - 60

    A good day IMO :smile: EA Sports Active 2 is great. I highly recommend it if you don't already have it.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member

    Slow on the old points this week I'm afraid. I have gone over my cals again so no NEWTs for me.

    Tried an aqua aerobics class and laughed my *kitten* off because my swimming shorts kept falling down, repeatedly full mooning the poor woman behind me. What an undignified class! Going to try again next week with normal bikini bottoms on and see if it's any better. So I get some OWLs but I can't remember how may for now.

    I've got an event to create artwork for (it's a live poetry night run by my friends and they get me to make it look good) so this is taking priority at the moment and my keep fit stuff is in the back seat.

    [EDIT] Yes, so 45 house points and 6 NEWTs.

    eh-hem i meant 6 OWLs
  • loveangel03
    Oh and BTW all, my name is Angelina, in case you didn't want to call me by my screenname all the time. :)

    Mind if I call you Love? It amuses me !
    Hahaha! Sure! :P
  • loveangel03
    Oh, I'm still a bit confused about the newts, I don't know what you mean between the difference of being under your calorie goal and being in the green with activities?
  • loveangel03
    and btw, the new rec center at my school just opened! excited to check it out and start using it! :)
  • msrobinson77
    Oh boy! After a very intense day at work I went to my friends for dinner. Wine, cheesecake and a big plate of gooey, cheesy lasagna melted away the stress for sure, but now I'm having the pig out regrets. blah! Also, I did a little math regarding my morning coffee. Turns out i'm using about 300 calories a day adding those delicious fancy creamers. I've only been logging 140 calories per day. Arrrrrgh!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, I'm still a bit confused about the newts, I don't know what you mean between the difference of being under your calorie goal and being in the green with activities?

    In addition to logging in your food for calories, you can log in your exercise. The site will convert your exercise into calories burned while doing that activity, Then the calories burned will be added on to your daily calorie goal, so if you burn 150 calories you get 150 calories added on to your daily calorie allowance.

    If you stay under your calories without the added activity you get 10 newts, but if you are over your calories, but actually are under with the added calories from exercise, then you get 5 newts.

    For example. my calorie allowance is 1280. I walked and burned 200 calories for the day, added to the 1280, my daily calorie allowance is now 1480. If I stay under the 1280 calories I earn 10 newts, but if I eat 1400 calories, I am over my original 1280 (without exercise) but still under with the 200 extra calories I earned through exercise (the 1480), so I would get 5 newts.

    Hope this helps.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    My stats for 1/17/11
    Owls: 0
    Newts: 0
    House Pts: 0

    I have another late night tonight, but am hoping to get home early enough to get some exercise in, OY! I usually weigh myself every day and yesterday I was quite pleased when I jumped on the scale. I was under 160 lbs. 8 ) I had not been under 160 at all for 2011, Thanks to all of you for all of the encouragement and support. This is such a great group!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Oh, I'm still a bit confused about the newts, I don't know what you mean between the difference of being under your calorie goal and being in the green with activities?
    Suzie Thanks for stepping and answering her question. I think you did a better job of expaining it then me!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    Earlier this month Queeda said her boss thought she may be moving on January 15. I haven't spoken to her and I have no idea if she will see this message any time soon, but if you do Queeda, I hope your move either goes well or went well. If/when you can, please let us know you have arrived safely :heart:

    Hey Molly I am a little annoyed right now because I got me etickets to leave, but they left out my daughter and there is no way I am leaving without her so currently they are trying to sort out her paperwork, figure out the mix up, and reissue our plane tickets. As soon as they do that I will be out of here. I will keep you all updated though.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs. I hope you are all doing well this week. I am killing the exercise this week so I am proud of my hps contribution. However I have been losing a lot of weight the past few weeks so I am afraid this week I may have a small loss or none at all, but after losing over 2lbs for 4 weeks straight I can't complain.
  • msrobinson77
    Headmistress interruption:


    Please read the rules ( before you ask questions! It's very likely they will be answered for you there. You're always welcome to ask more questions after!

    Carry on... :)

    Queeda- what a pain! I hope they get that sorted out soon! I can't wait to hear about your new adventures and what teaching is like there.
    Suzie/mom- I am soooo proud of you! Keep it up lady!
    Bumflapassion-usually when people say they lol, they are exaggerating, but thinking about your shorts in the pool made me lol for real!! Was your pool full of little white haired ladies?

    Today was the first day this week that I didn't eat my feelings (yay me!) Conferences are so stressful. I can't keep rewarding myself with treats!!

    For today-5 newts, 11 owls (went to a toning class) 60 HP

    Have a lovely Thurday ladies!!