Hufflepuff Common Room



  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    It has been a super rough couple of days for me. I've feltlike giving up almost daily. But I'm hanging in there in hopes I start losing and it gives me the boost I need to keep going. (I got on the scale yesterday, even though I said not til May 1st. I haven't lost anything. Not an ounce or even a milli-ounce. But I guess teh positive is that I haven't gained...)
    As some of you know, I moved this past week. I've moved into a house where there is no kitchen. There is a mini fridge, a toaster oven, microwave, and I brought an electric pan so I can make breakfast still. So that makes eating correctly very difficult. I had trained myself over the past month to shop for more fresh fruits and veggies and meats, now I have to go back to canned stuff or fast food (which I'm trying to avoid like the plague!) This is also a SODA filled house. I'm looking at 8 12-packs of soda right now, but I'm still drinking my water. (I spent 2.50 on a 24 pack of water (which everyone else is drinking), and they spend 5 bucks on a 12 pack of soda, explain THAT logic...) Any food I do buy gets eaten by everyone else like I have unlimited money or something! Its very frustrating and disheartening.
    I've also been to tired to exercise properly. Whether mentally (dealing with a bunch of people who don't want me around and have made that very clear) or physically (I clean and have been unpacking for a few days), I just can't seem to make myself do it. I've thought about it nightly, but I'm either too tired, too full, or its too late to go jogging around the neighborhood. (Although I am going jogging tonight, NO EXCUSES!)

    Ideas? And moving isn't an option. No job = no money which is why I moved to begin with.

    But on a positive note, I went out and did some shopping therapy this morning. Walked the mall following the baby for a while. We ended up buying some hair clips, a few candles from Yankee Candle shop. and the last three books of my series The Southern Vampire Mysteries (True Blood books) and I hope to be able to pre-order the new one in a few days. And I only spent $6!!! I win. :P (I opened another Pottermore account, and was sorted to Gryffindor for that one, but I'm totally a Puff...)

    Congrats to all for kicking butt and winning House Cup AND Quidditch cup!
    Well done on everyone's progress this week! keep it up!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone!!

    It's midnight here and I've been so busy all day with my school work (in preparation for my return to school in 8 hours..ahh!) that I haven't had the chance to come online. I haven't forgotten about you don't worry, I'll make a proper post tomorrow I promise.

    Well done to everyone who has lost weight this week. Just a quick and kind reminder that I'll need all weights posted on the spreadsheet by Monday evening your time (wherever you are) in order to send them off on Tuesday. Not everyone was able to post their weight last week which was a shame, it's okay though you're forgiven! If we could have a weight from everyone this week it'd be great but don't worry if you can't weigh in.

    Shreddin_mama and cpa8198 (sorry, I don't know your names!), well done on becoming our prefects. I look forward to starting the challenges you both set and since you're new, it'll be nice to have some fresh new ideas coming to the house.

    We are now logging our OWLs, NEWTs and House Points on the week 3 of the spreadsheet.

    Did anyone sign up for Pottermore? Registration is now open! I registered earlier but I've yet to get sorted into a house, or make any real progress with it because of school but I'm hoping to get a chance to play around with it later in the week.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    :) kewl!!!!

    I managed to get a few of my veggies in today. No exercise although i did clean my house for 2 1/2 hours to get ready to show it. We are in the process of trying to sell it.

    cowsstealmythong- sometimes i dread exercising but once i get my move on i feel loads better and glad i didn't sit it out. I hope you figure it out
  • bethelcheryl
    bethelcheryl Posts: 199 Member
    Question: Are we adding Newts, Owls and Housepoints from week to week? Or do we start new each week?
  • Molly_Louise
    Question: Are we adding Newts, Owls and Housepoints from week to week? Or do we start new each week?

    We start a new week. As of Sunday April 15 we are on week 3.
  • Molly_Louise
    Kind reminder that all weights must be posted by tonight :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone!

    I submitted our weight and house point averages to Bron earlier today so results should be up by tomorrow. I think we've done well again, especially for the house point average! Obviously it isn't about winning..but that sure helps ;)

    I hope you're all having a nice week. Mine is proving to be busy already! Tomorrow I am back working in the school I volunteer at so it'll be nice to return and see the children again. This is my final 7 weeks there so I'm trying to make it a fun last term. On Thursday I'm going out for dinner with a friend which will be nice, and while it is totally not a date I've convinced myself it is! Whoops. Friday I am taking my mum and step dad to see a comedian playing in our town as part of their birthday presents. A very busy week indeed!

