Gamers Dating Gamers



  • sdf098sdf098
    sdf098sdf098 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been trying to get my fiance interested in games for years...unfortunately I don't think I will ever date a gamer. Could have been an interesting experience. Now jealousy rears its ugly head......
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hubby and i are both gamers. But we view it as together time. I play more than he does, more time and more different games, but we often play togheter. We've lvl'd toons on WoW, LOTRO, Rift, etc together and we play his FPS together, i run the map and walkthru if he needs it and he does the shooting part. Its definately a great date night for us, as its cheap/free and we really enjoy it.

    We were both gamers before we met, but met IRL thru my brother, not thru games. But it definately helps. If you game together, you know that in an MMO you cant just get up and walk away. So there's an understanding there you wouldnt get from a non-gamer.

    Our 15 y/o daughter is a gamer too so we have 'family game nights' that are online or board games together. Our favorite saying is "A family that games together, stays together" :ohwell:
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80
    My husband got me into WoW.
    We met in highschool, and before i started playing i would watch him play. Or when he was raiding and I didn't have my own account i would watch him raid. [He was in one of the top guilds in the US during BC /brag]
    Once i got my own computer when we went to college we played together, raided together, pvp'd together etc.
    He's in BMT right now, but once he's able to and has the time we're going to level characters together in Diablo 3. It'll be nice to do if i'm not able to move in with him during tech school.

    A relationship working depends on the individuals, some gamers can date each other, sometimes it doesn't work out.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    I met my fiance through the small MMO we played. He was my guild master and a great leader. I always felt proud to follow him to war.

    Sadly, my fiance died two years ago from his muscular dystrophy before we could get married. We may have met through a video game, but it was his amazing personality and compassion that brought us together. Now I don't know if I would date someone else, gamer or not. It just wouldn't feel right.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    My husband is a gamer and I was a gamer. I met him not playing games because I didn't have access to computers and consoles being a broke 20 year old. He did though and he played World of Warcraft which I was highly interested in playing. I ended up getting really addicted and he played that game plus many others. I quit playing completely after two years and he as well. He still plays first person games but nothing too serious. I hardly ever touch my computer for anything outside of MFP or work. I just have a bigger interest in going outside and hanging out with people.

    Games are awesome but not what they used to be for me! It doesn't hurt our relationship as well as he's more then happy to put down the games and do whatever with me. Plus I'm happy to let him veg out and game when needed. Usually he'll play while I'm cooking dinner. :)

    So yeah! We have nerdy tendencies! I think a lot has to do with personality more then anything. Games are a great conversation piece but go only so far.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Every single person I've dated is a gamer.. in fact, I can't see myself with someone who couldn't understand my need to sit on a computer all night and play a 'mindless' game! At least, that's what it's referred to by some of my non-gamer friends.


    In regards to OP, it wasn't them being a gamer that didn't work out.. it was the chauvinistic attitude that girl gamers have to deal with. They didn't take me seriously in-game, and they didn't take me seriously IRL. Game over for them.

    The one I've got now is pretty awesome. I think it's wonderful having someone so like-minded. Don't give up on gamer boys.. just keep going until you find a good one and I promise it will turn out wonderfully! :flowerforyou:
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
    I am still looking for my gaming woman. They are hard to find in my area.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    We're both gamers and have been married for 11 years. We actually didn't meet through games, we wanted to start a band together. ;P Then Final Fantasy happened... that's when we really bond over a game.

    Never dated a gamer besides him.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I've always dated gamers personally. I met two of my past boyfriends in video games, and one in a gaming chatroom prior to that.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My partner introduced me to gaming. Everquest, specifically. Eventually, I became the guild leader and our guild was ranked in the top 5 for the server. At one point, we each had three accounts and could duo box a full group. I began to branch out and played Wow in beta as well as a number of other games, such as LOTRO, Warhammer, Vanguard, Darkfall, etc. My partner and I retired from EQ, but still have active Wow accounts. He also plays tabletop D&D games (is gamemaster). We play Wow every Saturday night, often with one or more of the children.

    We have been together for 9 years and have a 7 year old daughter.

    I think gaming is no different than having other hobbies in common. Whether it be traveling, history, reading, sports, or is simply another thing to enjoy together.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Married a gamer. We met on the forums for a webcomic, 8-bit Theater.

