Anyone have or had a cat?



  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    This is my cat, Bubba. He's going to be 13 yrs old this year. He's my baby, LOL.

  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    What caught my eye with your group... Was the picture of the white kitty. November 16th Sophie-Kins went to the great beyond.. Cat Heaven. She was 18 years old, and was a giant white domestic short hair. Kinda like the picture. And my best friend for sooo long. My first kitty was named Puffy. She was half persian & half siamese.

    Currently I have two pomeranians. Both girls.. Oldest is Hyedee, a party pom, and youngest is LuLu. They ARE my kids. I have no human children.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I may have to get one of those photo bucket thingys.. Just so I can put some pics in my replys. :smile:
  • Etiqueta
    Etiqueta Posts: 42 Member
    Currently only have one cat, but when I lived with my parents it was him and 6 others! Crazy cat family. ;)

    Russell, Angelo, Sunny (have with me), Lola, Tucker, Cecil, and Aiyana.
  • soncat27
    soncat27 Posts: 8 Member
    I have two kittens who is in my profile pic. Asterix is a floppy cuddle ginger cat who is 8 months old and Cleopatra (Cleo for short) is a mischievous little black 6 month old! They are my babies and I love them to bits!! :D
  • Shawnie_B
    Shawnie_B Posts: 17
    :heart: I have ALWAYS had pets as a child...from fish to rabbits to snakes to birds. i had never had a cat bc my mom didnt like tht. i got my first cat when I was in high school...but not on purpose. The got a second for a short period of time after that. HOWEVER...the love of my life (besides music) came into my life 4yrs ago. She was born on Christmas night. I adopted her from my coworker after sh was only 11 days old and she has been like my own child ever since. She is my one and only child and is spoiled as such!!! :love:
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    This is my cat Jess. He is an adorable little thing.

    2 years ago a little kitten was hiding in our green house and as night fell we decided to bring it in for the night and look for its owners in the morning. Turned out that there had been a picture in the post office for weeks and lots of people in the village claiming to have seen it but it had no owner. So we decided to look after it till the owner contacted us and they never did! Can't imagine why someone would kick this fella out, he is a lovely cat! He is just 2 and a bit years old and gets spoilt rotten by the whole family!

    Here he is.

    This is his favourite spot in the summer.


    And this is him supporting Help For Heroes!

  • SophieEwer
    Your cats are all so gorgeous! I have 2 little babies, who arnt so little anymore, Clive and Millie are 2yrs 8months. See my profile picture. I'm glad too hear so many of you have rescue kitties. I volunteer at 2 adoption centres, there are so many lovely little kitties there that need homing!
  • menamurder
    I have one living with me and the other is living with my parents. The one I have is Angel, a big fat (19 pounds!) maine coon mix, and the other is a tiger mix, named Tiger. Angel is going on 13 this year, and tiger will be 5. They were both strays, and I couldn't imagine living without my Angel. She's the sweetest cat on Earth.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I have 2 cats. Lily, the one in the pic is now 6 years old. I've had her for 4 years and she's finally becoming a cuddler. Although when she's done with pets or cuddling, she will let you know - she's still a biter/scratcher, but I figure she had a hard life. She's a lot skinnier now but she has the shortest little legs so she can't jump very's too cute.

    Our other cat, Molly, is 4 and she's a balinese and absolutely gorgeous. My fiancees mom rescues siamese, and they picked up Molly, and Anthony fell in love with her immediately so she came to live with us. Her original name was Posche Fluffers, which did not work for me.

    It took them a few months but they do get along with each other, but now I don't think they could be apart. They wrestle all the time and will give little drive-by kisses or nuzzles. It's adorable.
  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    DayumStraightIAmEllie Posts: 160 Member
    I had the honor of having my adorable kitten Oliver for 6 days. He was a newborn, his eyes weren't even open. Strong willed, a fighter:)
    He passed away last night.
  • parallax693
    My fur baby is Hawkeye, seen in my profile pic. He is a Ragdoll, 11 months old, and quite the personality. He wakes e up in the middle of the night for a feeding by tapping in my arm or face with his paw. He has helped me tremendously already, he calms me down from a stressful job.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    The top one is my beloved Confetti (she had to be put to sleep a couple years ago), she was the best cat!!!! And the bottom one is my rotten little ham Normy!!!

  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    Two pound kitties, both siamese mixes. We went to the pound for ONE cat....they were having a 2 for 1 sale....sigh! Got them as kittens, now they are 8 (I think!) BTW, my childhood cat lived to be 25 (full blood siamese.) My parents got her when I was 7. She died when I was 32.
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    I have always had dogs (present one is a Westie called Pebbles) but then we were adopted by Ali Cat. He appeared in our garage and after a while of putting a bed in there for him and food etc he decided to come live with us properly. We never did find his previous owners - I think he was left behind when they moved. He was with us for two years until he had to be put to sleep in March this year because of a tumour. I never thought I would be a "cat person" but I miss him lots and lots. Luckily(?) a few of the neighbourhood cats come to visit in the evening for a treat or two :).
  • lizw123
    lizw123 Posts: 20 Member
    I had a fluffy white cat called Duchess who died recently. I adopted her when she was about a year old, from a local shelter. She'd been found pregnant and all her kittens were homed. She had big green eyes and always liked to have the last word, usually "MAH!" I would say she could pronounce exclamation marks. She lived with me until she was 12 years old and I did think I'd have a few more years with her. In April I noticed she wasn't eating much at all. I tried a few things like changing her food but that only worked a little bit. I took her to the vet thinking she probably had some dental pain, but to my shock, the vet found a tumour in her intestine. Initially I was going to have her operated on to remove it, but the blood tests showed she had no protein in her body to fight infection or help her to heal and the vet thought the chances of her surviving the operation were remote and even if she did, it was very likely the tumour would return. I didn't want her to die without me there. She was my baby and didn't like being separated from me. So I held her in my arms and told her how good and beautiful she was, and how much we loved her, and the vet slowly gave her the injection, so that she just fell asleep in my arms. I miss her very much and wish I could have her back, but I didn't want her to suffer. She's buried in our garden and I've planted a ceanothus over her grave. When I pass her little grave on my way out to walk the dog, I say "hello sweetheart" and again when I come home.
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    Just 1
    <~~~ Puffy.
    Here she is playing "David on the Sistine Chapel":wink:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We have six kitties, (well really they have us), four dogs all share the same space.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I have a black and white DSH named Jasper aka pyscho Kitty. Had him since he was a few weeks old and he'll be 11 towards the end of the year. Hes a pain in the *kitten* but I love him.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I love all the pics and cat-love in this thread! My son rescued a tiny kitten two years ago. It followed him home in the rain, and we, being a household of suckers, took her in. We thought she was 5-6 weeks, but she was actually 10 weeks - she's just runty! She's still (older) kitten-sized at 2 years old. She's the sweetest, most affectionate, funny little creature ever! She's so attached to us that she has a nightly routine when we all go to bed - first she waits at the foot of my son's bed and waits for him to fall asleep. Then she goes in and stays with my grandma until SHE falls asleep. Then she hangs out with me, the night owl, and when I wake up in the morning, she face-smooshes me good morning. She's so friendly! I've never met a cat that's as loving and sweet and funny. Her name is Ophelia, but we all call her Opie. :) This is my furry marshmallow (I don't know how to embed photos):