Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Carolinagirl congrats on ONEderland. I know that feels awesome and just in time to. Absolutely amazing! I am so proud. I am kind of having a hard time right now a little depressed. I am trying to pump myself up, but it's hard. I hate being alone, but I know that I need to be alone for a while so I can get my life together. I am thinking that my big move will be an excellent opportunity to focus on myself.
  • lcjensen83
    lcjensen83 Posts: 10 Member
    My weight in: 199 pounds.

    Welcome 2012. I think our future is bright!
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy New Year Hufflepuff! I hope you all had a great evening celebrating the New Year if you chose to do so, and a great Christmas too. I know I haven't been active in the common room in December, but here's to a new month and a new year.

    My New Year's resolutions are all unrelated to weight loss, except for the goal of reaching my goal weight, which I hope I am able to achieve by June. My main resolution is to overcome my depression. I've been depressed for some time and it's not something I talk about, but I am hoping I can overcome it this year. In an attempt to overcome it, I am going to think of something every day that has made me grateful/happy/thankful/etc, maybe we could do this as a group? It'd be nice to share the things that have made us happy in the day, I think anyway.



    OWLs - 12
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 120


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 300


    Sunday's are my rest day, so no OWLs or House Points today I'm afraid.. 5 NEWTs though :smile:

    Queeda, how is the preparation for your move going?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    The preparation is SO stressful. Deciding what to get rid of and packing and calculating cost for extra bags. It's so insane, but I am happy to do it and happy to be going. My boss says January 15th so I am excited.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey Queeda, I have done a lot of sorting through my stuff in the past 10 years and I find that the most effective way is by asking yourself "Do I Need This?" "When Was The Last Time I Actually Used It?" and "What Would My Life Be Like Without It" Also get rid of anything that reminds you of anything you don't like to be reminded of (I have done this on mass scale twice and I called it "Emotional Suicide"). I find that I have to be ruthless but I've never made any mistakes yet and if you do it right you're able to travel light. Good luck - When do you actually go?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    1/1 stats
    HP 80
    newts 5--I usually strive for protein...I was shocked to see I was only at half!
    owls 0--I need to be starting those lunges though!

    Queeda--get rid of whatever you can now and travel light. This job is a new beginning for you and your kids, no need to be bringing things from the past...unless you really will use it. You can always buy what you absolutely need when you arrive. And as far an being alone (and I read this to be without a husband,boyfriend etc), think of it as the time you need to REALLY figure out what both you and your kids need and want out of a future partner. Once you figure that out, don't settle! It is hard work in the beginning, and even harder when you start dating again, but in the end, you and your family's happiness is what is most important!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member

    My weight for the week is 199. WOOHOO I made it to onederland :happy: -okay so I had a little help this week, but the positive of the illness is that it has reset my sugar/food cravings (it was looking bad after the holidays!), and I hope this can motivate me to stay on track
    No owl's or newts for this week
    combined HP for this week 205

    My resolutions
    decreasing processed food consumption, buying most of my food from the local farmers market
    reach goal weight (1 pound per week)
    complete 3 sprint triathlons,
    complete Komen's race for the cure (5k)
    complete a 25 mile cycling event for diabetes.
    walk to the local shopping center (about 30 min roundtrip) unless I will be going directly to work, or in the case of heavy rain.
    Totally unrelated to my health: get 400 miles per tank of gas (currently at 325-350). I am pretty sure it can be achieved if I walk to the shopping center:)

    Kudos to those who tracked and did well over the holidays, you were an inspiration that kept me getting even further off course, to those who did not do was well as intended..lets stay positive everyone...back on track and back on the journey to wellness and weight loss!
    Happy New Years to all Hufflepuffs :drinker:

    Congratulations on your Onederland!!, and by the way, I love your new ticker.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Well, here are my stats for the last week.

    Total from Tuesday 12/27 through yesterday 1/1

    Newts: 60
    Owls: 4
    House points: 110

    Will you have time to keep track of everyone's stats Queeda the next couple of weeks with packing and moving? Would you like me to do it for you until you get settled in? What an exciting time for you, I can't imagine picking up and moving to a strange place, so proud of you.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Here is my weight for this week, (I forgot to weigh in yesterday),

    Weight: 163.0 Not surprising at all that I have a gained a couple of pounds over the holidays, but hopefully, will be gone next
    week. I am back on track starting today. A new week, a new year. On a bright note, I ended the new year
    weighing less than I did at the beginning 8 ). I hope by this time next year to be at my goal weight of 135 lbs.

    My New Year's Resolution: To stick with MyFitnessPal for the ENTIRE year!! It definitely helps to have all of you here. Happy New Year everyone!
  • msrobinson77
    Good morning huffles! Are we doing a new food/exercise challenge this week? I am afraid we've lost a few folks along the way. I know the holiday eating took a toll on all of us, but I am ready to get back on track! Hopefully, our lost huffles will make their way back to our house. I think our goal for this week should be to stay under our calorie limit. Letting myself eat whatever I wanted for he week was quite heavenly, but now I'm having a hard time getting my numbers "back into the green."

