Insanity challenge starting June 11, 2012???? Anyone! :)



  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    wow..u did more than the people in the going to post my results when I get home

    I'm not gonna lie... I hate that fit test lol... Here are my results:

    Switch Kicks: 91
    Power Jacks: 26
    Power Knees: 87
    Power Jumps: 37
    Globe Jumps: 5
    Suicide Jumps: 13
    Push-up Jacks: 14
    Low Plank Obliques: 66

    .........What am I gonna do tomorrow...... Lol. I'm still ready though! :)

    59 DAYS TO GO! Doesn't sound so bad........... Ha :)
  • bluejones
    bluejones Posts: 25
    Finished Day 2 - Plyo Cardio Circuit.... @ss has officially been kicked!!! LOL... This workout is no joke, I started out thinking, oh this is cool.... we're just going to repeat the warmup over and over.... NOT!!! By the end my legs were wiggling like Jello... but I did not quit (although I did take a few extra breaks). Overall, this was a great workout, I felt great, once I was able to breath again!!! :wink:

    Good luck to everyone on Day 2!!!
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    does anyone know where to get shakeology for a better price??
  • bhilliard07
    I started Monday, June 11th as well! I have started multiple times and I even got to Month 2 a couple of months ago..and just stopped. This time I am going all the way and bringing it!

    You can add me so we can give each other motivation!
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    Day two was tough! Glad I got through it though! good luck to everyone who has yet to do it today.

    @bluejones, I'll be thinking about you getting up too when I'm trying to get myself out of bed in the morning. Knowing I'm not alone will help :)

    If you are new to this thread and want to friend me please do!
  • SemperFi91
    SemperFi91 Posts: 169
    I still have insanity to do today though im brining my neice to the waterpark so i will exceptionally ready for bed tonight haha! Great job everyone is still getting there butt kicked! Im so sore its not even funny. Keep it up everyone.

    @sinsrhythm- if you are already into beachbody do you have a coach maybe you can get it cheaper by them? I havent tried shakeology but I heard it works amazing im looking into getting it. :)
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    @blondesouther i am not a beachbody coach and the coach I had wont answer emails texts or calls..
  • bluejones
    bluejones Posts: 25
    does anyone know where to get shakeology for a better price??

    Try I've seen them on there, not sure of the prices though.
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    @bluejones..its the same price on amazon..but if go thru a beachbody coach its like $90..i just finished day cardio power and resistance omg..woooooow...the droid app that helps calculate calories burned doing insanity is called calaories doesnt have all the workouts but u can put in ur weight, the amount of time u worked out and it will tell u how many calories burned..also for people doing p90x chk out
  • dnique03
    dnique03 Posts: 5 Member
    I started Monday as well. I haven't worked out in a year so I was doubtful of completing the fit test. The fit test was brutal but I was able to hang for the cardio circuit workout on tuesday. Everyone did good my numbers should be a lot better but I know they will be for the next test.

    Fit Test 1

    Switch Kicks 87
    Power Jacks 25
    Power Knees 40
    Power Jumps 10
    Globe jumps 6
    Suicide jumps 6
    Push up Jacks 3
    Low Plank Obliques 24
  • bluejones
    bluejones Posts: 25
    Day 3 for me was great.... don't get me wrong it was still hard as hell, but I pushed through it (with moderate breaks) and felt like a champ when it was done!!!


    Good Luck to everyone!!
  • katydunham
    katydunham Posts: 10 Member
    I started Monday, but missed yesterday because I was sick. I'll double up tonight. :)
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    My fit test results were:

    72 switch kicks
    37 power jacks
    80 power knees
    25 power jumps
    7 globe jumps
    14 suicide jumps
    25 push up jacks
    60 plank kicks
  • kmarboleda3
    I just finished week one and i feel great!! :) Yall are doing a great job!

    I dont think you can get Shakeology from anywhere else for cheaper. But i drink it and its AMAZING! I use it as a meal replacement so instead of paying $5-$10 to eat out somewhere i spend $4 for my shake. And it fills me up, taste great and gives me energy. The only way to get it cheaper is to become a beachbody coach yourself and you get a discount.
  • SemperFi91
    SemperFi91 Posts: 169
    Day 3 insanity done! :) Everyone is doing a fantastic job! I was looking into buying shakeology but I go to the gym 6 times a week so I just drink the strawberry classic one there for a meal replacement. Im just excited to actually get through this workout this time.
  • rlance1022
    Im on month two of Insanity! I absolutely LOVE it!! Good luck everyone getting ready to start!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I started June 11th too!!! I will post my results from the fit test when I get home.
  • bluejones
    bluejones Posts: 25
    Day 3... LOVE IT!!
  • ofey31
    ofey31 Posts: 15
    Hey everyone! I too started on 6/11. I'm so loving Insanity. It's super intense and pushes your body to the MAX! Here are my Fit Test results:

    1. Switch kicks - 105
    2. Power jacks - 38
    3. Power knees - 105
    4. Power jumps - 25
    5. Globe jumps - 6
    6. Suicide jumps - 12
    7. Push-up jacks - 14
    8. Low plank oblique - 30

    Starting weight - 154.2
    Goal weight - 135

    Good luck to everyone!!
    Feel free to add me :)

    I'm about to start cardio recovery!
  • sinsrhythm
    sinsrhythm Posts: 11 Member
    great job ofey :smile: