You know you are a low-carber when....



  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Ordering a meal at a restaurant takes 10 minutes (... with no potatoes... no, no fries either, I'm pretty sure those are made from potatoes... can we substitute a slice of bacon instead of toast?... yes, I'm sure ... dressing/sauce on the side ... is that dish breaded? ... no croutons ... no bun... yes, I'm sure...)

    This is awesome. I always feel like I'm being sooo difficult when I order

    Tell them you are diabetic or are allergic to gluten!! All of a sudden they are bending over backwards to accommodate you.... 'Cause you know, when you say you're eating low carb they look at you like: :indifferent:
  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    ...when you can't remember the last time you bought rice!
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    When you go out for brunch and order the steak and eggs (rare and sunny side up) and replace the potatoes with a side salad no croutons bleu cheese dressing on the side
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    When you need full fat cream in the fridge!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    When you have been known to eat slices of butter like chips....

    Have you tried butter on pork rinds yet??
    I have not tried that, but that sounds delicious!!! I have been known to dip cheese in butter.

    Pork rinds are also good topped with liverwurst or brawnschweiger!

    I've made MIMs just to have something to put butter on to eat ;)
  • can3mwh
    can3mwh Posts: 17 Member
    When lettuce becomes the new "bread".
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    You know you are a low-carber when.... you only shop the perimeter isles of the grocery store.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ordering a meal at a restaurant takes 10 minutes (... with no potatoes... no, no fries either, I'm pretty sure those are made from potatoes... can we substitute a slice of bacon instead of toast?... yes, I'm sure ... dressing/sauce on the side ... is that dish breaded? ... no croutons ... no bun... yes, I'm sure...)

    This is awesome. I always feel like I'm being sooo difficult when I order

    Me too - then I remember I am paying for it so I should get it the way I want it lol
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    you laugh at the little message after you click "complete this entry" on your MFP food journal and it says- "If every day were like today..." and it tells you you'd gain weight, but the scale keeps going down!:laugh:

    Is it wrong to feel sorry for the poor saps that are starving and eating rice-cakes and apples all day as I dig into my 8oz ribeye & broccoli smothered in butter?

    How many calories do you eat per day. I'm finding hard to stay under 1700 with all this fat and protein. I'm sticking under 20 net carbs though
  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    ...when you've fallen on a little and get excited when you finally get that metally taste in your mouth!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    ...when you've fallen on a little and get excited when you finally get that metally taste in your mouth!

    i know! I crave my smelly breath, lol.... (my boyfriend does not.)
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    When you order a medium pizza all for yourself and scoop up all the toppings and put onto your little pizza plate in a giant gooey pile and dig in!

    Then the waitress looks at the entire pizza dough crust empty and you are certain she is thinking you are crazy.

    That's a great idea!
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    You know you are a low carber when
    - 70% of your calories are from fat and STILL are eating below the calorie "level" MFP says you should.
    - You say to someone that the more fat you have in your diet the less calories you end up eating on accident and they sound like they think you are totally nuts.
    -You skip your salad sometimes to lose weight
    -You ignore the "total calories for the day" on MFP
    -You complain that MFP does not subtract fiber or sugar alcohols from carb counts
    -You lose weight being full and satisfied and feel bad for all of those people starving themselves to lose weight thinking that the brown rice they are eating for dinner is healthy
    -You don't think weight watchers is very healthy because they don't let people eat enough fat
    -You buy the 5 dozen package of eggs at costco every week
    -You look for any excuse to put butter on, or in something and then put more on top
    -You have lost over a pound a day on many occasions
    -You eat the skin on the chicken to lose weight
    -You smile and nod a lot to your doctor who has concerns about dietary fat and it's effects on your heart
    -You blow your doctor away with your rapid weight loss
    -You are annoyed that MFP only lets you set your goal to 2 pounds a week
    -Your write and or read "you might be a low carber if" jokes on online forums : )
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    You know you are a low carber when
    - 70% of your calories are from fat and STILL are eating below the calorie "level" MFP says you should.
    - You say to someone that the more fat you have in your diet the less calories you end up eating on accident and they sound like they think you are totally nuts.
    -You skip your salad sometimes to lose weight LOVE THIS!
    -You ignore the "total calories for the day" on MFP
    -You complain that MFP does not subtract fiber or sugar alcohols from carb counts
    -You lose weight being full and satisfied and feel bad for all of those people starving themselves to lose weight thinking that the brown rice they are eating for dinner is healthy
    -You don't think weight watchers is very healthy because they don't let people eat enough fat
    -You buy the 5 dozen package of eggs at costco every week hahaha! I buy TWO of them every week!)
    -You look for any excuse to put butter on, or in something and then put more on top
    -You have lost over a pound a day on many occasions Definitely!
    -You eat the skin on the chicken to lose weight
    -You smile and nod a lot to your doctor who has concerns about dietary fat and it's effects on your heart
    -You blow your doctor away with your rapid weight loss
    -You are annoyed that MFP only lets you set your goal to 2 pounds a week YES!
    -Your write and or read "you might be a low carber if" jokes on online forums : )

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    You know you are a low carber if you are disgusted by:
    -low fat sour cream
    -I can't believe it's not butter
    -Fat free anything
    -having a salad with low fat dressing (and you horrified at the idea that that is a meal!)
    -Low fat anything
    -A meal without protein and or fat (toast and jam is not a meal!)