    Newts 5
    House points 90

    Newts 5
    House points 35

    Newts 10
    House points 60
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I agree with msR. - I haven't been logging anything on here for AGES and the result was that I gained weight again so clearly I'm not ready to be left to my own devices yet. So I am now (from this morning) logging again and I hope that I will be able to keep it up since I find it utterly boring.

    I went looking for a new sofa today since here in the UK, new year is all about watching furniture sale adverts on the telly and I came away thinking that perhaps I can get another year out of the one I have. Do you find that if you look at the same thing over and over again for long enough it all starts to look weird? They all appeared to gape at me after the second shop and now even my own sofa looks kind of odd.

    Anyway back to work tomorrow, now the gym's open again I need to get myself a routine sorted again. I thought I might have a go at the bollywood dance class, zumba and aqua aerobics in the next few weeks. Is anyone else thinking about trying anything new?
  • Molly_Louise
    Back to reality tomorrow as it's my return to sixth form. Boo :( I'm looking forward to Wednesday though, as it's when I get to work in a local school with a class of 6-7 year olds, who never fail to make me laugh.

    Stats for 2/1

    OWLS - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 90

    New Years Resolution is to think of something that's made me happy today. Today's thing is...being appreciated at work. I work in a department store, on the audio & department, so I get a lot of people asking me questions about the items we sell, such as TV's. I get asked so many questions about various things and it's always nice to be thanked by customers who really appreciate your time, help and effort when talking to and helping them. Two elderly ladies in particular made my day. So yes, today's good thought is that I have been appreciated :smile:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone and happy new year. i've been lagging lately- just putting my food logging in the notes because i'm too lazy to put it in and because i'm actually a bit scared to see how many calories i've been eating daily. the only good thing is that i've been keeping up with working out and have only gained 1#.

    not sure how much i've missed but here are my hp stats.
    week of 12/11 406 hp
    week of 12/18 417 hp
    week of 12/15 65 hp
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If you're lucky enough to be a part of Pottermore Beta, and haven't been on for awhile, you should go check it out again! Dueling is up and super fun, and the potion brewing doesn't take as long so it's a bit more fun.

    I'm excited :)
  • lcjensen83
    lcjensen83 Posts: 10 Member
    HP: 30
    Newts: 5

    Newts: 5

    HP: 15
    Newts: 5
    Owls: 0

    I know it isn't alot, but I'm starting to slowly get back into working out again. I have to keep it up.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    how are we getting owls and newts this week?
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Congrats to all Hufflepuffs for sweeping the December competition!

    I was using last weeks challenges for owls and newts---but will hold off until I know the new set.

    HP for today is 70

    DrLJensen...I think we are all working to getting back into the swing of things after the holiday..great job making it back...I can be rough
    danizanga-great job sticking with the activity over the holiday. good to hear from you!
    bumflapassass- I got zumba wii for is cool! I am going to take a workshop on Sat's from 9a-12 pm in January. It is half bike repair and then a group ride. I am not a mechanic oriented person. If I can just learn how to change a flat and trouble shoot/repair problems that could happen on a ride (when I am 10 miles from home), then I will have earned my money back
    suzie--great job with the weight loss over the holiday and thanks for the kind words
    Jenn...I miss you on the board...hope to hear from you soon!

    edited for a typo I noted after I posted!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Hi. My name is Jenn. I was once a very active part of this wonderful little group then....

    - I moved my wireless router and couldn't figure out how to make the World Wide Web work at my apartment (Still haven't figured it out! :mad: )
    - The Holidays came. Jenn indulged... again, & again, & again, & again.
    - The death of my son's father... Made me into the emotional roller coaster mess, I am still fighting with...

    I am still without internet at my apartment even though I am paying for it. Ugh! I wish I was tech-smart! I am trying to get back into logging (but all flies out the window when I get home). I have and still ride my bike to work everyday. Some of changes I have made are gone, but some remain.

    In general, I am super stressed. I haven't gotten on a scale in weeks. I am terrified. It is my fault. I need to log, I need to show myself how much I really eat. Well, that was depressing...
    Moving onto happy thoughts...
    This group is amazing! I know no matter what I can count on you guys for whatever I need! Yay! For a Fresh New Year!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Yay for Jenn! :heart:
  • Molly_Louise
    JENN WE LOVE YOU!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Okay, so it's been an okay-ish week, aside from being in a car accident. I'm fine, as is my best friend who was driving and the people in the other car.

    Stats! Wow I am lagging behind on these. I'm still counting OWLs and NEWTs as the challenge set by Queeda before New Year, not sure if this is right?


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 30


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 25

    Weight is back down to 154, my pre-Christmas weight! Woo!:drinker: