Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Hello everyone! Sorry I've been absent for a few days. I really appreciate all the messages I got in the time I was away - only 3 days but it felt like a life time. I needed a little break as things haven't been easy recently and things worsened at the weekend and I just needed to get my head straight. I'm fine so please don't worry, you haven't gotten rid of me quite yet!

    In the three days I was gone, I've managed to lose 1lb! This brings me down to 150 and a 25lb loss since I started MFP in August. I am thrilled! :smile:

    Okay, stats. Because of recent events, I haven't been able to put my 100% into exercising as I was so preoccupied, so forgive me for this.Thankfully I remembered the exercise I've done (well, minutes for H.P's) and so I was able to log that today. The same with food :smile:


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 11
    H.P - 30


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 45


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 14
    H.P - 45

    Slacking on the challenges I set, sorry guys! Also, I haven't finished my third and final week of EA Sports Active 2 so I have missed 4 workouts on there. I need to get back on track!

    Love to you all xo
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hi everyone, weighing in today at 129.8 60 house points but more to add later
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Grumble. I'm still down from last weeks weigh in.

    But, I pulled out my old "skinny jeans" - like the ones I'm so glad I can't wear anymore. I outgrew them a couple years ago but keep them around as a reminder of where I don't want to be anymore. Any idea how hard it is to find a 23 inch waist jean? Anyway, I sometimes try to put on the old pants just to show myself that I am gaining. As usual I got 'em up to my hips and that was it. So, that feels nice.

    I also laid the old jeans on top of the ones I wear now and it really is noticeable that I'm in a bigger size now.

    Congratulations to those of you seeing weight go in the right direction this week!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I managed to keep on track with exercise this week, though it was a weird week at the gym. I went to a stability ball class today and learned a lot of new core exercises. I am going to going to feel them tomorrow for my brick workout (bike followed by walk).
    Last nights dinner was much to be desired in the way of healthy (though it was yummy) and tonight is going to be no better. Trying to eat light today in anticipation of tonight. It is restaurant week where I live, and many of the local restaurants in the area have special menus and prices for the week.

    Amber, I borrowed the chi running book for the library and glossed though it. I can already tell I am going to have to go to a seminar. It looks really cool. I have slowed my running (just enough jogging to make sure my HR stays in range). I don't want to risk injury, and my reality is that I will plateau with my weight again. Each plateau has taken an combination of increase in exercise and decreasing of processed foods to break. Thinking it may be a good strategy to learn the form and then truly start running when the dreaded plateau hits. Fresh veggies and fruits are a lot of work but worth it. I do not do a lot of freezing (usually just berries) because I have limited freezer space, and because of the longer availability of the growing seasons. I would say the Farmers market will start to warm up next month and have a selection of seasonal fruits and veggies through Nov-Dec. It has been a mild winter, I think increasing the range for this year.

    Will post stats hubby and I are off to shop!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi, I would like to be in Huffelpuff...

    Hi Veganboi,

    Welcome aboard. I'm a bit new here myself!

    I'm not sure how much you've looked around - but we keep track of a few things as a competition in house, and some stuff to compete with the other houses.

    You can earn house points on a 1:1 ratio for minutes exercised, so get moving to help us compete with the other houses!

    In house, we earn OWL and NEWT points. Those challenges change weekly, so you'll probably want to stay tuned to find out what they will be so you can start with us next week.

    Our head of house is in the process of moving out of the country, I think she gets on the plane tomorrow! Understandably, she's a bit busy right now! I'm sure others will fill you in on anything I've missed.

    And your ticker says you lost 16 pounds, good job!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi, I would like to be in Huffelpuff...

    Welcome to Hufflepuff. Amber did a great job explaining how the the house works. The only thing I would have you do is post a starting weight. Our challenges run Sunday-Sat and we weigh in on Sat-Mon each week. If you want you can start tomorrow.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone. Sorry this is a rushed post from me, it's late here, I'm tired and even more stressed than I was a few days ago. Gahh. If only life was easy, right?

    Unless I post otherwise, or unless someone else wants to create new challenges for the week, OWL and NEWT challenges will be the same for this coming week. If someone else would like to create the challenges that's absolutely fine. I have a lot going on right now and I can't even begin to think of challenges, so forgive me for this.

    Queeda, I'm sure I read that you were moving today. Wow, that's so exciting. Please let us know you've arrived whenever you can.

    Welcome Veganboi, I hope you like it here in Hufflepuff.

    Okay, stats.


    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 55

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 240

    Dreaded weigh in tomorrow, not looking forward to it at all.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hi Vengaboi and everyone else. My house points total for last week was 90 mins and I lost 2.2 pounds - can't remember if I said that already.

    I'm not playing the Newts and Owls challenges at the moment - not even sure what the challenges were last week though - maybe worth reposting in case there are others who don't know what it is :smile: hope everyone's having a good weekend.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome veganboi, We are the best house to be in 8 ) and we love to have new people join us.

