My Bodymedia Fit - 1st days feedback...



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I was shocked too after the first few days by how low I had estimated my TDEE to be.

    The Fat2Fit site had estimated it at 2139 and with a 20% cut, I was eating 1700 calories a day, thinking I was doing just fine. Then I got my BMF and found that my TDEE was anywhere between 2800-3000 based on how active I was that day. SHOCKING!!! I was seriously still undereating, even when I thought I was eating a lot.

    Something to keep in mind....after your first month wearing your BMF, don't be surprised if you notice your TDEE going down a little bit. Once it becomes more acclamated to you and your activity level, you may see your TDEE go down a little bit. Mine now estimates my TDEE between 2600-2900, depending on how active I am.

    Thank you! Thats good to know!
    Have you lost weight thus far after u started using it?

    Yep, I attribute most of my recent success to my BMF. When I started in this group, I got stuck losing/gaining the same 2 pounds and I had to keep increasing my calories to finally get out that rut. Then when I got my BMF, I realized it was because I still wasn't eating enough. The BMF confirmed for me that the online calculators were underestimating my TDEE. Now that I eat between 2000-2100 calories per day, I'm seeing a loss of about .5 to 1 pound a week.
    I have a question! We seem to have around the same TDEE's (26-3000) and my cut has been 2500 since my average is 3000. I see you just eat 2000-2100. Am I eating too much? should I drop it to 2100 as I'm not losing anything!

    Also, can you find out how many calories you burn during a workout. I have never been able to pick a time period and see the exact calories from THAT period of time.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Is it noticeable when wearing it? Or can you find a way to hide it under clothes?

    It'll hide under a normal guys t-shirt (my husband borrowed mine for a day just to check it out). But shorter sleeved tees on women don't cover it - it has to be a normal tee. I sits on your upper arm.

    Do you have to wear it 24/7 for it to be accurate? (meaning even when you aren't exercising and/or when you're sleeping etc?)

    At least 23 hours out of the 24 for it to show you really accurate figures.
    It needs to figure your total TDEE and that includes normal daily activities and sleeping.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Is it noticeable when wearing it? Or can you find a way to hide it under clothes?

    It'll hide under a normal guys t-shirt (my husband borrowed mine for a day just to check it out). But shorter sleeved tees on women don't cover it - it has to be a normal tee. I sits on your upper arm.

    Do you have to wear it 24/7 for it to be accurate? (meaning even when you aren't exercising and/or when you're sleeping etc?)

    At least 23 hours out of the 24 for it to show you really accurate figures.
    It needs to figure your total TDEE and that includes normal daily activities and sleeping.

    Thanks~ I got one more: do you wear it just on your upper arm or is there a chest strap like a HRM? And a "watch"?
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Well, you get a "watch" you can buy seperately, more like a small monitor if u want to see real time numbers. Otherwise u just plug it into the usb port and do a quick download to ure computer.
    You also get the "link" version that can sync with ure iphone for real time updates.
    They are all different priced. Id recommend going to to go see prices and to the bodymedia fit website for comparisons.
    You also do get a heart rate monitor strap that works with it actually.
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I was shocked too after the first few days by how low I had estimated my TDEE to be.

    The Fat2Fit site had estimated it at 2139 and with a 20% cut, I was eating 1700 calories a day, thinking I was doing just fine. Then I got my BMF and found that my TDEE was anywhere between 2800-3000 based on how active I was that day. SHOCKING!!! I was seriously still undereating, even when I thought I was eating a lot.

    Something to keep in mind....after your first month wearing your BMF, don't be surprised if you notice your TDEE going down a little bit. Once it becomes more acclamated to you and your activity level, you may see your TDEE go down a little bit. Mine now estimates my TDEE between 2600-2900, depending on how active I am.

    Is it possible your TDEE went down because of your weight loss? Just askin :) I've only had mine for a month and I'll be interested to see if my numbers drop...
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    You have to wear it on your upper arm. They also say if you are cycling to wear it on your left calf. I did this and got a better read out during my spin classes. I personally got tired of wearing it after a week. It bothered my arm. I gathered data for that week and was satisfied with what I got. I too was underestimating my TDEE. I will probably put it on again in about a month for another weeks worth of data.
  • mibrewer413
    I had gotten the BMF Advantage and as much as I loved it, I returned it to the seller on Ebay because I really wanted the Link version. It was driving me crazy not to know what I was doing unless I synced it up to my computer. And buying a the display that looks like a watch seems ridiculous to me, why not spend the extra money for the Link one. I want to be able to look at my iphone and know what I'm doing whenever I want. So I will bide my time and get the one I really want. Check out Ebay because there are always "deals".
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I had gotten the BMF Advantage and as much as I loved it, I returned it to the seller on Ebay because I really wanted the Link version. It was driving me crazy not to know what I was doing unless I synced it up to my computer. And buying a the display that looks like a watch seems ridiculous to me, why not spend the extra money for the Link one. I want to be able to look at my iphone and know what I'm doing whenever I want. So I will bide my time and get the one I really want. Check out Ebay because there are always "deals".

