Introductions & Welcomes



  • azrose81
    azrose81 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone!! My name is Becca and I will be 31 next month and live in Phoenix,AZ. I have been married for 3 1/2 years and have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who is my world. I signed up for MFP a while back but just got serious about it on January 1st. I changed my diet and started working out. Right now I do P90X in the morning before work. So I am at the gym at work at 4:25 AM! Then after work some days I go to Zumba. I try to stay active doing C25K on the weekends. I have lost 26 lbs so far this year and have about 65 more lbs to loose! I am looking forward to being active in this group! :)
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    Hello everyone!! My name is Becca and I will be 31 next month and live in Phoenix,AZ. I have been married for 3 1/2 years and have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who is my world. I signed up for MFP a while back but just got serious about it on January 1st. I changed my diet and started working out. Right now I do P90X in the morning before work. So I am at the gym at work at 4:25 AM! Then after work some days I go to Zumba. I try to stay active doing C25K on the weekends. I have lost 26 lbs so far this year and have about 65 more lbs to loose! I am looking forward to being active in this group! :)

    Welcome, Cuz! Glad you joined! :smile:
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Welcome Becca! Amazing progress!
  • Misterbigg37
    Misterbigg37 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there...I'm Big Joe...well hopefully soon to be medium Joe. I've been overwieght most of my life and just feel like this is one hurddle I need to tackle before I can move on. Played football and any other sport I could join, but was still bigger than everyone. I joined MFP about 1 month ago, but really started to log everything in about 10 days ago. I've lost a little (3 lbs). Before this I did Atkins and lost tired of the "not having things", so I'm trying to learn to eat right and live my life. Thanks for your time and I hope all that are here much success. I'll be around doing my thing. Jeah!!!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Joe and welcome! Congrats on your success so far. Feel free to join our daily thread and our weekly challenge!
  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    Hello, I am 36, female. Looking to lose around 30lbs. I was going strong on MFP for a couple of months, but for some reason the last week has been a drag and I see my will slipping and food choices not so great. So here I am looking for more groups and new friends to help light a fire under my @ss again.

    My short term goal is to be stronger by end of June because I am doing a volunteer/vacation that has potential to be physically demanding. I am almost finished with NROL4W stage 1 to help with this. I have no criteria to judge stronger, but have noticed that I have less back problems than usual, and kicked my b-friend's butt on a kayaking trip this past weekend, so I must be getting somewhere.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 33 y/o gent. I'm going to loose 30-40 lbs. I'll have to judge that by looks when I get close to my goal. Today is day one for me! I've lost roughtly 50 lbs before arriving to this site and am not pushing to reach my end goal. Looking forward to picking up some new friends that happen to be traveling down similar paths!

    Oh, and I'm doing the slow carp thing and some kettle bell work. Trying to decide if I want to start the C25K program.
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Emily (I just wrote a post on the 6/13 daily). I signed up on here about 12 days ago after canceling my WW account. I love the community aspect to MFP. I'm 34, have 3 sons, and am a teacher. Still a long road ahead, but for the first time in a long time I feel excited to work toward my end goal. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone - I'm a 31 year old married mother of one :) I work full time - but from home so I give new meaning to the term "sedentary". It's sad really. I'm working on that now - and have gotten on my elliptical for two whole days in a row. The most obvious thing occurred to me the other day - I'm actually going to have to make an effort at this! :smile: So - now I'm going to give it a shot. I'm hovering in the 240 range with a goal weight of 150. I know I should be closer to 125 (at 5'1") but you know that would look unhealthy on my body. I think 150 is my happy weight. My pregnancy weight has stuck around (and my son is 2 1/2) and over the past year my little guy was diagnosed with ASD and Apraxia - so being the emotional eater I am - I racked on at least another 20lbs. I have to get this off for me - and for my family. I'd love friends to motivate and support and will do my best to do the same.
  • lalakoch
    lalakoch Posts: 5
    Helloooo all! So glad to have found this group. My name is Lauren, I'm a 32 year old new mommy. Can you tell by my ticker? :wink: My goal is to get back to my prepregnancy weight, about 20 more pounds. I thought this would be a lot easier being that I'm still nursing my daughter, but no....I'm actually struggling to even mantain my current weight.
    I was a heavy kid, lost it just before high school (I was the youngest one in my local WW meetings). Then i gained the freshman 40 in college. I stayed pretty heavy until about age 28. Since that time I've been relatively happy with my weight. I gained too much weight during my pregnancy, and now it's like I'm back to square one. I'm full of self-consciousness, self-doubt, and frustration.
    I joined to keep myself accountable with the food logs, but also to have a place to vent with others who share my frustrations. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have a background in nutrition and obviously some experience with sucessful weight loss in the past. If I can help I'd love to!
    Cheers :heart:
  • Hi everyone! I'm Corey and I 35, and have about 30 pounds to lose. I was in the military for 12 years and worked out nearly everyday. I got out after I ruptured a disk in my lower back and had to have surgery to repair the area. I couldn't work out for almost two years, minus walking a light resistance training. Now that I'm able to start exercising again, I've noticed the scale continually going up and up.

    My wife introduced me to MFP last week, so I'm rather new to this site, but have enjoyed have positive and supportive everyone is.