    We are doing the same Newt and Owl challenges as last week. Normally they change every week. Queeda-our house leader--will choose prefects, who then will choose and post an exercise challenge (OWLS) and a nutrition challenge (Newts). These new challenges are usually posted on Saturday, and then they start on Sunday. These are interhouse challenges and the people who earn the most newts and owls get to be prefects. The house points challenge is between the four houses. The house that earns the most points gets the Quidditch cup for the month. We have done very well in this challenge. Each minute of exercise is worth one house point. Our challenge for this week:

    Owls: Crunches with punches, 1 owl for every 10 crunches with punches, there was a link provided that demonstrated this.
    Newts: 5 newts for getting in your daily water of 8 glasses, 1 glass for each additional glass of water over eight. and 2 newts for each food group that you stayed in the green for (carbs/fat/protein).

    Hope everyone has a good week. NO exercise for me this past week 8 ( I am going to start the week of by going to Zumba tomorrow though.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Everybody,

    Sure is quite around here. Hope everyone is on track! Where are you all?

    I had a good run this morning, went for 6 miles with a friend. Running is always nicer with company!

    My house points for the week: 260. Doing the OWL challenge bumped my minutes up, I've been doing the crunches and working on push ups too!

    I did not do a very good job keeping track of OWLs and NEWTs. I'll just put up a low estimate and call it a day.
    OWLs = 12
    NEWTs = 47. I drink a lot of water! I think I counted this up appropriately, 5 for getting all my water, and then more for being in the right range for macros? I try to go OVER some of the macros because I'm trying to gain weight - so if you look at my log, you'll see some things in red that I gave myself points for. If folks feel this is not fair, just give me 5 points for water per day.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    maintained weight (given the big meals late this week, I think that is good!) 195

    HP 60 owls 2 newts 6

    HP 95 owls 3 newts 11

    HP 80 owls 0 newts 9

    Amber just use your best judgement with the newts...and no I don't mind if you call me Carolinagirl!
    Suzie thanks for reposting the challenges!
    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to get started on Monday---I know I could use another day!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    I forgot to put my weight in that post! Sunday, I was at 89.6. So, im going in the wrong direction! Grumble. At least it's only a tiny loss.

    I'm sure my body will come around next week.

    And I messed up the newt thing too.

    Owls should be correct at 12.

    Newts should be 37, not 47.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member

    Hope everyone has a good week. NO exercise for me this past week 8 ( I am going to start the week of by going to Zumba tomorrow though.

    Enjoy your class tonight! I lead running group this evening. I've never been to a Zumba class. What's it like?
  • Molly_Louise
    Argg, so so so stressed right now and behind with my school work because of recent events. I doubt there will be much exercise from me this week, I am disappointed in myself already. Just making this post to check in my weight - still at 150.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Molly! See if you can get out for a stress relieving walk!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Molly, my MFP little sister, I adore you! Sending happy thoughts to you... IE baby laughter, puppy dog tails, my country accent... :0)

    I have sucked as a Hufflepuff lately. Just here to post my House points from last week. I did my most minutes yet this year!! Toot-toot!

    January 22 to 28 my total is 757. Thank God for my daily commute!!

    Cyber Hugs!!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well sadly I didn't make it to my Zumba class, something came up at home and I wouldn't have made it in time. I did however get on the treadmill and got some exercise in. Looking back, it has been two weeks since I have exercised--guess I didn't like when my weight dipped below 160 for the first time in who knows how long *Sigh*. Well persistence is what will get us there ladies, so on the bright side, my week is off to a good start. I exercised AND am in the green 8 )

    Amber--Zumba is sooo much fun. It is a latin dance class and even though I think it is a stretch to call what I do in class 'dancing' it is a great workout. MSRobinson (my daughter) kept encouraging me to go. I finally gave it a try and she is right, what a great workout that is fun.

    I did not post my weight this weekend, another gain, no suprise, I am going to work hard this week to get the scale moving back in the right direction though.

    My weight was 163.6.

    My other stats:

    1/29 Newts: 4, Owls 0, House points 0
    1/30 Newts: 11, Owls 1, House pts.: 31

    Good night all.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hey everyone. molly don't stress out, only worry about the things you can control and realize what you can't and let it go. my mom always says 'let go and let god."

    i've been sick this whole weekend and stress eating enough though it's painful to swallow my food. i have to chew it into liquid practically.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all. Sorry I've been awfully absent for the past week or so, as well as an awful member of Hufflepuff. Please forgive me for this as you're all probably aware I've had a lot going on in my personal life, but in and out of school. I am under a lot of pressure at school right now, with very little support at home, so I am staying at focused as possible.

    To our new members, I'm sorry if I didn't welcome you to the group. I probably didn't introduce myself either. I'm Molly, I'm 18 and I live in the UK. When I'm not losing my mind, I'm in school but I'm going to University (college to our North American huffles) in September.



    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 11
    H.P - 240


    OWLs - 2
    NEWTs - 14
    H.P - 20


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 50


    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 30

    Phew, finally caught up!!