Looking for gay male MFP weightloss pals



  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Well I guess Slough did give us The Thunderbirds, UFO and Space: 1999
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I know nothing about it, but I think of it as the functional equivalent of Scranton, Pennsylvania: a rust-belt town with a history of dirty heavy industry, declining population, and declining economic prospects. But that's just because when they translated The Office from the UK to the US, they replaced Slough with Scranton.
    I don't think it's known for heavy industry. The only thing I remember being in Slough was the old Mars factory. It used to be on all the Mars bars, Marathons (before it became Snickers), Milky Ways etc. :tongue:

    Well I guess Slough did give us The Thunderbirds, UFO and Space: 1999
    I always thought Century 21 was based in Iver, Bucks. Coincidentally, their old publishing works became the home of the International ABBA Magazine :noway: :happy:
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I know nothing about it, but I think of it as the functional equivalent of Scranton, Pennsylvania: a rust-belt town with a history of dirty heavy industry, declining population, and declining economic prospects. But that's just because when they translated The Office from the UK to the US, they replaced Slough with Scranton.
    I don't think it's known for heavy industry. The only thing I remember being in Slough was the old Mars factory. It used to be on all the Mars bars, Marathons (before it became Snickers), Milky Ways etc. :tongue:

    Well I guess Slough did give us The Thunderbirds, UFO and Space: 1999
    I always thought Century 21 was based in Iver, Bucks. Coincidentally, their old publishing works became the home of the International ABBA Magazine :noway: :happy:
    don't think i've ever had a mars bar. yea on snickers..not so much on milkyway
  • ronboy1979
    ronboy1979 Posts: 83 Member
    Out and about over here!!!! Always looking for new support and motivation! Send over a friend request!! Will be accepting!!
  • Just found the MFP site yesterday, and joined. Goal is to loose it, but support is always helpful.
  • Liverpool_Chris
    Liverpool_Chris Posts: 16 Member
    Only joined this week, currently living in Liverpool, although working in Manchester and from the South Coast originally. I get around a bit you could say!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Welcome Chris and Cowboy and Ron and anyone else I might've missed.

    Hope you're all enjoying your fist exciting steps on MFP :bigsmile:
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    hi everyone :) follow me on twitter & i'll follow you back. Let's all tweet each other! :D
  • cjalexander
    cjalexander Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I'm Christian!

    1. Where were you born?
    Santa Monica

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Fort Lauderdale FL

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Mainly just here!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I'm a design assistant and a full time student. I'd love to have my own architectual firm one day!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself...
    I love my dogs!!
    I hate working out, but I have learned to tolerate it. :)
    I have a bf and been with him almost 6 years...let's see how it goes.
    I'm kind of a nerd
    I tend to live in my own world sometimes, which can be good and bad, but it's kinda fun :D
  • DavidRyan91
    DavidRyan91 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm David.

    1. Where were you born?
    New Haven, Connecticut

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Branford, Connecticut

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Pretty much been in CT my whole life except for my 3 month study abroad in London, England and my times in dorms at different colleges.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I'm currently a part time sales associate at Petco and I am a full time student at Southern Connecticut State University. My plan is to finish my undergrad and then go to graduate school for secondary education to become a high school english teacher.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    -I am a virgo
    -Single hopeless romantic
    -I love to travel
    -I started my weight loss journey back in the middle of February 2012, and I've lost 30 pounds in 4 months. I want to lose another 50-70 pounds with the possibility to lower those numbers as my body shapes more.
    -I am one of the most loyal people you can get to know.

    Anyone feel free to add me. I can use more friends on here. =]
  • 1. Where were you born?
    Spartanburg, SC

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Greenville SC

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Charlotte, NC (God I'm lame, one state over! lol)

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I currently work for my family pest control company. I'm in school for psychology, and plan on getting my PhD in sex therapy. ;)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    *I can't stand ignorance
    *World War 2 is amazing!
    *I was a voice major for two years, and have about 7 years of voice training.
    *I secretly wish I was Canadian.
    *I'd do anything to sleep with Edward Norton.
  • LMMelch123
    LMMelch123 Posts: 14 Member
    I know nothing about it, but I think of it as the functional equivalent of Scranton, Pennsylvania: a rust-belt town with a history of dirty heavy industry, declining population, and declining economic prospects. But that's just because when they translated The Office from the UK to the US, they replaced Slough with Scranton.

    Not a very nice way to portray Scranton, Pa. It's really not as horrible as you make it sound. The city and surrounding area have a lot to offer and home for many.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    No doubt. I've never been there and I'm talking only about stereotype, not reality.
  • JamesBC78
    JamesBC78 Posts: 20 Member
    Ok - I had to re-read this three times to get the full grasp of the entire post. You cracked me up. And I really needed that today! Very unique post, thank you for being you and sharing it with us!
    1. Where were you born?
    Spartanburg, SC

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Greenville SC

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Charlotte, NC (God I'm lame, one state over! lol)

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I currently work for my family pest control company. I'm in school for psychology, and plan on getting my PhD in sex therapy. ;)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    *I can't stand ignorance
    *World War 2 is amazing!
    *I was a voice major for two years, and have about 7 years of voice training.
    *I secretly wish I was Canadian.
    *I'd do anything to sleep with Edward Norton.
  • ronboy1979
    ronboy1979 Posts: 83 Member
    Ok I have unashamedly copied this from another of my groups, but thought it was a great way to get to know each other:

    1. Where were you born?
    Woonsocket rhode island

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Pembroke mass

    3. Where else have you lived?
    North Smithfield RI
    Providence RI
    Pawtucket RI
    North Providence RI

    I moved around a lot in college lol

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Retail store manager at Aeropostale........ I would love to run a night club

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. I am in a committed relationship
    2. I would love to travel out of the country
    3. I am happy with how my life is going
    4. I gave been through a lot of crap in my life, but I am sure that they were all put in front o me to put me where I am at right now
    5. I am sick of people tat say you don't need to lose any more weight! I think most people need to keep their opinions to themselves or do not get mad about what you are going to hear come out o my mouth!

    And # 6..... I am always looking for new supportive friends, I think this web site and app are a great support and will be there for all my myfitnesspal buddies, gay/straight/trans what ever you are!!

    So send overa request!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Come on lads, make ron's day.

    He's already on my FL :bigsmile:
  • Hi! (:

    1. Where were you born?
    Hometown, Illinois!

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Only here.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    None, as of now. It'd be amazing to be a singer, but that'll never happen. As of now I strive to become some form of artist.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    ~ I love Japan. To the point where I believe I may have been Japanese in a previous life, or several.
    ~ I love most types of arts. Musical and visual. I'm planning on attending a quaint little art college in Chicago.
    ~ Despite my age, I've been through a lot. Too much. I worry about my future a lot.
    ~ I'm awkward to talk to! :3
    ~ My imagination is everything to me; I stay up late but am always eager to sleep and dream.

    I wouldn't mind having some MFP friends ^^
  • RzRzRzR
    RzRzRzR Posts: 72 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Pencil-tucky (PA Dutch country)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Nothwestern New Joisey (Prime hiking country)

    3. Where else have you lived?
    - Alaska
    - New York City
    - North Carolina
    - Chester, United Kingdom (England)
    - Virginia

    4a. What is your current occupation
    - Quality work for a large company with good benefits

    4b. What is your dream occupation?
    - Travel the world

    5. Tell us any five things about yourself
    - I've traveled - A LOT throughout Europe and a littlein South America
    - I go to Gunnison Beach at Sandy Hook
    - I ride a Triumph Speedmaster
    - I've completely gutted and renovated several houses, including my current home
    - I live next to a lake, but I don't fish

    I wouldn't mind having some MFP friends . . . especially in Northwestern NJ and who also use Fitbit!
  • 1. Where were you born?
    Laguna Beach, CA

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    San Diego, CA

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Los Angeles, CA
    Breckenridge, CO
    Las Playas, Mexico

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Currently: Finance
    Dream: Personal Assistant (or) Hotel Concierge

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    * I can dance Salsa
    * I have a 19yo daughter and a 15yo son
    * I don't like to cook
    * I own 11 pairs of Adidas
    * I can surf...but don't do it as often as I would like
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    I knew there had to be one of these around here somewhere....

    Hi, I'm Hank.

    1. Where were you born?
    Greenville, TX. A long time ago.

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Fabulous El Lago, TX (next to Houston)

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Why would I live anywhere but Texas?

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I've reached my goal of having them both be one and the same. I'm an engineer at Johnson Space Center. I design space ships.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    -Been with my partner, Caleb, for 8-ish years now.
    -Just marched in the Houston Pride parade with our official NASA LGBT group. How times have changed.
    -I'm a fantastic cook, and a decent artist
    -After moving to Houston to be with Caleb, I gained 70 pounds. I blame Caleb.
    - My goal is to lose that 70 pounds, and then some. I'm 2/3rds of the way there.

    Please please please add me. I can use more friends on here. =]