    In fact, I've only ever dated gamers and guitarists. Hm.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I married a gamer. We actually met over a D&D game. He was walking through while my friends and I were playing and asked to join. He got me into Warhammer later, and we both jumped into MMOs together (though he plays those more seriously now than I do; we have 2 kids. He stays up and games and I just want to sleep!).
    I've only had a couple of "real boyfriends" in my life, especially since I got married young. But they've all been gamers. But it was never the gaming that ended the relationship.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Most of my boyfriends have been gamers. Of course, we've always shared other interests too. It helps having someone who understands you spending hours on the computer/console, and even better if they're willing to co-op with you :)
  • jennipea382
    jennipea382 Posts: 47 Member
    I've dated a few gamers, and my fiance is one too. The first one I dated for about a year and a half when I was young (senior year of high school until almost the end of my freshman year of college). He's the one that got me into WoW when it came out. We played together a lot. The problem was he became obsessed with it. I'd want to go out and do other things, and he just wanted to raid. It got to the point that I felt we weren't even in a relationship anymore. If I stopped playing WoW, I don't think we would have had anything to do together. So I decided it wasn't worth feeling the way I was and ended it.

    My fiance is a gamer, but he enjoys a variety of games. He played WoW for a while, but stopped because he couldn't afford the monthly cost. Lately he's been playing Diablo (which I played a bit), Couterstrike and Team Fortess (he was playing Minecraft but after his friend shut their server down, it kinda died out for them). I like that he's a gamer, because it gives us something in common. But the nice thing with him is that it's not his entire life. We still do plenty of things away from our computers!

    So I've learned that being with a gamer is good as long as they enjoy their real life more than their virtual one :-) BTW, ex-bf I mentioned still games all the time. Still works the same crappy job and lives at home (we used to work together, so we have some mutual friends). Still no gf since we broke up 6 years ago (holy crap). Gaming is his life and to be totally honest (sorry if I offend anyone), it's really sad. Glad I found someone who has other interests :-)
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Nnnnot sure if this counts... but I've been dating a gamer for almost 3 years now. He mostly plays tabletop games (D&D, Warhammer, etc) but he still does the occasional raid on Wow. Bloodbowl has been more his thing recently. He'll spend hours painting models or stay up late with his friends playing and talking about upcoming matches. Honestly? I don't mind it. We play a D&D campaign together with some of his friends every week, and he still makes a point to save some time for just the two of us. That's enough for me.

    Gamers are basically the same as non-games as far as variety; some are condescending *kitten*, some are sweethearts.
    Think about it this way, a non-gamer would probably spend just as much time doing something else like watching football, etc.
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Nnnnot sure if this counts... but I've been dating a gamer for almost 3 years now. He mostly plays tabletop games (D&D, Warhammer, etc) but he still does the occasional raid on Wow. Bloodbowl has been more his thing recently. He'll spend hours painting models or stay up late with his friends playing and talking about upcoming matches. Honestly? I don't mind it. We play a D&D campaign together with some of his friends every week, and he still makes a point to save some time for just the two of us. That's enough for me.

    Gamers are basically the same as non-games as far as variety; some are condescending *kitten*, some are sweethearts.
    Think about it this way, a non-gamer would probably spend just as much time doing something else like watching football, etc.

    I agree with you wholeheartedly. I admit, I miss the shared raid nights and the Gran Turismo marathons.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Never have but I couldn't see it going well unless it was tabletop, (board games, card games or Pathfinder). After a bit of an EQ addiction around '03 and '04, video games I now only play to pass time when bored, I'd rather do anything else now if there someone there with me. And even then it's primarily when travelling, when I am home now, a lot fo downtime goes to doing extra cleaning or my new hobby is painting miniatures for Pathfinder. Mainly because it's extremely calming.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I've always been into some videogames and making websites and things, but my boyfriend got me into MMOs/RPGs/CoD and we work very well because there's no "YOU ALWAYS PICK PLAYING VIDEO GAMES OVER ME!" because we understand :P

    So many raid night dates!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I'm a gamer.

    Hubby is a gamer.

    We met through a mutual friend (they were in the army together).

    He lived in California. I lived in Iowa. If it weren't for the game World of Warcraft, we probably would have never fallen in love.

    Gaming brought us together and will always be part of our lives. My last long relationship was with a non-gamer. I hated it!

    I think having a gaming husband has made things so much better.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Met my husband 11 years ago in a game. Been together 10 and married 6 1/2. Works for us. Now if only the kids can learn to craft already.