    How are you all?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Kind reminder that all weights must be posted by tonight :)

    Outta town Thursday - Sunday... Then I was too asleep to remember to weigh in the past couple of days! Sorry! Jenn is a hot mess, as always!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Okay...a proper post!
    Monday at the beach was absolutely a perfect beach day. I don't think I like the spray suntan lotion...I got many "stray burns" usually around my clothing hubby is suffering through his "annual burn"...although at one point AFTER he was burned, he did reach for he spray :)
    Tuesday just depressed me more going back to work after a nice beach day...good news my boss was off, so I was not quite bombarded like usual after a day off

    Lisa...Where in Fl do you live? I think it is too hot there. I have family in St Petersburg and around Ocala. Either that or I am getting old because I think it is hot here now in the summer. I hope things are beginning to settle down after the move. Think crockpot for your new apartment (though I know it is not the season for it). Jobs here are tight as well, I hope you have some good leads on finding work soon.

    Molly...sounds like a busy week ahead of you

    Jenn Hope you had a nice trip out of town.

    Has anyone gone to yet? I have only got my wand and sorted. I am a Hufflepuff there too. My wand was rowan and phoenix feathers 11 and 3/4. It seems like it will be fun, but a very involved game!

    Happy hump day to all Hufflepuffs...looking forward to these stats. Winning isn't everything...but it sure is nice!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Better couple of days (I suppose.) Although I feel like I'm letting myself go a bit. Been changing things for 6 weeks, and no loss. So I'm certainly doing something wrong...
    I really hurt my ankle running. Mom says its because I'm just too fat to run. I get about a half a mile and have to stop because my ankle hurts so bad, not because I'm out of breath (which used to be the case.)
    Hoping to join the YMCA for their pool usage! :D Putting in for a scholarship because I'm over 18 and don't qualify to be part of the "family" plan.
    Lisa...Where in Fl do you live? I think it is too hot there. I have family in St Petersburg and around Ocala. Either that or I am getting old because I think it is hot here now in the summer. I hope things are beginning to settle down after the move. Think crockpot for your new apartment (though I know it is not the season for it). Jobs here are tight as well, I hope you have some good leads on finding work soon.

    Thanks. Crockpot is a good idea. I'll have to get some good recipes that don't have to be refrigerated.
    I live in St. Petersburg. ahahahahaha! Yeah, its always hot....
    Thanks for the concern. :) Glad you had a nice few days.

    Jenn- its ok, we all forget/too tired. Happens to the best of us.. :)

    We're doing great Puffs!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Lisa forgot about the fridge. You could cook in smaller amounts so there were no little or no leftovers. skinny has lots of great ideas. That is great you can run a mile and a half. Not great about the ankle. Fingers crossed about the Y scholarship. I know here it is a great place to work out.

    Off to exercise today. I can't finally believe it is Thursday...for a short week it has sure seemed long :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    This week has flown by for me!! (Thank God!! I am ready for a weekend at my own home!)

    I will hopefully be back in the 170s this week... Very upset with myself 20# from my lowest number.

    I have been trying to use the Naked! Protein zone smoothies (Or the boathouse ones like it) instead of whatever junk I like to snack on in the evenings. They are 'higher' in cals but way better than Swedish Fish, candy-like granola-bars, tortilla shells, and whatever random junk I shovel into my mouth!

    Hopefully running to Aldi's today after parent/teacher conference at 2. My son said he'd rather go to the Y after school than shopping with me... LOL! Can't blame him there! I have barely any thing healthy in the house. We stopped at Whole Foods Monday, but spending $50 there feels like I didn't get anything.

    Super excited that the kid ate something I cooked last night... Turkey burger and a salad. He always eats a salad if it is covered in Ranch, but meat he is picker than me.

    I need to get my crockpot back out! I have lots of dry beans that I love to eat! Thanks for the website (again!!).
  • Molly_Louise
    Happy Friday everyone! I know I'm glad it's Friday.

    We had the most house points overall for the second week running. Ravenclaw had lost the most weight percentage wise last week but we are still in the lead overall for both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup, so keep up the good work everyone! I'm really proud of us all.

