


  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm Kasey, 27. My husband is in the Navy. I'm currently in Norfolk and would love to find other military wives in the area and make some friends. I'm on this site not to lose weight, but to eat healthier and get into shape. Too used to eating processed foods and just recently started cooking and blogging about it
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Anyone else in Norfolk?
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Shanon and My husband is a sailor in the Navy. We are currently stationed in Norfolk, VA . I joined MFP in 2007 and have gone through phases of using it or not. The past month or so is really the first time I've even looked at the message boards and until yesterday I didn't even realize groups existed! My husband joined the Navy in February 2011 and we have been married since August 2009. We are a little older (he is 29) for as new as his Navy career is so I totally need to get fit so I can look as good as all the wives of the kids he works with :)
    Oh and I'm on twitter and pretend to blog--- @shanonrenee and if any of you are into that too!

    Hi Shanon, I'm in Norfolk too. My husband is older as well. He joined two years ago and turned 30 this year.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Hey. My name is Megan and I'm a 25 year old wife to a Naval Aviator (in training. Only a few more months to go). We're stationed at NAS Meridian, MS soon to be NAS Corpus Christi, TX followed by NAS Norfolk, VA, and that's just this year. I'm a marine engineer, so I work on ships. When I'm home I love to cook and I'm trying to lead a healthier life, but it's much harder when you work 8+ hours a day, have a crappy gym, live in a tiny room and don't get to make your own food. I used to play water polo, swam, and rowed crew in college, but have since been unable to find places to enjoy those activities in our new homes. I've also had some difficulty finding other types of exercise that I enjoy as well as the motivation to do the ones I know I need to do. I've tried Insanity (at hubby's insistence) and am currently attempting Couch 2 5K. I'm always looking for help and support. =)

    When will you be in Norfolk? I've been here (Norfolk) for almost a year and still haven't tried out any of the gyms on the bases out here. Need the courage of a friend!
  • bboop2177
    bboop2177 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new to this group. I have used fitness pal on and off for about a year and thought i would join a support group on here. I am an army wife recently pcsed to JBLM.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Ashlin and my husband is halfway through BMT for the Air Force. I will be traveling to San Antonio in less than 4 weeks to see him and I am using working out as a way to distract myself from how much I miss him right now. I am hoping to be down to my wedding weight of 175lbs by then (currently at 183) and to be finishing up the C25K program. Hopefully by August I will know where we are being stationed and he should finish tech school by September. I can't wait to start this new life together and I want to be looking and feeling my best when the time comes!
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, everyone! My name is Jamie. My husband is currently on recruiting duty and we are stationed in OK. We are coming up on our 12 year anniversary. I have been on MFP before and deleted my account and am back because I wasn't losing weight and just gaining. So here I am trying to gain control of it (again) Good luck to all of you on your weight loss journey and as a spouse of a military member.
  • hello all! my name is Genna, i am a 28 year old mother of two amazing lil people as well as a soon to be marine wife. I just recently got my cast off from my sixth surgery on my left (dominate) arm & after six years of no real activity i am ready to get back to my pre baby/injury weight. I am looking to loose about 60-65 lbs for lots of reasons. Mainly to be healthier than i have been & not to put myself in more of a position to get diabetes which runs high in my family as well as high BP, cholestrol, and so on. Also my new fiance is very into his body and health (weight lifter) Hes that extra kick in my butt to get me to where i wanna be. I am looking to find excited, supportive people on here to help push me along and hopefully i can do the same
  • srpthlgy
    srpthlgy Posts: 69
    Hi! I'm Sara and my husband is a reservist in the Marine Corps. He is currently deployed and I am holding down the fort here in VA with our two-year-old daughter while he's gone. I'm down 24lbs and hoping to lose another 10 before he comes home!
  • mrsjurado05
    mrsjurado05 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Angela and I have been married to my hubkins for 6 1/2 years hes been active Army for 8 years. We are currently stationed at Fort Benning in GA. I found this group and decided to join cause I need some motivaton and people who can relate to my situation. We have two beautiful children (2 &3) and I sometimes feel like having them so close has made it more difficult to get my body back. About six months ago I was told that I could possibly have PCOS but it just seemed that it was something easy for the dr to diagnose me with, without having to do much digging. I started working out at the beginning of the year and have recently lost my motivation. I cant seem to get back up and keep going.. To date I have lost 18 lbs and have 68 to go. I want to get excited about working out again and hope this is the place to help.
  • Hello! My name is Ariel and I'm married to a Marine who is now a reservist (4 years active duty, 4 years so far as a reservist). He recently returned home from deployment #3 and I didn't lose what I wanted to while he was gone, so I'm working on it now. We are in Missouri!
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm Kirsten. My fiance is Air Force, stationed at Hickam, so there is about 4500 miles between us right now. I'm looking forward to using this site to the max to help me get in shape for our wedding and life in Hawaii!
  • hello I am an army wife of 22 years. I have two daughters. Kayla will graduate this year from High school. My baby, Danielle, is now a freshman in High school. danielle has aspergers syndrome. She is amazing and I am blessed by her daily. I have two dogs and three cats. If you can believe it we have been stationed for ten years in the same spot. Only because hubby was deployed to Iraq 2x and Korea. So we are here for a few more years then we either retire or get promoted and move.:sad:
  • Hi we are stationed at Ft. Leavenworth. So we have KS in common and I bet you love the heat/humidity. My daughter, Danielle, has Aspergers. she is 14 and is doing well. I hope you are doing well and getting support from home! Take care
  • ngwife4
    ngwife4 Posts: 1
    Hi. My name is Colleen and my DH is in the Army National Guard. We have 4 wonderful children. I have decided to finally lose what baby weight I am still carrying, while my husband is overseas. I would love to lose about 20 pounds.
  • megara2484
    megara2484 Posts: 15
    Hello everyone :) My name is Megan, I am 27 and currently living at Ft. Leonard Wood (husband is in Army training) We will be PCS to Ft. Riley in September, so I figure now is the time to get in shape since I have no job to use as an excuse :) Will definitely need help staying motivated!!
  • megara2484
    megara2484 Posts: 15
    Hi everyone! My hubby is a corpsman deployed with the marines out of Camp Lejeune!!! I joined this group to better my health! Add me if you want....I'm applying to OCS this fall!!!!! You ladies have a lovely day :)