  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! I encourage you all to join our weekly challenge and daily threads :smile:
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome!! Look forward to seeing you guys on the daily thread!! Oh... and that ummm challenge thing.. ;)
  • Leeloominai01
    Leeloominai01 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! My name is Sandra, 39 years old, 2 kids of 3 and 2 (roughly) and I need to drop off some pregnancy weight, weight I gained pre-pregnancy and weight I gained post-pregnancy.

    Debbie motivated me to join and I've only been here 1 day but I am really liking the food diary! I also started a 12 week running programme (yesterday, in fact ;) ) and I hope to lose about 20kg at least (45lbs). And then my closet needs a make-over!
  • ednjenn
    ednjenn Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone. Newcomer to the thirty somethings. My name is Ed, I'm 35 and in Southern California. I'm in law enforcement and have gotten absolutely soft. Married to a wonderful gal who eats anything, and still wears size nothing jeans after 6 kids in 10 years. So, most would find me lucky but alas.... she bakes. I'm looking to drop to the LOW edge of weight range and am fully committed to this lifestyle. Just not as easy as in the 20's. I look forward to friends and good company in this age range. Oh yeah, kids are 10,9,7,5,3,1. 4 girls, 2 boys.

  • esposims
    esposims Posts: 7
    Hey all. I'm Mike. I was using MFP consistently until the end of February and then kind of let myself go. I've stayed in good shape, but have put on a lot of extra weight which is making the activities I enjoy, tennis and running in particular, more difficult. I'd like to lose twenty pounds or so. The last time I used MFP I had a few friends that were inspirational and got me off the couch. In my time away they've moved on to other things. Anyway, look forward to hearing from you.
  • nymike999
    nymike999 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm Mike. I've been perpetually dieting for most of my adult life. This is my second attempt at it through MFP and it's the first time I have reached out to other people using this site. My problem is threefold -- Snacking late, beer (I'm a bit of beer snob/enthusiast), and dining out (a foodie too). With a laundry list of health issues in my family and both parents battling diabetes and high blood pressure, I think it's time to do this once and for all. Took up running last year in an attempt to force myself to exercise. It worked -- last year I signed up for a 15k and trained for 4 months and finished the race at 1:44. This year I'm doing a half marathon in the fall. The problem is that at 275lbs, my knees won't hold up for long...

    So here is to my umpteenth attempt -- this time I hope my last. If anyone knows of any other groups for friends to add to my support group, please let me know.

  • Dedee36
    Dedee36 Posts: 29 Member
    :laugh: I didn't notice this the other day, guess I was really excited to see was a 30 something group !

    I'm Dee. Married with 3 sons. Ages 15,12 and 3 1/2. My husband and I own a farm in western SD. I work evenings in a long term care facitiy. I'm very busy being a mom, helping on the farm and caring for people who can't care for themselves.

    I need to be help accountable for what I put in my mouth. I'm a person who likes to just snack/ graze all day and think..."Ahhh, I start eating better on Monday.... ok, what? wat... a real yummy goody.... ummm I'll start Tuesday. On and on that is how I got to be where I am.

    If you look at my join date.. I joined in January... but I haven't used it until this past week. I need someone to pull me in and ask me what the heck have you been and what are you doing. So hopefully gettiung to know some of you on the forum will do that for me.
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    Hi, I'm Sandie. 33yo from New Zealand. Have been using MFP every day for just over a month and am 3.5kg (7.7lb) down so far! Woohoo, goal number 1 is only 0.8kg away, hoping to get there next week sometime.

    Goal number 2 a bit further away so still a ways to go!

    I've been struggling with my weight my entire adult life (and probably teenage too), but it seems like I'm finally in the right head space to do this!

    I think I'm already in a good place to have a much more comfortable ski season (no more burning legs!) so really looking forward to hitting the slopes in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to rocking a bikini comfortably for the first time ever next summer (December here in NZ)
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I don't think I ever introduced myself, but have popped in to the group a few times lately.

    I'm Cynthia, 38 years old (I'll turn 39 next month so I suppose I won't be a thirty-something for too much longer). I have three children - a 6-year old girl, a boy who will be 3 in a couple months, and a 7-month old baby boy. I work FT and travel for work sometimes, which makes the eating challenging.

    In the past I've been a runner and avid exerciser for losing weight and staying in shape, so with my busy life right now I can't seem to fit it all in so I'm trying to do this with eating habits.

    I got to my goal weight with Weight Watchers in 2011 and immediately got pregnant, so I never got to shop for the new clothes, etc. This time I'm trying MFP to just be accountable with tracking and implement the good eating habits I developed then, but I'm constantly struggling!

    I lost 8.5 pounds, then gained several back when I weaned the baby, went on a big international business trip to South America that was crazy stressful, and also my daughter had surgery out of town right after - it was a nutty month of June. So now I'm trying to lose what I gained and am 19.4 pounds from my first goal of 150. It stinks I was only 14-15 pounds away and now I have to re-lose 5-6 pounds!

    I haven't gotten completely back into the healthy eating since my crazy month and need to take a look at my calorie goal to see if it's at the right level. I had just weaned when I went away, so without "nursing calories" I am still not sure what I'm doing.

    I know Debbie and Sandra already and am looking forward to getting to know others.