    I often see people talking about "the Y" here on MFP, is it the YMCA? We have YMCA centres here in the UK (very few of them and none in my town or nearby towns) but they don't have pool's, gyms, etc, or at least I don't think they do. It's funny how things differ throughout different countries.

    Jenn, how did parent teacher conference go?

    Lisa, I hope your ankle is a lot better by now. Hopefully over time the pains will stop.

    Last night I went out for dinner with a (male) friend and it was a really good evening! We went to an oriental buffet in my town and then went to a nearby club for some drinks, I had a lot of fun. We both tried a lot of new food too, such as squid and covered a lot of things in wasabi - that stuff is hot! Haha. It was a good evening and today I thought I'd step on the scales to see the damage from last night. Thankfully I haven't gained anything, not even an ounce, so I am very happy. Sunday is my weigh in day so fingers crossed I can lose at least .5lb by then.

    Aside from work and school work, I have no plans for the weekend..what are you all doing over the next few days?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Molly- Squid?! I can't get myself to try it!

    -My son is 'delayed' mainly in reading & writing. He excels in Math, Science, and Social Studies (when he doesn't have to write the answer). I meet with the 'Team' - which includes 7 people from his teacher to the school nurse. They have recommended that he starts occupational therapy for his handwriting (in addition to his speech therapy, reading help, & the 'feelings' teachers - as he calls her! - that he already does) also they are going to test him for austim. He is not the 'typical' case. He is very affectionate and will make eye contact (not just as often with adults). If it isn't some disorder, I worry that I 'messed' him up by moving 300 miles away, or if his father's death is affecting him more than I know, etc -What have I done wrong?! Whatever the case is, he is getting as much extra help as he can, this school is truly amazing. I will keep doing what I always have and if I am told I am doing something wrong I will fix it... I think most the time he is just STUBBORN! Wish they could 'cure' that! :0)

    - I have my 'date' tonight... I think it is a date... I assume it is... Ugh! I am so outta touch! What else this weekend... Umm... I got my 'grocery getter' bike fixed... So shopping is in hand. The kid & I ended up going to Target to spend his b-day money after the meeting yesterday. Not much else planned... church, and some bike rides I am sure!
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say:


    This is all. <3
  • Molly_Louise
    Jenn, the squid was just weird! It was really rubbery and didn't taste like I thought it would, but it's so hard to describe haha. Sean, my friend who I went out with didn't like it either so we weren't too impressed by it!

    I hope your son gets the support he needs and I'm glad he already is. When we spoke on Skype he seemed like such a sweet boy. You've done nothing wrong so don't blame yourself! I work in a class of 6-7 year old (your son is the same age if I remember correctly) and when they're feeling upset, something is bothering them etc, we get them to write it down in the class "thoughts and feelings book". It encourages them to talk about things, most of them include "__ doesn't want to play with me" but it's good for them. Maybe something similar could work with your son? It may help with his writing too. Obviously I am not a professional but it may work. You're a great mom so don't be too hard on yourself.

    Have a great time on your date..I expect to hear all about it!!

    Lisa - I second that, and you rock too!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Quiet weekend on the homefront. Took a long bike ride this all the errands done. I am amazed that using the bike on the weekends saves me about $15 a week in gas. Hubby and I are watching Reality Bites tonight...forgot how I used to like that movie.
    Molly...Love Chinese, I agree wasabi is very hot! Have tried squid and I don't care if I never eat it again :)
    Jenn...sounds like a great weekend planned. Your a great mom. It sounds as if you and your son have an excellent support system with the school. Fingers crossed there is no autism is involved :)
    Lisa...You are absolutely right...we all rock!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hey Hufflepuffs just stopping in to say hi. I have haven't posted anything for awhile. Happy Sunday!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I would like to be a Hufflepuff, please. (Hufflepuffing is what I sound like after finishing doing 6" step aerobics for 30 or 60 minutes : D )
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Welcome BMcC9! I am going to send you a message with the information you need. Please feel free to post if you have any further questions!

    I am giving up until Wed morning! I am at another conference this week, where the food is incredible...INCREDIBLY UNHEALTHY!. My friend is coming into town tomorrow night, and we are going out to dinner...I suppose I could try to be healthy...but it is one more day. I did get in an extra 30 minutes of walking over lunch to help compensate...but real dinner for me I am still stuffed. Hope everyone is doing well, and I will post a reminder to post your weight by midnight for Molly.