Clean Eating Friends???

ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
Hello everyone! I've been eating clean for 3 months (on the Jamie Eason program) and am excited that it changed my life. I finished the program yesterday and went and ate Thai food and ice cream for the first time. And I realized I want to keep going. None of my current MFP friends eat clean and I was hoping to add some friends to get ideas from on eating clean. Starting next week I will be doing James Wilson's program which also involves alot of clean eating.

Thank you so much :)


  • dandes
    dandes Posts: 69 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! That is amazing! I try my best to eat clean. I never eat junk food and stay away from white flour, refined sugar, etc. I follow Tosca Reno's Eating CLean guide. I'd like to be your friend!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Yay! and thank you. I added you :)
  • Journalartista
    Journalartista Posts: 84 Member
    I am also a clean eater. :) Love Tosca as well!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I'm a clean eater as well. Haven't heard of this program that you're doing but it sounds great. My philosophy is "if your Grandma wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it." I try and eat organic as much as possible and cook everything from scratch. Add me as friend if you like!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    sending you a request.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Clean eater here too :-) Add me if you want.
  • andthenwhat
    andthenwhat Posts: 69 Member
    I am a clean eather (thank you Tosca Reno!) and it's changed my life! But also, it's so hard that my friends or husband don't. They are like, 'Are you still on that diet?' and I'm like.... ummm no this is just how I eat...
  • Louisecooper87
    Louisecooper87 Posts: 22 Member
    i'm waiting for my tosca reno book to arrive from Amazon :) really excited to start it, i've lost 45lbs, alot of it before MFP and i feel very stuck shifting that stubborn last 1olbs! i think my exercise routine is great and i'm really motivated but my eating lets me down and i drift in and out of eating well, so fingers crossed eating clean will help me achieve my goals! i would love clean eating friends for advice, support and recipe sharing (when i have some lol) <3
  • mlc825
    mlc825 Posts: 10
    Good For You! I bought all of Tosca's books and it literally took me 3 years to finally make the commit to "Eat Clean" and with that came all the health benefits. Not only did I loose 20+ lbs, my stomach issues have disappeared and my energy levels are awesome. I find when I do consume processed foods, I pay for it dearly. It's become a way of life for me and I no longer have any symptoms of food anxiety and I don't feel like I'm on a "diet". I'll be 40 in a few months and I'm constantly told I don't look any older then 33. I attribute it to my healthy lifestyle! Congrads to you for sticking to your guns on this!
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    Clean eater too!

    Add me if you want.
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey All!

    I am a clean eater too!!! I love clean eating. I have all of Tosca Reno's cookbooks as well as the Best of Clean Eating cookbooks. I do a lot of cooking with super foods to (hemp, chia, goji, acai, maca, etc).

    I always preached clean eating but never truly practiced what i preached. Now i am. I have already lost 35 lbs and notice an amazing difference in my skin, hair, nails, energy levels, digestion, etc. Granted, i workout hard as well, but i attribute most of my success to clean eating. I have now found when i eat anything processed or not clean, i actually get physically sick! It's amazing how our bodies adapt.

    I love the saying, "if your food can go bad, it's good for you; if it can't go bad,it's bad for you."

    Anyone can add me. I would love to have clean eating friends!!!
  • adry20
    adry20 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm a clean eater! Sending you a request and I'm looking for new friends as well :)
  • I'm following a clean diet and I'd love to have clean eating friends.
  • bkm070
    bkm070 Posts: 6 Member
    I am working on establishing clean eating habits. Some days are better than others.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm trying to work on cleaner/healthier options too. Like some have said, some days are better then others. Anyone feel free to add me as well.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm trying to eat clean and I've also started Jamie Eason's Live Fit 12 week program which is clean eating along with heavy weight lifting. This is day 3 for me. I have 50 pounds to lose and I'm hoping that this is going to be my answer. I'm supposed to up my calories, but I'm having a hard time eating them all (never thought I'd say that)! I would love to have more clean eating friends. I need as much support I can get. Hard to eat clean when your husband and daughter don't want to eat the same way.
  • kristinlien04
    kristinlien04 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey everyone! I am just getting started with this 'clean eating' thing. I am on a weight-loss mission, but I don't want to be on a diet, I want to make a lifestyle change that I can maintain forever! I have a few good friends who preach clean eating, and I am really trying my best to make this a part of my life. Please feel free to add me - I might have lots of questions until I get the hang of this, but I would appreciate to give and receive some support, encouragement, recipes, ideas, etc...

    I will have to check out the books that were mentioned in previous posts!
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this and could use some friends who eat clean and let me peek in their diary :) will request you all with a note.
  • LetiMarie_864
    LetiMarie_864 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! Im a mother of 3 and Ive been doing my best to eat clean since February. Although I do struggle from time to time I still try my best and its not easy when Im the only one that eats clean in my family. So, having friends on MFP to motivate you and give you new food ideas is always helpful! I could use many more clean eating friends. Feel free to add me:)
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! My name is Rachael and i have been eating clean for a few months now, starting with atkins and now just eating clean (apart from coffee!) All my friends are low carbers so would love to have some clean eating friends!