    Just wanted to say good luck at OCS!! My husband just completed it at the end of March :)
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi! You can call me Katie! After checking with Erin (one of the moderators) to make sure that I could join the group, I did and started to read through the threads. It looks like I'm in the right place and am SOOO glad to be here. Current wives. Future wives, and most especially for me, wives of veterans, hopefully some OIF/OEF.

    My husband and I have been married about a year. He ETSd from the Army about 7 months before we got married and was deployed right up until the last day that he could be before being able to ETS. He was initially told he could get out early to start college, but higher up on the food chain said no and got one last trip out of him. Because of his MOS, his trips were often shorter and more frequent, so the last trip was squeezed in. We've been friends for 15+ years and were dating for the last two years of his 9 year commitment to the Army, so I knew him before he was in, saw how he changed and grew up, and now enjoy having him home.

    The words "service connected" have become part of my vocabulary. They're working on his disability and he's full time at college on the Post 9/11 GI Bill, which makes me breadwinner, housekeeper, washwoman, maintenance man, snow remover, errand girl, event coordinator, and chauffeur. So it's like he's deployed AND home at the same time. He can physically handle cooking and grocery shopping sometimes, when his body permits. Not officially PTSD, but there was a definite change after his last trip "downrange" so I am especially ESPECIALLY glad to have gotten the ok to join this group. :)

    I'm looking forward to "meeting" you ladies. :)
  • ashfink12
    ashfink12 Posts: 3
    My name is Ashley. I have been a Marine wife for 6 years now and have been with my hubby since we were freshamn in highschool (10 years together)! We have two boys Kevin who is 5 1/2 and Kraig who is 14 months. I only gained 10 pound while pregnant with Kevin and 6 with Kraig but I always seem to gain after pregnancy! Since having Kraig in May 2011, I have lost 21 pounds then gained 29 and currently losing weight again...18 pounds since May 30th! My husband is Active Duty stationed at a reservist base in New York. The kids and I are living in North Florida where we both are from in order to save money to be able to survive when my hubbys contract is up. He is going to be a full time college student and more than likely wont work while finishing up his BA degree. It is really hard and probably not the best idea we have came up with but we make it work. A lot of expensive flights on 96s to see the boys but we still make out pretty good. Skype is a lifesaver for sure. If anyone wants to friend me on here thats perfectly fine...accountability really works! I just dont have many friends to help me out!
  • claw0416
    claw0416 Posts: 95
    My name is Cyndi. Married to a wonderful Army Ranger. We are currently stationed at Ft. Benning, GA. We are kinda new to the military life again. My husband was a Ranger, then went reserve as a Drill Sgt, and then went back active duty this past year. Together we have 4 girls. 2 of them being his and 2 mine. I have one living and one that past away 9 years ago, but she still is mine. (sigh) So the weightloss attempt begins. My highest weight being 315, I maintained 150 the whole time my first daughter was likving and thought that was huge(i would give anythingto be back there now) Before she was born and during pregnacy I weghed the most 105, then it caught up with me. I believe due to the stress of having a sick child, and hormone changes.. I was pregnant with my second daughter when my oldest passed away from heart failure..So instead of crawling in a hole and dying along withher, I think I ate myself to death..I before I knewit I was 315..and a divorce on the way..I went down to 200 after the divorce, but I have not gotten any farhter..I soon met the man of my dreams who actually loved me for who I was, not what I weighed or look liked! I still can't figure that out..I ended up gaining 80 pounds in a year and a half..I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007, but was not treated for it until 2010. We are figuring that is where alot of my weight gain has come from..Since our family is very active, we are always on the go..I actually get out there and play with my kids instead of sitting on the sidelines..So, how the heck am I so big?? I joined MFP back in the summer 2010..but got caught up in my job, and lost sight of my weightloss. Well due to being on my feet at work over 10 hours a day, I injured my foot to the point I was non weight baring and was backed into resigning. Now two months later, I am able to walk much better, still limping a little, but the cast has come off and I am working on losing the weight. My doctors feel it is the only way, my feet will get better with all the added pressure off them, and my PCOS will balance out. For me, I have always had an issue with my weight, I have just never had the support team that I need to shed the weight. My husband is great, but for him it is easy..I should be able to exercise and it will come off.. He and our youngest daughter have a issue with gaining..they can eat whatever, but never gain..Sp here I am back to obsessing on my weightloss, and looking for ideas of things I can do to lose the weight and not injure my foot again.. I am so ashamed of myself for getting this big and being a Ranger Wife..Alot of the other solidiers I have met will give a shocked look when they meet me, after seeing my husband and the PT he does everyday, like why can't you make yoru wife as fit as you?? I have blabbed most of my life story..Did want to say I started to MFP hated pill Phentermine 2 weeks ago..along with my metformin, to help encourage the weightloss since I am limited on what I can do.and I am starting to do more cardio..yay..I walked 1.5 mileis yesterday on the treadmill, and looking to join Curves, which has added Zumba into it.Anyway..I look forward to talking with all of you, add me as a friend! I promise I won't overload you with this long schpill again..