    You know you are a low carber when:
    -You watch the biggest loser and think that their diets are unhealthy because they are too low in fat and too high in carb
    -You laugh when some one says you can have a piece of fruit with your meals on low carb (like jillian michaels)
    -You laugh when some one thinks low carb is when you keep your carbs under 100 grams a day
    -You drink whole cream instead of half and half to lose weight
    -You pity people who think the "calories in calories out" hypothesis is a fact (I don't think that there is even enough evidence to call it a full fledged theory myself)
    -You have perfected your "smile and nod" when people start talking about their diets and you know that they would not listen once the words "low carb" left your mouth.
    -You have ever complained that a product does not have enough fat
    -You know what a sugar alcohol is and what happens when you have to many
    -You have ever said "now where did I put that darn xananthium gum?"
    -You always end up confusing drive through employees and wait staff at restaurants, and they still don't get your order right.
    -You have ever had to try to convince a family member that you are on a diet to promote weight loss and a healthy body
    -You have read past page one in the "you might be a low carber if" message board
    -You have ever heard the phrase "you made pancakes out of what!"
    -Cheese feels like a food group
    -You have coked cauliflower more than three different ways that include sour cream
    -You are addicted to your bathroom scale
    -You are reading this
    -You have baggies of almonds or other nuts in your purse or car in measured out portions
    -You have ordered a salad with out the crutons but with extra full fat salad dressing
    -You have had someone tell you "But you neeeed carbs! Your body can't function properly without them! You will be tired all of the time and it is really unhealthy to not eat them!"
    -You have ever gotten suddenly uncomfortable when some one is super excited that they lost 1 pound that week eating low fat 1200 calories a day and gone to the gym 6 times. You think "great, now can you do that for the next 135 weeks? Probably not." But you say "Good for you!"
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    You log everything, even small items, because even coffee has carbs. And those little suckers add up quickly!

    Coffee has carbs???? Tell me it ain't so. [downs another cup before researching]
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    - u drive 20 minutes to a store that carries LC products
    - the guy at the health food / LC store knows every detail about your life;)
    - everytime you. Check out at Safeway the clerk ALWAYS comments on how much sf jello u buy at a time
    - you have copious amounts of meat in plastic baggies in your fridge
    - your coworkers don't even bother offering u food anymore
    -everyone asks u how u lost so much weight/ then when u tell them they look at u like your insane
    - most of your paycheck goes to ensure you have the nessisary LC staples
    - the guy at mcdonalds already knows ur order before uorder it;)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    You log everything, even small items, because even coffee has carbs. And those little suckers add up quickly!

    Coffee has carbs???? Tell me it ain't so. [downs another cup before researching]

    Lmao!!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member

    You know you are a low carber if you are disgusted by:
    -low fat sour cream
    -I can't believe it's not butter
    -Fat free anything
    -having a salad with low fat dressing (and you horrified at the idea that that is a meal!)
    -Low fat anything
    -A meal without protein and or fat (toast and jam is not a meal!)

    You know you are a low carber when:
    -You watch the biggest loser and think that their diets are unhealthy because they are too low in fat and too high in carb:yawn:

    :smile: LOVE THIS POST!!!
    -You laugh when some one says you can have a piece of fruit with your meals on low carb (like jillian michaels)
    -You laugh when some one thinks low carb is when you keep your carbs under 100 grams a day
    -You drink whole cream instead of half and half to lose weight
    -You pity people who think the "calories in calories out" hypothesis is a fact (I don't think that there is even enough evidence to call it a full fledged theory myself)
    -You have perfected your "smile and nod" when people start talking about their diets and you know that they would not listen once the words "low carb" left your mouth.
    -You have ever complained that a product does not have enough fat
    -You know what a sugar alcohol is and what happens when you have to many
    -You have ever said "now where did I put that darn xananthium gum?"
    -You always end up confusing drive through employees and wait staff at restaurants, and they still don't get your order right.
    -You have ever had to try to convince a family member that you are on a diet to promote weight loss and a healthy body
    -You have read past page one in the "you might be a low carber if" message board
    -You have ever heard the phrase "you made pancakes out of what!"
    -Cheese feels like a food group
    -You have coked cauliflower more than three different ways that include sour cream
    -You are addicted to your bathroom scale
    -You are reading this
    -You have baggies of almonds or other nuts in your purse or car in measured out portions
    -You have ordered a salad with out the crutons but with extra full fat salad dressing
    -You have had someone tell you "But you neeeed carbs! Your body can't function properly without them! You will be tired all of the time and it is really unhealthy to not eat them!"
    -You have ever gotten suddenly uncomfortable when some one is super excited that they lost 1 pound that week eating low fat 1200 calories a day and gone to the gym 6 times. You think "great, now can you do that for the next 135 weeks? Probably not." But you say "Good for you!"
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    know carb count before calorie count....

    look at the label and go to the carbs before anything else.....