    I picked up the Link. It is well worth the extra few bucks.
  • sunny_yogi
    sunny_yogi Posts: 19
    i know i likely (!) need to reset, but i used to have a BMF... my numbers were similiar to yours, in fact higher (2800-3000 a day)...YET, could not/would not lose any real weight. i would fluctuate a few pounds here or there, but nothing would stick. i tried everything...eating more (and gain), eating less and maintaining, etc...

    i since have sold my BMF on eBay and moved on.

    the reset is something i plan to do after summer...and will take it from there.

    hope you find your happy medium.

    .....i am not one who is super confident in that kind of technology..... just not fully convinced.
  • achang531
    achang531 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok so I need help with my BodyMedia... I synced my bodymedia after my workout (Tapout XT)and now it says I only did 24 minutes of activity and I just did a 45 minute workout... 22 minutes of moderate and 2 minutes of vigorous. I customized it for 60 minutes of moderate and 20 minuutes of vigorous and 5000 steps... I don't think my METs are correct!
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    Is it noticeable when wearing it? Or can you find a way to hide it under clothes?

    It'll hide under a normal guys t-shirt (my husband borrowed mine for a day just to check it out). But shorter sleeved tees on women don't cover it - it has to be a normal tee. I sits on your upper arm.

    Do you have to wear it 24/7 for it to be accurate? (meaning even when you aren't exercising and/or when you're sleeping etc?)

    According to customer service, the general rule is that the more you wear it, the more accurate it is. However, if you just want to wear it during your workouts the numbers will still be close to 90% accurate.
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Ok so I need help with my BodyMedia... I synced my bodymedia after my workout (Tapout XT)and now it says I only did 24 minutes of activity and I just did a 45 minute workout... 22 minutes of moderate and 2 minutes of vigorous. I customized it for 60 minutes of moderate and 20 minuutes of vigorous and 5000 steps... I don't think my METs are correct!

    Ive read that you should keep ure bmf on for at least 10 min after ure workout. Maybe thats tge problem if u took it off immediately? We are using technology here...think it runs on different rules than we do,hehe.
    Try that the next time. Mine measures my exercises very accurately every time. I only take it off at least half an hour after exercising.
    Also make sure its on the tricep, high up, not too low close to ure elbow.
  • achang531
    achang531 Posts: 8 Member

    Is this the right way?
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    THats how I wear mine, have u checked out the "skins" for them.? They on the bmf web. Really fun ! Makes it so much cuter to wear!
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member

    Is this the right way?

    Yep! Perfect!
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Heyyy, just got mine, excited to start seeing some accurate data, enough of this guessing crap lol

    So I gotta ask If im wearing it correctly?

  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Hi Jack!
    Id recommend to turn it so the face is a bit more to the back of ure tricep. If you stand with ure back to the mirror, arm at ure side, the bmf should be center on your tricep. And not too low as in too close to ure elbow, it might give incorrect readings. Ive read on bodymedia website that for bike riding one should wear it close to the elbow, afterwards back on the recommended area. Remember to give it at least 3-4 days of full wearing to give you your most accurate tdee.
    Have fun! I love mine! Great little motivator too!

    By the way, I have to compliment u! You are looking sooo much leaner and thinner than ure profile pic!!! Congrats on ure great achievements so far!
    You look great!
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Heyyy, just got mine, excited to start seeing some accurate data, enough of this guessing crap lol

    So I gotta ask If im wearing it correctly?


    Karin is right! On both counts. Def update your profile pic. You're looking way different :)

    And wear the BMF a bit higher and more toward the back of your arm.

    Anyone getting consistently higher numbers than they expected. Today will be a full week of wearing it for me, and my numbers are way higher than I expected. The numbers are consistent relative to each other except for one day with a higher burn without the activity to support it (to my mind anyway). I'm averaging about 250-300 above what I thought was my TDEE.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    This is interesting stuff, in particular about the higher than expected TDEE.

    I have a Fitbit and it says I am burning about 2000-2200 each day (which is right in line with Scooby) and so I am eating @1,700 most days. I am always hungry though and wonder if perhaps my TDEE is higher? It is so hard to be sure, and I am losing weight at a good steady 3-4 lbs per month, so something is right.

    Question for the BMF people; anyone see a TDEE less than expected? That is personally what I am most worried about (that I am overestimating it).'

    Cheers all, Rachel
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    just went back and re-read the beginning of this thread and, YES, a lot of you had similar surprisingly high numbers. that makes me feel better. also makes me wonder why i saw such good results starting EMTWL and upping to just 1900. i guess the jump was what did it, and i just happened to stall around my goal weight. actually, i'm floating 3-4 pounds above my goal weight (6.5 this morning but i lifted yesterday), and i was starting to think that 2200 might be a little too much and that some weight was slowly creeping back on. hmmmm....might need to actually go up some more. ok, the previous jumps didn't scare me at all, but this one makes me nervous as hell!!! i'm gonna wait for a bit more info. i'm gonna wear my bmf through thursday. we leave for vacation at the beach on friday, and i'm just gonna leave it at home since it can't get wet anyway.